@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar


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@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

A study on astroturfing on Reddit, written in the style of Reddit by an astroturfer - oh the delicious irony? :-P

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

I thought the light was the friends we made along the way... :-P

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Worst. Ferengi. Ever.

(Quite a compliment if you ask me:-P)

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Thank you for that compliment in return!:-P

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

This sounds like something Mothra would say... :-P

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Putin might never be allowed to die... (even if he already has).

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Fascists do not care about truth or facts, only authority, so whichever they deem more useful to them at the time they will make use of.

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Next I wanna see Rawoman noodles!

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

It is only awful bc you managed to capture the thought so perfectly - be proud of its awfulness then!:-D

I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you. (kbin.social)

A few days ago I downvoted someone's comment, and the next day I happened to notice every single comment I've ever made had at least one downvote. All from the person I dared to downvote the ONE time. I straight up asked why they did it, and they seem to think I'm an "obvious" troll account that "apparently just exist to...

/kbin logotype
@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Man, I miss Reddit!

Said nobody here ever.:-) The average discussion experience here is just better, with people who care about facts rather than purely trolling.

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

The funny part is how that word supposedly may translate better as "maiden" than "virgin", as in "young girl" rather than someone who has not yet had intercourse. I wonder how many people have been beheaded for asking about such things.

Jesus Himself hated such over-religiosity - "Want religion that is pure and blameless? Take care of widows and orphans!!" - but sadly it seems the natural human condition.:-( The extreme irony is how He went to LARGE efforts to just constantly and consistently give the religious fruitcakes of His day the middle finger ("thou shaltest say to every Karen, fuck ye off"), which ofc got Him killed just like everyone else who tried it previously. So like... was Jesus one of the early atheists then, if you think about it like that...? :-D /s

But I mean, in all seriousness, the gist of Jesus' message seems to me to be to ignore the fruitcakes and just do the right thing, regardless ("the worker deserves his wages..."). So like, wtf does His teenie sexed-up mommy have anything to do with anything?! But Karens gonna Karen, I guess, and get all worked up about whatever drama they can either find or invent.

Update notice 3,3,110: New Symphony - Octopath Conductors: The Prisoner's Odyssey, plus new Encounter character Oboro (api-ap.another-eden.games)

Note: This is an app update, so will be available a little less than 24 hours from the time of this post.. Make sure you have plenty of storage and data allowance for the download. All content will be available immediately after downloading, with banners due to go live at 24 hours after this post....

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

From February, premium Subscribers will also gain access to Cat Express Tickets, which allow skips of previously-cleared Another Dungeons

I wonder how that is going to work out, it is a long requested feature for sure!:-)

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

I cannot upvote or boost this for some reason - it always gives me an error. Kbin... :-(

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

They never say that bc every day is a good day to die.

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

And then empty it back out again immediately thereafter, for the uninitiated.:-|

OpenStars, (edited )
@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Kudos to keeping this magazine alive lately - I have just gone without internet for a month and I am appreciating seeing all this! Likely lurkers also enjoy it, without an account to say so.:-)

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

It still counts! :-D

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

It'd be really funny if he had no idea who she was, cause she just grabbed some random stranger:-P

Update notice: Version 3.3.100, AS Orleya, Tsukittyha cat set, more Catch-up Campaign! (api-ap.another-eden.games)

Note: This is an app version update, so check your device's store for the update an hour or so before the usual update time (ie approx 23 hours from the time of this post), and of course make sure you have storage space and data allowance for the update....

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Ah, an app version, I'll have to go look for it, so I'm glad I saw this mentioning about the key chest:-).

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Fwiw, this meme is more than good enough:-)

Thanks for sharing it with us all.:-D

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

We may look back at these days - you know, where not all diseases kill you, and in fact were super easily handled, barely an inconvenience!:-P - and wish to have such things as "antibiotics" again, before bacteria all became immune to them.

Or maybe the world will rally together, and start funding research into alternatives quickly enough for it to matter? Just like climate change too...

It's a good thing that people aren't anti-science now, bc that surely would be a problem if we want to reach that bright shiny happy future we keep hoping for. :-|

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Not just right now - it was probably always that way. At one point those nations needed STEM e.g. engineers to win those (cultural) wars, while now we are gearing up to use robots and AI instead.

Even so, I think the loss of antibiotics is more of a short sighted side effect. It could need a century of development to overcome, but it is more profitable to sell pain relief right now so... it's a problem for a future generation to have to deal with, so long as I get mine now, seems to be the way of thinking.

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

If wishes were horses, then we all would ride.

As it is, instead we will FAAFO.

