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Nevoic, to 196 in does this code run rule

Python’s disdain for the industry standard is wild. Every other language made in the last 20 years has proper filtering that doesn’t require collecting the results back into a list after filtering like Java (granted it’s even more verbose in Java but that’s a low bar).

If Python had modern lambdas and filter was written in an inclusion or parametric polymorphic way, then you could write:

<span style="color:#323232;">new_results = results.filter(x -> x)

Many languages have shorthands to refer to variables too, so it wouldn’t be impossible to see:

<span style="color:#323232;">new_results = results.filter(_)

Of course in actual Python you’d instead see:

<span style="color:#323232;">new_results = list(filter(lambda x: x, results))

which is arguably worse than

<span style="color:#323232;">new_results = [x for x in results if x]
Nevoic, to programmerhumor in Living the dream

In humans there’s a psychological phenomenon called “crowding out”, essentially it’s hard for our brains to attach multiple, powerful incentives to one activity. Generally the “lesser” ones get crowded out by the more important one.

I’m still young (26), and still feel the same way about programming, I deeply enjoy it. However, I know programmers who were passionate like me when they were younger, and that passion has been slowly drained as they continue to code professionally, and I’ve seen it come back when they move into non-programming roles (be it industry change or moving to management).

Generally you won’t find yourself wanting to program 40 hours a week, 48-50 weeks a year, for 50 years without a substantial break, and yet that’s what capitalism expects of workers. Yet you’ll continue to work because there’s a more important incentive than passion, money.

You need money to survive (food, shelter, etc.) and your brain understands those are more important than fulfilling a passion, that’s why you’ll go to work even if you’re drained mentally. You’ll continue to do that forever so long as you don’t have the financial freedom to do otherwise (which is the goal of capitalists, this is why we have COL-based incomes, so as not to overpay people who live in cheaper areas as it’d allow them the freedom to leave).

Nevoic, to worldnews in The United Nations just voted 145-7 in favor of a resolution condemning illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine &amp; Syria.

I don’t trust that the U.S will always do the right thing with nukes. Maybe you have unwavering faith in the good heart of the imperialist core to never use nukes in conflicts, I’m not as trusting.

Nevoic, to worldnews in The United Nations just voted 145-7 in favor of a resolution condemning illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine &amp; Syria.

I don’t support the U.S, and yeah I’ve been actively trying to move away from identifying as part of the U.S. Notice the first time I referred to it in my comment I called it “it”. Just a habit, sorry if I offended you though, that wasn’t my intention.

The main issue is if I say “they” instead of “we”, the vast majority of the internet assumes you’re from Europe. I want to convey I live in the United States without identifying as part of it.

Nevoic, to worldnews in The United Nations just voted 145-7 in favor of a resolution condemning illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine &amp; Syria.

The U.S spends more on military than the next 7 countries combined. It’d put up a good fight. Probably conquer Canada/Mexico in hours (I’d assume they would just concede the same way Paris/France conceded to the Nazis in WW2), and then we’d also have the advantage in Eurasia. We could nuke most of western Europe, and the only country that could really stop us is Russia because they also have a comparable number of nukes. If we successfully disarm them and are the sole nuclear super power in the world, I could see the U.S winning ww3 and becoming a global government.

Nevoic, to memes in It's almost like a zombie movie for them

Normative truths are just as foundational as descriptive truths. You use the same logic to get there. I hope you’re intelligent enough to be an epistemological nihilist, so hopefully you know the basis for all scientific and descriptive understanding of the universe is self-evident axioms. The same is true for moral truths. Harm is axiomatically bad in the same way that our senses are accurately able to translate information of an external universe into our brains.

If you disagree with the former, we can’t have moral discussions, and if you disagree with the latter we can’t have scientific discussions. This is how the whole of epistemology functions.

You’re also strawmanning me. Ought implies can, so an animal without an ability to act morally obviously has no moral obligations. I hope you somehow just severely misunderstand the vegan position, and you’re not intentionally spreading misinformation.

Factory farms aren’t us allowing them to sort out their own problems. We spawn billions of sentient creatures into torture boxes every year just to slaughter them when they’re a few months old in brutal and terrifically painful ways.

If you think that’s awesome, keep buying meat, more power to you, you’re just probably a psychopath (though I obviously can’t give you an official diagnosis).

Nevoic, to memes in It's almost like a zombie movie for them

This is gish-galloping, to properly address your points, every paragraph would require 3ish paragraphs, so I’d have to spend the better part of 2 hours responding, which is totally unreasonable to expect in a forum like this with a stranger you have no personal attachment to.

