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Every single Onewheel is being recalled after four deaths (

Future Motion, the maker of the Onewheel electric skateboard, is recalling every one of them, including 300,000 Onewheel self-balancing vehicles in the US. Alongside the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the company now seeks to remedy the products after four known death cases — three without a helmet — between...


What about motorcycles? Surely they would be okay.


Thanks for that, really interesting data


My mom was complaining about some pyramid scheme get friend fell for and I explained how every business is a pyramid scheme.

You work, you produce way more value than you are paid, that money goes to paying other people and growing the business to make the shareholders rich. You aren’t rewarded for your work, generally. Somehow this is normal. The only difference with a real pyramid scheme is that they generally lie about how much you could succeed.

My wife and I are both lucky and we bought our place mortgage free because we were able to save while paying off our old place.

While making the purchase we specifically talked about how if the market crashes by 50%, we’re still better off. Because most likely every home will be similarly cheaper. And our earning potential would be similar.

The difference is that it’s hard to predict what will happen in an economic contraction like that. There would be a lot of joblessness and a lot of hardship.

What is the attraction to kids?

There has been a ton of CSAM and CP arrests in the US lately, especially from cops and teachers, along with at least one female teacher seducing boys as young as 12. I cannot understand the attraction to kids. Even teens. Do these people think they are having a relationship, or it is somehow okay to take away another human...


I think you’re missing the point, at least as far as I understand it.

Child predators experienced some kind of trauma, and as a result they never developed. That could be external trauma (abuse) or internal trauma (thoughts, mental illness) but as their body “grew up” and they began developing sexual urges, they never matured.

Think about your first crush. They were your age, probably, unless you had a crush on Jennifer Connelly like every other millennial boy. As you grew up your crushes were probably always within a few years of you. It’s just how it works.

In “minor attracted people” (I hate that term, but it works for criminals AND non-criminals so it’s valid) the attraction just doesn’t get updated.

Humans are REALLY BAD at controlling our impulses. Especially impulses that are taboo. Especially biological impulses (eating, sex, learning, games, etc).

So these people go into fields where they can be around kids. And then an “opportunity” arises and they either can’t fight their criminal impulse or they rationalize their criminal behavior.

And boom. Traumatized kids and teachers in jail.

We need to get more people therapy.


One of my favorite comedy bits.


I hadn’t heard that but it seems like the right kind of direction to be headed.


So say we all


Just wait until the market stabilizes.

These aren’t GPUs in the crypto boom, they don’t produce their own profit. Stop buying from scalpers and the price will crater.


7.25 / 0.25 is indeed 29, therefore a 2800% increase is correct.

Thus, another dishonest way of stating this number is that it has increased almost 33% for each year since it was first implemented. (Not per year)


Bank profits inflate the money supply.

If banks hold 100% of the money and lend it all out x10 (fractional reserve) and earn 1% interest, the money supply is growing by 10% per year.

That’s inflation. All that money goes to the banks.

Edit: that’s 1% on top of whatever they have to pay for the money from the fed, so 7% rate plus 1%, or whatever.

That doesn’t even account for the stock market and other speculative devices.

When business and the wealthy class get richer, they want to get even RICHER. Prices rise. Which drives record profit, which makes rich people wealthier, which causes the cycle to repeat.

Raising interest rates is SUPPOSED to make people uncomfortable and stop spending. It’s not working yet, because literally EVERY INCENTIVE IN OUR SOCIETY is pushing people to spend spend spend.

There is no functional market force driving down housing costs, food costs, or education costs. Unchecked capitalism can’t work.

We just need proper incentive structures and regulation. But seeing as nobody has the guts to start figuring that out, the only lever we have is interest rates.

So they’ll keep going up until something breaks.


I don’t like all of the fuckery the banks get up to. But even I’m willing to admit that this is a Pandora’s box situation… I’m not sure we can ever go back.

It would be like trying to restore the gold standard. Just… How?


I actually don’t disagree with most of what you’re saying. I’m mostly pro-capitalist but anti-crony and anti-corruption which it sounds like you are too.

Maybe I’m just misunderstanding, so I’ll try and clarify:

If a bank earns 1% interest, that doesn’t grow the money supply.

X$ exists.

Banks loan out 10*X$ (or whatever).

The loaned money is debt and so doesn’t change anything because the cash and the liability counter each other.

The bank charges Y$ in interest.

After the debt is repaid, the bank has X+Y$

You’re saying that because the Y$ comes from somewhere, it’s not inflation. However as banks are profitable, they clearly have more money left after paying salaries, wages, costs, and dividends.

As long a the money that the bank has is growing, the amount they can lend is growing which means the pool of available money is growing.