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

There are MANY different kinds of devices, and each offer their own unique blend of functionality. The hardest to replace seems to be the phone part - calling emergency services or receiving a text using a laptop might be possible, but takes some setup and just is not quite the same as being able to whip out your phone and already be in a call one or two seconds later. Conversely, neither iOS nor Android are even attempting to replace actual desktop/laptop-like operating systems, and while using a tablet as a keyboard may be possible, nothing beats a true keyboard and mouse setup; although that said, a smart device (either phone or tablet) with a broadband data connection can offer a WiFi hotspot to a laptop, thus significantly enhancing its' capabilities still further. Even some places that offer you WiFi may be super slow, unreliable, and/or do things like change the access code every hour or so, making it more convenient to simply provide your own - plus that's a bit safer too (which would you rather use: a public toilet, or your own at home?).

Having a printout (even if PDF) of a bus or train schedule isn't nearly as convenient as being able to connect with an app to live updates - like "it should have been here an hour ago, what happened, do I just wait further?", plus allows quick deviations like "am I so certain that this (other) route even runs on Thursdays?". Even dumbphones with a data plan could access the Internet, but apps are much more convenient, thus useful for things you do often.

Then again, some of that you could replace with a broadband connection on a laptop. What the smartphone provides is a nice bundle of features that, while each one could be replaced individually, is thought of by most people in the developed world to be often highly useful. Though ymmv - e g. people with addictive tendencies might rather prefer the barrier of having to pull out a larger device such as a laptop or tablet than to have immediate access to everything with a smartphone readily pulled from a pocket; and people who have a desktop at both work and home may want to get by with just a dumbphone for calls and texts.

Funny story: some dentist offices refuse to take patients who do not consent to receive texts and respond with confirmation of the appointment an hour or so before - they apparently were burned so often by people who made appointments but never showed that now everyone has to jump through those additional hoops, and they get enough patients that acquiesce that they can turn away everyone who does not. But if YOUR dentist does not do that, then your need for a device capable of sending and receiving text messages is lesser compared to those who do. It still is worth noting though how common it is to have such devices - most responsible citizens have at the very least a mobile phone, though not all!:-P - and your access to services in public spaces increasingly depends on such, so especially in cities, though they have significant uses even in rural areas as well. And yet if you don't use public transportation, always drive the same roads (or have a dedicated device for GPS, if you need that), and haven't found the need yet for apps, that's fine too? You apparently don't need them while moving about, though they can offer great convenience - enough even to replace a laptop entirely, if you have quick access to desktops.

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Regular v. Budget Ferengi.:-P

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Scared...or "excited"? :-)

What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises?

What I mean is… sometimes people are very loyal to a videogame franchise or a company because they loved a game they released years ago (Silent Hill/Konami with Silent Hill 2, Blizzard/Bethesda with their respective golden eras, some could argue this happens too with Pokémon and Final Fantasy, etc). Ethical/consumer reasons...

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Chrono Trigger

The best game of all time, period.

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Yes, it is sad, but we do what we must. :-P

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Well, yes there's that... but also, he's cute so, what are you gonna do?!:-P

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, I mean I am very straight, don't get me wrong... But if he looked at me like he does her, I would not be surprised if my heart skipped a beat too!:-P

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

I think the entire concept of straight is wider than culture tends to portray.:-D

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Interesting background reading!:-)

Firefox Got Faster for Real Users in 2023 (hacks.mozilla.org)

In order to measure the user experience, Firefox collects a wide range of anonymized timing metrics related to page load, responsiveness, startup and other aspects of browser performance. Collecting data while holding ourselves to the highest standards of privacy can be challenging. For example, because we rely on aggregated...

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

I doubt it is just that - the sending of such info is enabled by default for one, and even after disabling it, for several years now Firefox has continued to connect to the server regardless. I have not personally delved into the source code to verify just how "friendly" such a check is, which has already been asked to be halted, but ad blocking software such as Blockada (Android) has decided to mark it as "bad".

If this feature was opt-in only, and functioned respectfully, it would be an entirely different matter, but as it is, user consent seems to be at least partly ignored. I am sure that those stats are useful to the developers... but that is not and will never be the point, for many people.

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

That's a good point but I thought it was different servers, like one had "telemetry" directly in the name? Unfortunately I really don't recall bc it's been too long and I didn't have time to finish delving in the first place, nor since. I don't want to spread misinformation so let me know if you think I might be doing that. Mostly I'm saying that if Blockada chose to mark their checks home as "bad", enough to block them upon a default installation of that app, then they surely had some reason to do so, even if ultimately it turns out to be harmless.

