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Is Ubuntu deserving the hate? (

Long story short, I have a desktop with Fedora, lovely, fast, sleek and surprisingly reliable for a near rolling distro (it failed me only once back around Fedora 34 or something where it nuked Grub). Tried to install on a 2012 i7 MacBook Air… what a slog!!! Surprisingly Ubuntu runs very smooth on it. I have been bothering all...


Snap is a steaming pile of excrement. So much of the crap on the Snap Store is obsolete and out of date. Anyone and their monkey can post a snap on snapcraft, and… they do. Canonical is just as bad. They took it upon themselves to package up a lot of commercial-level open-source software 3 or 4 years ago… and then have done fuck all with it ever since. Zero updates to the original snaps they put there in the initial population of the Snap store (yes they do maintain a select few things, but only a small percentage of the flood of obsolete software in the Snap store). The result is people looking to install apps who poke the Snap store, go “oh hey, the application I want is there”, install it, and then get all pissy with the vendor… who looks about in surprise wondering how a potential customer managed to find such an old version (happened with at least 2 of my employers, and I’ve come across many more). Go search Reddit (or Google) for obsolete snap discussions. There’s no shortage people pointing at the same issue.


It’s a problem with Canonical. They stepped up and created the snaps and then abandoned them instead of maintaining them. They still maintain the core that they include with the distro… it’s all the extras they created to pad out the store… and then abandoned. “Look the snap store has so many packages”… yeah… no… it doesn’t.

Why would a company who makes a commercial level open source package want to add snaps to their already broad Linux offering? They typically already build RPM (covering RHEL, Fedora, openSUSE, Mandriva, etc.) and DEB (covering Debian, Ubuntu, all Ubuntu derivatives, etc.)… and have a tar.gz to cover anything they missed. Why should they add the special snowflake snap just to cover Ubuntu which is already well covered by the DEB hey already make?

Sure, show vendors what’s possible, but if Canonical stepped up to make the snaps, then they should still be maintaining them. It’s not a business opportunity… its more bullshit from Canonical that no one wants.

Video appears to show officer with knee on protestor's neck, police say it didn't happen (

A group of protesters that demonstrated at a rally in support of Palestinians over the weekend in Toronto say a man who was protesting was injured during his arrest — which included an officer kneeling on his neck, something Toronto's former police chief said officers are not trained to do.


“Appears to show”

/me: Checks videos… sees a VERY clear still from the video clear and unquestionably showing a police office with his knee on the neck of the man on the ground.

Ummmm… right…


A not insignificant number of people earning more than $90k have at least some dental benefits through their employers. Covering the most needy first is the best way to implement this program.

Most Albertans don't want the province to pull out of CPP, survey finds (

One month after finance ministers met to discuss the Alberta government's intent to pull out of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) public opinion polling by the Angus Reid Institute suggests there's little desire among Albertans or the rest of Canada to see Alberta leave the plan.


You missed the recent news that Calgary is now more expensive than Vancouver and Toronto?


There are inexpensive EVs…BYD makes some decent low cost EVs. They’re already in use as taxis in Montreal and IKEA delivery in Vancouver. The consumer versions are apparently coming in Canada… Just not yet. They are avail in Australia already and in Europe too.


Ah cool. I haven’t spent much time in Montreal… I stay west coast. I was just aware of the BYD taxis. Poked about online. Seems the BYD trucks are in Ottawa too.


You’re not the target market for FF16 then.


I moved to Alberta in late 2020 because I was told the COL was lower… it wasn’t. Some things were slightly cheaper than BC, but once I included all the things like car insurance, electricity costs, and… even housing… and then factoring in winters, snow, that brown muck that covers EVERY surface of Calgary from November to March… I bailed and moved back to BC.


Have you EVER traveled anywhere overseas? A simple comparison… Amsterdam vs Vancouver (I’ve lived in both cities). Vancouver transit is absolutely terrible in comparison, and the Dutch have to deal with swampy ground and water everywhere. Amsterdam has trams, buses, trains (local and long distance), and glorious cycle paths EVERYWHERE. The city is pedestrian friendly too… Vancouver is just a generic typical north American city built for cars and little else.


OK, Hamburg… Munich… Utrecht… Maastricht… Antwerp… Vienna… Paris… pick a city. Hell, even San Francisco has better transit in the majority of the Bay Area than Vancouver. Basically, what I wanted to point out is Vancouver is NOT world-class.

You don’t need trams everywhere, like Amsterdam. Something as basic as proper cycle paths so people don’t have to cycle in traffic would be nice.

I get tired of everyone excusing Canada’s stupidity because of population density. We have to pay among the highest cellular rates in the world because population density. How about it’s due to corruption and lame excuses. We have shitty transit because population density. We pay insane internet rates because population density… on and on. They are excuses. Canad can do better. We (collectively) choose not to.


