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I’m surprised they aren’t announcing it as they saved 550,000 lives assuming the fentynal will kill exactly 1 person per lethal dose. None of that kinda comparison in the article.

I’m still waiting for the bust that happens that manages to kill every single Canadian.

Not even a mention of street value.

Just the facts.

Did they hire the wrong person by mistake to write the article, this is, unusual.

NotMyOldRedditName, (edited )

How many km do you drive a day?

A 120v outlet will do more than the average Canadian commutes daily.

It could still be an issue with winter charging for places that don’t have a garage when it hits -10c or so.

For colder places with no garage, I think a nema 5-20 outlet would be enough to overcome that, and most houses will have the wiring for that already in place. You might just need to upgrade the breaker in the box which would be cheap. You’d need an electrician to be sure, but if the house already has the wiring and box supports a 20amp vs 15amp breaker it it’d be under $100 vs getting a 50amp service set up for L2 charging.

We really don’t need L2 chargers at every home to make this work.

NotMyOldRedditName, (edited )

That’s what fast chargers are for though.

That has nothing to do with if your home needs a L2 charger and the expensive upgrade to do it.

That’s a different problem. (Edit we need more fast chargers for trips)


I think it’s worth another reply to mention, while I think you’d be fine on 120v and most people could probably cheaply upgrade to a nema 5-20 outlet and 20amp breaker switch if they needed a bit more daily charge, neither of those are as efficient as charging at 240v.

I charge my car on 120v and it’s about 80% efficient and drops off as it getd really cold. I think 240v is 90-95% efficient.

If we have millions of people charging their cars on 120v as that’s all they need and it’s the cheapest option for them, that’s a lot of wasted electricity.

So really long term we probably do want people to make the upgrades to their boxes and wire in a new outlet as it’ll help us reduce our power consumption. Hopefully they’ll be a lot of incentives available for people to make the upgrade.

It would be like the big push from incandescent to fluorescent or led house lighting. Semi low hanging fruit to reduce power consumption by upgrading to something more efficient.


I have this problem with games, but there’s no rewind on games, and for some reason every game maker has decided that the most critical information you ever get happens when there’s loud sounds going on as some climatic event is happening and you can’t understand a fucking thing they say.

So most of the game I don’t need it, except for what ends up being the most important times I need it and don’t have it, so I have to leave them on in games.

And ya it’s distracting. At best I’m concentrating on not reading them which is distracting itself.

How often to you bail on a half-written post or response?

I have had a tendency since my earliest days on social media where I will get halfway or more through a response, and end up just cancelling it. Sometimes I feel like I’m just being to over the top with snark or otherwise don’t want to be that kind of person, but a lot of the time I’ll decide I just really don’t care...


You pretty much summed it all up there.

I’d say 30% or so for me?


It’s more than those things.

It’s more cycles on the laundry machines. You cook more so the stove might wear out faster since things seem to break easier nowadays.

Damage just happens as well in a tenancy, maybe you drop something big that damages the hardwood floors. The security deposit will cover that, but the more people, the more chance for more expensive damage, and you aren’t getting a bigger deposit.

$600/m is still nuts though.


The 90k limit also helps keep the conservatives off their back vs 150k or everyone.

It’ll give the program some time to show it actually saves money long term and then they can slowly expand it further with better data to back it up


One of the orcs decided not to give up and blew himself up 🤡

I was wondering what that was.

I bet he was trying to convince the others to do something totally reckless, they said fuck that and surrendered and then he killed himself as he had no other choice now.

Happy they chose life over a stupid death.

Photos of the damage caused by the GMLRS missile strike on a Mi-8 helicopter. (


I don’t know if I’m blind, but I’m not seeing too many holes?

Back during ww1 or ww2 they figured out that the planes that came home with many holes in them, didn’t take catastrophic damage and instead reinforced where there weren’t holes.

So it’s hard to know if these holes are catastrophic or not


Oh damn ya I was looking at the smaller zoomed one. I tried to see if I was doing something wrong even but failed at that. Thanks, much appreciated.


Don’t the strikes need to target Tesla?

Like repair shops could prevent repairs because to get parts they need to interact with Tesla, which they will refuse, but if a Tesla needed gasoline, can a gas shop actually prevent a customer from filling their tank?

The strike isn’t against the customer, so I’m not sure that’d be allowed?


So you’re saying gas stations refusing to fuel trucks transporting a Tesla? If those trucks are a 3rd party company would that be okay? Can they sympathy strike against a different entity?

100% agree if they are teala employees operating the trucks.

This whole thing and all the side implications are fascinating to watch unfold


Eventually I think Tesla wouldn’t use someone that’d also join the strike, so probably a foreign non unionized trucker, but treating then as scabs make sense then and blocking them that way.

Thanks for all the insight and discussion!

NotMyOldRedditName, (edited )

I think you’re mixing up cases and agencies?

Tesla sued the Swedish Transport Agency (STA) AND PostNord.

