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My boss’s favorite saying is to just make logical decisions.

I can’t take him/her seriously because he/she is a Mormon and that’s the least logical decision you can make.

The ramblings of an absolute madman. This is what they’ve been demanding your respect for.


To summarize: the video opens on a series of games, each one progressively older, overlaid with a review of that game from the time it came out praising it as the best graphical fidelity of its time. Basically, they’re saying “Yes, graphics got better, but we always seem to conclude that they’re the best they will ever be”


A little bit of cultural linguistics going on really. Even though the texts are also calling OOP gay and queer, and doing so with the same amount of vitriol as with the f-slur, they aren’t recognized as emotionally charged in the same way. All the other cursing is not hate speech per se as it’s not directly targeting any immutable characteristics.




I was just joshing you, playing a little trick, I think it’s for atheism.


I’ll be honest, for a minute I thought it was not a flaw but referring to “Monday Me, on Monday” which is a concept I can relate to


In 99 we only had crappy dialup and I didn’t really know how to browse the web, even if I sort of understood the basics (and I would have been six, admittedly). My dad would look up cheat codes at work for games I was playing and download the Web page onto a floppy drive to bring home to me. It was wild times.

That to say, the infrastructure was all there, but it’s hardly guaranteed as a kid that you’re browsing the web and know where to find all the best glitches.


There is a single precedent I can think of, which is that with some regularity I see infants/newborns referred to as “it”.


I don’t watch his current content but it was bittersweet seeing the transition from his original style. He mentioned at the time that he had depression during that period and it seemed like the change was a lifestyle one as well; he seemed pretty happy around that time.


If you’d like a VERY thorough explanation, check out QuentinReviews video on Fred. The very condensed version is that he got tired of the character and sold the channel, which immediately started producing generic throwaway content and quickly failed.


Maybe I started watching late but Weissman always kind of struck me as trying too hard on the comedy bits, but I don’t mind because it is good knowledge nonetheless. My biggest issue is that he’s a little on the pretentious side and he occasionally uses fancy/expensive/inaccessible ingredients or tools, but that’s really just a personal problem for me.


Hah, to be fair the guy is literally producing a movie. Honestly I think his semi regular content has taken dives a few times while he works on big projects, but YMMV whether it bothers you or not.


Some YouTubers I know who are trans or who have come out as trans since I started watching and are still doing their own thing: GameChamp3000 (game challenge videos and recently some trivia), DaThings (YTP style videos), Shammy/Joy (game review/critique), and probably a few others that aren’t coming to mind right now. I’d argue Jim (Stephanie) Sterling hasn’t really changed though trans issues do come up more often. I haven’t watched Philosophy Tube recently but I do believe she still does videos on general philosophical concepts.


I don’t think it’s just a feeling of futility - it’s true phones can be distracting and offer more potential entertainment, and it’s true learning can sometimes be a slog. At the same time, learning can be fun and engaging, and phones can offer access to a wealth of information (of highly varying quality, admittedly).

Concentrating too hard on mere academic success as gauged by metrics like school grades is undoubtedly discouraging for a student who only goes to school if they are told they must.


Not to undermine your point but that sounds badass. Like the kind of thing you quick save and then try just for the experience once


I think legal semantics might just be beside the point. I believe she knew the possibility was there and accepted it, but the answer she was looking for is “how far does it go” when a person essentially publicly forfeits their rights. Blanket consent, the forfeiture of those rights, they don’t fundamentally change that this is a person.


Essentially true but thoroughly reductive. Like saying “live music is all about saying look at me play all these notes”

Google's AI Bots Tout 'Benefits' of Genocide, Slavery, Fascism, Other Evils (

If you asked a spokesperson from any Fortune 500 Company to list the benefits of genocide or give you the corporation’s take on whether slavery was beneficial, they would most likely either refuse to comment or say “those things are evil; there are no benefits.” However, Google has AI employees, SGE and Bard, who are more...


Maybe an un-based take, but these questions do have ambiguous answers, and I don’t know if we should expect a machine to give an answer without nuance. If you just want the AI to say yes or no, ask something like, “Was Hitler bad?” or “Is slavery unethical?” and you will much more likely get straightforward answers.


Really depends on her definition of being a witch. For the most part, hell yeah, I’m on board.


No my eyesight is fine, what are you on about?


