@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar


@[email protected]

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@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

This kind of person is the reason why I decided to mod one specific sub. Because I saw the shitshow that one person can make on a sub when going on a power trip. Once the dust have settled I'll give it to someone reasonable who wants to do it full time.

You should be cautious if one of the powertripper we have now is the admin of a sub you like. I think the max I've seen was 40~60 subs? What good do you think can come out of it?

btw, as someone mentioned, he is fuelling his own fire on /m/politicus, making it a rageclick fest all over again. This is the reason why I left reddit btw, because all the subs slowly turned into a rageclick show.

When you mod you set the tone, if you don't want a mirror of reddit then step up and set the tone yourself.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Imagine the problems that it will cause if bots are used to map who downvoted you.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Not really. People have been complaining about him for very long but reddit did nothing.

They only took action after THEY were personally bothered. They use the word "community" a lot but they don't understand what it means.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

That must be one of the worst PR I've seen.

The infrastructure for the src.rpm was old, that's all you will get from these 11min.

Those who leave, where are you going? Ubuntu server? Debian?

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

I tried lemmy, I've been lectured about "orientalism", Zelensky was constantly trashed talked about. Enough is enough...I left lemmy for kbin.

It's not about the technology, it's about the community. I prefer to restart from scratch on kbin.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

No, it's not the same content. Lemmy was up way before kbin. And lemmy has slowly built a community parallel to reddit. There can be new instances of lemmy, but you can be certain that they brought in all the old guard of other lemmy instances lemmy. kbin? Probably not so much. kbin mostly brought in the old guard of reddit.

It's not the same people posting and commenting the article. The protocol is the same though. I can clearly see the difference anyway.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

So what? Are your beliefs so fragile that you can’t risk them being challenged?

I debate all the time, but I won't do it under their moderation.

I prefer a community where everyone is free to say what they want without risk of being censored.

Nonono....See what you wrote on lemmyworld:

If you are so fragile that you need to be protected from a troll then maybe the internet is not the right place for you.

It's a different ballpark than what you are presenting here. Here you are all polished, in favor of freedom of speech, but on lemmy you are in defense of trolling. It's "lemmyworld", ladies and gentlemen, it's not lemmy.ml level yet.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Since I heard about this whole fiasco I'm more and more dumbfounded.

There was this guy, who invented a way to dive for cheap (he listens to the carbon, and if there is a suspicious sound then he quickly comes back to the surface), complaining about the regulations which were holding submarines back. He fired the whistleblower who made reports about the danger of the equipment. He was fired and escorted outside.

Make him a meme, let's call him the "I told you so" guy. Surely he will be invited in TV shows about this whole affair.

The equipment, a game console controller? Seriously? Gaming equipment is simple: It's about 3% return policy. Depends on the brand. The people who swear that game controllers are safe are among the 97% who never had a return. They are the people who answers "mine works" on a forum when someone ask why his controller failed. If your game controller is broken, the service is : we send you a new one under 48 hours.

--> This service policy doesn't work at 3800m under the water, folks! This is not the right equipment. What kind of person bets the life of 4 people on gaming equipment?? We all know why he did it, because he hates regulations and he hates paying a premium on redundant equipment. He is in for the money, nothing else. So let's cut the costs on the hardware, let's not listen to anyone and let's not purchase the product of the engineers who designed equipment specially with these constraints in mind.

From time to time there is always a guy who pops-up and believes that regulations are made by people with too much free time in their hands.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

This is an example of an accident of decompression:

Coward, Lucas, and Bergersen were exposed to the effects of explosive decompression and died in the positions indicated by the diagram. Investigation by forensic pathologists determined that Hellevik, being exposed to the highest pressure gradient and in the process of moving to secure the inner door, was forced through the crescent-shaped opening measuring 60 centimetres (24 in) long created by the jammed interior trunk door. With the escaping air and pressure, it included bisection of his thoracoabdominal cavity, which resulted in fragmentation of his body, followed by expulsion of all of the internal organs of his chest and abdomen, except the trachea and a section of small intestine, and of the thoracic spine. These were projected some distance, one section being found 10 metres (30 ft) vertically above the exterior pressure door.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar


Now it's your turn, tell us what make you think that it would work as usual.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

What if they command something in the water? Have you seen the design?

PabloDiscobar, (edited )
@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

The guy wasn't a military. The guy doesn't like regulations and military is all about regulations.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

sled by dudes undoing bungee cords.

"Military uses bungee cords, therefore it works!" /kbin

PabloDiscobar, (edited )
@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Show it. "Presumably" won't cut it.