It might not be “real” money (I’m probably misusing the term “money supply”) but it doesn’t change the fact that more “money” is available.

Raising interest rates means people borrow less which means banks make less money and grow slower. If this were to keep up eventually the banks would lose money and the amount of loans they could give out would decrease and the available money would decrease. Which might finally put an end to this rampant inflation.


In Gaben we trust.

When he’s gone I assume it will go to shit.


There’s coffee in that nebula.

  • Captain Janeway

When it comes to psychology, I think Peterson has a lot of valuable insights.

When it comes to anything else I just wish he would shut his mouth.

That combination of feelings really sums up a lot of Joe’s guests.


Autonomous vehicles apparently lull human drivers into a state of comfort very quickly, I imagine that the “human drivers” wouldn’t be alert and ready to prevent a tragedy.

I don’t know how I feel about the push for autonomous vehicles. But I know from working with professional drivers that it totally wrecks the human body.


As long as it doesn’t become another externality that places the expenses on the government/taxpayer, I’m okay with it. Someone in this thread mentioned there are teams to handle situations like that, and they sounds like enough for me.


I couldn’t agree more. New car buyers want status, flash, specs, etc.

Anyone practical will just buy something 3-5 years old with a solid maintenance history and no MIL on.


Obviously, in any discussion about groups as diverse as men/women, it’s important to recognize that these are sweeping generalizations and that individuals can vary wildly.

It’s not being “sensitive” or “emotional” that most dudes have trouble with.

Most women probably don’t consider it a sign of strength, either. Not the sensitivity or emotionality.

In my experience, most men are focused on something that is happening. A sport or activity, a task, whatever. Your sharing is most likely out of rapport and just isn’t how they want to interact.

I have close male friendships that are very emotionally open, and others where it just doesn’t feel right.

In my experience, women are different. Male/female relationships are already complicated and getting into preferences and other dynamics is pointless. It could be anything.

Assuming you’re attractive/confident/wealthy/etc, there would be many women who would comfort you just to keep you in their orbit.

Assuming you aren’t, there are many women who would comfort you out of a sense of maternal care and empathy.

Assuming you’re usually friendly, funny, safe, etc, women broadly seem to be kinder and more interested in interacting in that emotional space.

Does any of it matter? Probably not. Before insulting all men you know, it might be better to consider that you might just not like to have typical male friends. Just because people don’t like doing what you do, it doesn’t make them dumb.


Eh, I hate the phrase toxic masculinity.

Some people are assholes. Men are assholes, and women are assholes. Don’t blame it on their gender.


Imagine relying on labor for income under capitalism lmao

Edit: /s


You did it right, but the only thing keeping most people honest is regulation. Until pro-tenant behavior is properly incentivized for landlords, most will remain shitty and selfish.


Imaginary altruistic socialists after murdering everyone that doesn’t support socialism?


If you want people to put you first, you just need to make it so that having you in their life makes their life better.

Be a better friend, coworker, team member, etc.

And stand up for yourself, so that people don’t try to take advantage of you.

Know your worth and demand it from people.


Wait, was it a relevant person?

It’s the son of the artist, right? Did the son have anything to do with Batman? Did the son’s sexual orientation have anything to do with Batman?

What else is relevant about the son? Was he an artist? A writer? What did he do for a living? Did he have any relevant health disorders? Food preferences? Did he have any children?

BROADLY SPEAKING, your sexual preferences are the least interesting or relevant things in any conversation, unless we’re considering dating each other.

I don’t know the history of Batman so maybe it’s actually relevant, but my gut says it’s just not.


Holy crap I’ve never been so amazed. Yup, 100% relevant.


I identify as tired.


100% stolen from Nanette, a great comedy special/activisty rant by Hannah Gadsby.

Worth a watch even if she’s not your cup of tea.


Well it was a good joke.

And that sucks. Fuck AIDS.


I don’t disagree with you at all.

I was responding to someone claiming they were deleting a relevant gay person from history - I was challenging the “relevant” part, that’s all.

I personally couldn’t care less what this guy put in his presentation.


Yep, that’s my attitude too. Apparently it’s unpopular.

A New Low: Just 46% Of U.S. Households Subscribe To Traditional Cable TV (

The “cord cutting” trend cable execs spent a decade claiming was a fad just broke another round of new records. According to Leichtman Research, major cable TV providers lost another 1.7 million subscribers last quarter, as users flock to streaming, over the air TV, TikTok, or, you know, books. Roughly 17,700 customers cut...


My first thought was that it was way too high. I haven’t had cable in… 10 years?

Edit: no, it was more like 15. Holy shit I’m old.

