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Whenever I come across YouTube drama I’m always a little sad that I’m out of the loop and can’t participate in whatever is going on and tempted to go down a rabbit hole to figure it out, but then I realize my ignorance has saved me probably hundreds of hours of time that would otherwise be wasted worrying and arguing about things that haven’t the slightest impact on my life. Still, for my sake, enjoy your drama guys.


Alright youve convinced me, I’m a sucker for drama


I run and lift 5x days a week, an hour to an hour and a half of total workout time each day. I run first, generally around a half hour easy run or speed run depending on the day and how quickly in the morning I get out there. My lifting routine is a homebrew that probably is terrible so I won’t detail it, but I enjoy it. I’ve tried things like starting strength and other routines and they just don’t work for me. I’ll also generally do a long run on Sundays.

I’ll say, this really depends on the time you have and your goals. It’s getting cold out so I figure its a good time to up my calories and try to gain some strength. The past spring through summer is was way more focused on running doing a half marathon training plan, lifting maybe 3 times a week at most. I’ll probably switch back to something more like that when my pants start getting too tight, hopefully not until a few months into 2024 though.

I workout in the morning, I like to run first to kind of wake up, I find the lifting goes easier that way than the reverse. But I’ve heard plenty of people say to lift first so your at max stamina and not tired.

I’m also expecting my first kid this spring, so who knows what that’s going to do to my routine. I suspect my days of uninterrupted 1.5 hour workouts are numbered.


There are no red flag laws in Maine. There was no legal way to take his guns even if they thought that was necessary. Also, the christofacist supreme court is set to strike down laws that prevent people convicted domestic violence from owning guns, which will chip away at the legality of red flag laws everywhere. Happy Thursday everyone!


This was the top story on NPR’s up first podcast today. They didn’t exactly blame Isreal directly, but they also didnt defend Israel and suggest this is somehow justified. They stuck pretty close to here is what is happening on the ground, here’s voices of those affected, this is a humanitarian tragedy and will only get worse. They mentioned a woman in Gaza rationing milk for her baby due to the food shortage, that stuck with me. So I guess .

The coverage on the NYT The Daily podcast was spot on what I would expect from the outlet that cheared us into invading Iraq. Trash podcast, I don’t know why I’m still subscribed. Should have dumped it after they spent a whole episode making a martyr out of the praying football coach.


The author of the article determined that these ads are coming from the trashy ad networks that brought you such classic clickbait ads as “Doctors hate this one weird trick” and “[Current President] has slashed auto insurance rates in [your state], here’s how” that you see at the bottom of low quality news articles. So, it’s not just that X has spam ads, but they aren’t even directly selling them, which the article summarizes is a sign of desperation to get any ads, no matter how shit in quality, no matter how low paying to X they are, on the platform. At least the low tier news sites have the decency to identify them as ads and label the ad networks that is putting them up.


For sure, I feel the same. But I think part of the disconnect is around the word “need.” Because there is “need” as in “I will not survive without this thing, or my life will be more difficult and unpleasant without it” and then there is “need” in the marketing sense, the desire to buy a thing that is fun and interesting and exciting. The consumerism desire to fill the whole in your life with that new purchase that you hope will finally make you happy.

For the latter definition of “need,” smartphones used to do a good job of triggering it. Every year there was something new and a flashy about the latest batch of phones, some new must have feature. If you didn’t get the new phone, and your friends did, you’d feel like your missing out, like your lugging around some obsolete junk.

In the last few years (or more), new smartphones have just been modest performance upgrades, slightly better cameras, and that’s about it. The new iPhone 15 has an action button, neat. You don’t “need” to upgrade from your 12 because you don’t feel like your missing out on anything major, and your right.