The ruling against the STA is to allow them to pick up the plates at the STA instead of the STA via their exclusivity contract giving them to PostNord. It has nothing to do with PostNord as it lets Tesla go to the STA directly. The STA is appealing this interim decision.

There is no ruling with PostNord yet, the judge gave them 3 days to give an initial argument to decide if he would even make an interim ruling prior to the full case being heard. I imagine Tesla is going to have a really hard time with the PostNord case.

[Article] Google to pay $100M a year to Canadian news publishers (

Google hits a paywall. On the heels of a deal struck last week between Ottawa and Google, the search behemoth will pay Canadian news publishers $100 million/year for the privilege of hosting their content. Is that a win for Ottawa? Well, on one hand, Canada is now one of the first countries to compel digital platforms to pay...


Reporters will be able to write a story about how the media execs are getting 100 million in new bonuses next year.

That earns them a few pennies!


Or maybe ( I legit don’t know ) it’s happening more often than before so we’re seeing it more?

Itd be interesting to see the statistics of how many events happened each year since the 90s

Even if it really is the media just using it more now and it hasn’t changed in a meaningful way, that’d be great to know.


Just to clarify, did they blow up the tunnel?

I think so but I’m not sure.


They could have blown the train up in the tunnel which could be different than blowing up the tunnel?

Both would be a hard repair, but getting a destroyed train out with some damage to the tunnel wouldn’t be as bad as a destroyed tunnel with a train stuck in it?


I get that, but thats still not as bad as a destroyed tunnel.

Either is better than nothing, but it’s not clear which it is

Edit: and if they pulled off both, such as blowing the tunnel and then having the train crash into it, well that’s even better.


I wonder if people will believe Trudeau now?

A power bank and a device with a Kyivstar SIM card were found inside a downed Shahed. Russians are using Ukranian cell networks for positioning, and possibly to update flight paths. (


Could the cell tower ignore items moving past a certain speed unless whitelisted?


This isn’t GPS though, I don’t think the tower can measure altitude, only distance and speed?


Ah, gotcha.


Government passes shitty law that causes boycott and threats of boycott.

Government caves to altering their shitty bill to end threat of boycott

Government declares their shitty bill a win

News flash- the bill was shit. You fucked up. Everyone told you you fucked up. You should have negotiated this before passing the shitty bill.


It’s actually sad to see the aluminum plant join the sympathy strike.

No matter what happens now, if Tesla signs an agreement or not, if Tesla leaves Sweden or not, dozens of current and hundreds of future jobs will be lost there permanently.

Elon can be vindictive and there’s no way he’ll give them any business beyond their contract, might break the contract, and won’t use them for any of the Berlin expansions to millions of cars.

It probably would have been better to hurt them some other way. I keep hearing about the finance / banking industry joining which made toy’s r us sign. That would have saved these aluminum jobs and still put the screws to Tesla.

Edit: and their ceo has already said as much will likely happen

NotMyOldRedditName, (edited )

But why did it have to be this plant? Why not convince the banking unions instead and just keep the jobs?

Whether or not this specific place strikes doesn’t matter, it’s just the strike as a whole needs to keep escalating.

Tesla will just import the profiles from China or the USA until they find another option near the EU, but NOT in Sweden. Those jobs are almost certainly gone from Sweden forever.

Edit: E.g Tesla needs someone, anyone to deliver the mail. Even after this strike, they have no choice but to use some sort of mail carrier in Sweden, so the mail strike impacts Tesla, but doesn’t threaten Swedish jobs long term. That’s not the case with this aluminum company.

NotMyOldRedditName, (edited )

You made my point without realizing it.

Repair shops in Sweden striking or not will still need to be used after the strike. No jobs lost.

These aluminum profiles can be sourced outside of Sweden forever. Jobs lost.

Edit: Banking industry striking, still needed after the strike, no jobs lost

NotMyOldRedditName, (edited )

Everyone seems to be ignoring my specific questions comment / suggestion

Why not the banking unions?

The banking unions shut down toys r us ability to do financial transactions which crippled them and forced them to sign.

Why did they have to risk these jobs, when there was another avenue that wouldn’t cost jobs that had a proven track record.

NotMyOldRedditName, (edited )

You’re right, this is going to cost Tesla money, probably for at least 6 months, probably a year, but he’s shown he’s willing to throw money at the problem.

Everyone has ignored my main question comment and suggestion

Why didn’t they bring the banking unions in instead.

Save the jobs, force Tesla to sign like Toys R Us as it would cripple them even more than this aluminum thing.

There’s no guarantee that anyone else will want their excess capacity or be willing to make orders for millions of cars. Existing manufacturers are just going from ICE to EV, they aren’t making more cars necessarily. It would probably have to be new entrants like BYD to pick up the slack and create volume. It’s possible, but like you said no guarantee. (Edit and they still could have had BYD in addition to Tesla)


I would prefer to know why they chose this over the banking unions which successfully forced Toys R Us to sign, and not throw the jobs away potentially unnecessarily.


Just another thought on this, as we both agree this will cost Tesla money in the short term.

Do you know why Tesla is the most vertically integrated car company though?

