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Keeping users siloed in Facebook’s garden shouldn’t be seen as a win for us.

Sometimes the only winning move is not to play. If people hadn’t federated with google’s XMPP back in the day, google wouldn’t have had the same level of control it had to kill XMPP as a competitor.

We need to learn from the lessons of the past, and the past has resulted in the deaths of services when federating with corporations.


So what?


I never said defeating them or out competing them should be the goal. The goal should be the survival of services. And corporations will kill these services.


I haven’t heard anything from a third party, and no doubt hamas is exagerating to some degree, but whatever the actual numbers are, I wouldn’t think the current estimate of ~20,000 is far off. Israel is intentionally bombing civilians, so the estimated number sounds fairly reasonable to me.

Easier to confirm, is the proportion of women & children. About half the population of Palestine is children, and about half are women. So ~75% being women or children also fits.


Dude, I am this 🤏 close to being banned in another community for daring to say that the current event is a genocide of palestinians.

I’m not denying anything, let alone for the sake of convenience. I’m not apathetic. All I’m saying is, is that the current numbers are probably not completely accurate.

I also explicitly said that the current estimate is probably not far off.


Yeah. Definitely place sole blame on hamas instead of the people intentionally bombing civilians.


First, you’re going to need some sort of evidence to back up this claim.

It’s in their interest to exaggerate, and they are under the control of a terrorist organization.

Second, Hamas isn’t who is publishing these numbers.

My understanding is that the only people tracking & publishing the numbers is the Palestinian health ministry, which is under the control of Hamas. Everyone else is just saying “Gaza’s health ministry said X” and such.


People are posting fan fiction of them together? That’s disgusting! Where? I need to make sure I avoid it.




I did as close to that as I could, going to community then transferring to a 4 year. The problem is deeper than people wanting extra stuff, part of the problem is that nobody respects community college degrees, and they’re usually 2 year programs.

Olgratin_Magmatoe, (edited )

Scholarships that only exist in the first place because we have privatized higher education, which is privatized because of greed.


I’ve got about $25,000 reasons why it is not in fact better.

Olgratin_Magmatoe, (edited )

It may not be much in comparison to others, but that doesn’t make absolve me of my debt. Practically every other developed nation has this figured out, it’s long past time we caught up.


Yeah, it was more or less the same experience for me. My community college was the same quality teaching (and in some aspects it was better). Which just makes it infuriating that 4 year community college programs aren’t really an option.


The sound effect makes it way better


Ah, I see. Imgur had it muted and I just didn’t realize.

Olgratin_Magmatoe, (edited )

Star Trek: Tactical Assault for the DS

I was absolutely trash at it, but I loved it. And to be honest, I thought it was just a very hard game to begin with. There is only so much you can do to manage your shields, weapons, and position before the ship becomes overwhelmed.

The graphics and animations were solid too.



“Embrace extend and extinguish” has happened before, and it can happen again if corp run instances are allowed to gain traction.


I think it is a completely valid worry that corporations will come in, capture an audience, and then force the original lemmy instances into ruin. There is also the fact that corporations will want to make money off of it, and financial motivations are antithetical to the fediverse ecosystem.


Embrace extend extinguish

Don’t federate with corps, it will only end badly


It’ll look like what we already have. Swaths of users self hosting, with lots of redundancy to deal woth instances that have problems.

And that might mean it needs to stay small, but that’s OK. Not all success is measured in popularity.


all we know is that they don’t use money, except when they do. The writing is sort of fuzzy on the matter, which results (regardless of the intention) in an economy that doesn’t actually seem that different to our modern day in practice

At most they use credits, which at least according to this guy, are at most a peripheral, 3rd party currency, or at least a currency the federation uses for external trade, and that’s what makes most sense to me. Why would the average person care about federation credits when they’re only used on border systems at most, and your home replicator can make you pretty much anything you’d ever want? To a person living in such a world, for all practical purposes there is no such thing as money in the federation.

There’s no money, but people still own businesses and talk about buying stuff, which allows for the economic system to fade into a sort of forgettable background space.

They never seem to talk about buying stuff unless it is out on the frontier, exchanging with foreign entities, etc. It also doesn’t seem like businesses in star trek (at least the above board, earthlike ones) aren’t anywhere near today’s businesses. To me, it seems that they are treated as family businesses, with limited “employee” count, and with each “customer” getting their service/food/item for free, within reasonable limits. It’s like going over to your family’s house for dinner. You don’t pay, you’re family and they will happily feed you (within reason). And it seems that businesses treat everyone like that.

