This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


Having been to both, I can assure you the rides at Cedar Point are much, much better. Disney World is a theme park with a full experience, such as themed attractions and cosplayers. It’s great for young kids.

Cedar Point has the awesome coasters that thrill -seeking adults will want. It’s more like Universal Studios or Six Flags


Is there a great age to do that? Seems to me that the older you are, the less of your real life is lost.


These are some of the people who fought to create those problems, including fighting against democracy itself to ensure it.

It’s not the end results needed, but it is a step on the path needed.


For better or for worse, the judicial process in this country moves very slowly. The higher the stakes, the slower it moves. This is quite certainly a high-stakes case.


While being decentralized certainly creates a barrier, most of the details behind PageRank (and the other algorithms in use by Google) are pretty well documented. If it doesn’t already, throwing in Lemmy as a keyword should soon bring up a Lemmy intense (probably or Lemmy.World) as a top result. As people click those links, the results will go higher.

The bigger challenge is that the content you are trying to find isn’t here yet. Those results on the old site were built over years of massive user engagement. Lemmy has barely had a month since people started joining en masse, and it’s still a fraction of what we lost.

TL;DR: Just keep using it and spread the word. The rest will happen naturally

You've just made four hard boiled eggs in a small pot

You dumped out the water ten minutes ago. The pot is cooled off, and empty. It only had whole eggs in it, still in the shells. Now tell me, do you wash that pot? Get out the sponge and the soap and scrub it like usual? Or do you give it a quick rinse and slam it in the drying rack? No judgement here, only curiosity.


I boil with salt and a bit of vinegar in the pot. When I’m done, there is a noticeable white coating on the pot, presumably calcium from the egg shells.

So yes, it gets washed.


As awful as that is, the design of those dumpsters will always lead to this. To put the bag in, you must hold the lid open well above your head (and higher than many people can reach) while holding a heavy bag of trash, then lift it even higher to get it in. If you are smaller than average (e.g. a child), physically disabled, or just not an able-bodied adult, that becomes impossible


While most of us think of the rooster sauce by Huy Fong, Sriracha is a type of sauce made by countless places.

While I haven’t tried these yet, I’ve been told that Underwood (former supplier to Buy Fong) is top notch, especially the Roja. I’ve also been told to try Sky Valley.

No idea how close they are to the original, though


Most are on LemmyNSFW. Note that they won’t show up if you aren’t logged in, so you’ll want to use LemmyVerse to find them and subscribe from your home instance


True, but and (OP’s instance) do not block it.


Honestly, Spez probably does want that. AI won’t destroy shareholder value when you screw it over. It will also fill in some gaps left by the real people leaving.

It’s complete Dead Internet, but none of that is really a concern for them.


I’ve been hearing different answers on this lately, particularly regarding and Beehaw. Beehaw defederated LW, but not vice versa. The result is that no one on Beehaw can see any posts on LW, but users on LW are seeing some posts on Beehaw. It doesn’t seem to be a complete cut to all communication.

But that’s still something worth bringing up - Here is the list of instances that block FMHY, and are (somewhat) effectively isolated from us here:

The only one that’s significant is From what I can tell, it’s because FMHY has open registration


Another good one is to horrify them- get quiet and uncomfortable, and say something about how the doctors think you’re infertile.

Assuming these are people you just met, of course.


True, but getting quiet puts a point on exactly how personal their question was.


For what it’s worth, there is a big problem with federation. Lots and lots of posts to/from LW and other fully-federated instances take days to show, if at all.

I suspect it’s something to do with their size, but I base that on absolutely nothing.


This really needs to be higher.

Running a Mastodon or Lemmy server is surprisingly cheap. With some specific tweaks and rules (esp. hosting images and video elsewhere), it can get even cheaper.

If your only goal is to break even, then it’s amazingly easy. Roughly 1 of every 20 users contributing $1/month. Adjust the numbers as you see fit.

Or a single, non-datamined ad at the top of the page.


