@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar


@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

I sent a message to the owner of /m/hardware to start the fire. He has no comment in 3 weeks of inactivity after he created the magazine, I guess I can wait for a long time.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Wait until you hear from Disney's lawyers....this is when the real action will begin

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

You can click on the magazine tab and then on the sign next to "follow" to block it, just like you can block a user.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Don't go against the flow. RH has clearly expressed their hostility to the project, it's time to work with people who want to work with you.

PabloDiscobar, (edited )
@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Is there a list somewhere with all those special kbin url lines? like /magazines

edit: oh boy, I tried


And it's only memes, it's even worse than reddit on a bad day.

Call out post for a particular karma farmer on kbin.social (kbin.social)

@pollodiabolo - this user is a karma whore of epic proportions and they have made a shit load (10-15+) accounts on kbin that boost and upvote each other while sometimes mass downvoting others that have posts trending towards the top - all to farm karma....

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Well, when all your posts will start with a minus 5 and become invisible maybe you will start to care? Because you WILL have your haters too. Some people are that crazy.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

We should seriously consider removing the upvote/downvote system completely. As discussed here, the system is too easy to abuse for bots and crazy people. Already now I have my own mass downvoters, you will have yours too sooner or later.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Nice trick since you can hardly ban gmail as an admin.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

The problem is one of those evolutionary arms races, for a reason in your observation: if the points are useful in seeing the popularity of a given post or comment, then why not simply create a bunch of fake accounts to boost said post/comment (which is exactly what the OP was complaining about in the first place).

Exactly, creating accounts doesn't stop them. If a user has leverage on the editorial content of kbin, then they will multiply the accounts.

I fled reddit because stupid stuff was upvoted for popularity. If we allow the same vote system we will have the same problem here. The trolls have already learned the behavior on reddit, they are just surprised to see that their votes are public on kbin. But the underlying problem is still here.

My preference goes to "no vote" system and just rely on the report button, but it's a complicated problem for sure. What helps us is that the population of an instance is not unlimited, like on reddit. We can use that.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

This magic moment when while talking about "the adventures of awkwardtehturtle on reddit" we realized that he was among us, downvoting all our stuff. Someone pointed at the activity tab "hey guys, look!" and it was a reveal for us.

PabloDiscobar, (edited )
@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

This will be the Holy land of astroturfing.

And expect a lot of AI posts generated by meta to "prime the pump" (do you like the expression? I invented it)

This is their communication:

Threads is where communities come together to discuss everything from the topics you care about today to what’ll be trending tomorrow. Whatever it is you’re interested in, you can follow and connect directly with your favorite creators and others who love the same things — or build a loyal following of your own to share your ideas, opinions and creativity with the world.

Buzzwords, buzzwords everywhere.

trending, connect, community, creator, love, loyal, following, share, discuss, care

What it doesn't say is that the core of the system will be to feed you ads, the right ads, for the political party that want to connect with you. You will never know whether or not the person you follow is a human, or if his followers are human. This will be an industrial secret.

"I love Meta because this is where my friends are" --bot_22567443

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Anyone could have generated these searches, including Facebook who is launching a competitor product this month. Could have been generated by Casinoalpha itself to advertise their own product, who know? I wouldn't use this as a metric for anything.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

BBC Verify ran a search for other versions of the video on TikTok, and found the exact same clip posted last month, claiming to show a concert by the Argentinian band Los Fabulosos Cadillacs in Mexico City on 3 June.

An internet search for recent live gigs in a public square in Mexico City brought up an article by music magazine Billboard about a live concert by Los Fabulosos Cadillacs in Mexico City's main square, Zocalo on 3 June, which reportedly drew a crowd of 300,000.

BBC Verify has matched the buildings visible in the TikTok video with the Google street view of Zocalo and confirmed it was filmed there.

This is specially important. This kind of manipulation is very easy to produce by anyone, because it only involves changing the date of a picture, and it still carries a level of authenticity and quality of a real picture....because it is real.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

The average rate is 3 days to create 40k accounts

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Look at the rate of subscriptions in the instance pages. This is not humans doing this.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Which is funny because these captchas are designed to train an AI, like self-driving cars. So the AI is now training itself, ready for a big divergence.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

The issue with getting rid of the voting system is, how do you sort posts then?