For the records, so far the only one with a source is me.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Do you have evidence that this was the case, or are you moving the goal posts to the "no shit sherlock" zone for an easy win?

Don't put on me your burden of proof.

Well yes, if they use something in a way specifically contraindicated by the nature of the technology then that's problematic.

Well, turns out they did. So now that we have established that they don't follow protocol, are you going to show us their design or are you going to reddit your way out of this conversation?

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

It’s not the altitude or depth that matters, it’s the medium through which the signal goes. It will work just fine, from a technical standpoint.

I know that. What makes you think that the other part was not in the water? Do you have any source for that?

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

aka "the easy way out".

You take for granted that the wireless was for inside equipment, I don't. I asked if someone has a source about the design but no one brought anything. That's where we are.

You don't need no attitude here, if you know something then write it and mention the source.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

You should spend less time on external instances and more on kbin. lemmy.ml has a weird moderation and the content you read is curated in their direction. The minute I can make a setting stick it will be to defederate with lemmy and cultivate my own garden here. Federation should be done on a trust basis, not on a "fear of missing out" basis. Be the content you want to read and post it here.

The federation system will soon switch to a whitelist only mode. The admins will quickly become fed up with all the pedo too enthusiast about finding a huge crowd to shock. It will be one scandal, two scandals and boom, whitelisted federation only.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Ok, cool. Nice to know that Pink Floyd is now in the business of selling ads.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

What about an artist just sue them instead, for repeatedly distributing their music without permission? If a russian website did this it would have been nuked into orbit by now.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

I received a response from Reddit pretty quickly after submitting it. The response told me that I must delete all of the posts and comments beforehand. I'm pretty sure this is in violation of both GDPR/CCPA as it might be physically impossible for a user to delete, say, one million comments. Of course, this ignores the fact that Reddit already restored all of the data that I've deleted.

No tool from reddit allows you to delete all your comments. Reddit doesn't allow you to map all of them. You can check by yourself by searching manually in a search engine for your username and reddit.com. You will see a lot of your comments which are not shown in your comment interface.

PabloDiscobar, (edited )
@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

That's the content you want for /m/politics? Because it tells me that you want Reddit all over again.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

However, García urged caution in assessing the paper's findings, saying it contains elements in its theoretical model that likely can't be tested observationally, at least in the near future.

All mods of /r/self and /r/shittylifeprotips were removed and suspended for 7 days without any warning first. (kbin.social)

We toggled to 18+ and sort of let nature take its course by only enforcing TOS. I say "we" but in reality I was the only active mod on either sub, so I do feel bad for getting awkwardtheturtle banned by association (lol). After the fact got the "It’s not ok to show people NSFW content when they don’t want to see it....

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Don't make it too easy.

Turn the nsfw on.... then turn it off. Then turn it on again... then turn it off.

They very likely have a detection, just mess with them a little bit.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Lochridge’s recommendation was that non-destructive testing of the Titan’s hull was necessary to ensure a “solid and safe product.” The filing states that Lochridge was told that such testing was impossible, and that OceanGate would instead rely on its much touted acoustic monitoring system.

The company claims this technology, developed in-house, uses acoustic sensors to listen for the tell-tale sounds of carbon fibers in the hull deteriorating to provide “early warning detection for the pilot with enough time to arrest the descent and safely return to surface.”

Lochridge, however, worried in the lawsuit that the system would not reveal flaws until the vessel was descending, and then might only provide “milliseconds” of warning before a catastrophic implosion.

In 2019, Rush gave an interview to Smithsonian magazine, in which he said: “There hasn’t been an injury in the commercial sub industry in over 35 years. It’s obscenely safe, because they have all these regulations. But it also hasn’t innovated or grown—because they have all these regulations.”

Thanks to him we have all grown a little bit today.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

This is the bullshit of Ruppert Murdoch. Listen, if we wanted to read the populist rags of Murdoch then we would browse his website. I expect much better quality than linking the "new york post".

A quick guide to creating and moderating magazines (kbin.social)

Hello kbin! Since there’s a lot of new users migrating to this platform, I decided to make a short guide to creating and moderating a magazine. This will be a quick and short guide since there will be a lot of new features coming soon. I might make a new guide when a few major tools come, but in the meantime, I will...

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Typo here

NOTE: Icons have a max size of 600x500 instead of 600x500, which is why some icons look squished.

What about all the magazines that are dormant with absolutely zero threads and comments, obviously with an admin sitting on the name and doing nothing? Is it possible to reshuffle the admin position? Because I guess this situation is holding back people who would like to post content.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

The good old "Make viewers furious so they create an account to be able to reply".