Isn’t there some sort of statute of limitations here? 12 years is an awfully long time


There’s plenty of good business reasons not to want to deal with these requests. Even if the first ones would be easier to just turn over, the 1000th, or millionth gets overwhelming


Tildes is just too small. The obvious explanation for growth is all of the Fledditors (Rexit? I like Lemmygrants, but that really only covers people who came to Lemmy) looking for an alternative. People wanted a drop-in replacement for what they already had. Tildes didn’t even have enough of a seed in their biggest subs, let alone their (very few) niche groups. Same for Raddle, Squabbles, etc. The only subs that made a significant migration to those are the ones that packed up, locked the doors, and left a forwarding address to anyone left - Similar to what r/piracy did, except that went to Lemmy (complete with instructions to ignore the federation questions)

As for Kbin, I think the bigger factor is coverage. As soon as anyone started mentioning people leaving for greener pastures, Lemmy was always the first thing mentioned. Kbin was always a second-place alternative, along with a few others. Since Kbin has the same confusion about federation as Lemmy, it didn’t pick up a lot of people that bailed on the first choice.

Not that it matters much anymore, since Kbin is well-federated with Lemmy


I wouldn’t say defederation is rampant, but there were a few very high profile examples that hit right when people were new. Specifically, Beehaw/LW and Exploding Heads/everyone. Plus the whole thing about NSFW content and types.

While it’s true that many of the original devs have problematic views, it’s not really meaningful. The software is open source, there are tons of new developers (with varying views), and the code has nothing to perpetuate their ideas. In fact, they are pretty isolated on their own instance (Lemmygrad) since everyone defederates them almost immediately.


The NSFW stuff was/is a bit more complicated than it might appear on the surface. A lot of instances do not allow NSFW. No judgement, it is what it is. But people on those instances could sub to NSFW communities elsewhere, primarily LemmyNSFW. Less so now, but for a while it was common for those posts/communities to not be tagged NSFW, which caused them to show up on All for people that didn’t want to see it.

Then there was the question about types of NSFW content. Even people that enjoy your standard porn categories had lines they didn’t want crossed in their feed. Specifically animated/cgi CSAM and scat. The former is illegal in some jurisdictions, and caused a different instance (name withheld) to be widely defederated. The latter was more of an issue with limited tools, but the result was the same- either LemmyNSFW blocks that (at least until better tools are available), or they also get cut off.


You are correct that there’s overlap of users with, but I don’t see much of the offensive content coming from there. If nothing else, they put their masks on when on that instance. I’m sure there are people on EH with alts elsewhere, but they aren’t given the free reign to cause the same problems. is no longer a recommended instance, and probably won’t be again. But yes, I agree with you that the confusion caused by defederation is a bad thing.

Does some of them being tankies have an effect on the code?


Sounds like you joined one of the anti-porn instances. I can’t read German, so I can only guess that the rules say that, but it’s not obvious on Join-Lemmy. I really wish they’d include some meaningful detail on their standards for fed/defend, since that’s what really matters. Instead we have that garbage about matching your values, and each one has a one-liner about who they are.


Child Sexual Abuse Material, basically the current term for child porn. [email protected] is completely right on all of it. There is a missing detail that loli (along with a few other questionable/objectionable subs) were banned from LemmyNSFW, and went to a different one that promised to be less restrictive, and is widely defederated because of it.

(Side note: While it can be difficult/impossible to draw the line based on appearances, these were clearly and obviously meant to be depictions of children, and often very young children)


They certainly could, but using something off the shelf saves development time and costs. Not only did someone else already do the base work, but they are fixing bugs and adding features as an ongoing task. And that all happens free, without Meta spending a dime. Meta only needs to add their customizations.

There’s been plenty of speculation on why they want to federate, which is much less clear. It could be an attempt to get around EU antitrust (etc) laws. It could be an attempt to usurp Mastodon as the primary destination for Twitter refugees. It could be an attempt to slurp up the data from people that refuse to give it to Meta. But this is all just speculation, and it’s unlikely that they will honestly reveal their reasoning.


My understanding is that Mastodon users can reach into Lemmy communities, but not vice versa. It’s unclear exactly how Threads would fit into the picture, because it’s still theoretical.