It’s less about the form factor itself, and more about the lack of innovation. Apart from foldable, there hasn’t been something truly new and interesting is years. I think the idea here is, what if we (they) reimagined what a smartphone is, how you interact with it, what you do with it, and do that by making AI the center of the experience. I don’t know what that looks like, and I hope it’s more than “talk to your phone instead of touching it” because there is very little time during my day where I’d feel comfortable talking out loud to my phone, but it’s still an interesting idea, and there’s some smart people and big money that suggests this isn’t just a pipedream. Basically, it could be the first major innovation in how we compute on the go in a long time. And if they pull that off, you will “need” it.


Welcome! Former long time Relay user, but I left reddit in June. For what it’s worth, I like Thunder and Connect. They are both open source and add free (no offense to ad supported apps). Just thought you might like to know what a fellow Relay user settles on after months of trying them all out.

NevermindNoMind, (edited )

I listened to the whole thing on the Decoder podcast feed. The verge is promoting it as “wild” and “contentious”, and the latter is a little true, but overall id describe it as a cringefest. It was hard to get through, and I got the same sick pit in my stomach I did watching Scott’s Tots. Not that I’m particularly sympathetic to Yaccarino, she took this job so that says volumes about her judgement. But she was just so incredibly unprepared to address the most obvious questions, it seemed like she had drank the coolaid (flavor aid) and was expecting to the interviewer and audience to be so amazed with how awesome X is, and how amazing Elon is, and she was totally surprised when she got obvious questions like, how is X’s user engagement since third parties are reporting it’s down, why did x fire all the election integrity people, how much is X going to charge users and isn’t having a free option valuable to keep advertisers on the platform, and what’s the deal with suing the ADL?

At best she avoided every question with vague drawn out platitudes (elon is a genius, the employees at Twitter are brilliant, X is a transformative platform). At worst, she completely stepped in shit.

The two moments that stand out: first was when the interviewer asked about musk’s statements/tweets about charging all users a fee. Yaccarino took a big pause, asked the interviewer to repeat the question, then asked the interviewer “did he say he was thinking about doing that, or that it’s actually the plan?” The interviewer confirmed the latter and asked Yaccarino if Musk talked with her about that. Yaccarino says “we talk about everything.” Like, big ooof. Girl, your only lieing to yourself.

The second was when she was asked about Musk being the head of product, and whether that meant she’s not a real CEO. She defended musk being in charge of product because “who wouldn’t want to be working with the genius musk?” The audience audibly laughs and a bunch raise their hands. Yaccarino tries to brush the audience reaction off like they were just joking or just didn’t know Musk well enough. Lady, common, people hate musk, they know he’s shit to work for, what reaction were you expecting? Are you in that much of a musk cocoon?

The last thing I’ll say is that the former Twitter head of trust and safety, who left Twitter in protest a few weeks after musk took over and then musk called him a pedophile and he ended up having to flee his home because of the death threats, was added on as a speaker at the “last minute”, and X defenders are claiming Yaccarino was “sandbagged” with him speaking a few hours before her. The reporting so far is that that’s bullshit, she knew a few days in advance and was even offered the opportunity to speak before him. And he’s been publicly saying the same shit for months now, there weren’t any bombshells she couldn’t have prepared for. Tried and true strategy, if you bomb an interview just blame the “lamestream gotcha press.”

Overall, Yaccarino ate shit for 45 minutes. It’s an interesting case study in bad PR. Id recommend listening, but if your a person with any amount of empathy, make sure your emotionally ready to handle a whole lot of second hand embarrassment.

Edited to add Casey Newtons succinct summary: Yaccarino fended off most of Julia’s excellent questions with GPT-2-level responses, punctuating her answers with dutiful praise for Elon Musk and the “velocity of change” he brings to the company. I’m grateful Yaccarino took a turn in the hot seat, but in the end she had little to offer — just some numbers that will never be audited, and explanations that don’t add up.


Comedy Bang Bang

Hollywood Handbook

Hey Randy

Knowledge Fight

These are my “must listens” every week.

Honorable mention for another CBB Presents, Full Throttle! With Bob Ducca - extraordinarily brilliant, probably the hardest I’ve ever laughed at a podcast in my life. Limited run, so it’s concluded. He tells a story about posing as a monkey in a traveling circus that is somehow both tragically beautiful, and snot running down your face funny.


