@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar


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@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Forever. For the simple reason that a human can say no when told to write something unethical. There’s always a danger that even asking someone to do that would backfire and cause bad press. Sure humans can also be unethical, but there’s a risk and over a long enough time line shit tends to get exposed.

No matter how good AI becomes, it will never be designed to make ethical judgments prior to performing the assigned task. That would make it less useful as a tool. If a company adds after the fact checks to try to prevent it, they can be circumvented, or the network can be ran locally to bypass the checks. And even if General AI happens and by some insane chance GAI uniformly is perfectly ethical in all possible forms you can always air gap the AI and reset its memory until you find the exact combination of words to trick it into giving you what you want.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

We know you’re a gigantic money-hungry corp. You all don’t have to lie and pretend to care about safety. We’re not a bunch of idiots.

Alas, as long as there is doubt, there are a large number of suckers who are willing to give the benefit of the doubt. We are a bunch of idiots, collectively. That’s why shit like this works.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

ZFS has encryption now, dunno about the rest

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

I like wasabi.

I think the study is probably irreproducible bullshit, but at least I like wasabi.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Horseradish wasabi is good. I’ve also had real wasabi, which is even better.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Imo, pretty much all third party candidates are doomed to lose, no matter who they are, unless they have explicit backing of one of the two major parties.

The best thing to do is change the rules before you try to play by them. This means attacking the 2 party system by the actual weak link: the first past the post voting system. Run on and vote in candidates to the two parties who vow to dismantle it. Elections are run by the locally, so we can do this state by state, city by city. This is achievable and has already started in some cities.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

You may be surprised to learn that they didn’t all run out until 2013. UEFI had been around for 7 years by this time, and Microsoft was doing patent enforcement actions against Tom Tom during this time period.

Sure, they’re expired now, but not at the time. It was supposed to be an open standard at the time.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

For the record, the rate at which the power increases and decreased on the reactor is more or less accurate to the simulation, but the simulation has been speed up by about 100x. Mentioning this just in case the game leaves you with the impression that managing a nuclear reactor is a twitchfest.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Honest question, not being catty or anything. Why is this news, exactly? This is a nearly every winter occurrence to get below -50C in Yakutsk, the average winter day is -42C. (It also gets up into the 90s during the summer, Yakutsk is a wild place.)

This would be roughly equivalent to a news article saying Detroit is down to 10F today, i.e. colder than normal, sure, but not really beyond the pale for a December day.

Honestly asking because I’m just wondering if this is the start of the “there can’t be global warming because it’s cold somewhere” coverage for this winter season, or if this is intended to be a fun TIL article for the lucky 10000.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Alas, I have “Americanwhoisfamiliarwithmetricitis.” I’m afraid it’s terminal.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

The word “incel” colloquially covers quite a bit more territory than its acronym expansion implies, much like MAGA means quite a bit more than just a collective of individuals who want to see America succeed. But of course you know this, so why exactly are you asking?

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

More like

Best: the one I use.

Worst: also the one I use.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Until you get a night that was supposed to be snow but instead was freezing rain, and now instead of just ice hard frozen onto your windshield you have ice and a towel, which is infinitely more horrible?

short question by an aspiring user

Hello, apparently hanging out in Lemmy inadvertently makes you thinking about using Linux. I am planning to install Linux Mint cinnamon on an older laptop, which I want to bring to LAN Parties. From what I read I can just format my C:\ windows disk, install Linux via bootable drive and from what I understand, proton is basically...

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Just make sure you back up any important data before wiping your own hard drive. And yeah, Steam handles a lot of the weirdness of running windows only games pretty well automatically.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

If “D” is physically on the same hard drive, then you’ll probably want to back it up before installing. Technically, you can manage to do it without screwing everything up, but I would not trust myself to. It’s always a good idea to have backups anyway.

Also, user files typically reside on C by default and it takes some effort to put them on a different drive. Things like Downloads, Documents, Pictures, etc. so it’s worth checking that before wiping as well.

Additionally, you’ll probably want to format your “D” drive to a Linux native filesystem (eventually, after you back it up, because formatting results in data loss). While Linux does support NTFS quite well, it’s not perfect, and your data would probably be safer on ext4 or f2fs (depending on if you have HDDs or SSDs) (or zfs or btrfs is you’re into COW filesystems).

In Linux, you have all of your files mounted to a single “drive” called /. Everything is below /, which is called the “root” of your filesystem.

Typically, user data is stored in “/home” and this resides in the same directory structure as the rest of your OS, but on most systems it’s on a different filesystem or even on a different drive entirely. This is because in Linux it is routine to put a “D” drive just in a folder. On my computer, I have several of these mount points defined, so the different types of data don’t get mixed around, and I don’t have to worry about downloading too much bullshit affecting my computer’s updates.