If any instance becomes large enough to have an undue influence, which Meta would likely have, then they effectively control the entire ecosystem. At that point, it effectively stops being decentralized (See: The 51% Attack, although this wouldn’t happen at a certain number/ratio). When it becomes convenient to them, they can pull the plug, and destroy the rest of the ecosystem that isn’t theirs.

It’s exactly what happened with XMPP and Google Talk.


If by examples, you mean supporting evidence that they will be part of the Fediverse:…/mark-zuckerberg-replacing-metaverse……/meta-threads-fediverse-new-explai……/adam-mosseri-says-metas-threads-…

And especially…/Screenshot-2023-07-05-at-6.17.21…

It’s not ready yet, but it’s clearly on their roadmap.


Clients, no. We have no way (currently) to individually block an instance, nor would it be effective in preventing this problem. Threads users, as a whole, need to be blocked from the Fediverse, so that Threads is not viewed as a way to interact with Mastodon users.

Our particular instances can defederate from Meta, which would stop certain issues - but not the EEE concerns that are usually brought up. It has to be a widespread block.


Reddit isn’t just trying to balance the budget - they are specifically scrambling to make things work (or at least, look like they will work) for an IPO, which is a beast in and of itself.


There is, and it’s not completely dead



Possibly. I’m not entirely sure how to interpret that part.

One plausible scenario is that they brought in a consultant, who said their data would be worth $XXXX on the open market. A common element of MBA thinking is that any potential profits are something you are entitled to, regardless of the consequences. It’s also pretty clear they don’t have a mature management team, or a viable path to realize those profits. But they had to stop someone else from getting it, so there was a rushed decision. I don’t quite know how it coincided with killing 3rd party apps, though, unless it was just more really incompetent management.


That’s pretty likely, given how many have left in the past year, and it’s possibly a very big problem for Meta. Apple in their early days infamously asked candidates if they were “virgins”. It was not (as Hollywood likes to portray) about their sexual history, but whether they had ever touched or seen IBM’s proprietary code. Apple needed to do a clean-room development and implementation of the same thing. They knew IBM would sic the lawyers on them, and they had to prove they did it using nothing but publicly available info.

The article has absolutely no detail on what these trade secrets might be, or if they will be upheld in court, so we can only speculate. But if these really are trade secrets, and Meta poached them, then we could be talking serious damages or even an injunction.

But knowing the courts, this won’t actually be decided for years and it won’t even matter by then

What will Meta gain from fediversing?

I don’t understand what Meta will gain from participating in the fediverse? Their ultimate goal is to make money of Threads and I just don’t see how encouraging an open federation will help them do it? Even 3Eing the fediverse will not do them much good as they already have sooo much traffic already that killing the...


Coercion seems to be a big part of the enshittification process these days. Even once you complete stage 3 and piss everyone off, forcing them to stay against their will is part of the game.

This would force a lot of unwilling people to deal with Facebook, and long-term.


In most communities, old content isn’t helpful. It doesn’t start any conversations, and people don’t look at the old stuff.

Stuff like porn, pics, aww, or other subs where the conversation wasn’t the point are an exception.


It’s because of the very impassioned speech by then-Senator Ted “Tubes” Stevens, where he demonstrated that he clearly had no idea how any of it worked. You could hear the lobbyists in every bit that he parroted, without absorbing it. He also had formed a strong opinion already, despite clearly having just been told how it works.

It’s not that it’s a bad analogy. It’s that it’s (somewhat) reductionist, and most famously associated with an idiot.


The number of people willing to die on this hill is actually quite surprising, and in a good way. So many people have made peace with leaving their subs, their mod powers, and even their entire Reddit accounts behind to fuck over that piece of shit running the place.


Currently, the biggest challenge will be storage. Any images or videos uploaded directly to Lemmy (as opposed to linking a 3rd-party site) takes up space on every instance that federates that post. For large instances, this can get overwhelming.

Aside from that, the server specs to host Lemmy, even a large/popular instance, are remarkably low. It can easily be covered by just a handful of users, and not even particularly generous users.