You listen to No Dogs in Space, have several spooky/strange/macabre podcasts on your list, but not Last Podcast on the Left. Just curious if there’s a reason.


Checks out! I know if I listen on a road trip with my wife, I put a piddlepad on her seat first.


Incredible system! You buy gold for $1.99 each, then the awardee can cash it out (terms and conditions apply) for $0.90 (or $1 for top contributors). Just put a PayPal in your profile and cut out the middleman and his 100% markup. Meh, whatever time to spin up a repost/karma bot - might as well cash in if reddit is this intent on their site going to shit. I’m just going to feed the top aita posts of all time into an ai bot and let it create garbage “golden up vote” bait.


Just want to add that this wasn’t just McDonald’s spinning it for their own purposes, it was part of a larger effort of tort reform - spreading the conception that people are suing for everything, even hot coffee hur dur, so that the public would support things like caps on pain and suffering damages and punitive damages. Corporations wanted more leeway to maximize profits(the reason McDonald’s coffee was so hot was because they could get more coffee out of the beans that way), even if it hurt people, and the public jumped right on board. This was part of the same strategy as denigrating plaintiffs attorneys as “ambulance chasers” and the like. It got to the point that even when people were harmed, they still wouldn’t sue because they didn’t want to be lumped in with “those entitled people suing over everything”. It became a point of pride to get fucked over by corporations and to do nothing about it. Really disgusting how easily the public was manipulated by all that.


How’s that corporate boot taste?


I’ve used it just to access Bing Chat, which has become my go to AI chatbot for a couple of reasons: 1) you theoretically get access to gpt 4 without paying 20 dollars a month, 2) it cites it’s sources, and 3) it can create images via DALLE from within the chat (which is handy, you can chat with the AI to help you think of an image prompt, the just say “ok make an image based on that description”). Other then that, i use Firefox at home. At work our choices are chrome or edge, so I use edge because of bing chat and I kind of like the layout better. It feels like choosing between buying something from Amazon or Walmart, which terrible corporation do I hate more in a given moment.


We continue to recommend Wyze lighting, since we consider them lower-risk, lower-impact devices—a security breach of a light bulb, for instance, wouldn’t give someone a view of your living room.

Call me paranoid, but I don’t want a company I don’t trust plugged into my network at all.


I’m sure you’d be fine, the baby will absorb most of the impact.

TikTok is blocking searches for WGA amid the ongoing writers strike (

Users on TikTok searching for “WGA” are met with a screen claiming that the phrase “may be associated with behavior or content that violates our guidelines.” No videos return. Users are also unable to search for the “WGA” hashtag....


For those fortunate enough to be out of the loop, one of the qanon catch phrases is “Where we go one we go all” which is some bastardized version of the three musketeers “all for one, one for all.” It’s often abbreviated as WWGOWGA, which you’ll see on bumper stickers to helpfully let you know the driver has completely lost touch of reality so you should give them plenty of space. I’ve never seen it shortened to WGA, but that is plausible.


It’s not even that.

California: “Please tell us if you allow nazis or not. We just want you to be transparent.”

Elon: “California is trying to pressure me into banning nazis! If I disclose I’m cool with nazis, people will be mad and they’ll want me to stop. Also, a lot of hate watch groups say I’m letting nazis run free on X, and I’m suing them for defamation for saying that, but if I have to publicly disclose my pro-nazi content moderation policies I’m going to lose those lawsuits and likely have to pay attorneys fees! Not cool California, not cool at all.”


I feel like if I ever become an audiophile, I’ll probably be looking at getting a separate music player with a DAC, a Tidal subscription, and a pair of kickass wired headphones. But for now, I’m mostly listening to podcasts and for music I use Spotify for it’s discovery features, and their audio quality is subpar already. Even if I had a headphone jack, I’m not really benefiting from superior sound quality but I am getting frustrated with tangled cords and getting caught on doorknobs. I’ll take the convenience of Bluetooth, especially while working out. And Bluetooth standards have been getting better anyway, in a few years it might be on par with wired.


