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Nia, (edited )

Droid-ify is an F-droid frontend, that is also in F-droids repo as an installable app so it’s safe, in this case one of the F-droid repos OP has is actually malicious and is installing a modified version of Signal, the package name is wrong org.thoughtcrimes.securesms, it should be thoughtcrime without the S.

I think Play Protect is intrusive, but this time it actually tried to protect OP from a malicious Signal clone.

Nia, (edited )

I don’t have it but I’ve seen admin/dev comments on this, with 1.0 release they plan to add offline singleplayer, and currently online is required on character select/launch, but losing internet connection during play will not kick you out or interrupt it.

I’m keeping my eye on it and will probably pick it up when offline singleplayer is added, but that being included is the deciding factor on if I’ll get it or not myself, since it’s just a promise for now and those can be broken.

Edit: apparently its already added according to other replies


I run mine specifically so I can spend an hour trying to focus on a single fanblade to see if I can keep track of it

Nia, (edited )

There’s actually a video of it too that a lot of people haven’t seen (Video visuals are SFW, though there is gunfire sounds in the distance in the second half). The image alone misses a lot of what the guy did, he even climbed on top of the tank.

Youtube link:

Private frontend link:


Just for some extra clarification as not everyone will read the article (not meant rudely), this is $100k to both Godot and FNA each, for a total of $200k, and $1k monthly to them both as well, for a total of $2k per month.


Could this be due to the .ml and a few other domains thing again? The issuer is gradually pulling all of the free domains from people, while leaving the paid users active until their term is up.


Ah, I didn’t know it was all at once, yeah sounds more like what you said in the other comment about Hetzner or providers pruning customers then.

Nia, (edited )

/hj is a tone indicator meaning half-joking, some of these are rarely used but this is a good list of them


My favorite was Infinity/Eternity for a while, but I tried out Jerboa and it kinda just stuck for me, I really like it

Poll results are pretty interesting so far too


One for people in the US:

You aren’t taxed at the higher rate for all of your income when you get a raise that puts you in a higher tax bracket, only the part that is in the range of that bracket specifically. The rest of your income below the bracket is taxed the same as before.

I’ve seen a lot of people decline promotions and raises over this, and bosses are very happy to let you continue thinking that’s how it works.

Not sure if that counts as not common knowledge, but a lot of people I know didn’t know it before.

Do you pirate? And do you justify pirating? i.e., what is your piracy philosophy?

Well, my friend, he’s kinda poor he can’t afford some books and some streaming services, so he pirates. He pirate books, audiobook and videos and other stuff. Sometimes he buys books he likes a lot out of loyalty to the author (yeah, I don’t understand it either), he likes to read physical books, but yeah, if he hates the...

Nia, (edited )

I think if the ability to buy something (from the provider, not ebay/secondhand or whatever) on a valid platform, at a reasonable price, without any BS (ex: bad anticheat/the cracked version provide a better service/etc), and if you can genuinely afford it, then it’s better to just buy the thing. I also believe in supporting indie companies and solo devs, they usually provide fair access anyway but if I can’t get something from them I just go without.

Outside of that, fair game in my opinion. If the seller doesn’t provide fair access to something, they’re basically asking for it.

If someone just doesn’t want to pay, fair game to them as well even if I’m not a fan of that. My views are just what I hold myself to, not what’s right or wrong for everyone.


It’s a bug with the Lemmy version Beehaw is on right now, Beehaw team’s looking into it. It affects all apps sadly, I added a shortcut to the browser version for now until it’s fixed


It’s because it has offline updates enabled in Discover settings, its not a distro thing rather that Gnome and KDE have that in their software centers as a setting, and Fedora enables it by default, but it can be disabled.

It’s to make your system more stable because no packages get moved or updated during a running system causing unexpected behavior, and you also don’t have to reboot when it tells you, it’s more just a reminder that updates are waiting to be applied when you do, they could really word that better.

Nia, (edited )

Not a bad idea really, if you update tons of stuff without rebooting if you have it disabled sometimes weird stuff can happen, but its not very common and usually not very bad at all. I’d leave it on if you want that extra little bit of stability, but if its just a regular every day use computer I think either way is fine.


I’ve been thinking the same thing, I stick near stable releases of distros mostly because of both breakage and I don’t like just having hundreds of updates every week, this feels like a good in-between that gets me everything I want. I don’t need the latest and greatest days or hours after release, but I certainly don’t want to be years behind either.


It looks like they plan to add it on F-droid sometime, not sure if it will reach gplay though. They originally said no to releasing anywhere but Github but F-Droid is on their roadmap now it seems after a rename and a new icon.

Nia, (edited )

If gesture typing is the same thing as glide/swipe (I don’t really know what the feature is called) then they have this one linked on their page…/jniLibs

It says they can’t bundle it with the app because they can’t find any open source ones, so the library linked isn’t FOSS I think and made by Google but it should still work if you don’t mind that.