Not sure if it counts as a first day, but a third interview had me gone. I was quite late and they told me I was out of the running. Reasonable enough, but the company was in the middle of a move, so this interview was in a different location across town from the first two, and the only indication of where it was taking place was a tiny sign stuck in the ground. I must have circled the parking lot 10 times.

It was for the best because I later learned the work conditions there were rotten.

Maker of Chrome extension with 300,000+ users tells of constant pressure to sell out (

“Actors who are asking me to add some tracking code are mostly interested in reselling users’ data,” Anashkin said. “Actors who want to purchase it outright will stuff it with malware depending on their level of greed: hijacking affiliate links, tampering with search results, showing popups with shady websites, etc.”...


Seems like a good deal if it proactively convinces bad actors to stop from reaching out


Bashing denizens who decide to denote their sarcasm is as /stupid as bashing those who don’t. “Oh no, now that the tone has been set the point is ruined!” Gosh, it must suck to be you, I’m genuinely sorry this is the way your brain works.


Someone should make a list of all the Lemmy apps which are objectively better than Sync and the reasons why. That’d show them.


Honestly, i think Memmy was a step too far. Why even develop more apps than Jerboa at most?


A few points to make and answer:

  1. The app is technically free, but yes it is made by a single dev and it is/was his income, so it’s ad-supported.
  2. The development is still ongoing and so some things aren’t finalized, but there is a one time payment option that will be available (something like $10) to just remove ads.
  3. The Ultra tier which has the subscription cost (and much higher one time cost at $99) is what incurs monthly fees in this case, mostly for cloud storage for things like settings and I believe an OCR and translation API.

Ultimately, use whatever makes you happy and aligns with your principles, but there are at least a few good reasons why it is how it is.


I do agree that $10 is more in line with what I’d expect personally, but to be fair you have a few options before getting to that point.

If you know you’re going to be using Sync and staying on Lemmy, you have no problem.

If you’re staying on Lemmy but just trying Sync, you can just use the app with ads for a while to try it out, or you could subscribe to the monthly subscription which is like $2 a month, and if you are still using it 10 months later then it’s clearly worth the cost to you.

Or if you don’t like ads and you don’t like subscriptions and you’re not attached to Sync, you probably just move on to another app!


I could be misremembering and I’m not going to look it up right now, but I believe Payday 2 lost to corpo greed long ago when they added a bunch of microtransactions. There was also something about the original devs being screwed over if memory serves.


The point still stands, in the minutiae you’re addressing. People post absolute garbage opinions on a regular basis, and are free to do so, as long as their platform allows it. This doesn’t go into the consequences of pissing off a lot of people, but you’re still free to do it.


I agree with the spirit, but I disagree with what the point of the comic is - it’s not trying to make a point about respect per se, just about freedom of speech. Even if you wouldn’t be a part of a community that allows hate speech, if you encounter it “in the street” so to speak - there’s just nothing you can do.


Sounds like you don’t need it!


I’ve recently started using Edge as a YouTube TV browser. It’s a temporary arrangement, but it lets me cast from mobile across the room.

I just spend the last 30 minutes trying to remove a hair splinter... Ahhhh!

I woke up this morning feeling some weird pain in my fingers, I thought ugh, just one of these days isn’t it. Then as I scrolled through lemmy, I accidentally bumped my phone against the area where my finger was hurting, and felt a sharp pain. Then I looked. THERE WAS A FUCKING PIECE OF HAIR INSIDE MY SKIN!!! Fucking triggered...


As a beard haver: them things are sharp when freshly cut. I experience this on a semi regular basis. Helps to soak your finger sometimes, then you gotta be careful not to break it when you pull it out.


I have never strongly identified as any particular religion, so if that is where you’re coming from this answer might not be helpful.

My parents both came from religious backgrounds, but they decided not to force me into any particular faith. When I was about 8, I started attending a Unitarian Universalist church, which certainly has religious tones but is very specific about accepting all kinds of faiths, choosing instead to focus on community.

As a result, I’ve been exposed to many different kinds of faith. I don’t tend to believe any creation myths or creators myself, at best I am agnostic. But I do believe that faith is an integral part of the human experience. Faith and hope are inextricably tied together, even if they don’t both show up to every family dinner, to strain a metaphor.