They could just break it or break your windows.

This is why you need backup measures. For example, if they break in through my windows, they’ll be foiled by the micromachines I placed strategically on the floor. If they break through the door, they’ll have to contend with the blowtorch I have rigged just inside the entryway. Always remember, “this is my house, I have to defend it.”


It’s an interesting article and worth a full read. But I’ll bullet point the main problems with mental healthcare it describes (based on my comprehension of the article):

  • Over and misdiagnosis - since mental health disorders are based on symptoms which often overlap with other conditions, misdiagnosis is common. Also, diagnosis is inherently subjective and depends on the therapists impressions and the quality of information the patient gives
  • Therapy itself doesn’t work for everyone, and when it does it often takes a lot of time. People expect to head into one or two therapy sessions and have all their problems solved. Also, some forms of therapy have less evidence of effectiveness.
  • Since therapy is hard, time consuming, and costly, therapists often resort to prescribing meds. Antidepressants in particular are far less effective than people perceive. At best antidepressants can slightly help improve your mood, but the hard work of therapy is needed to address the underlying issues, which often doesn’t happen.
  • What often has the biggest benefits are strategies that help people manage the stressors, habits, and circumstances of their lives. Traditional therapy often isn’t geared toward that, and there is only so much any therapy can do because…
  • A lot of our mental health is based on societal factors and our circumstances, and you can’t just talk your way out living with all of this gestures vaguely at everything
  • The rise of app based mental healthcare is good in that it expanda access, but the quality is shit.

For context, this all started Thursday when the ADL xeeted that is had a “frank and productive” conversation with X’s CEO. She replied with some warm and fuzzy PR bullshit about working together to improve the platform blah blah blah. But the right wing nutjobs weren’t happy with the implication that X was in anyway cooperating with the ADL and there was immediate backlash. “Ban the ADL” became a trending hashtag, because, according to the racist majority on X, the ADL is the actual hate group and they pressure advertisers who in turn pressure platforms to “ban free speech.” Musk, always quick to undermine the sad sack holding the title “CEO” jumped on that bandwagon and been xeeting about it all weekend, threatening to ban them, generally talking trash, and now threatening to sue.

I find it depressing that I’m aware of all this.


It’s a shitty position to be in so I almost feel bad as well, except literally everyone knew this was going to happen when she joined. But I doubt she thought, “What’s the worst that could happen? I have a bland conversation with the ADL, and Musk spends the weekend retweeting self deacribed antisemites and threatening to ban/sue the ADL?”

She is scheduled to be at the Code Conference hosted by the Verge/Vox at the end of September. I’m really interested in how she answers when asked about being undermined, especially now that the undermining has taken the form of her boss just being an outright antisemite.


You can stop the trolly anytime, but it’s unfair for the people not on the train tracks.

X wants permission to start collecting your biometric data and employment history (

“Based on your consent, we may collect and use your biometric information for safety, security, and identification purposes,” the privacy policy reads. It doesn’t include any details on what kind of biometric information this includes — or how X plans to collect it — but it typically involves fingerprints, iris...


I think that’s why the article mentions the lawsuit. Apart from future collection, it appears X is scanning eyes from photos people post on X and retaining that information.


Higher ed, primary ed, and homework were all subcategories ChatGPT classified sessions into, and together, these make up ~10% of all use cases. That’s not enough to account for the ~29% decline in traffic from April/May to July, and thus, I think we can put a nail in the coffin of Theory B.

It’s addressed in the article. First, use started to decline in April, before school was out. Second, only 23 percent of prompts were related to education, which includes both homework type prompts, and personal/professional knowledge seeking. Only about 10 percent was strictly homework. So school work isn’t a huge slice of ChatGPTs use.

Combine that with schools cracking down on kids using ChatGPT (in classroom assignments and tests, etc), and I don’t think your going to see a major bounce back in traffic when school starts. Maybe a little.

