@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar


@[email protected]

Anarchist, autistic, engineer, and Certified Professional Life-Regretter. I mosty comment bricks of text with footnotes, so don’t be alarmed if you get one.

You posted something really worrying, are you okay?

No, but I’m not at risk of self-harm. I’m just waiting on the good times now.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Hi! What’s your favorite videogame?

Fallout New Vegas, followed by GTA V. I really liked Baldur’s Gate 3 so far, but I’m probably going to play a lot more sporadically during the semester.

Do you have any subject you’re super interested in and could talk about for 2 hours with no prep?

Audio engineering, music, control theory, and math, specifically linear systems, integral transforms, and calculus in general.

What are your thoughts on the Fediverse?

We got a good thing going here. I’m a bit concerned about the Meta federation stuff, more so for microblogging services than the threadiverse, but I think we’ll tank it. I really hope that Peertube takes off.

What are your hobbies?

Guitar, audio mixing, audio programming 💀, video games, watching gaming videos, engaging with people on Lemmy, cooking, and reading math and physics textbooks.

Yeah I’m into weird shit, but not the fun kind of weird.

Marketing Company Claims That It Actually Is Listening to Your Phone and Smart Speakers to Target Ads (www.404media.co)

A marketing team within media giant Cox Media Group (CMG) claims it has the capability to listen to ambient conversations of consumers through embedded microphones in smartphones, smart TVs, and other devices to gather data and use it to target ads, according to a review of CMG marketing materials by 404 Media and details from a...

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I’ve never met a person in my life that was convinced by an ad to buy something.

I believe that you’re being truthful, but I respectfully challenge the idea that you don’t know some person who was convinced by an ad to buy something. Even if all your friends truthfully insist that their decisions are not swayed by ads, there is probably some product they chose at least partially because an advertisement reached them and left a positive impression about the product.

Ads do clearly work on people who are suggestible enough to be susceptible to them. Some of your contacts are probably these people whether they admit to it or not. If ads didn’t work, they wouldn’t be made. Ads aren’t made inherently to be annoying or make our lives worse; they’re driven by profit. Kill the profit and the motive dies. IMO that’s all the more reason to get rid of them.

Anecdotally, my parents and grandmother watch TV with commercials, and they give me a bug-eyed look when I explain to them that I don’t get advertisements and that I don’t want to see them. Most people I know just want to get content crammed down their content-holes and will deal with ads to avoid the momentary inconvenience of change. So I feel like we’re fighting an uphill battle.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

More like one zero bedroom apartment.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

You are literally on /c/socialism

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

lemmy.sdf.org when it works; federation there is kinda fucked right now, so I’m on lemmy.today for now. I accidentally posted it from SDF. Comment if you can see this.

SDF has an extensive track record (* much longer than I have been alive*) of providing systems for the public good. If federation gets fixed (and it probably will eventually), I’ll be back on SDF.

Additionally, I generally don’t want the set of people I can connect with to be technically limited, like at all. Yes that includes “all the bad people” according to your (and my) individual worldview. If they’re going to exist, I would prefer to have advanced notice of the danger they pose. If you suck, I will block you.

I’m not against moderated or curated instances, and for most people that is probably the way to go, but it’s not what I personally need. Yes, this means that I occasionally get wild shit when I choose to scroll through All. Yes, that means I get various shades of genocide apologists and weird bigots, again when I choose not to browse by Local or Subscribed. That’s why I’m subscribed to a bunch of cool, moderated communities. I choose the content I see.

That is the approach I prefer for myself. Again, I understand that it’s not for everyone.

As far as instances where I’m not (yet) a member, lemmy.dbzer0.com is my favorite by far. Also while I don’t have any communities on their instance, the startrek.website people seem to always have something interesting to say.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I have. Currently too busy coping with life falling apart to watch YouTube courses 🙃.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

If you’re willing to pirate (or legally generate) a TI calculator ROM, then Graph 89 is probably what you’re looking for. This is what I use as my daily driver calculator with a TI-89 ROM.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

IMO you’re basically describing my experience being autistic. So to answer your question…not very well. 🙃

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Everyone gets a comment, but no one gets to poop. It’s just how we do it here.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

So I have some good news for you.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Tfw you actually quit music and go back to school to get a job and society won’t give you one 💀.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Let’s just say you shouldn’t put a flimsy cotton stick in your ear unless you trust it’ll come out in one piece. Just don’t.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I’m glad it’s worked out for you so far, but you really should stop. Your ears probably don’t need to be cleaned at all. You could end up damaging your ears at worst, and at best you’re just pushing ear wax deeper into your ears, possibly creating a clog that might not have happened otherwise.

