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Went to New York city to go see Ozzy in concert (from Canada). My first time in the US. It was me and 3 other male friends, all in our mid/late 20’s. On our way back home we got pulled over by a state trooper because my friend was speeding.

The state trooper walks up to the window and says he smells marijuana. Which was total bullshit because this was a new car and we aren’t dumb enough to bring that shit with us. He proceeds to make us all stand in the cold for 45 minutes while he goes through the entire contents of the car and finds nothing. They give us a warning then leave with all our shit just laying around.

This was like a month before they legalised weed in Canada so we figured that was why they did it. The entire time I was just scared they would plant something. I’ve been conditioned to not trust cops due to all the shit I’ve seen online. This experience just made it worse. And we were just a bunch of white guys, can’t even begin to imagine what people of color have to deal with when it comes to cops in the US.


I make a no knead pizza which is incredibly easy. It takes me about 15-20 minutes to prepare the dough in the morning. Just mix it in a bowl, cover it and let proof all day.

About an hour before you plan to eat, flatten the dough onto a baking sheet and let proof again. Once you’re ready to eat, just put sauce and toppings of your choice, cook at the highest heat setting on your oven. Should be ready in about 10-15 min.

Best pizza I’ve ever had. Doesn’t compare to the local pizza shops. A lot less greasy also.


This is my favorite too lazy to cook meal. I’ve eaten this regularly for like 20 years. I make it every few weeks. Great with ham or sausage and a bunch of sriracha.


I spend on average an hour cooking then another hour doing dishes/clean-up almost every night of the week. Taking 15-20 minutes twice in a day then only having to clean basically a pan and bowl is definitely too lazy to cook for me.

Ublock users who got hit by Youtube's anti-adblock effort- how's your experience been?

I started getting the dreaded anti-adblock pop-ups on Youtube when they started ramping up their efforts a month or so back, and I initially went through the whole rigamarole: First it was just the pop-up, then it was the pop-up with the timer, then the 3-video countdown finally leading to the video player being disabled...


I experienced pretty much the same thing as you. Had to do the clear cache+update a few times. But it’s been good for a few weeks as you said. I’ve also noticed that it can take 5-10 seconds for the video page to load. But not the biggest deal, at least I don’t see fucking ads.


My 8 year old does this. Most of the time it’s during movies I’ve already watched so I could answer her questions. But fuck man, just watch the movie and it will answer your questions. We spend more time talking about what’s happening than watching/listening 🤦


We usually do end up talking for most of the movie. I guess I kind of do like doing that with her. I absolutely love your comment. Thank you for changing my perspective.


Tell me about it. This was a long time ago but I remember one of my friends couldn’t even go a day without doing his dailies. He wasn’t even interested in WoW anymore, he was playing a bunch of other games. But he absolutely had to login every day just to do his dailies then log out and play the game he actually wanted to play.

This went on for months. When we asked him why, he would just say he didn’t want to miss out and fall behind. Bro, you aren’t even interested in the game anymore…


I haven’t logged out since they started this push and I don’t get them with just Firefox/uBlock. I was getting them for a bit and they even blocked me completely at one point. But I just cleared my uBlock cache and updated and it’s been working fine.


The problem isn’t the developer or the customer. You’re falling for the oldest trick in the book, keep the peasants fighting amongst themselves and they won’t realize the king is the problem.


This is very relatable to me. A supervisor in my team has Asperger’s. She has zero social skills. Says very unprofessional things, interrupts conversations and completely changes the topic to something nobody cares about. She is a hoarder and has way too many dogs/cats, her hygiene isn’t the best.

Most of us have worked together for 5+ years and have learned to ignore it as much as possible. It’s clear that she’s not doing this on purpose and doesn’t realize how annoying/rude she can be. I don’t really have a solution for you. This is just something you learn to live with. It’s still very annoying and frustrating to deal with but I don’t think there’s any solution that wouldn’t negatively impact her.


I actually made this 2-3 months ago, saw the picture in my photos today and decided to post it. I usually just wing it when I cook so can only really give you a rough idea. I remember this being one of my favorite pasta dishes I’ve ever made/tried.