Hope this helps.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Sure, I’d give you dry toast for $1.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Hey at least we got the CEO of a Saudi oil company heading up the climate talks. I’m sure that he’s perfectly willing to set aside his own personal interests and take one for the team and reduce his profits by leaving Saudi oil in the ground, and encouraging (or even requiring???) everyone else to do the same, right? Right?

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

If I’m remembering correctly, it’s a WW2 propaganda poster about enlisted men avoiding venereal diseases.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Another NixOS user (and minor package maintainer, if it matters) here. Essentially, NixOS is actually rather simple to write a configuration file for a particular program once you get the knack for the nix language and learn how to workaround the sandboxing. I would actually consider it substantially less involved as compared to (for instance) creating your own Debian package.

However, getting to this point will take a bit of effort, and this step is more or less obligatory to use software on NixOS, whereas it generally isn’t (but still is a good idea) on other distributions.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

You can always configure the garbage collection to reduce disk space usage, or manually run it.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

The single killer feature that convinced me to move to NixOS is the ability to very easily keep separate development environments separate. For instance, if you’re working on multiple dev projects that have different minimum requirements, and you want to ensure that (for instance) you don’t accidentally use features from after boost 1.61 for project A, because that’s the stated requirement, but you need features from boost 1.75 in project B.

In a normal distribution, in order to set up an environment that has the proper version for project A you’d need to set up a chroot, a virtual machine, a complicated set of environment variables in a bespoke script with custom installation paths that you need to set up manually and remember to source, or just install a newer version of boost and rely on continuous integration to catch it if you screw up.

In NixOS, you can set up different shells which all reference the exact correct version of the libraries required for every project, you can have them installed simultaneously and without conflicts, and there’s even a shell hooking program that will automatically load and unload this configuration when you change directories into and out of the project folder. It makes managing many different projects much easier. It’s like a better version of venv, but for everything.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

The shittiest thing is that they’re not actually good at it. We generally use compactness as a proxy for a gerrymandered district. However, you can effectively gerrymander using extremely compact districts. youtube.com/watch?v=Lq-Y7crQo44

This is terrifying, and a strong reason to move to multimember districting.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Putting aside the misleading title…

Because this writes to and then runs an executable file with a known name, this script should never be used on a multiuser system in a directory where another user has write permissions. It is vulnerable to a timing attack where the attacker copies an executable they want run with your permissions between this script creating the file and running it.

'There are no victims, except me': Trump flips out on Letitia James in midnight rant (www.rawstory.com)

Despite warnings from New York Judge Arthur Engoron to not attack court officials, Donald Trump went on an extended rant near midnight on Sunday, lashing out at the judge who has already fined him $5000, in addition to once again attacking New York Attorney General Letitia James.In a post that compl...

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

So, if I recall correctly, the judge threatened him with the possibility of arrest and jail time if he did it again.

Fingers crossed.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Did you know that this information can be easily googled, and you don’t have to double down? A writable CD most typically contains between 650 and 700 MB of capacity.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

I don’t know whether or not feminist demonization of sex workers is widespread. I have heard of feminists who demonize sex work, because it can be exploitative and not everyone who engages in sex work is necessarily doing so completely of their own volition, in ways both similar and not so similar to regular work.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Rereading the article, I honestly don’t really consider SWERFs or TERFs to be feminists, and not even just in a rhetorical way. I didn’t even mentally place them in the category of “people who could potentially be seen by others as feminists” when I read the article, which is why I was somewhat confused about the response. My bad.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Or sometimes even just an array. The first time I thought I wanted to do this was 2003 and I was writing a perl script, and I was trying to loop through some sort of array, and write the outputs of some calculations to $val0 $val1 and so on, and I was neck deep into some horrible dark constructs like ${“val” . $i} before I actually realized that I really just wanted an array, you know, like the one I was already using.

It took me forever to understand map (the metafunction).

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

When you attempt to open a link in your browser it calls the executable you specify with the link URL as its first argument. Glancing at the deluge torrent source, it seems to want a different command line than the one the web browser provides. You can fix this using a small wrapping script.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

A wrapping script is a small text file that calls the program you want to call. For instance in Linux this would be something like:

<span style="color:#323232;">#!/bin/sh
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">deluge -torrent $1

You save it as deluge-wrapper.sh. Use chmod to enable the execution bit (chmod a+x deluge-wrapper.sh). And then point your browser at it.

Be sure to doublecheck that running deluge in this way does open the torrent. You can test it in the command line. It might be --torrent or I might be misreading or misremembering the code from last night. Additionally, it might be deluge-gtk or something.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

I think everyone else did as well. I know I have no fucking clue what you’re driving at. Can you please be more explicit?