There is no stock market, profit motive, costs of running a business. It’s all done out of the goodness of people’s hearts.


I doubt it’s that big of a difference. If they have the tech to materialize full fledged humanoids regularly, millions of times a day, I’d think they’d also have the tech to make replicated food taste good.

But sure, I can see it being marginally better. But not enough to mean money is still in use.

It might be more of a “tomatoes I grew myself” type of thing for most cases.


My point was that the way the economy is portrayed is such that we don’t get to see much of how it actually works, meaning that a lot of our understanding is speculation based on a handful of lines.

For sure, and it is rather frustrating. But it makes sense that they don’t outright explain the details, as it would just cause lots of people to complain.

The wildcard here is that we see Federation worlds that seem to still use money, namely the Bolians who are members of the Federation, but the Bank of Bolias is a major financial institution.

It also might be a planet to planet thing. Like, imagine if a ferengi colony world broke off and asked to join the federation? They would undoubtetly keep their currency. It would just be a question of whether or not it is seen as a dealbreaker for the federation. I’d wager it wouldn’t be, so long as said ferengi colony keeps to the “every one treated equal, with dignity, and sufficiently provided for” philosophy of the typical federation world.

It seems that replicators are not essential to eliminating money in the Trek universe, although I’m sure they’re a boon to the standards of living.

Yeah, that is a common theme that I’ve heard as well. If we had replicators in today’s world, it would only be for the rich, and even if it came down in cost it would still never be free to get one or operate. The philosophy of society itself has to change to agree to make sure everybody is housed, fed, and cared for sufficiently. Without that step, replicators aren’t going to do anything to get us to a post scarcity world.


I haven’t heard that take before, which is actually a decent workaround for the “why can’t we replicate living beings?” question.

I doubt it would be detectable though. Because you’d have to be able to tell the difference between replicated molecules, and molecules that were transported, with only differences being individual atoms and subatomic particles. Neither of which I’d think somebody capable of discerning. Maybe it’s a bit if a placebo thing?

Or maybe it would be a “pure water has no taste” sort of thing, where replicators make things too pure, to the point where some consider it bland. A real tomato grew in dirt and still has at least some, and the soil effects it’s taste, whereas the same isn’t true for replicated foods.

There also may be some degree of intentionally making an excuse. Lots of people love gardening, and in a world with effectively infinite, free food, your hobby seems more valuable if you have an excuse that your home grown real food & liquor tastes better.


If it can be solved through software/programming the item correctly, then it sounds like it isn’t an issue of replicator resolution.

I’m not saying it’s just a placebo. I think it might be a part of it though.


Yes, I’ve seen all of the main series minus some of the latest seasons from the new shows.


How am I going to airfry a soup?

(With that said I have an air frier)


That’s exactly what I do and I don’t have problems getting it warm all throughout.

And even for solid food it isn’t too hard. Just keep it shaped like a doughnut, then let it sit for a minute or two.


It might be a similar line of though as the Goa’uld weaponry from SG-1. They aren’t meant for accuracy or range. They use weapons of terror that create an absolute massacre when they do by chance hit.

The Ferengi, and especially of that particular group were Ferengi pirates of some sort, probably wouldn’t be above such tactics.

But also it was very clearly not a well thought out episode, so I’m absolutely applying meaning where there is none.


The difference is that 9/11 was able to be channeled into xenophobia. The same can’t really happen with school shootings. The 40k mindset of hate being a valuable and limited resource hits way too close to home.

And it’s all a tragedy.


Politically, it did do something. It was a useful wedge issue for republican politicians to take advantage of, at the cost of people’s lives.


What ever happened to the free market deciding? I thought the whole point of capitalism is that if you do awful things your business dies?

They should have lost all of their customers the moment the public found out what they were doing. Some of us aren’t going back to such a business.


I’m aware that’s how it works in practice. I’m saying that even by conservative, capitalist idealism they should have been shut down for being bigots.


You’re missing my point. I am saying that the “free market shall decide” is enough justification to boycott them, regardless of how long ago they were doing shitty things.



It’s legalized bribery.


They may have tried that in the past to no avail. The episode specifically mentions there was several failed attempts at first contact.