Anecdotally, I stopped cleaning my ears 15-20 years ago, and not once have I had ears clogged due to earwax.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

My profile picture (and part of my username) is a Celestion Vintage 30 speaker. It is a specific model of guitar amplifier cabinet speaker. While it is used all over music, it is a huge part of the modern sound of metal. IMO its tailored frequency response and its specific nonlinearities at moderately loud volumes are uniquely important in producing a slick and modern-sounding metal guitar tone.

I can’t record actual guitar cabinets at the moment because I live with family, but I still use a family of homemade impulse responses that I recorded from my cabinet to play guitar [1]. 9 times out of 10 I solely use an impulse response where the cabinet was loaded with a Vintage 30 (specifically, one of the special ones ripped out of a Mesa Rectifier cabinet). Even when I’m not looking for a “generic modern metal” sound, I typically use a blend of a Vintage 30 and another speaker.

Vintage 30’s are not “vintage”, they’re not 30 inches, they’re not 30 watts, they’re not from the 1930s…I’m honestly not sure where the name comes from.

[1] What I am saying here is that I simulate the sound of the speaker.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Nah, you can’t. It’s still a great resource, but you always gotta read it critically.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I mean “ruined” is a bit strong, right? I’m no fan of Jimmy Wales but Wikipedia is still pretty good IMO for non-political stuff. It’s my first choice to look up math stuff so on that basis alone it gets my vote.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

This post melted my brainussy.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Sponsorblock supports Invidious. Go into the Sponsorblock settings under Misc and enable it. You might have to add an instance’s URL (on the same settings page).

In your Invidious local settings, there should be a “Feed Menu” setting. This allows you to choose which tabs appear on your local homepage. (If you have an account, then these settings are for your account and should persistent anywhere you log in.) You should be able to choose “Popular” or “Trending” as one or more of your tabs.

For FreeTube, you can copy the link from your browser (from YouTube or any Invidious instances at least) and paste it into FreeTube’s search bar, and it will go directly to the desired video. If you use Firefox, Privacy Redirect has a setting (under Advanced Settings --> Invidious) to redirect all YouTube requests to FreeTube. You would have to turn the plugin off to search, then turn it on when you want to use it.

FreeTube currently has two sections “Most Popular” and “Trending” that fetch content from creators I haven’t subscribed to.

Hope this helps.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Narrator: “It didn’t find him well.”

What is the point of Flatpak, AppImage, Snap, etc?

I don’t understand what problem they are meant to solve. If you have a FOSS piece of software, you can install it via the package manager. Or the store, which is just a frontend for the package manager. I see that they are distribution-independent, but the distro maintainers likely already know what’s compatible and what...

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I’m on Debian because the software in the Debian repos is stable. So for mission-critical software, at least for my purposes, I’ll pick the version in the Debian repo, especially if it requires detailed integration with the operating system such as real-time audio. If the software does get updated, it is probably important and nearly guaranteed not to break. A great example has been KDE Plasma: I don’t get the bleeding-edge features, but it’s been a rock-solid, fast, still modern desktop environment on every computer I installed it on, including an old laptop that is so underpowered that Windows 10 is a Power-Point presentation upon a fresh restart. If Debian takes several months or longer to update it’s Plasma packages to Plasma 6 when it comes out next year, that would be fine for me because I don’t desperately need any new features from Plasma.

However, for software that really benefits from being up-to-date and isn’t a showstopper if it breaks, for example FreeTube, I prefer the Flatpak. I primarily use Discover for simple package management and upgrades, and it was trivial to install the Flatpak backend, so now my Flatpaks get updated like anything else. However, Librewolf (a browser, which I prefer to keep up-to-date) is installed from a non-Flatpak external repo because I had problems giving its Flatpak version webcam permissions (even if I enabled them in Flatseal).

AppImages have been great for working on new computers because I can (usually) just download them and go. Except for programs that I expect to be portable, I don’t typically use them in the long haul. Still, they’re super convenient to have around.

I don’t touch Snaps because of the closed-source backend and their role in Canonical’s transparent attempt to lock down Ubuntu, but if they open-source the backend I might consider trying them.

IMO part of why I’ve stuck with Linux is because there is (usually) a choice of how to compute. I.e., there are several ways to solve a problem where Windows or Mac would pigeonhole you into their workflow. Having multiple options is inherently a good thing as far as I’m concerned, even if I don’t use all of them.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

A few years ago I had a package that did an extra trip down and up the East Coast. Thankfully it wasn’t time-sensitive.

PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S, (edited )
@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar
  1. Violin so I can play sick violin solos over metal music.
  2. Drums so I can play blast beats all day in literally every local metal band.
  3. Saxophone so I can do this.
@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

The entire defense industry.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Yeah because we would definitely be motivated to manufacture fucking Hellfire missiles and landmines without the pressures of global capitalism… /s

Like I get it, getting rid of the defense industry ≠ getting rid of war, but it would be a much more daunting task to wage war if we didn’t have fucking weapons factories.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I am choosing between living with them and homelessness. Otherwise, I would be anywhere else.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

This might be a bit better for somewhere like [email protected] because it’s an anecdote. Also, I think TIFU communities are kinda dead right now so they could use your post there. If it makes you feel better, I gave you an updoot.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Not a developer but a recent engineering grad. I get SO MUCH spam from the literal US military and defense contractors looking for people to work on their actual weapons. Surface-to-air missiles, nuclear submarines, air warfare, electronic warfare … these are actual “opportunities” that have landed in my inbox courtesy of my dipshit school career center’s lack of morals. I need a job, but I would literally rather skin myself and eat it then work for those monsters at any salary.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Lazy answer: Invidious. I often use inv.tux.pizza, but there are a few dozen public instances.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Use Invidious! No ads, no username required, no reporting to YouTube, Sponsorblock can be used, and you still get unlimited access to YouTube’s content. There are dozens of instances, but inv.tux pizza usually works for me.

I know that Nebula has exclusive infotainment, but sometimes I just want to watch people be bad at video games.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Most Invidious instances allow you to sign up for an account on the instance to subscribe to people and track your history. Alternatively, I use the FreeTube app on computers I control for “watching TV”. It can track and transfer your subscriptions and history locally if you choose to use those features.

I still get recommended videos next to watched ones from both services. For those who see that as a negative, I think FreeTube allows you to hide any YouTube elements you don’t want to see.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

That’s the link to the official FreeTube Flatpak. More generally, the linked site, Flathub, is the largest source of Flatpak applications. If you click through the .io site, you’ll land on the Flathub page if you look for the Flatpak.

I actually switched from the .deb to the Flatpak just this afternoon so I can do updates with my package manager. The .deb version “phones home” (you have to enable it I think) every time it starts up to check for updates, but Discover (my package manager) fetches updates for Flatpak apps along with everything else. It’s basically been the same experience as the .deb so far.

PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S, (edited )
@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Briefly: My comment was basically a remark that the way FreeTube works is independent of how it is installed.

A very vaguely similar idea for Windows would be to compare the installed edition (usually distributed as an .exe) versus the portable edition (zip or 7z, i.e. an archive). For FreeTube there’s probably no difference, but in general, Windows programs break when made portable, so “portable editions” need to be tested separately.

Probably not important for a Windows user, but it’s something a Linux user might want to know. 😀

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Aren’t we not living in the future by construction?

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Go with Invidious. inv.tux.pizza works for me when I’m on a browser. (I swear I’m not affiliated with them 😅.) On my desktop and laptop, I use FreeTube because it allows me to track my watch history and subscriptions locally, and it has Sponsorblock and DeArrow optionally integrated. Plus, it’s just nice to separate YouTube, which I often watch like TV, from active browsing tasks. On mobile I typically just use Invidious in Firefox.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Time to use Invidious. inv.tux.pizza works for me.

PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S, (edited )
@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Because a handful of programs and likely my job will force me to use Windows. I’m interviewing next week for a position where they’ll give me “all IT equipment”, and there were several technical questions about Windows in a prior interview, so no Linux there.

Still, whenever I can choose to do so, e.g. at home, I pick Linux.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Considering I have no income right and I’ve been rejected from ~150 jobs, I need to take what I can get.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

That’s literally been the types of jobs I’ve been applying for, and they always want me to be an instant expert in their proprietary SCADA/DCS/PLC software even for “fresh graduate” positions. Not using proprietary software is tantamount to not working in manufacturing engineering.

Robert Heinlein's idea of the perfect crowd control drug- would you take Happiness daily?

In Robert Heinlein’s novel “Farnham’s Freehold”, the protagonists accidentally end up in a very technologically advanced feudal society that depends on a drug called “Happiness” to control things and keep social classes rigidly separated. The hypothesis of this question: the drug is a pleasant tasting drink you take...

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I mean I was happy on antidepressants before college and I still opposed capitalism/the ruling class. I’m sure there are others like me who oppose the ruling class for practical, rational, and ethical reasons, i.e. I’m not going to stop being an anarchist because my personal life gets better.

So I’d chug that shit all day every day, and I’d use some of that energy to protect people who don’t want to chug it for whatever reason.

@PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

What’s your degree in? And general location? I might be able to help you out.

Electrical Engineering in New Jersey.

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