I barely used Reddit and just lurked occasionally, but I dropped Reddit and went back to forums + Lemmy.

I tried to join Lemmy a few years back too but I didn’t stick around long, this time it did stick. Since I tried Lemmy before for a month or two back then it was really easy to just switch back.

Nia, (edited )

Going good! Got a few new games, been feeling a bit blah but am getting over that gradually. Been cutting my social media usage a bit, I deleted my microblogging fediverse account and pretty much just have Lemmy now which still eats up a lot of my time but still a huge improvement since I’m not spending nearly as much time online anymore as I was, it was getting to be a bit too much.

Edit: Also just today, I decided to drop my Japanese studying that I’ve been doing for a few years and fully focus on Castilian Spanish that I’ve been learning on the side instead. Japanese was getting to be way too much of a workload and timesink for me. Hoping this helps get rid of some stress.


I got No Man’s Sky (for some reason seeing Starfield stuff made me want to play that again, haven’t played it since launch on console) and Monster Hunter World again, really just old games I used to have on console and have been really tempted to play again since I found them on good sales


If you run Windows, if you want, try to run sfc /scannow in an admin command line, it scans system files and repairs any corrupt ones, sometimes it helps sometimes not but imo it’s worth a try.


Yep! I played it years ago but it’s been on my mind for some reason, tempted me enough to pick it up again


For average use not really, assuming the VPN is reliable and trustworthy, and if by average you mean just regular day to day browsing.

When you start getting into the territory of doing stuff that would actually get investigated, it has some benefits like having a little bit of protection from possibly backdoored servers, MITM, etc.

For regular privacy in day to day, it is an improvement but I wouldn’t consider it worth the latency gain unless absolutely needed.


I’ll still be hanging out on Beehaw regardless of what happens or where it ends up, but in case a migration does happen, are there any good instance recommendations for us that want to keep Lemmy accounts as well but want to have a nicer more moderated experience?

A good bit of the other instances I’ve tried seem to moderate as a last resort or final straw, which just ends being not very effective overall.

need help moving away for school

Hello lemmy!! I want to degoogle but have a few issues. My main Google uses are drive and docs. Both of which are primarily for school reasons. I need access to easy cloud saved document editing for school. And drive for saving notes and PowerPoint etc. My school offers office 365 but I would rather not go from one shit stain to...


+1 for OnlyOffice cloud, sounds like exactly what OP is looking for


They offer a free tier directly from the Onlyoffice team which is likely enough for what you’re looking for if you’re okay with it being hosted by them, as for hosting it yourself their docs are here


Snaps mount themselves as a filesystem which floods the menu with needless entries when you’re trying to monitor/manage filesystems


Can I get The Long Dark? Thanks for sharing these!


If you use cloudflare dns/ as your dns, / blocks access from them. If it’s not then that I’m not sure


I’m all for the second USB-C, I feel like this is more likely to possibly happen compared to getting the headphone jack back, plus it would just be useful to have in general


Thanks! Switched to Jerboa a week or two ago and I’ve been loving it


Looks like the Microsoft Store has a 1,500 character limit for the “what’s new” section so definitely not a character limit issue, makes it more strange.

Where To Find Actually Good Search Engines?

I’m kind of tired of Google sending me to the same 3 sites whenever I search for something. If not the same 3 sites it’s 7 others that are so generic and boring I just feel they’re useless. It’s always makeuseof, androidauthority, or whatever other sites that have useful information but I rarely feel like they are saying...


I’d give a try, its a nice break from all the same 5 sites listed for every search. It priorities small more classic webpages over SEO ones

I find it works best when used in something like searxng along with other engines though to mix them in, since it tends to quite heavily avoid listing those sites, they’re useful sometimes but not when they dominate the results.


It can be used similarly as a lite version of KDE Connect, but KDE Connect is for pairing a dedicated device to your PC. This will allow sharing between phones on the same network as well, and allows easier use for usecases like quickly sharing a file to your friend who has their phone connected to your wifi, without making a permanent pairing of the devices.

You could do the same with KDE Connect but you have to set it up on your friends device and allow permissions and all that. With this, you just choose the files and send, and it can work over a link you send instead if the other person doesn’t want to install the app. This is a much simpler version for one-time file transfers and for devices not owned by you/not trusted.

Discord Alternatives?

Hi all, I’m looking for some Discord alternatives. All I really need is the ability to do voice calls and screen shares. It can be either via DM or channels, I only need to it be able to speak with a few friends that’d be open to moving over. I’ve tried Matrix/Element but there doesn’t seem to be a screen share function....


They’re still active but it’s slowed down a little. Their activity is spread out across a lot of different repos so some look inactive, sort repositories by last updated at the bottom of the page here to see the current activity

edit: iirc they’re also in the process of doing a major UI rewrite, not sure if certain parts of that are public yet or how far along they are on it.


Submitted, I think I accidentally put on the user field though


Looks very healthy, I’m glad to have an instance I can trust to not dissapear overnight. Thank you all for everything you do.