"Look at the disgusting things De Santis is doing! Click here to register"

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

It's like talking to the police: the more you talk, the more you incriminate yourself. Never talk to the police.

Atheist experience in Africa | The Guardian Nigeria News (guardian.ng)

This article shows that atheists experience hate and intolerance, physical and psychological mistreatments. This piece argues that the apparent invisibility of atheism in Africa is linked to these experiences. In other words atheists are treated in ways that compel them to hide their atheism.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

3D printing. We are entering an era where we cannot mass produce anymore. We will have to rely on repairs. And 3D printing is an excellent way to replace broken parts of what we buy.

Open source hardware can easily become the norm. If your product comes with a 3D plan of every parts of it then it should be promoted by governments, by reducing taxes on your product for example. On top of that this technology can easily be used locally.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

If you want to keep building Linux and its apps with stone knives and bearskins, you can – more power to you. But, the future of the Linux desktop is here, and it's going to be containerized.

Nice job antagonizing your readers. This is insulting and totally uncalled for. I know that his job is to sell clicks but he has completely lost credibility with this one.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

In my eyes, this adds another potential point of failure outside the control of the developer of a given tool.

On the contrary. The Fedora maintainers saved all their Audacity users when audacity introduced a spyware in their build. The flatpak had the spyware for months while the Fedora release of audacity was made secure by the maintainers. I value this, if you remove the people doing it then you remove value for everyone. It all comes down to how much you value your privacy.

Windows has a fantastic model where every software just work. It's great! The result is an abomination of devs stealing your data or doing whatever mess on your computer. "Free software" was synonymous of red alerts and we used programs like Adaware or whatever cleaner software. Each months there was another new cleaner utility. When was the last time you cleaned your distro?

Try to expand the scale of flatpak and you'll see that you will hit the same problems that any other distro.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Well, I can't give you a better example of the effect of auditing softwares for your desktop. One source, Fedora, had the app patched, while the other, official on flathub, published the flawed version on purpose.

You'd prefer to run the flatpak version of audacity with the spyware on? I don't buy that.

Flathub is designed to allow developers to publish their own software in the way they intended. So Flathub and Flatpak are doing exactly what they're designed to do

Okay, so it's another way to phrase that you really preferred the version of flatpak with the spyware, since it's the version intended by Audacity. With flatpak and flathub you are alone.

Fedora and their maintainers offer you a layer of no-nonsense, you should think twice before writing it off. I don't think that you fully realize the quality of what you have right now in your hands in term of desktop. Popularity has a price and Windows users paid the price for it.

Meta says its new speech-generating AI model is too dangerous for public release. - The Verge (www.theverge.com)

Meta announced a new AI model called Voicebox yesterday, one it says is the most versatile yet for speech generation, but it’s not releasing it yet: The model is still only a research project, but Meta says can generate speech in six languages from samples as short as two seconds and could be used for “natural, authentic”...

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

"Our tech is so powerful that it's dangerous!"

"Ok, seems like we will have to push for more regulations into laws then"

"No, wait!"

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar


I remember struggling to find a phone with replaceable battery. The galaxy S3 was good because of this. "We can't make the battery replaceable, otherwise the phone won't be waterproof", yeah that was bullshit.

This will make the phone more expensive and this is totally fine and expected.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

On reddit if you were european you were basically missing the action since the posts were written by americans and already 8 hours old, and your replies would be buried under the hundreds of comments.

Most of the time there was no point if you weren't present like 1h after a post was made.

The only people who would read your comments would be an AI.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

I see no reason why you would switch account.

Moderation? Just don't be crazy. Which is the point of moderation btw.

NSFW? What is this obsession with people and NSFW??

I can tell you what people used multiple account for in reddit: to harass people. I saw it used against me in reddit and I successfully called out people on it.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

And another one with an essay about NSFW... the fediverse is full of them. They couldn't step a foot on reddit so here they are. Funny how they get completely triggered when you dare to question the NSFW tag.

Promoting multi-user accounts will only encourage crazy people to harass other people trying to have a sane conversation. It's like introducing guns in the USA, it makes crazy people go lethal. You want NSFW content? Go get it on a different instance. That's what the fediverse is for. You are gonna create another account anyway, so create it in a different instance, which promotes your content, the fediverse is not like reddit where there is a single instance. Multi-user accounts is a bad habit that people carried from Reddit, stop using it and we will have better content.