You don't. You sort by themes through the magazine system. And you report what is clearly troll material. The current vote system is too easy to exploit.

That might work currently, but I assume it'll become more like reddit once lemmy/kbin get even bigger, where most of "new" is filled with garbage.

If an instance is limited in the number of participants then we should be able to avoid the flood of random content that we saw on a single instance system like reddit. Don't forget that your vote only count for one and people in their majority prefer to laugh rather than to read or post interesting content. For now it's fine, but as more people shows up the problem will become more apparent.

I think rather than one of those two options, there should be a way to identify low effort content and allow users to filter it out. So that if you don't want to see memes, you can easily turn them off. This could easily be done on a magazine level by implementing post flairs and adding a multiselect dropdown for the user to choose which flairs should appear in the feed. But I can't come up with how that would be done in a frontpage-compatible way instead.

Anyway we cannot keep only one metric to sort different kind of content. At least the downvote button should be removed, it's a source of abuse.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

How do you solve the abuse then? How do you solve the manipulations and sabotage that we will inevitably encounter as the instances fill up? You are asking for a tool that bots, ai and trolls will always master better than you.

edit: cool, I'm already at minus 3. Loos like the community has already started to shape up, right ? What do you think of this? Do you think that my post should be sent to the bottom of the front page too? Because that's what is happening with the downvote as it stands now.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

It's controversial because you downvote me on sight! It's you who keep downvoting even a question I asked about a wiki function. Why downvotes that? Even asking for a function to add some info to a magazine is too much to handle for you, "Mr controversial"?

Wow, you even boosted and upvoted your own comment. Talk about reddit mentality after that!

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

My question to you: how do you solve the moderation staffing requirements? Imagine if every post that got downvoted was instead reported. The solution here assumes that 'report' sends a post to some nether realm where nobody has to deal with it ever again; but all it's doing is passing the buck, and I don't think that's viable unless the moderation team is the same size as the userbase.

As someone suggested, move the post with too many reports to an approval list, find the sweet spot between participants and the amount of reports required.

Imagine if every post that got downvoted was instead reported.

People won't report as much ass they downvote. The requirement for a few words explanation is enough. And a mod will quickly find out who is abusing the function. People here downvote because they made a habit on reddit to use it as a "disagree click'ngo."

If you then mandate a sixty-character comment, then nobody's going to bother reporting anyway, and you end up with a worse problem..

60 characters is only an example. A few words of explanation will suffice. Or even a clicklist, like reddit, "why do you report?"

Now look at the score I have on this submission: plus 5 minus 9. Do you think that this subject should be hidden from discussion under the pretext that some people take it personally or somethin'? I say no. but do you think that they would have gone so far as reporting my post? Certainly not, for what reason? "The guy stinks!"

The downvote is way too easy to use and is constantly misused if not plain and simple weaponized. So what would you suggest? How do you deal with people abusing the downvote button? And how do you deal with the clickbaity stuff pushing the more interesting stuff down the frontpage?

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Why do you even subscribe to kbinMeta if you don't want to hear about the functioning of kbin?? Just unsubscribe, done.

Here is your solution in the Fediverse... Make your ....

Here is yours: why don't you start your own instance where you are alone so no one can bother your sleep?

PabloDiscobar, (edited )
@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

I'm not the one taking issue with the administration of this instance...

I'm not either. We are talking. If you don't want to talk then that's fine, but don't subscribe to a magazine created so we can talk about kbin.

And you did it again, you mashed the downvote button again, on all my comments in this post! We are having a discussion about the voting system of kbin on the kbinmeta magazine and you still downvote! How is it normal? You'd better unsubscribe from the mag because this is gonna be this kind of discussion again and again.

Your attitude proves my point perfectly. It's a complete misuse of the downvote button. In a sense you perfectly contributed to the conversation, thank you Froyn!

edit: I'm posting this screenshot of an advice I gave to someone about his PCbuild and ssd. Froyn went into my history and downvoted everything, including comments which have absolutely nothing to do with him. This is exactly what I'm talking about in this post. Don't let the editorial task of the content you see to this kind of immature participant.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Then block me and stop abusing the system.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

The kbin community has years of reddit training about manipulating opinions. We see the problem now because the community is still small and odd behaviors stick out more (and because the votes are public). When we saw the initial mass reservation of popular sub names we knew that popularity and manipulation would be a big thing.