A guide only works if you understand the guide. Think of it like this, if I sent you all 1679 ones and zeros from the arecibo message to you, but you didn’t understand the concept of zero, you’d have a hard time understanding what the message meant, even if the message itself was self explanatory.

Their language isn’t just grammatically different, it is uses a fundamentally different structure, and the Tamarian brain might be structurally different as well, able to easily account for language when young. So there may not be much of a “base language” that the metaphors are built on so to speak.

Olgratin_Magmatoe, (edited )

They’ve also run things like the pioneer plaques (or maybe it was arecibo) past other scientists, who often have difficulty discerning the meaning behind them. If human scientists have difficulty discerning the meaning, I can only imagine what kind of difficulty aliens who speak in metaphor would have, let alone if they weren’t linguists/scientists, which appear to be the case in the episode.

We evolved to hunt, and so it is suspected that as a result of that, we understand arrows to indicate direction. A species that hasn’t evolved in such a way might not understand the meaning of arrows. Apply that same principle to language and you potentially have your problem.


I think half of the episode is the Tamarians genuinely struggling with human language. If the federations translation software wasn’t up to the task, it isn’t surprising that the Tamarian’s software wasn’t up for it either.

Based on the episode, it was posibly the first time Tamarians ever had friendly and successful first contact. Because if they had it previously, they might have asked for help translating when meeting new races such as with the Federation. The episode would have went a lot different if they had an Adorian ambassador with them saying “Yeah these guys talk in metaphor and only metaphor”.


it’s possible that they only use that weird allegory reference pattern when speaking formally to strangers or whatever

It seems like an awfully bad idea to use a communication method that doesn’t transfer what you mean if you have a better option available.

It’s also possible that their language in the original version makes more sense and is more practical and it just gets mangled by the universal translator.

I doubt that’s the case. I don’t see how a non-metaphor based language would get turned into a metaphor based one through a software bug. Some big hand waving would need to happen for that.

IMO the Tamarians probably have brains that are structurally different such that their metaphors come far more naturally.


That’s assuming that they could understand Federation text books, and that their metaphor based thinking wouldn’t make it nigh impossible for them.


Overall seems to give a good picture how Treconomics, but I think he is wrong a in a few ways. The first being private property. There is definitely personal property, but no private property as “business” like the Sisko Family Restaurant and Picard’s vineyard aren’t charging anything from what we can tell. They operate like their customers are family, and you’re visiting them to eat/drink with/etc and then go home.

The second is his labeling of The Federation as a technically capitalist society. I don’t think that’s the case, as corporations don’t seem to exist aside from the ones that are owned and operated outside of Federation space. There are family “business”, but they don’t have stocks or a stock market. And because the “businesses” that do exist don’t charge or make profit, I don’t think it can be considered capitalist.

And they are indeed credited to and debited from each citizen’s “account.” However, the average citizen doesn’t even notice it, though the government does, and again, it is not measured in currency units — definitely not Federation Credits.

I think this idea of each Federation citizen having a welfare account is probably wrong. I think it’s more likely that it’s just assumed that you won’t abuse the replicators/transporters, with a set limit of how much of something a user can use it.

So you can maybe replicate only a handful of basketballs a day, a couple hundred hotdogs, etc. But there is an inbuilt limit to the machine and electricity provided to your home. But it’s not an account.

Sure, I agree that there is absolutely somebody/some governing body controlling and tracking energy use. But again, no personal account.

As for the rest of what he said there, I am pretty much in full agreement.


Complete tangent, it’s probably not too hard to get around the limits of a replicator if they prohibit or limit alcohol. Presumably you could have it create all the supplies needed for fermentation and make your own batch.

It would take a bit, but you’d have as much as you’d ever want.


I think if you need to be payed to be loyal to Starfleet/The Federation, that kinda is a deal breaker given the philosophy of personal growth and societal enrichment.

Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?

2020 was… truly unique. It was so hard to stay away from doom scrolling, and I (and many others) were pretty disillusioned by the sad fact that so much of our country legitimately supported the Orange Man. I didn’t get a wink of sleep the night of the election because I genuinely considered it to be a make or break decision...


Our electoral system is inherently biased against 3rd party candidates due to the spoiler effect of first past the post voting. The only solution is election reform that regulates election finances, a switch to approval/STAR voting, and regulation on political ads.


Fantastic video. And potentially even a decent introductory video for people deep in conspiracies over 15 minute cities like my parents.


Sure they could. But that’s not going to stop me from circumventing their attempts if it is reasonably possible.

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