I moved back to Canada after living over 20 years in Europe. I regret it every day. My family and I will be returning to Europe as soon as the paperwork comes through.


I’m planning to move. I was born in Canada. I worked overseas for several years. I came back to Canada and I’m leaving again. Hopefully permanently. Better pay is definitely one aspect (although it’d take 10x increase to get me to move to the USA), but it’s not the only one. Quality of life is another MAJOR point that Canadians miss out on in a big way. Yeah you get a bigger home… and a fancy big truck… but to get that, you work yourself to death, you pay insane prices for things, and you have to live with stroads…


You’re lucky to get treatment in 4 hours at urgent care. Where I live there is one clinic for over 100,000 people. You show up at 4am and that’s usually too late. They regularly put up a sign on the door that says “Was are only seeing 10 people today. Go to the local ER if you need medical care.” When you go there you can wait up to 2 days… or you give up and go home… or try in another nearby city.

My family and I save up our medical needs and get it dealt with when we travel. It’s faster and easier to pay cash for medical treatment when we are overseas visiting family than it is here in Canada.


Have you tried to get in through the bonkers immigration system though?

It’s a mess… a massive mess. It favours people who know how to abuse the system. TFWs are exploited and worked like slaves while high skilled immigrants who would contribute in big measurable ways - like doctors - are blocked at every turn. I personally know 4 doctors who all tried to come to Canada. None can get in… they can’t get the mandatory residency positions because they are full up with many many many more people wanting a spot than are made available… meanwhile Canadians are literally dying in the clinic queues because we don’t have enough doctors.


Harrison says he’s seen photos online that purport to show children who have undergone these procedures. “When I saw them circulating on social media—and honestly, it’s hard to avoid them at this point—of these young, beautiful children post-surgery:

What the fuck??? He openly admitted to this? Hard to avoid? What??? So… is anyone investigating Texas state representative Brian Harrison for CSA? Because it appears they should be…


Maybe that’s the thing for me. There are no transphobes in my circles. People I know are either accepting/supportive or neutral (they take a “it’s their life” approach) of people whoever they are… and they post travel photos and family event photos on social media.


It’s showing up in all the things… the chicken breast packages used to be 1kg for $9, and in the short term they’ve increased to $15 or so for 650g. The prepared chopped salad (you can argue it’s not a smart buy, bu it illustrates the differences) used to be 450g to 500g and you’d pay $4, now it’s $6 and you get 365g.

Consistently across the whole shopping list I’m seeing smaller packages for significantly more money.


Yah… food is overrated.


Suddenly, sales are up 15% and traffic to the company website is up 300%.


Start with income perspective. The average annual salary in 2022 was just under $60,000. Nationally, the average house price in summer 2023 was a bit over $750,000. These incomes and house prices are affected pretty strongly by the lower incomes and lower housing costs in rural Canada vs the major cities like Vancouver and Toronto

So… shift attention to the cities. In Toronto and Vancouver, the average house price is around $1,200,000 give or take a little. You need at a combined income of least $280,000 to qualify for a house like that (or have substantial equity built up in previous home purchases). Most people are earning at or close to the national average… with a few - especially those in STEM careers (sw devs for example) up over $100,000 per year.

I live in a suburb city (I own my house)… it’s inconveniently located if you want/need to be in the core city centre for work (I’m about 3 hours commute right now if I needed to go in to a downtown office… thankfully I don’t). Houses on my street are relatively new (most built in 2019 and 2020). The houses currently for sale are listing between $1,250,000 and $2,350,000.

Renting can be really awful in Canada too… you get stunts like this …… simply because they can…

tl;dr Housing in Canada is bonkers


Germany has its own insanity in the housing market :-P I lived in Germany or several years. I rented vs buying and I dreaded moving because facing that shit show of a rental process (at least in places like Hamburg) was… too much. Queuing up with 100 other people all racing to fill in the rental application form first just so they’d get a chance at a place. I quickly learned to use an agency to line up rentals… and ended up renting a VERY nice newly built flat for the same price as the old many-times-renovated flats in the same district.

I did buy a house elsewhere in Europe and it was… interesting as an expat. It was substantially cheaper than Canada… granted it was many years ago, so not a fair comparison.

The Canadian government makes noises about “fixing” the housing crisis in Canada, but… I honestly don’t think they can. Houses are currently priced out of reach… WAY out of reach for the average new home buyer. People can’t save up a 5% to 20% down payment fast enough to keep up with the rising cost of living. The cost of everything is increasing at multiple times their potential salary increases (if they even get any).