From what I gather, your main issues are social ostracization and false equivalencies. Using social norms to drive your moral decisions is obviously problematic, you can think of a ton of atrocities committed by humans when those atrocities were socially normalized. People aren’t born evil, with an intent to cause harm. They’re taught to be ambivalent, and can perpetuate atrocities through apathy.

As for the idea that there’s some false equivalence, you’re misunderstanding the thought experiment. Yes, eating humans is more dangerous than eating chickens or dogs, but that’s a happenstance of nature. It’s possible we could figure out a way to eliminate prion diseases and other harmful effects of cannibalism, and then farming disabled humans who process information at the same level of a cow would be morally permissible to a logically consistent non-vegan.

Of course, essentially no carnists are logically consistent. They use emotion and preference towards certain species to guide their decision instead of rationally considering when it’s okay to harm something (taste pleasure isn’t a high enough bar to inflict pain and death, obviously).

Nevoic, to memes in It's almost like a zombie movie for them

Autonomy and choice is important, do you think less intelligent humans also deserve a right to autonomy? What about less intelligent animals? If you answered differently to these two questions, why?

Humans generally understand restricting choice is a good thing if the choice in question is committing harm. We don’t let people choose to rape, murder, etc. We don’t let people farm mentally disabled humans for their skin and meat. We don’t let people farm dogs and cats for their skin and meat. We do let people farm cows and pigs for their skin and meat.

Vegans have rectified this inconsistency, non-vegans haven’t. If you told me that you were fine with farming disabled humans, dogs, cats, etc. I’d at least applaud your consistency, but I have yet to meet a single non-vegan who is this consistent.

Nevoic, to memes in It's almost like a zombie movie for them

I don’t know if your second to last paragraph is a meme, but all humans reject immoral behaviors that occur in the wild, not just vegans. Lions also commit infanticide so their genetics carry on and competing male lions don’t, it makes sense biologically. Yet humans don’t commit this behavior because we know it’s wrong. Dolphins rape other dolphins, which again for the furthering of your own genetics makes sense. You should implant your seed in as many helpless victims as you can, and yet again, humans don’t do this because we know it’s wrong.

Pretending like vegans are the weird ones because we’re simply consistent about our morality is wild. Non-vegans even get upset at the idea of eating dogs or cats, so it’s not even like they’re universally in favor of torturing and slaughtering helpless animals, only the ones that have been objectified by whatever culture they live in.

Nevoic, to memes in I'm too high for this

I was part of the vegan cult for years until I read this comment, thank you for saving me.

I was a wimp. I didn’t enjoy the idea of harming and killing animals, I had watched videos of animals being gutted alive and having their throats cut and squirming for literal minutes afterwards. This was uncomfortable, but only because I was a wimp.

After reading your comment I manned up and took my dog and 2 cats, strung them up while they were whimpering (which was hilarious), and slit their throats, cooked their delicious innards, and am finally able to walk again (I was only able to crawl because I had been nutrient deficient for so long despite what my libtard doctors told me).

I’m happy to live in a free country where I can do whatever I want with my property. In China I bet you can’t cook a dog because the government is just a bunch of moralizing leftists. God gave us domain over animals, and so I get to choose what I want to do with the animals I purchase.

Nevoic, to vegan in I wish plant based diets could be made easier for people (than they already are). I also wish people were more open to the concept of fortified foods or supplements.

There are a ton of resources online to offload the thought required to make meals that hit your micronutrients. The easiest and most well-known is probably veganuary. Most people participate in January, or at least that’s how it started, but you can access their resources all year.

Most people don’t go their whole life never trying new food, but even if you do you only need to make the transition once and then you can continue with the same recipes every week forever.

I’m incredibly lazy, have arthritis at 26, probably have some mild anxiety/depression that comes up periodically and is untreated, but still am vegan because we all have to be. 3 years in and my life isn’t any more difficult because of it, it’s just better all around to not be reliant on killing/exploiting animals.

My blood pressure improved after going vegan, some of my blood tests mildly improved (I was 23 before being vegan so nothing was insanely out of whack to begin with, but they did improve enough for my doctor to make note of it). I don’t have runny shits anymore, I guess I was probably lactose interolant but I never identified as such.

Nevoic, to 196 in Kick tankies out of 196

Yes I know what you mean now, I didn’t know what you meant when you fabricated your own definition and didn’t inform me of your special definition that nobody else uses.

In the future, when talking to people, it’s best to either use widely accepted definitions or make it clear that you’re using your own for god-knows what reason.