I just got out of an argument with someone defending illegal content on the fediverse, the kind of content that is defederated everywhere. You know the kind of content I'm talking about. I'm trying to block this guy but I don't know if it's implemented yet, and this is a big reveal of the problem of multi account: You could very be this guy, on a different account, wanting a second round. crazy people use crazy methods, like using multiple accounts to push their narrative. They just do. I've seen it. This is what multiple accounts offer to crazy people. Don't promote them.

There are over 3,100 primary schools in Ireland. Almost 90% of these taxpayer-funded schools are controlled by Catholic patrons, while a further 5% are run by Protestant denominations. (www.thejournal.ie)

Half an hour of class time is spent every day in these schools on faith formation/evangelisation – this does not include daily prayers, regular trips to church, unannounced visits by clergy, and so on.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

There is a good case here to defederate every instance by default and only federate based on a white list.

There are criminals in the fediverse obviously and we should split from them immediately. Don't forget that their content is copied to the servers of Ernest automatically.

Again, Beehaw defederated 380 instances and it's not just because they disagree with their political stance, but mostly because of this kind of horrible content. Which will come from another new instance, and another, etc, etc. Which means that we need to update Ernest regularly to protect his servers. Or make the default setting as defederated.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

They probably have a monitoring tool watching content being edited. Do not make it too easy for the admin to restore your posts. You can use the python script that is posted around to change part of your posts, not all of them in one bunch, fill them with garbage like AI content (not just "deleted").

They have enough time to create these monitoring tools, but they have no time building a sane official app, go figure.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Do not make this place a mirror of reddit.

I'm not even talking about the legality of mirroring another site. You really want to give ammo to the CEO of reddit and allow him to claim that his competitors are attempting to mirror his content?? Can you imagine how he is going to use this if you do it?

Just post your own content, if you have a real interest into MMA then it should be easy.

We have to recreate the environment and communities we've created on on Reddit here, so that people don't feel like they're missing out being on kbin.

The "fear of missing out" is something you should not listen to. Do not replicate the content of reddit, why would you do that? Just create your own content. If it's news then read your sources and post the news.

We, like many other magazines here, will need a way to quickly aggregate breaking news onto our magazine

Well, post something if you find it interesting. And let other people post what they think is interesting. You don't need no machinery for that. We want quality content, not the quantity delivered by a spambot machine, which in the ends are adbots, posting advertised stuff like the endless NBA stuff. If you read nothing interesting in the news then post nothing in your subs.

We must not duplicate what reddit did wrong. And the 3rd party tool is not the only thing that reddit did wrong. What reddit did wrong is content for the sake of content, for the thumb constantly swiping down. This is not good for reddit and this is not good for kbin. This is good for no one.

The quality and content of reddit collapsed, do not duplicate it here.

We want the creators, not the followers. Do not listen to the followers who are addicted to new content. I don't want people just watching the endless ribbon of news, posting a "lol" or a one liner from time to time. Are you sure that you are not the one who fears of missing out? Are you dependent on popularity or somethin'? Because it surely looks like so.

What next? You want to mirror publicfreakout so we again watch american people fight into airplanes and governors banning books on the other side of the planet? Because this is what you're gonna get.

edit: And we didn't even talk about the COST of handling automated, mirrored content. If reddit cannot pay for it then neither can Ernest.

edit: If all of you who upvoted OP instead posted something they find interesting in the subs they follow then we would not have this discussion.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

what is so wrong with this?

What's wrong? There are people fighting around the world all the time. This is not content, this is distraction. And now there is distraction specially created FOR publicfreakout, with people picking fight just so they can have a video and post it to reddit. This is just an example of what is wrong. Do you want this "content" here? I don't.

If we mirror reddit: first we won't be able to pay the bill, this argument alone should discredit the mirror thing. Second, we will encounter the same deadweight problem that redit encountered.

Please post content that matters to you, not to what you think the audience want.

Spam and porn are flooding kbin already (kbin.social)

There is a substantial amount of spam and NSFW posts on the All page coming through already. Most NSFW posts aren't being tagged as such and are coming right through. I am not sure how this can be weathered but we need something in place fairly soon, I feel like we are days away from rivers of bad stuff, especially via some of...

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

I don't think that you fully understand the scale of illegal stuff that is transiting on the fediverse, and by illegal I mean "FBI illegal". You don't want it stored on Ernest's servers. Some instances are blocked for a very good reason, even you would agree.

BTW I already switch to defederate and I blocked NSFW, but we all have to take into consideration the risks for Ernest, because in fine he is the one hosting the pictures.

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