  1. Put oil into pan and sautee onions/garlic.
  2. Add butter, once melted add flour to make a roux. (I would suggest a light or medium roux here)
  3. Add heavy cream/milk a bit at a time until you reach the right consistency. Not too thick but not too thin.
  4. Grated parmigiano reggiano and pecorino romano a bit at a time making sure it incorporates properly.
  5. Add tomato sauce. I usually just use what I have on hand, think this time I used strained tomatoes. (I personally don’t like it when it tastes too much like tomatoes so I don’t put much.)
  6. Season and taste the sauce. Salt, pepper and parsley.
  7. Once pasta is cooked al denté, mix into sauce.
  8. For this dish I grilled the sausages separately, added them on top of my pasta, grated more parmesan on top then baked it for a bit.

I’ve learned over the years that the best food isn’t always complicated. It uses good quality ingredients that compliment eachother. Trust me when I say that using authentic parmigiano reggiano and pecorino romano make a world of difference. I also used fresh parsley from my garden.

Let me know if you have any questions!


But profits are up so who cares right?

Fuck I hate capitalism.


Blink-182’s new album, it’s very good and makes me so nostalgic.


I had this happen to me a few years ago. My friend was dating this older woman who had a teenage son. We went to her place one night to play games. We all played Yu-Gi-Oh when we were younger and brought our old decks/cards.

Turns out the teenager played also but collected more recent cards, think it was XYZ at the time. We decided to play against him and he destroyed us in two turns, we had no chance. My Mirror Force, Magic Cylinder and Harpies Feather Duster were no use 😭😭


I don’t use any social media except for Lemmy. It used to be only Reddit but jumped ship after the API changes. I’m enjoying Lemmy for the most part. Commenting is better because it gets more traction compared to Reddit. Unlike others I actually enjoy having all the varying opinions from “problem” instances. It makes it feel less like an echo chamber, which Reddit was bad for.

My only issue is because it’s so much smaller than Reddit, there isn’t as much content or niche communities. I miss some of the subs I used to frequent on Reddit. Some of them were made into communities here but barely have any activity, like one post per week. I guess at the end of the day it’s a good thing cause I spend less time on Lemmy than I used to on Reddit.


Who cares, Blizzard ruined the Diablo franchise a long time ago. Do yourself a favor a play Path of Exile instead.


They actually added a flask enchant that uses them automatically. For example you can have it activate when charges reach full. It only works on utility flasks but it’s still a huge QOL improvement.


Diablo 3 and 4 aren’t even replacements for Diablo.


You can’t play mods on D2R which to me makes it worse than the original D2. I’ve enjoyed and played Diablo 2 for 20 years now. A big part of why is due to mods like Median XL (and the fact that it’s the best game ever made).

As for PoE, I strongly disagree. If you’re only looking at ARPGs that follow the seasonal style and constantly add new content. There aren’t many better than PoE.


I did not know that, thank you. I might look a bit more into D2R in that case but it’s hard to justify giving money to Blizzard.


The respec system is fine. You get some respec points just from playing the story. You can get more by farming the orbs that refund one point per use. I’ve fully refunded my whole passive tree on a level 85+ character multiple times.

It’s not Diablo 3 level respec where your decisions don’t matter and you can just change anything you want any time. Which is a good thing.


People complain about all the tankies plaguing Lemmy but I think the real issue is dog worshippers. I should start a community like FuckCars but about dogs instead.

On second thought, that would probably attract people who love dogs a little too much…


Surprisingly not. It’s about people who never stepped foot outside of a big city and think the entire world can function without cars. They have this crazy idea that without cars, we could just have buses, bike lanes, trains, etc… everywhere.

They don’t realize (or care) that this is literally not feasible for many rural areas. There just isn’t enough people to support these services and the distances between locations is too great.


My distaste for dogs isn’t specific to pitbulls. I need something more inclusive.


I hate how everyone worships dogs. Most dogs I’ve met are annoying as fuck, they bark constantly, shit everywhere and jump on you. I fully understand that this is a dog owner problem and not the dogs fault. But why are dogs so special?

Kids are similar, they are annoying, dirty, loud, ungrateful, etc… Again, this is usually due to bad parenting but they don’t seem to get the free pass dogs do.

Most dog owners and parents should not be dog owners or parents.

Edit’: The replies I’m getting to this comment are proving my point. You all care so much about dogs that you automatically assume anyone who doesn’t train them properly is an asshole. Maybe the problem is the fact that having a dog and barely training or caring for them is considered socially acceptable. Most people are not ready to take the time required to properly train a dog. We should be discouraging these people from getting one. Instead everyone just fucking goes on and on about how great dogs are. No shit everyone wants one…


Or most dog owners are just terrible at training their dogs…

Are you saying that everyone who doesn’t properly train their dog is an asshole?


