@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar


@[email protected]

I'm a weeb girl who's fringe in a lot of ways. Please excuse my weird beliefs, I don't bite :3

Political views: far left economics (socialism), conservative/traditional social views. I'm an ex-atheist, turned christian gnostic. I'm happy to chat. No hate, just pursuit of truth and proper living.

Hobbies/Interests: weebshit (anime/manga/japan), video games, romhacking, ai/tech, girly cute pink stuff, politics/religion is fun. I like the occult and conspiracy stuff too.

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@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

I use bypass paywalls clean and never see a paywall. so... yes.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

I haven't had any issues with medium personally. But I have pretty extensive blocking as a whole (ublock, adguard, ghostery, ddg, bypass paywalls clean, canvas blocker, etc)

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

I'm paranoid.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

I've been using bypass paywalls clean for a while now and it's fantastic. Can confirm I haven't seen any paywalls since installing it.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

it's more than a filterlist, also custom code (though the repo you shared has the userscripts that you can install).

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

For scientific studies you're basically stuck with scihub and unpaywall.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

>Promotes self id for nonbinary

>Event is for nonbinary people

>Get upset when people identify as nonbinary and attend the event

I'm not sure I'm seeing why people are upset?

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

So they identified as men, and the event allowed the men to come? Then I'm failing to see what the issue is?

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

Tech is overcrowded as a field and it gets worse each year. So yes.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

I'm a trans woman and don't bother applying because I know that my resume isn't even looked at, and the interview hurdles are just so high that they'll just say no anyway. What's the point if companies refuse to hire me?

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

>hiring for entry level

>saying people are underqualified

The problem is with the companies, not the job seekers. Actually offer true entry level positions, and actually hire the people that apply.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

I'm a woman and wasn't even at the event. No clue it was going on, and it seems like it'd be far too expensive for me to attend in the first place. If they're looking for women who are eager to work for them, they're looking in the wrong place.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

How do you distinguish between the people who genuinely identify as nonbinary and those who are dishonestly doing it?

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

If they're amab and self identifying as nonbinary, they'd be transgender by definition.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

yeah sorry I don't have that sort of mental health to be able to just continually throw myself at a wall for years on end when there ain't even a person on the other side.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

yeah learned my lesson. I might try again though and just lie and say I'm latina when I'm not. maybe I'll start getting some offers that way lol.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

Yeah those sorts of positions are usually locked to college students. So once you graduate you can no longer apply despite those being the positions you're qualified for.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

this would be nice. the amount of skills and knowledge I've forgotten after painstakingly learning it is too damn high.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

God, finally. Maybe playstation will get better now? They've been declining in quality for literally ages.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

playstation started declining with ps3 which released in 2006. PS4 released in 2013, a decade ago. PS4 wasn't worth buying. That's a decade of garbage from sony.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

They're right that retail prices of AAA games are too low to make a profit. Which is why they've turned to microtransactions and dlc. However, the price of such games is too high, which means the budgets and profit expectations are too high. With the quality of games coming out lately, even $60 is too high. I can't imagine spending $70 or even $80 on a game.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

I pretty much exclusively buy AA at this point, with the rare AAA nintendo 1st party title that I'm happy to pay $60 for. Most AAA games though just aren't worth it. Some of those games coming out you couldn't pay me to play.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

I buy games that release for $40 and $50. They don't have dlc. They don't have microtransactions. They don't have cash shops. They don't have battle passes. I just pay my $40/$50, get my physical copy, often with a bundled goodie like cards or keychains, and play and enjoy my 40hr game.

It's absolutely possible because the companies that release these titles are pumping out several per year. You just.... have to stop spec racing and obsessing over 200hr playtimes and top of the line graphics and actually focus on making a decent, mid-sized game, with realistic expectations.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

They should just get rid of the expectations of sales numbers like what current AAA get. If we want better games, less people will buy them, because a good game isn't for everyone.

Tinder Now Letting Rizzless Sad Sacks Pay $500/Month to Message People Without Even Matching (futurism.com)

If you get a message from someone you never matched with on Tinder, it’s not a glitch — it’s part of the app’s expensive new subscription plan that it teased earlier this year, which allows “power users” to send unsolicited messages to non-matches for the small fee of $499 per month....

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

Every time I see something about tinder it's just worse and worse. why would I want to use it?