It’s because suppliers wouldn’t work with Tesla early on as they were a nobody, so they had to make their own stuff. They’re even making a lithium refinery because they can’t get enough of it.

If there are no other legitimate EU options, they might just use the expansive piece of land at their Berlin factory to spin up an aluminum profiles production line.

They surely have the knowledge and capabilities and long term it would actually make them more competitive.

That’s too far ahead to really know, but it could actually backfire and make them stronger.


On android anyway, that’s an interceptable action, and you can also monitor and alter the clipboard.

So they could either alter what gets copied before its copied, or scan the copied item after it’d copied and alter it.


I’ll keep eating downvotes, but this postal strike is different.

This isn’t toys r us again.

A government agency signed a contract that prevents delivery of license plates other than this one service and provides no other way to get them.

It literally prevents any and all auto manufacturers from selling cars without a collective agreement. This isn’t making Teslas life hard which is the unions right, it’s preventing a company from being able to sell items which is on a whole other level.

Tesla has won a temporary reprieve and is allowed to pick up the plates now while the lawsuit continues.

Please see past any hate of musk for how this one very specific action (the government contract) is a step too far that needs to be addressed


Again, you aren’t seeing the forest through the trees.

YES it is the workers rights to not deliver mail. I support this!

It is the unions rights to make Teslas life DIFFICULT not impossible. Make it so difficult they want to leave if that’s their goal.

The government, not the union, signed a contract that prevents the license plates from being handled in any other way. That is the problem, not the striking workers.

The government is obligated to get those license plates out and failed in that obligation.

All they need to do is allow them to be picked up in person.


There is a contract that states only this one service can deliver the license plates (edit: and can’t be delivered any other way)

That contract is the problem.


If something else took out this one postal service, it would halt all auto sales with no other recourse.

A virus wiping out their computer system

A natural disaster.

I’m sure there’s other circumstances where this could be unexpectedly bad on a whole.


Well, that’s what’s going to be challenged.

The judges already deemed it worthy enough to let the lawsuit continue and allow Tesla to pick the plates up in person (and imposed fines if they are hindered) , so they don’t think its meritless.

I appreciate that you can at least see the difference here even if you still don’t think there’s a problem.

As you say, this will be very interesting to follow


Similar thing happening to Tesla now. Escalating sympathy strikes.

Eventually, they caved, and then later left the country.

But at no point in time were they outright prevented from selling their goods. It was just incredibly difficult and not cost effective to continue.


The government is obligated to issue and have the license plate delivered. They have met the obligation of issuing it, that isn’t in question.

The government then has a contract with PostNord to deliver the plates, and the contract says it must be delivered, and cannot be picked up in person.

Tesla is going to argue that this restriction preventing pick up in person isn’t lawful.

They aren’t asking for special treatment saying ONLY Tesla should be able to pick the plates up in person, they are asking for the same treatment for everyone. That everyone should be able to pick them up in person, at least in a situation like this.

And again - the judges have already agreed there is merit to their argument and allowed Tesla to pick up the plates in person, and have imposed a fine if they are prevented.

Another rationale if I understand this properly (and I might not, so the below might be wrong)

My knowledge of the whole force majeure side of the strikes is pretty bare, but my understanding is the strikes are being treated as force majeure. The government also needs to be able to function if a force majeure event occurs. In this case, the government is unable to meet its obligation to have plates delivered in the event of a force majeure, which doesn’t have to be a strike, it could be other things that impact the postal service to. So it’s possible that this contract needs to be ammended to account for force majeure


I think “bad PR” is a massive understatement there.

NotMyOldRedditName, (edited )

They can’t use another carrier.

There’s a contract preventing it.

The contract is the problem, not the union.

Edit: as per your edit I agree, even if they do win, things are only going to get harder.


In no way shape or form have I ever said that the postal workers shouldn’t be allowed to strike against Tesla and prevent mail delivery. Or that the aluminum extrusion company shouldn’t be able to stop supplying parts to Tesla. Or that the dock workers have to unload their cars. None of that is the problem. That is the Swedish way.

This is about the government being required to process and deliver the plates, and a contract that is preventing delivery with no alternative. A contract that would prevent delivery even in other non union related circumstances.


The plates have already been manufactured and issued to Tesla. That’s all working as expected.

The plates are then picked up by PostNord who has an exclusive contract with the government agency who creates and issues the plates. The union employees at PostNord are refusing to deliver the plates as is their right.

The contract with PostNord also prevents any other delivery method of the plates, including Tesla going to the plate manufacture and picking them up in person.

The fact that Tesla can’t go to the plate manufacture and pick them up is the real issue. (although the judge has ruled in the interm they can go pick them up while the lawsuit continues)


Is allowing direct pick ups going around? They would still be the sole postal delivery service?

Should the government be able to enter into such a contract with such restrictions that can inhibit their obligations, even in non strike situations?

I think it’s a legal question worth getting answered.


I have the promotional section and actual email from companies are there, but no ads from Google. Maybe it’s not allowed in Canada?

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