Why? Just cause I find most dogs annoying. That’s exactly the mentality I’m talking about lol


So people who don’t properly train their dogs are assholes? That’s a stretch and not what I was saying…


I have kids. I do everything in my power to make sure they don’t turn out like I described. It’s a lot of fucking work and most people aren’t willing to do it. My spouse works in a daycare. Parents these days do not parent. They just want to be labeled as one.


No I wouldn’t. Do you seriously think that me having a dog would change the way I feel about other peoples poorly trained dogs?

I have kids myself and still can’t stand most other kids.


I don’t understand how my personal experience can be wrong. I simply said “most dogs I’ve met”. This includes neighbours dogs, dogs I’ve come across on the street, acquaintances, friends, family. At a certain point, the argument that everyone I know is an asshole falls apart, cause I’m not only talking about people I know personally.

It’s a societal issue where dogs are seen as doing no wrong and everyone is encouraged to get one. But most people shouldn’t even have one. I’m starting to think that all these triggered people in the comments are shitty dog owners. What other reason would there be to react so harshly to my personal opinion/experience.


I’m more of a cat person.


Wtf, I ain’t no fucking vegan. How insulting.


The whole premise of this joke is ridiculous. Leftovers are worth eating most of the time. Waste is fucking horrible. I can’t stand people who throw food out instead of saving and eating it. I literally make food in advance sometimes to be eaten later.


Are you needlessly insinuating that you are a homosexual?

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


I’d rather just fuck, forget about the BJ/HJ. If she wants to be eaten out, no problem I’m down. But personally, I have no interest in the appetizer, give me the main course. It doesn’t do it for me.

But I’ve been with my first girlfriend for 10 years so I might not have enough experience to make an informed decision.


Bruce Campbell makes the show. It’s worth watching just because of him and his character. I enjoyed the whole thing but probably wouldn’t of without my boy Bruce.

Reddit Activity Plummeted After The Protests - by Adam Bumas (

Last month marked the official end of the Reddit protests. Any subreddit that had changed its rules or gone dark — or forced its users to post exclusively about John Oliver — has now gone back to normal. On the surface, it seems like a complete victory for Reddit, but things aren’t so simple when a major element of that...


If you look at the charts the drop started in July. Most people stopped caring about Covid last year. I don’t think it was that much of a factor.


Exactly, the war on drugs is a complete waste of time and money. Making it legal, selling and taxing it is the best way to ‘win’ the war. But we all know that’s not the point, they just want an excuse to shoot people and put them in jail.


I am in a small Ontario town of 12,000 people. Covid caused many rich people from Toronto to come down here and buy up property so they could rent it. I was paying 1000$ for a 3 bedroom that was just built about 5 years ago. It was a nice place and a great price, owned by a guy my father in law works with. He never raised the rent since we moved in.

Some guy from Toronto shows up and buys the property. Instantly raises our rent to the maximum allowed limit. Then when we moved out last year, he listed the place for 2500$… Who the fuck can afford 2500$ rent in a small town that doesn’t even have a fucking movie theatre… Our biggest employers are a fucking warehouse and regional federal government office.


I don’t think this problem is specific to Montreal.


I will never understand how people can keep giving Blizzard money. I learned my lesson with Diablo 3.


Absolutely bat shit insane take. There is so much video evidence disproving that. Most cops in America are bad people, either directly or indirectly through lack of action. ACAB


I personally felt like his Tiny Desk sucked, he needs the auto tune. They have much better ones, Anderson Paak, Megan Thee Stallion and Mac Miller are all absolutely phenomenal.


So many good times on this map, love it. Getting ridiculous kill streaks by sniping on the side of the building. Playing translocator only and trying to teleport into people to kill them. Man the early days of PC gaming were something else.


I feel like the algorithm for recommendations hasn’t changed much in years. It’s decent, better than a lot of other recommendation algorithms. The not interested options have always done jack shit. I can’t count how many times I’ve not interested a video and told it I had already watched it. Only for it to consistently recommend me other videos I’ve already watched. You’d think after the 100th time selecting I wasn’t interested in videos I’ve already watched, that it would get the clue.

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