Will threads mainstream the fediverse? (

Within the first hour of threads going live, about a dozen of those im following on ig have joined (and began posting). When it’s fully federated, could this be the entry level platform the fediverse needs to push it into average use? I have a slight feeling it’ll be a BeReal type scenario where people use it for a few...


Keep in mind that right now, all of the big names posting are paid content. It’s probably not labeled as such, but they’re all on Meta’s payroll to make the platform attractive to new users. Will it take off? It actually has a decent chance. Not because of anything that they’re doing, but because of exactly how badly Twitter is fucking things up right now. People want out, and most couldn’t/wouldn’t/didn’t make the jump to Mastodon when everything with Musk started. This now looks like a viable alternative to them.

But no, I don’t want Facebook to destroy this beautiful new thing I just found.


Harder to find current and useful numbers than I expected.

According to @mastodonusercount,

13,213,947 accounts

According to…/mastodon-sees-another-surge-in-act…,

2,055,502 active users monthly (3,797,695 active users half-year)


I suppose that depends on what you consider “good” for Mastodon. I wouldn’t consider growth simply for the sake of growth to be a good thing. That’s stage 1 of enshittification. It also means a shitload of awful people joining, tons of mod work, etc.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for Mastodon and the fediverse becoming more accessible. I just think the growth needs to be for the right reasons.


You’ve completely missed the point. It’s not that Facebook (and by extension, their users) will connect to Mastodon, it’s that they will take over Mastodon, seizing all control for themselves, and coopting the existing userbase.

Right now it’s a separate product. Just like people know that Twitter is not Mastodon, Threads isn’t either. If you want to reach Twitter users, you get a Twitter account. If you want to reach Mastodon users, you get a Mastodon account. Facebook is planning to market themselves as the best way to enter the Mastodon ecosystem. Before long, they will be the absolute dominant server. Then they will have control, because defederation is a weapon they can wield and not vice-versa.

This is not theoretical, either. Google did the EXACT same thing back with Google Talk and the XMPP protocol. And we know how Facebook operates, so we know that this will eventually happen. The only way to stop it is before it starts - Facebook users need to be unhappy (at Facebook) that they can’t reach Mastodon users, so that defederation remains their own problem.

(Separately, I agree with you that Lemmy needs to become more accessible to the common user. But simply handing it all over to someone as awful as Zuck is not the way)


That’s not how people work. If they start from Threads, very few will switch to a 3rd party client. And defederation will happen anyway once Meta gets control, it’s the whole point of EEE.

You do have a point though- Threads could be a threat to Mastodon even completely isolated. A lot of current Mastodon growth isn’t because of its draw as a product/platform; it’s simply people people leaving Twitter for something else. Threads will also be a something else, creating meaningful competition


Use to find communities across all instances. It will make you search a lot easier, and show you when a community exists on multiple instances

Any VPNs comparable to IVPN and Mullvad by privacy, but also have port forwarding?

Since IVPN and Mullvad are both phasing out port forwarding, are there any alternatives? I am not looking for something like NordVPN which is a privacy nightmare. AirVPN is also not private enough considering I’ve seen reports online of ISPs sending out DMCA letters of gold to its users.


That’s not entirely true- you can upload your own, but you can only seed to users that do have port forwarding. On many trackers, that initial seed is all going to seed boxes with an autograb script enabled anyway, and those do have port forwarding.


I’ve noticed that a number of comments from other instances are being edited when they appear on FMHY. After some digging, these are all clearly words being censored to prevent spam. This is not context aware, so it is blocking/modifying legitimate comments. Is it possible to disable this feature?


Original comment:

Federated to FMHY:

The Story Of John Mastodon

John Mastodon was a computer programmer and avid social media user. He was frustrated with the centralized nature of most social media platforms, which meant that a single company had control over the content and data of its users. This often led to censorship, privacy violations, and manipulation by the companies for their own...


I like it. Can we get one for Tim Apple? Or Mark Faceberg?

I foresee a whole new wave of shitposts from this.


Hmm…It’s a bit too real. I was hoping for more of an “Explain Like I’m Calvin” answer

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