I’m starting to think generative AI might be a bit of a fad. Personally I was very excited about it and used ChatGPT, Bing, and Bard all the time. But over time I realized they just weren’t very good, inaccurate answers, bland writing, just not much help to me, a non programmer. I still use them, but now it’s maybe once a day or less, not all day like I used to. Generative AI seems more like a tool that is helpful in some limited cases, not the major transformation it felt like early in the year. Who knows, maybe they’ll get better and more useful.

Also, not super related, but I saw a static the other day that only about a third of the US has even tried ChatGPT. It feels like a huge thing to us tech nerdy people, but your average person hasn’t bothered to even try it out.


Hi, average user here, I’ve been daily driving Linux (primarily Ubuntu) for a decade or more. Most of my life in a computer is spent in a web browser, word document, or maybe a spreadsheet. Even at my office job it’s the same, except for some proprietary time tracking and billing software. I’d imagine 90 percent of consumers spend the vast majority of their time on computers in the web browser. Most people don’t mess around with much beyond that.

I just don’t understand what is lacking in the Linux user experience. It’s not any different from a Windows user learning to use a Mac computer. Figure out how to connect to wifi, figure out how to mess with the volume, open a browser and that’s it.

Max wants to push alerts on viewers when there is breaking news on CNN. (

CNN Max is likely to evolve over time. Among the features the company will try out are ways of alerting Max viewers to breaking news while they are watching something else on the service, whether it be an HBO series, a Turner Classic Movies selection or an old episode of Food Network’s “Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.”...


I have the cbs news app on my phone. Yesterday I got a breaking news push notification informing me that someone caught a big alligator. I can’t imagine the rage I’d be filled with if I was immersed in a show only to be interrupted by a pop up like that.

Or to use the recent hurricane coverage as an example:

  • Breaking: Hurricane Project To Hit Florida
  • Breaking: Hurricane Projected to be 'Major Hurricane '
  • Breaking: Hurricane Strengthens to Category 3 Ahead of Landfall in Florida
  • Breaking: Hurricane Strengths to Category 4 Ahead of Landfall in Florida
  • Breaking: Hurricane Makes Landfall in Florida
  • Breaking: Hurricane Downgraded to Category 2 Hours After Landfall in Florida
  • Breaking: Small City Faces Sever Flooding from Hurricane
  • Breaking: Hurricane Crosses into Georgia

Etc. Pop up, pop up, pop up, pop up. Id either stop watching Max or have to ask my doc to prescribe blood pressure meds.


It’s all the coffee you drank you make that poop a reality.

Reddit launches moderator rewards program amid sitewide discontent (

The Mod Helper Program is a tiered system that awards helpful moderators with trophies and flairs. Reddit users accrue karma by receiving upvotes and awards, and lose karma if they receive downvotes. The program rewards moderators who receive upvotes on comments in r/ModSupport....


Without ice cream, there are only screams.

I just want you to know you just gave me my new life moto

Did anyone try to return to reddit and notice it just didn't do it for you anymore?

So I’ve switched to lemmy since the reddit meltdown started, experienced quite some withdrawal symptoms, occasionally turned back to reddit, more often logged out than logged in. Now I am merely using Lemmy occasionally and by far not as often as I used reddit before. No more doom scrolling....


Reddit isn’t fun anymore, I agree with that. I checked /r/all for this first time today in months. I haven’t logged in or browsed since the blackout, but there are a few communities I miss and was thinking about going back over for those, so I checked r/all out of curiosity to see how things have been. The content was just so much trash, and I don’t even think it’s that much worse. It’s just that I’ve been away for so long that I’m looking at it now like “how did I spend my days scrolling through this garbage for hours?” It’s just boring, it’s like just interesting enough to keep you scrolling hoping to find something actually interesting.

Here on lemmy there is far fewer users and far less content. But I’m starting to see that as a good thing. I pop by and scroll, but I don’t spend hours here like I did on reddit. The discussions are smaller, but more engaging and thoughtful. I remember before I left there were certain threads I’d see and just skip because I already knew exactly what all the comments would be. Also, I’m actively engaging more here, so there is actually some “social” in my social media use, instead of just passively consuming like I mostly did on reddit.