PabloDiscobar, (edited )
@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

I don't downvote you on sight only anything I disagree with.

You disagree -> you downvote. This is exactly the problem here.


Yes I upvote my own comment. I think that's a sane default kbin should have along with notifications on.

You try to boost your score, everyone can see it, almost no one else do that. Have you tried not upvoting yourself?

You make these great thread titles but how you further express your ideas isn't great.

I got good feedback from people who are interested on the topic. Too bad spectators like you are only here to downvote in disagreement, not giving any input.

I strongly suggest that you block me. That's what the function is designed for.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar


Why don't you block me yet?

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

"Evidently he was in the wrong place," Anthony Trujillo told The Associated Press on Thursday while he waited to board a flight back home, his son's remains beside him.

Nonono, use the right words: "The region of Sonora in Mexico" didn't murder anyone. It's the mexicans living there who murdered him.

His family begged him not to go to such a dangerous place: Sonora recorded 518 homicides through May, according to federal government data. But Trujillo believed the trip was crucial to his research.

How are we supposed to visit Mexico if Mexicans kill us on sight?

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

You know, not everything is about race. You should edit your comment.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

I don't know and I don't want to find out. You don't allow 580 people to get murdered in a month if you don't have completely dropped the idea of maintaining order. Ultimately you get killed for money, what else would they kill for?

A quick look at the wiki page of the cities with the highest murder rates on the planet shows that in the top 10 cities, 9 are in Mexico.


About Acapulco

The city is one of Mexico's oldest beach resorts, coming into prominence in the 1940s through the 1960s as a getaway for Hollywood stars and millionaires. Acapulco was once a popular tourist resort, but due to a massive upsurge in gang violence and homicide numbers since 2014, Acapulco no longer attracts many foreign tourists, and most now only come from Mexico itself. It is both the sixth deadliest city in Mexico and the seventh-deadliest city in the world; the US government has warned its citizens not to travel there.

tourists are gone, and I can see why.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

You made it sound like mainly foreigners are targeted in your first comment

No. I did not. I'm not mexican and I wonder if I should visit Mexico. This amount of murders makes me reconsider. By the way, why do you make this difference between tourists and locals?

now you shifted your argument towards the whole population of this area is responsible for the condition they live in while they deal with poverty

I shift nothing. You accuse me of something that is happening in your head only.

a useless government

Yes, with this kind of murder rate yes, useless government. You think they are efficient?

Pointing in the general direction and blame everyone for a very complex situation makes me think that you're not an intelligent person and definitely not one with the minimum of empathy humans should be able to bring up for one another.

Do you have any comment about the point I made on the ten cities in the world with the highest murder rate being in Mexico? Now can you think as a tourist who is thinking "hmm, maybe I could visit Mexico?" Can you think in these terms?

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

That's a lot of words for telling me that your very first statement isn't true and thus the rest of the discussion in which you tried to change the topic is irrelevant.

You need to be more clear because I don't understand what you are talking about.

I don't intend to participate in your bullshittery

We saw it coming a mile away.

Are lots of websites really going downhill and/or closing or does it just seem like it to me? (kbin.social)

Like many people I'm here because of reddit going to shit. Twitter has increasingly been shit. gycat is shutting down in September. To me it seems like lots of bastions of social media are crumpling, but as a previous active reddit user, I've been personally effected. Is this just a frequency illusion or has something changed in...

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Can we think of a better word than this enshitthing?

What I think kbin needs to do to survive, and why I think it has a better chance than any other Reddit alternative I've seen yet. (kbin.social)

I’m a Reddit refugee who was on that platform for 10+ years. I saw not just a tremendous amount of controversies, but attempts at introducing alternatives to Reddit during all of them. The 2015 blackout saw a ton of alternatives suggested, and if you go back and look at them many have either not survived or never achieved...

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

I agree with what you're saying in general, but I really hope that all of the interesting discussion here doesn't eventually get buried by memes like back on Reddit

It will be filled with memes, just like reddit.

That's the side effect of popularity. That's the "peanut gallery" effect.

The first people joining any media platform do it out of interest. Because there is the technical hurdle to pass. That's why the first subs you see are always very technical. First were /programming/, /linux, hardware, /java, then /atheism. Stuff that people want to talk about. There was no /interestingasfuck in the first days of the previous media platform. These misc subs appeared the last.