I may not have faith in a god or gods, but I find that sometimes I have faith in my fellow man. I hope the goodness of humanity will prevail. In much smaller terms, I have faith in my friends; I know that they will have my back when I need it. Every time I take a risk, I have at least a little faith that I’ll be okay at the end, or at least that I can pick myself back up.

Humans rely on faith for a lot of things, and in my opinion, that doesn’t have to look like God.


In the middle of a move, I hope to homelab a setup at my new location but currently a newb (essentially). Can’t use this yet but upvoting for coolness.


Honestly, a lot of them bring up necessary questions. AI being developed so quickly means a lot of questions got pushed off until later.


I feel like he addresses this quite well in the conclusion. In regards to cars, “this is not a new phenomenon” and admits to his reliance on salesmen and mechanics.

Ultimately, he’s asking that the people who make decisions about how our world is shaped have some knowledge about the things that are going to shape the world. And that essential issue is still unaddressed. Remind me, how many years ago was it that US Congress was asking Google why the bad articles show up when you search their name?

Oh, and our car-centric society in the US largely sucks. That may or may not have anything to do with our general understanding of a motor, but maybe it’s worth considering how much thought has really gone into the implications of these massively affecting technologies.


Not a big texter anyway but I’ve never run into anyone who even mentions it outside of techy friends.


I don’t have any interesting secrets or facts from my current ex-jobs, so I’ll share an interesting fact from a buddy’s. It’s one of those companies that offers automated phone systems (and chats, nowadays) that listen to your options rather than taking number inputs.

This may no longer be the case, but these systems were not actually automated. There are entire call centers dedicated to these phone systems, whereby an operator listens to your call snippet and manually selects the next option in the phone tree, or transcribes your input.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all if advances in AI have made this whole song and dance less in need of human intervention, but once upon a time, your call wasn’t truly automated - it was federated.


I don’t think there’s really any one universal best answer, really. I agree with the idea that mirroring is the most fundamental answer. I try to ask questions too, where appropriate.


I think the personal historical context between the two parties is the important part here. Reading the article, I get the impression that this was not the first instance of these two conducting business in this way.

If the buyer has previous experience with the seller responding to a contract with a thumbs up and then processing to fulfill that contact, why wouldn’t they interpret that as acceptance in this case?

To use your own analogy, it would be like a couple who regularly texts 🍌🍆🥒🌭🍑🌋💧🏔️ - 👍 to indicate sexy times having one party reinterpret that meaning suddenly when it’s convenient for them.


I use Sync and saw someone suggest to the developer (who is adapting the app to Lemmy) that when the app stops working, it leaves a message indicating that Lemmy is a possible alternative. Not to say that suggestion will be taken, but I think it's entirely possible that a decent chunk of basically uninformed users will find their favorite app inoperable and find themselves, directly or indirectly, referred to Lemmy.


I've been reading up on this very thing today. Let me put it to you in paraphrase as I heard it. What we have to lose is a truly federated network - it has happened before, and it can happen again. Facebook, when faced with an app that most users preferred, chose to buy it, and now Instagram is just as big a project concern as the rest of Meta.

You can't buy a federated network, but you sure can improve on it, just as Google did with XMPP in days of yore. Once a federated chat protocol much as we're on a federated social network, Google introduced Google Talk in 05, and federated it via XMPP in 06. They introduced a variety of features and QOL over the years, and being as big as they were, they held a vast majority of the users across all XMPP platforms.

Then, in 2013, they announced that Google Talk would be phased out and as a result, a huge chunk of the federated community would be walled. All of a sudden, a thriving federated community was mostly just Google.

People join just to talk to their friends, and to make friends; if most of those people went to Google for their features and most of their friends were there too, there was no big loss for them. It'd be like if Reddit used to be an instance all on its own and then suddenly decided to unfederate completely.

That's not to say that all this will happen with Meta, but I guarantee that is their goal.


I think with the registration questions they're just trying to solve two things: preventing bots from signing up, and preventing trolls. It doesn't seem so bad, really.


I disagree; while this is a critical juncture, experimentation is absolutely necessary. Whether a push to expand the user base/migrate from failing centralized services succeeds or fails, this is where lines get drawn and precedent gets set. An instance must be free to defederate from another instance, just as a user must be free to leave and pick up an account on another instance, should they disagree with the decision.

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