What's the worst a teacher's treated you?

my calculus teacher did little senior year jokey biographies of people as a big powerpoint on the last day. he was well loved, venerable, yet also slightly … odd. sharp, but vaguely weird. he separated people into basically informal friend groups [with multiple people on the same slide] and people who were the sort of weird...

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

Docked my grades for literally no reason other than that he didn't like me. I always got perfect scores in school, got a B in his class simply because he didn't like me. Parents had to make a huge fuss about it which lead to the grade being corrected.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

It's the only non-chrome browser. And the only browser I can customize and that does what I want. I've been waiting for arc to release so I can try it out, but it seems like the development on it is taking literally forever.

I have pretty strict criteria for a browser, and really only firefox meets them. Chrome is way too locked down for me. And firefox has slowly been getting worse unfortunately.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

waterfox is just a fork of firefox with seemingly no real benefits. I'd rather stay on the original build.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

yup, honestly I kinda use it more than kbin/lemmy. kinda hard to find content I'm after here.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

The custom-made "sponsors" sections that are baked into the video are not paid per view. You can freely skip them without harming the content creator. iirc they get paid per video upload, not per view. it's only the "live" separate ads that appear prior to the video, mid-roll, etc. that they get paid per view (and would be missing if you block them).

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

Youtube content creators get paid via a few different methods:

  1. Pre-roll and mid-roll ads. This is youtube's actual and intended monetization method. These are ads that play that are separate from the video and are personalized per-user. They often have a "skip" button you can click after a few seconds. Youtube pays creators per view for these ads. You should check youtube's monetization section on the channel settings to set this all up.
  2. Sponsors. These are baked into the video where the content creator usually goes something like "Yeah I enjoy my switch, but do you know what I like more? raid shadow legends!" These are one-time payments made prior to the video's release, and are not paid per view. The view count on the video and whether or not people are actually watching the sponsored section is irrelevant.
  3. Patreon and other patreon-like services. These are entirely unrelated to viewcount or ads, and are just people paying monthly on some other site (typically patreon or locals) to help fund the channel.

For music, I'm not sure at all how the youtube music platform works. But afaik youtube music is just youtube videos in a different format, so you'd be going with method #1 with the pre-roll ads.

Typically youtube's monetization model requires that you actually set things up, and in order to do so you need to meet particular criteria (particular subscriber counts, view counts, etc). I know musicians work with music labels, so that may work differently depending on what's going on for you. But if you're specifically managing a youtube channel where you upload videos, then #1 applies and just check the monetization section. I don't think it's "by default".

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

If you're going through a music label then ask the company you're working with. They absolutely get paid per view (as per the pre-roll ads) if you aren't managing the uploads yourself. But what they pay you may be different depending on what they're doing.

Aphantasia... apparently 3% of the world has it. Any aphantasists in here, who've had success improving their condition?

10 years ago, I’d have put my ability to visualise at 0 out of 10. Practice and occasional halucinogen use has got me to 2 out of 10. It causes no end of problems in day to day life, so I’m interested to hear if anyone has tips or just experiences to share so it doesn’t feel such a lonely frustrating issue....

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

From my amateur independent digging I actually found people fall into three groups on this, not two:

  1. Aphantasia - Not being able to visualize 8at all*
  2. What I consider "regular" visualization, ie a "minds eye" or "back of the mind" sort of thing, that's distinctly different from how you normally see visually with your eyes.
  3. Prophantasia - In which you can visualize things that appear to you how simply looking at something would appear.

I saw someone on reddit apparently go from aphantasia to prophantasia but people were calling BS on them. I'm in group 2 myself and would love to be able to do prophantasia. So I'm curious if anyone has managed it?

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

This is what I have. basically not aphantasia (we can still manipulate visual imagery in our brains) but it's also not prophantasia which is essentially just seeing, but with thoughts.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

Right. "prophantasia" is a word used to refer to that "it's like you're actually seeing it", whereas visualization for me isn't like that and it's more like what you described, a sort of mental idea, like I can think of and mentally understand imagery, but it's not like I'm actually looking at it with my eyes (like when I see things or am in a lucid dream).