By the actual definition of bourgeoise, which is what I was talking about, I’m obviously correct. If we adopt your definition where you’re just using it as a synonym for “ruler”, I won’t claim to know the future. Maybe AI will be a benevolent dictator, or maybe we’ll have a proper dictatorship of the proletariat, or maybe we’ll have a proper free society. Who knows. But capitalist realism is still an absurd and stupid position considering it’s only been a thing for 200 years (unless you’re also redefining capitalism in your world where you just make up your own definitions of everything).

Nevoic, to 196 in Kick tankies out of 196

I’m talking directly about data that has been released, and about the potential of AI. It’s wild that you have an inability to imagine more than 3 days into the future. Yes, AI doesn’t currently exceed human intelligence. I don’t know why you think 2023 is the end-all for technological progress.

I also didn’t realize I was talking to someone who didn’t know what the bourgeoise was. Nobles and lords were not bourgeoise, they had fundamentally different relationships to capital. If you want to redefine the word and use it in a way nobody ever has, go for it, but it makes conversations with other humans unnecessarily complicated.

In the future, only use words that you understand the definition of, or if you insist on making up your own definition, make that clear from the start.

Nevoic, to 196 in Kick tankies out of 196

The bourgeoise have only existed for 200 years. Capitalist realism is the ridiculous position unsupported by almost the entirety of humanity’s existence. Even if you think utopia is a dream and there will always be rulers, claiming those rulers always have to be bourgeoise is obviously ridiculous.

I understand some people think human intelligence is some special product of the soul or biology, something that can’t be captured by silicon. Like there’s something special to carbon that allows for sophisticated processing that’ll never be matched by technology. I’ve never seen any evidence of this, and so I don’t believe in a soul or whatever magical fairy dust you think makes carbon special.

AI will match (and most likely far exceed) human capabilities in intelligence. Maybe you think the bourgeoise class will hire humans out of the goodness of their hearts, and I’d say you’re foolish for believing that. Once AI can match and exceed human capabilities, humans won’t be hired. It’s not that hard to reason out.

If you’re at all in the field of AI, you’d see how much faster this is all coming than experts originally thought. AGI was estimated by the industry to be about 25 years out, 2 years ago. Now it’s estimated to be 10 years out. Humans are terrible at understanding exponential curves. Unless we get massive regulation in the AI industry to slow it down, in 1 or 2 iterations we’ll hit AGI.

Sure, philosophers (myself included) will continue having debates about whether it’s sentient or conscious, but the bourgeoise aren’t interested in that, they just need raw performance. GPT4 already exceeds 50-99% of college students in all fields in performance scores (bar exam, AP exams, biology olympiad, etc.). Yes, college students are far from experts, but not as far as you might want to believe when it comes to scaling in information technology.

Nevoic, (edited ) to 196 in Kick tankies out of 196

It’s not an inherent truth of the universe that the future will always require more work than the present. On the contrary, automation has the obvious potential to do the opposite. Imagine a future (that as I see it is incredibly likely) that all levels of human intellect are achieved by AI (that is, we reach general level intelligence in AI). This means all non-physical labor will be automated away. There will be no way to “improve yourself” mentally to keep up, we will all have to do physical work.

Now consider that physical work can also be automated, and the same is true of those industries. Lastly, consider that this doesn’t happen all at once, but over time. There will be stages where unemployment isn’t 100%, but rather 40 or 50% of humans can’t find work because that level of work is no longer needed.

Capitalism doesn’t have a natural tendency to fix these problems. There’s actually an entire class of people (the bourgeoise) who benefit from exploiting this growing pain in the working class. They benefit from reduced labor costs, they benefit from increased automation.

In an ideal society, we’d all benefit from these tools. That’s not how capitalism is setup, and for as long as capitalism exists there will be a class who is actively trying to gatekeep those benefits to just their class. They’ve done an incredibly impressive job at regressing social progress in the last 40 years, and capitalism is built to exist exactly in the sweet spot it’s been in for the past 150 years. Humans see its failures, and we’ll continue to swing back and forth within the bounds of what our overton window clearly allows, desperately looking for a solution somewhere within the bounds of capitalism to a problem inherently tied to the system.

We fundamentally don’t need a class of people with social interests directly opposed to 99% of the population. The bourgeoise doesn’t need to exist, despite liberal attempts to try to band-aid capitalism endlessly to make them behave. They’re not a group of people to be tamed, it’s not like they’re some source of infinite wealth and prosperity that also happens to yearn for evil, they’re just a sociopolitical class that steals/extracts wealth and value out of the economy for their own benefit.

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