On a scale of 1 to 10 for severity, this might be just like a 1, but that's still not 0, and some people just prefer to stay away from an app that has demonstrably chosen to ignore user consent. Even if they clearly state that they felt they had good reasons for doing so.

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Nice to have those extra vitamins.:-)

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Kevin has altered the deal...pray he does not alter it any further.

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

You should have used AI - this unfortunately sounds like it was written by a human.

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

person man woman camera tv

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

I dunno about "everything" - I haven't seen proof that it can run on the wrapper yet? :-P

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

I assumed somebody would send back a picture, edited to put the Doom screen on the wrapper. And I would have to be all like "well dayum, now I have seen everything!". But um... your way works too!:-P

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

As promised:

well dayum, now I have seen everything!

Well done! :-P

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

You're g-damn right.

(Can't get the image to show up properly but here is the exact scenario you described: image location :-P

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

We are sneaky that way. :-)

Somehow at the same time I also convinced myself to rewatch Babylon Five, go figure:-P.

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

I mean...no? The scenario you described uses identical skill sets, which was also desperately in need by the USA at the time, whereas Germany wanted to kill the scientist plus their entire family and all of their friends bc of their ethnic background so... it rather seems inevitable that the immigrant would want to use their skills to the best and most profitable effect?

That said, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, for he is a humble tailor and that is all... :-P

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Injecting those shows into our thoughts, is what gives us culture! :-P

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

You know more about the depths of that story than I do... I can only guess that some kind of "strategic thinking" went on there, balancing right vs. wrong morality with the practical need to have superior technology, essentially turning him into a "brain drain" scenario where the USA took advantage of the technology from Germany (rockets go further with higher precision), in order to use it against Russia (both in rockets meant for warfare plus also as demonstrated in a show-off capacity for the space race). And that is even assuming that he was a "real" Nazi supporter, and not just trying to blend in as a Jew (which would be bad enough, to be a "collaborator", but you get what I am saying: easier to make an exception for, especially if there was some evidence of him protesting in underground ways, as opposed to a full-on die-hard actual Nazi).

Something similar happened recently when Biden met one of the royalty responsible for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, and decided to call him out for that murder, but when the response was "what was that? I couldn't really hear you there..." just dropped the issue entirely rather than pursued it. It was not even a slap on the wrist, and was less even than a phrase stated loudly enough to be heard (a whispered thought then?) regarding the torture, interrogation, murder and actual dismemberment of that journalist... but in return, the Saudis helped lower gas prices. And lest you think this was all about money, that in turn helped blunt the whole "thanks Biden" (sarcasm for high gas prices, as if Trump had literally nothing to do with that) that Republicans were trying to use at the time to get more seats in Congress and set up for the next Presidential race, which in turn ties back to Supreme Court seats and all sorts of things.

I am fond of quoting that literal hero Jon Stewart who once said "liberal media aims to be correct, while conservative media aims to be effective". Maybe somewhere we need to find a balance, in maintaining our morality while also not taking it to the grave with us - or perhaps the latter is what needs to be done? But if so, it seems better to do that intentionally so worth thinking through and wrestling with the truth to determine what we can "compromise" on, and what we absolutely, simply, can NOT without losing who & what we are.

And believe it or not, yes this is all absolutely, entirely, 100% relevant to the OP: Star Trek is infamous for wrestling with precisely these kinds of plots - even TNG and Voyager that were more often episodic lets-go-forth-adventuring-today styles occasionally had them (remember that time Picard was dying from his bad heart due to his poor judgement in his a youth, and Q offered him an alternate life where he would not be a captain anymore, but he could do science and really enjoy it, thus making him choose b/t a longer life that he would enjoy vs. a shorter one lived to the fullest, basically a It's a Wonderful Life parody? and ofc "THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!!"); but DS9 really just immersed itself and flat lived in this space.

TLDR: you are going to REALLY enjoy watching DS9, even if you need to do it alone:-). (again, make sure to give yourself adequate time to think them through, not just watch them all back-to-back, or you will miss so much!)

Update notice: Main Story Part 3 Vol 2 release - Kamlanage and Velette added! (api-ap.another-eden.games)

Note: This is a title screen update, so will be available for download 24 hours from the time of this post. And of course, even if there was reason to save keys for this update, it will fall at the same time as weekly shop reset, so go ahead and spend those keys!...

@OpenStars@kbin.social avatar

Hehehe:-). I gave up on getting her after a couple pulls, not wanting to spend too much. But then someone convinced me to give it just ONE more try - and I got her! So that's nice:-P.

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