It seems some people with visualization do this "minds eye" kinda thing, and the some have that "it's like you're seeing" type.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

Both 2 and 3 can mentally manipulate objects in 3D. I have type 2 as I mentioned, but I can do full 3d rotations and such. It's just a "minds eye" kinda thing and not like i'm actually seeing it with my eyes. That makes it kinda difficult to line up my minds eye comprehension with the actual world I see in front of me. whereas people with prophantasia or that third type, should have no issues lining up their visualization with their actual vision.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

So I'm firmly in type 2. I can close my eyes and just see black/the back of my eyelids. No matter how hard I try I will never be able to "override" my actual vision. Instead, I have a sort of "mental" model in my brain which can handle imagery and 3d scenes and such, but it's very different in experience than my actual vision. The two don't overlap at all for me.

"ghostly" is how I'd describe it, but it's really a different set of qualia altogether, not a "faint" version of my vision.

But yeah as you mention a few comments here kinda makes it sound like it's just a matter of practicing visualization (trying to create objects within my actual field of vision, as well as "emphasize" or "focus" on my #2 visualization). I'll have to spend time seeing if I can practice it...

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

yup. I thought I had aphantasia for a while because of this. Turns out, no. People with aphantasia can't even do that #2 type. They're just completely incapable of handling images or 3d scenes in their mind at all.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

There's a difference between understanding "this isn't going to be what it looks like, it'll look like wood" and actually being able to visualize and "see" the wood version in your head prior to completion.

So looking at your grey version, someone with aphantasia (who isn't a moron) might be like "I can't visualize/imagine it as wood, could I see what that looks like?", as in they understand it will be wood, but may have no clue what that actually looks like until it's in front of them.

What you're describing just sounds like a run of the mill idiot who also may have aphantasia.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

"1000+ planets are dull on purpose"

No, they're dull because no human team could make 1000 planets worth of interesting content in a single game development cycle.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

At a scale of 1k planets you're going to have to rely on reused assets and procedural generation. At which point people not into procedural generation say that it's "repetitive". Especially if you only gen once for everyone and not each run lol.

AI generation of assets and code will theoretically eventually resolve this, but that's quite a ways off. They're not even usable for such with human assistance yet. And if you have ai generating the content, it's not really a human team making that stuff lol.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

You can, but randomizing chests+locked doors is kinda complicated, and the more "interesting" your generations the harder it is to code and the more dev time it takes. And for a AAA game release you can't really do that.

Key+Lock randomization is something that has been solved, and has been used most notably in procedurally generated zeldalikes. But that's still niche indie territory, and not used for major game releases.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

The issue with procedural generation is the game has to be built for it from the ground up and in a modular way. AAAs try to make themselves appealing by using novel new high quality assets that aren't modular.

I haven't played starfield so idk what they ended up doing, but from the sound of it they have pre-made assets/areas that they then place onto pre-generated worlds in a randomized way.

To make one of these "areas" procedural in itself, they'd then have to code a whole system for that. With AAA/3D the hard part is making modular environments without it looking repetitive or ugly.

My point isn't so much that it can't be done in a AAA game. But rather that it's risky to do (not all players like it), and you have to structure your development around it. Lots can go wrong, there's stuff you gotta sacrifice to make it work, etc.

If starfield is on the old bethesda engine then that's even more of a reason. You can't just plug and play an entire procedural generation thing in there without some fairly large overhauls or just gluing on an unrelated system.

In practice, bethesda probably took the lazy route: using their existing engine without major changes, then just making new assets for it, throwing stuff about a bit randomly, and calling it a day.

That's the thing about procedural generation is: it's a lot of effort and sucks up a huge part of the game's development and comes at some pretty strict costs (repetitive looking environments/gameplay, reduced novelty, larger programming dev time to make it work). It can be done, but for a cost-cutting AAA studio they're not gonna bother.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

I didn't say it's impossible. Just that it's harder, takes deliberate effort, etc. For AAA games they don't bother with that kind of thing because it's larger expense and larger risk.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

yes. I haven't played the game so idk the details of what's up. but at 1k+ planet-sized spaces it's hard to have a team go over that by hand. Planets are large. But I have no doubt that bethesda team was probably super lazy as well.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

My joke was about how some apartments charge you "pet rent" if you have a pet. Naturally, your cat needs to pay his own rent.

@Otome-chan@kbin.social avatar

as people say for hate speech laws: "if you aren't wanting to show children anything sexual, then there shouldn't be a problem. what do you wish to show kids that you think may be considered sexual?"

naturally gov overreach is a concern even for speech but that doesn't stop people from trying to regulate speech.

I think ultimately though with the system in place mentioned, it wouldn't completely block access to educational materials as parents could easily show that stuff to their kids if they so choose.

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