It’s like that with ANY new car/truck regardless of fuel type. The current generation of ICE/PHEV/EV vehicles are ALL incredibly complex machines. The days of purely mechanical controls, and a simple combustion engine ended back in the mid-1970s. The more complex they system the more potential points of failure. Not justifying the fails…


There has been attempts at it in the past


You should try immigrating to Canada. The barriers they put in place for skilled people are bonkers. I personally know of 3 doctors who all want to come to Canada, and 2 more physically IN Canada who are not allowed to work until they get a residency spot (despite being trained surgeons). They are trained/educated in accredited universities outside of Canada, so their credentials are not an issue… The medical board is the issue. They put so many barriers in place and intentionally artificially restrict the number of medical professionals who can enter. The potential doctors have to complete a Canadian residency and there’s a VERY small number of spots… the doctors also have to complete a series of lengthy exams that are eye wateringly expensive and time consuming. A lot of potential doctors that we desperately need in Canada give up and go work elsewhere in the Commonwealth/Europe/MiddleEast where they are welcomed and put to work almost immediately.


You and I see through the fluff… and we are in the minority. PP is just saying whatever people want to hear. No facts, no proof, just fluff that riles up the voters.


Sounds like Ubuntu underneath your Plasma. I’ve had the exact same experience when using Neon, Kubuntu, and Ubuntu+KDE. I install any non-Ubuntu based distro with KDE (like openSUSE) and whiz bang everything is working again.


I wouldn’t go with Opensuse or Fedora for gaming.

Why? I use openSUSE Tumbleweed for gaming and it’s been rock solid. Seriously, I’ve never really had any issues. It has its quirks, but they are easily “fixed” by adding Packman and the Nvidia repos… and running an update.

I’ve tried Ubuntu multiple times and it was always a shitshow disaster. Mint was OK-ish, but had Ubuntu-related silliness.


Linux needs more GUIs for managing complex settings.

openSUSE has YaST which covers almost all complex settings… it’s not perfect, but it tries


Kinda depends where you work.

I’ve been working full time in software dev and hardware dev since the mid-1990s. Through that whole time I’ve worked almost exclusively on (in the early days) Sun workstations, AS/400, and HPUX machines. This eventually transitioned to Linux and macOS (once it became Unix based). Over the past 7-8 years, every company I’ve worked for (primarily in backend software and “big data”) has actually heavily restricted Windows within the company. Most have required high level approval to have a Windows machine… you had to have a damn good business reason to run Windows as your primary OS.

Windows is definitely the leader in generic desktop work, but… there are pockets out there of Linux/macOS-only. And… given the strong shift to browser based everything… Windows has lost its shininess for all but the most specific applications - eg graphics editing in industry standard tooling like Photoshop.

Thankfully the school my kids go to doesn’t really give a crap what you run at home on on their laptops they used for school work as long as the kids are able to to their assignments. Almost 100% of what they do is browser based interfaces anyway, so it doesn’t matter what the underlying OS is. I’ve made a point of teaching my kids Linux, macOS, and Windows. They’ve both asked to run Linux on their personal PCs… it was, and remains their choice.


If you take a typical 4L jug of milk and lay it on its side in your refrigerator without first making sure the lid is tight (right from the grocery store), it can and will slowly leak. I see this all the time. We buy a new 4L jug before the opened one is empty (kids go through a lot) and there’s no room in the fridge to stand it upright… The place we can fit an upright 4L jug is already occupied by the opened 4L jug, the applejuice box, etc.

So… it’s not normal procedure to buy the new jug and just before we lay it on its side on the fridge shelf we check the lid is tight… and no leaks… forget and there’s a small puddle in an hour or so.


The Dutch shelf toilet… is an experience…


I can really relate to this. I lived outside of Canada for 25 years. I recently-ish moved back to Canada and am totally blown away by things here. Life isn’t always amazing in any place you pick on the planet, but god damn, Canadians need to stop contemplating their collective belly button lint and focus on some of the massive issues that need attention.


The pressure on rentals has potential to become MUCH worse too if the interest rates start pushing people out of their current owned homes.

I’m a home owner. I am looking at a mortgage renewal in about 18 months. At the current interest rates I’m facing a painful mortgage payment hike. Can I manage it without extending my amortization period? Yes… painful, but yes. I can absorb the increase because I intentionally bought in a (at the time) marginally lower COL area at less than 50% of what I qualified for. Most people I know who bought around the same time went right to the max and they are screwed at renewal if rates don’t drop by a substantial amount. In some cases they will be forced into extending their mortgages well beyond 30 years or forced to sell… if they sell, they have to live somewhere… they will transition to renting…


I’ve been using Nvidia with Linux for a VERY long time. Currently I have computers running:

  • GT1030 - two older PC
  • GTX2060 Ti
  • GTX 3050 Ti - laptop

They are all working fine with openSUSE Tumbleweed. I install openSUSE, add the Nvidia community repo (a couple of clicks), run updates once, and reboot. Everything just works after that. I can count maybe 3 times in the past 6 years that there was any issue at all.