Unity issue an apology on Twitter for "confusion and angst" over the runtime fee policy. (

We have heard you. We apologize for the confusion and angst the runtime fee policy we announced on Tuesday caused. We are listening, talking to our team members, community, customers, and partners, and will be making changes to the policy. We will share an update in a couple of days. Thank you for your honest and critical...


This was always the plan, by the way. This is the Trump school of negotiation.

Make a horrendous, unrealistic, offensive proposition. Opponent is outraged.

Then, propose the offer you actually want. It now looks better relative to the initial proposition.

I fucking despise this type of action and will never touch unity or suggest it to anyone ever again. It’s the only way to root out this type of bullshit from our society. Scorched earth.


The ONLY acceptable apology at this point is a complete roll back and a full announcement of the direction they plan to take the company in for the next 5+ years.

They’ve absolutely lost the trust of devs, designers and hobbyists.

Aphantasia... apparently 3% of the world has it. Any aphantasists in here, who've had success improving their condition?

10 years ago, I’d have put my ability to visualise at 0 out of 10. Practice and occasional halucinogen use has got me to 2 out of 10. It causes no end of problems in day to day life, so I’m interested to hear if anyone has tips or just experiences to share so it doesn’t feel such a lonely frustrating issue....


I can’t “picture” things in my mind, but I get pretty strong “feelings” about relative volumes, lengths, shapes, etc. As a result I can eyeball measurements pretty accurately.

When it comes to physically organizing things in space, I literally have to guess and test, and just rearrange things until they work… But, I do still get that “feeling” about how it might work.

It’s the same with empathy. If I see someone about to injur themselves, I don’t “see” it, but it definitely get a flash of feeling and I’ll wince and feel the thing.

Is that aphantasia? I didn’t even know this was a thing, but… ¯_(ツ)_/¯


I see these bundles but I always assume they are trash.

Are they trash? I haven’t been interested until now, but I’ve been meaning to learn a bit of game dev as a hobby and unity isn’t really an option anymore.


That’s always the conflict here, the free content on YouTube is just frequently so good. I guess I’ll just take a look for godot stuff right now and then decide.


This is more like if it was successfully sold at auction, and THEN banksy destroyed it after taking the money.


Crazy People (1990)

A feel like I can’t describe it. It blows taboo and political correctness up to expose the BS in the advertising industry. It’s fun and cute and I swear nobody has seen it.

Thousands sign up to experience magic mushrooms as Oregon’s novel psilocybin experiment takes off (

Psilocybin tea, wind chimes and a tie-dye mattress await those coming to an office suite in Eugene to trip on magic mushrooms. For roughly six hours, adults over 21 can experience what many users describe as vivid geometric shapes, a loss of identity and a oneness with the universe....


While I agree, staff wages, administrative costs, brick and mortar costs, and then a profit margin add up very quickly. Especially if they have nurses and doctors as staff.


Republicans. Because they are jonesing for a way to impeach the other guy so they can feel better about Trump.


It’s because they broadly don’t care about legislation. They care about what was written in some book thousands of years ago and the dream that they could be rich and matter someday (most won’t).


I’m pretty sure Hunter is just a lever to pull to try to stain Biden.

To be fair, the outrageous allegations I’ve heard the Republicans make would be insanely problematic and evil if true, but I just haven’t seen any reasonable evidence to think they are. If I saw the evidence I’d want Biden impeached in a heartbeat. Nobody is above the law.


They like to skip the parts that suggest, you know, loving thy neighbor, or don’t idolize people/things, or don’t be greedy.

You know, the stuff that doesn’t fill seats like some miracle child being born or dragging a cross through town or disappearing from his grave.


That’s why this is an existential threat for so many studios.

They can’t survive with the Unity pricing, and they probably don’t have the funds to transfer to a new system. So they will have to shut down.


… In a (generally) mildly toxic environment where I feel judged and under appreciated?

Count me out.

Workplaces used to be a lot more casual.


That’s madness.

Imagine the player outcry being too just uninstall and reinstall games over she over to punish the devs.

About electric vehicle. If you add the maintenance cost for battery, how does it fair compare to gasoline vehicle? On cost we have to pay.

I heard someone said that, at the end EV will cost you almost the same as gasoline vehicle, if you have to change the expensive battery every so often. Can someone please give me more info on this? Thank you so much.


Last time I took my EV in for service the guy just told me to come back in 6 months. Truly hilarious.

No spark plugs, oil changes, no transmission fluid, nothing to leak. No air filter or fuel filter or vacuum hoses or plug wires or whatever they are going to try and sell you.

Plus, fewer brake jobs because of regenerative braking.

I miss a manual transmission but I don’t think I’ll ever go back to gas.

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