Now look at the avalanche of subs with zero posts we have. Theses subs are created for popularity, not by interest. They were created day one! Waiting for content. The writing is on the wall.

The "peanut gallery" joins in for the popularity, not by interest. It is attracted by the gravity effect of other people. That's where the buzz is. And the "peanut gallery" outnumbers us 10 to 1 easily. Once the platform becomes popular is when you will say goodbye to it the same way you said goodbye to reddit. You left reddit like many others because you spend more time clicking the minimize button rather than reading interesting content.

That's why we should not celebrate the rising numbers of accounts on kbin. Each more subscriber get us closer to the critical mass where the posts are not created out of interest but to increase reputation. You already know the process anyway, you've seen it in action too.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

The two men executed, Yousef Mehrad and Sadrollah Fazeli Zare, died at Arak Prison in central Iran on Monday. They had been arrested in May 2020, accused of being involved in a channel on the Telegram message app called “Critique of Superstition and Religion,” according to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom. Both men faced months of solitary confinement and could not contact their families, the commission said.

"Critique of superstition and Religion"

In my dictionary, when you cannot leave a religion then it is called a cult.

And this is why this subject matters. People keep getting killed for promoting atheism. I've worked with iranians in the past and some among them told me how happy they were to work remote from Iran, in a country where they can stop faking being a muslim. It was a relief for them for the duration of their stay.

For those in the know about privacy laws and the such. What is a proper response to reddit's claim that they cannot remove all the information associated to an account without first the user removing all of their posts? (kbin.social)

As the title says, Reddit replied to my GDPR request to delete all my data saying I had to do it first, which I suspect is in violation of GDPR law....

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Be patient, if you want your content deleted you will have an efficient way to do it soon. Don't count on reddit to do this for you. It seems we have enough access to the API to do it ourselves.

PabloDiscobar, (edited )
@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

I mean the same thing that happened to reddit: the intrusion of american culture in the platform.

Is it normal that europeans know the american constitution better than their own? No, this is the result of soft power.

This is a known concept in Europe, some people tend to import problems from remote countries into their own. How many times did a subject completely unique to america popped up in a discussion where it wasn't relevant? Very often. Now take the opposite, when did americans stopped talking about the subject of like microtransactions in gaming and started to talk about Italian politics instead? Never. But start talking about any of the subject below and you will unleash more and more comments. Even if it's among europeans.

Example: gun laws, we all have an opinion about american gun laws. Even as europeans we have an opinion about american gun laws. But do you have an opinion about Greek gun laws?

another example: prisons

another example: no cake for lgbtq

another example: gerrymandering

So far the noise level is low on kbin, but it's growing steadily, I can see it. It is inherent to America, (and somehow uk). They have a business in making people mad, in feeding them anything that will polarize them and make them angry. And of course people will talk about these subjects on their social networks. The net result is that we end up talking and talking about america. That's why I'm talking about regionalization of instances. It's about talking with people who will join because they are interested in a specific subject, but will eventually end up discussing about other things which will still be relevant to you, to where you live. We can only care so much about the governor of Florida.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

It's still better than "Mastodon".

What is conceivable is one macro tool popping up which would regroup microblogging, forum, video/streaming and image sharing, in one single login. With a single name. So far each tool is a different name.

I wonder who would do it. Maybe Valve? This would be a good move, they could offer a large platform, federating with any game publisher which would offer a point of entry (support, exchange, etc) to their customers with a single login. You create an account on Steam and you can post your support request to the instance of Paradox for example. Each participant would have control, independence and exchange.

Bluesky temporarily halts sign-ups because so many people are joining from Twitter (www.theverge.com)

Bluesky, a decentralized Twitter-like social network, is pausing new signups “temporarily” to try and resolve performance issues it’s been experiencing after Twitter introduced limits on the amount of tweets you can see in a day. Even though you still need an invite code to be able to join Bluesky, it seems that the influx...

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

People won't fight for privacy. They already know that they are spied on but still they do not react.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

lol, @comedy downvoted me too in frustration. He forgot that he isn't on reddit anymore.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

So weird and obsessive to not only care about who might disagree with your comment, but to then seek to notify them demanding an explanation.

Well on this forum the votes are public. Deal with it. And if you can't then stop downvoting.

@PabloDiscobar@kbin.social avatar

Well, new rule: now the votes are public.

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