Now Ubuntu and derivative… I’ve had a LOT of issues and weirdness… drivers failing, doing weird things etc.


I’m a parent. I’ve got two kids in elementary school. Ignoring the whole COVID thing, kids getting sick at school is just part of the process. They share EVERYTHING and then bring it home and share with their parents. You can’t protect them or yourself from all the various illnesses of humanity… unless you live in a bubble and never interact with another human being in any way.

Will it hurt if my kids get COVID? Damn rights… not just in the “my kid is sick and staying home” but also in the impact COVID can have on long term health… and the risk of serious complications.

There’s an element of acceptable risk at play for most families. We can’t have 100% protection, but… I make sure my kids are fully vaccinated with ALL vaccinations… MMR, Polio, COVID, flu, Pertussis, and so on. I teach them healthy habits… don’t sneeze on your friends, wash your hands, stop licking the counter top at the local ice cream show (kids aren’t too bright), and don’t pee on the electric fence.

I won’t keep them home from school just in case… I will keep them home when (and they will) they get sick.


Those used clothes are often more expensive than new.

My wife and I try to shop for clothes for our kids at places like Once Upon a Child. We find George (Walmart) brand clothing there with prices higher than buying new at the local Walmart. There’s not a lot of incentive to recycle clothing when it’s priced like that.

Value Village is picked clean… There are some “vintage” clothing stores nearby as well… they are shockingly expensive.

It’s really difficult to try and recycle clothing and buy or source used clothing When it is priced at the same as or higher then brand new.


I haven’t heard of this… took a look. There are two (Facebook) groups in the city I live in. I’d have to get a Facebook account to join. Hmmmm… will think about it. I’ve been avoiding Facebook since I disconnected from it a few years back.


Yeah I can see that being useful. We are planning to sell the house in about 18-24 months (assuming things don’t totally collapse) and will have to start clearing out the cruft at some point. Things not good enough for a Craigslist sale, but still has life left if someone is creative.

Still… sigh… Facebook…


I feel this so much. I own a property. I rented it out. I ran into that exact same lineup of expenses vs income you note here and… I ended up taking my house OFF the rental market. It’s just not worth it.

I keep getting into these discussions with people who yell “It’s immoral to buy a house and rent it out. Landlords must provide housing for renters at a loss so I can have cheap housing” and then… “It’s an investment and you as the owner must fund my low cost housing because you might earn equity in the property when you sell it in the future.”


At 50% they can do $4129 for a $650k

That’s a MASSIVE stretch for a typical family of 4 on your average income scenario, Once you factor in all the utils, maintenance… the $400 to $500/month property taxes, a $650/month car payment (an average family has a car payment)… and the incredibly high cost of food… they will be well over stretched at a 50%.


But it’s not unexpected. The wind out on the water right now is pretty brutal. If you’ve lived on the island for any time at all you’d know that weather is a major factor… even the big shoes that BC Ferries use are impacted by the weather conditions.

Better they err on the side of safety…


For me it’s pretty much any FPS in solo mode. I don’t enjoy the rage inducing behaviour of the NPCs that have perfect aim and can one-shot me from across the map… or that overwhelm me in a flood of mobs that double or triple the amount of ammo I can find. God mode all the way so I can enjoy the storyline and map design. I’ve played HL2 start to finish about 10 times… on god mode and loved it. If I play it standard mode… I will NEVER finish it. I don’t have the time or the twitchyness left in my reactions (I’m old) to dedicate to mastering the millisecond response times.

I did the same with Black Mesa. It’s a stunning re-imagination of the HL story. There’s ZERO chance I’d have played it to the end without “help”.

That said, I play other games in much harder modes… Civilization… Batteries not Included… Kill All Humans… and so on are played in at least “normal” mode.

MMORPGs… played as intended. No need for easy modes.

So I guess it depends a LOT on the game?


I’m old enough to remember that grocery store only had paper bags, and replaced them with plastic bags because we were using too much paper and it was killing all the trees.

Now we’re back to paper bags…


I used a Tampermonkey script called Reddit History Sanitiizer:…/code

You can modify it to do what you want… Power Delete Suite works too. There’s a lot more out there, especially now.


Son-of-a-bitch. I just searched with Google… and almost ALL my old comments are back. The user attribution is [deleted], but almost all the content of 13 or 14 years of comments has been restored. In a few cases, a top-level comment has not been restored, but everywhere in sub-comment conversations, I see my old content… content I know I explicitly deleted.

So, even though I explicitly deleted my contributions, they ignored and restored it. What an asshole move by the Reddit admins. And of course, now that my account has been deleted there’s no way to follow up and re-remove all my contributions.

I wonder. Considering that the vast majority of my comments on Reddit were done while I lived in Europe if I can use GPRD and insist they remove it all.

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