Hopefully some more Lemmy optimization stuff happens so it ends up being cheaper to host, I don’t know much about it but from what I’ve heard Lemmy storage use is crazy because of image caching/storage or something like that.

What is your experience with Nobara?

Hello. I would like to switch to Linux, but I also want to play. I have seen that all the games I play can be played on Linux with no problem. But I’m not sure about the distro. I have seen that Nobara is a good option, but before taking the plunge, I would like to know what your experience has been with it. Thank you


They also offer a version with KDE Plasma preinstalled as the desktop, but the dev/maintainer personally uses Gnome so the KDE version gets less attention from them, though that doesn’t mean it’s bad, just not customized like the official Nobara version, it’s just vanilla KDE Plasma


I’m using Debian 12 stable and I do everything on it, even gaming. I use flatpaks to keep certain apps that benefit from being up to date, and I install backported kernel and mesa when they release for more performance (amd gpu).

I’ve been on and off with vanilla Debian for years while distrohopping, but I tried out Debian 11 testing and everything just worked for me, am still using that same install but I’m sticking to stable branch now.

Also, proprietary drivers are now officially supported by Debian as of Debian 12, and are available to install out of the box without needing to search for them or add the non-free repositories now, which was a pretty big roadblock for a lot of people.

Nia, (edited )

I think they’re actually planning on adding that soon, one of the devs mentioned it during their AMA that it’s one of the next big features they plan to try to tackle. (Edit: looks like the work is mostly done, it’s just under review

Also kbin already has it, but I prefer Lemmy’s UI much more so I just deal without having user instance blocking for now

Steam Deck VS rivals

I was interested in buying a Steam Deck… Until I discovered all the (apparently) better alternatives. Asus Rog Ally, OneXPlayer, Aya Neo etc… I like the idea of an handheld console and obviously I would like to have a device that can run almost everything, so the Windows based handhelds seem better than the Steam Deck. Is it...


Still I’m not convinced of Steam OS compared to Windows 11, since I would like to play also Epic games and maybe some emulators

You can actually play games from Epic Games and other stores on Steam Deck with Lutris or Heroic Games Launcher (or a few other options) and you can install emulators on it too, it has a desktop mode, so you’re not locked into only Steam stuff. Also, you can put Windows on the Steam Deck too as an option if you prefer, I don’t know many people who have but the option is there.


They should for most. If the games are on both Epic and Steam you can check to get a general idea of how well it will run, for any games that are only on Epic, I’d recommend doing some quick searches to see how much luck people have had getting them to run on steam deck/linux. Most games for me have worked perfectly fine with similar performance as Windows, and installing Windows on the Deck is still an option for the games that don’t.

As for the alternatives to the Steam Deck, I wouldn’t go for them over the Deck personally, but I have never used them. I would think the games that have been optimized for the deck would run better on the deck than the alternatives due to its popularity. I might consider them if they were a good bit cheaper than the Deck though and it was a good deal.

Edit: I should also note that I play on a Linux Desktop, not the Deck, but aside from the specs difference the games actually working or not would be almost exactly the same between the two because of how Proton and Wine work.


I’ve been keeping my eye on them, I personally am not going to use them until they get some reputation both to know if they can be trusted, and to see if they won’t randomly disappear or shut down.

They refer to themselves as “Web3-native” and are affiliated with cryptocurrency stuff for anyone that this plays a factor into deciding to try them or not. Personally it makes me hesitant about them, but to each their own.


They’ll still get sold because the reseller sometimes doesn’t bother to unlist it. Devs can deactivate keys, but some are hesitant to do it because if someone buys from the shady reseller site thinking it’s legit, if the key gets deactivated after they buy and redeem the key, the game is removed from their account with (usually) no way to get a refund. Ends up as bad reputation for the dev even though it’s not their fault.


Just out of curiosity, since I’ve had a similar problem, can you try to disable KScreen 2 in your Background Services settings near the startup applications/autostart menu, then try to let your monitors go to sleep?

My monitors always wake from sleep repeatedly on their own on both X11 and Wayland, but disabling it fixes it for me (but also resets my monitor settings on every boot/log in). I’m still working on finding a permanent solution for mine, but if this also acts as a workaround for your issue it might help narrow down the cause a bit.


The only ones I know of are ClamAV (ClamTK for a GUI) on PC and Hypatia for Android (F-Droid link)

grafcube, to privacy avatar

Your choice of browser matters — Google's Web DRM and the open internet

I wrote this blog post to inform the people I know who aren't as tech savvy or otherwise don't put any thought into their choice of browser. Another goal is to help get enough awareness on the topic and make sure it fails.

@opensource @privacy


Yeah on mobile it hasn’t been the best experience comparatively so far on its own, but the extensions have made the difference for me. They’re planning to open up mobile to a lot more (all?) of the extensions soon and I feel like it’s gonna get a lot nicer to use after that. Could technically already use them all via beta or nightly using collections or something, but I prefer to use the release version.

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