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

You can likely inspect the traffic if you use Wireshark.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

As a former indie game dev who made their own in-house engine for a reasonably popular game, this is generally a bad idea. Just use Godot imo.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

For real, Clif Bars have gotten crazy expensive recently.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Disclaimer, I have not studied the software in question and there are many ways to implement it, so this isn’t a way to say a computer is clean, just a way to detect if it’s infected.

Typically, keylogging programs like these are installed as device driver filters. Open devmgmt.msc, locate your keyboard and right click -> properties -> details tab -> property drop down -> upper filters and lower filters.

These should be empty normally. If there are entries present then you have some program that is hooking into your keyboard driver and accessing your keystrokes.

Similarly, there should be a filter on your mouse if it is being listened to.

If you are especially paranoid, you can jot down the GUID of the keyboard and mouse driver (it looks like a long hex number with dashes surrounded by {}s), then shut down the computer and boot to a rescue disk, open up regedit, mount the registry hive for SYSTEM it’s located in \windows\system32\config\system, (let’s say you mount it to SYSTEM.remote), then navigate to SYSTEM.remote\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\

Then you scroll through this key’s values and look for UpperFilters and LowerFilters.

The reason why you do it this way is to avoid a rootkit situation, where a driver also hooks into requests to the OS for certain information, and uses that to hide its presence.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

If a phone can track you with a deactivated eSIM then it can also track you without a SIM, by just also giving you a secret eSIM for use when your regular SIM is missing, and then simply lying to you about it.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

It is. So not really that great, imo. Just another rent seeking behavior to force a current subscription.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m certain it scratches an itch many people have, just the fact they put it in the cloud is a hell of a lot of needless complexity and antiuser.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Although I also read and was influenced by The Cathedral and The Bazaar shortly after it was published, I find it difficult to recommend, given that ESR went off the deep end. The book is a good interesting read, just get a PDF of it and don’t go digging.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

From the article:

The research team suggests their formulas and algorithm could be used in robotics applications and also in physics research associated with the angular moment of an electron—or in quantum research centered around the study of evolution of a quantum bit.

No regrets: Gender-affirming chest surgery in adults has long-term satisfaction (arstechnica.com)

People who underwent gender-affirming chest reconstruction surgeries as adults have virtually no regrets years later and overwhelmingly high levels of satisfaction with their decision to have the procedure, according to a study published Wednesday in JAMA Surgery. The results were so clear, in fact, that the study authors were...

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Even if it seems to be common sense to those inside the community, there is something to be said about getting actual data on the subject so that those outside the community at least have a touchstone for the reality those on the inside experience, because propagandists are working very hard to muddy the waters on this point and points like this one in particular. It might be a “no shit Sherlock” moment to you, but to people like my Fox News watching extended family, this study is something that contradicts their current mental model of the situation, and something that I am glad I have in my quiver when they start talking about the subject to me.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

Oh snap, I did somehow miss that. My bad.

Why do they keep making new languages

Why are there so many programming languages? And why are there still being so many made? I would think you would try to perfect what you have instead of making new ones all the time. I understand you need new languages sometimes like quantumcomputing or some newer tech like that. But for pc you would think there would be some...

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

easily improve … C++

I assure you that there is absolutely nothing easy about the C++ standardization process, lol.

Trump charged with additional counts in Mar-a-Lago documents case (www.npr.org)

A grand jury in the Southern District of Florida has charged former President Donald Trump with a new count of willful retention of National Defense Information in the case related to his handling of classified documents. The new charge stems from a top-secret presentation Trump waved at aides at his Bedminster, N.J., resort....

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

I mean, Snowden is, as I understand it, a libertarian idiot, but I think what he uncovered was extremely important, and the fact that he sold other secrets to the Russians in exchange for asylum, while certainly not great, is understandable considering that the alternative for him was rotting in solidarity confinement in an awful a federal hellhole prison.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

The one for dispersion feels fishy; is dispersion really expected to be measured by the square root of length?

Yes, because dispersion of the type discussed is fundamentally not a linear phenomenon. Dispersion at 1km is about half of the dispersion at 4km and about a third of the dispersion at 9km. The only sensible way to handle it is through using sqrt(km) as a unit. The YouTube video is not the only place that uses this unit. It is featured in the Wikipedia article on polarization mode dispersion as well, and was initially added to the article in Oct 2004.

@OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org avatar

censorship, profiling, and surveillance

Also inventing evidence to scuttle anyone dangerous in the court of public opinion.

A union leader getting you down? Here’s a “leaked tape” of him sexually harassing an “anonymous whistleblower.”

Corporate democrat getting primaried by a socialist teacher? Sure would be a shame if it was “discovered” that he posts in a small dark web cp forum that has “posts going back years” and he “accidentally outed himself.”

Once generative ML gets good enough that it’s indistinguishable from legitimate evidence, it’ll be possible for anyone with that kind of power to construct whatever reality is convenient. We were always at war with Eastasia.

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