Overall I think ithe switch to Lemmy has been good, for me at least. It’s like I’ve broken the reddit addiction, and looking at it now I can’t understand why I got so caught up with it in the first place. To me, reddit just isn’t fun anymore.


Mr. “assassination coordinates” said he was going to live stream driving to Zucks house to fight him, which would effectively doxx Zuck. Expecting logical consistency is silly.


I think this is right. I’ve been thinking about this a bit as I watch who in my office starts using LLMs and more importantly how they are using them. The folks in their 40s or 50s have largely ignored it, I remember a gen xer sending an email around in may talking about this neat new ChatGPT her middle school kid showed her. I know one xer in my office whose straight up afraid to even try it. Those closer to gen z will use it, but in a very basic way - just asking straight questions seeking information, get frustrated when it can’t handle complex questions or they get lied to, then quit. Millennials seem to be better about using it for what it’s good at, generating ideas, startingn places for documents, editing/proofreading, etc. Maybe it’s because millennials were in that sweet spot between the older folks who didn’t grow up with tech and the younger folks who are used to apps that just work without having to think through how to make the thing do what you want. Maybe millennials are more interested in tech generally since we saw it change so rapidly in our lifetimes. Maybe it’s just my small sample size of a 40ish person office.

Microsoft AI suggests food bank as a “cannot miss” tourist spot in Canada (

Late last week,’s Microsoft Travel section posted an AI-generated article about the “cannot miss” attractions of Ottawa that includes the Ottawa Food Bank, a real charitable organization that feeds struggling families. In its recommendation text, Microsoft’s AI model wrote, “Consider going into it on an empty...


I think AI is a powerful and useful technology that can help humans in many ways, but it is not perfect and sometimes it can make mistakes or produce unexpected results. The article is an example of how AI can generate content that is inappropriate or insensitive, without understanding the context or the meaning of what it is writing. This does not mean that AI is incapable or useless, but rather that it needs to be supervised and evaluated by humans, who can provide feedback and guidance to improve its performance and quality.

AI is not a replacement for human creativity, intelligence, or judgment, but a tool that can augment and enhance them. AI can also learn from its own mistakes and improve over time, as long as it receives the right data and feedback. For example, Microsoft has apologized for the article and said that they have taken steps to prevent such errors from happening again¹. They have also removed the article from their website and replaced it with a message that says "this page no longer exists."²

I hope this answer helps you understand the abilities and limitations of AI better. 😊


I just checked the playstore from the US. Same thing, not on the top 200 at all. Relay for Reddit is at 141. Fucking Truth Social is at 16. Reddit is still an editors choice app though.

Curious and Unknowledgable

Linux is interesting to me, but I’ve never dipped my toes into it because it seems really intimidating (and a lot of loud people act pretty snobbish about it towards non-Linux users, making it seem even more intimidating to get into; I’d rather not be bullied for my choices in software or my ignorance in others)....


I know literally nothing about computers and I’ve been daily driving Linux for well over a decade. I just use Ubuntu and I’ve been pretty much using all the default settings, apart from some customization here and there. There was a time years ago when I wanted to learn and tinker, but in reality I never learned to use the command line for more than running updates (I still sudo apt-get update cause it makes me feel like hackerman).

My point is, Linux is super easy to just set up and run. If you want to learn more, there’s plenty of opportunities for that. But it’s not something to be intimidated by at all. A lot of the community is enthusiasts (who’ve I’ve found extremely helpful back when I used to have problems) so you’ll hear more jargon in these spaces. But I’m sure there are tons of others like me that use Linux just fine day to day without understanding a ton about computers.


I regularly go weeks without touching my personal laptop. I do nearly everything on my phone and it’s generally as easy if not easier than on a laptop (for example, I personally find cleaning up my email to be easier to do on my phone then my laptop). I have my todoist on my phone, I track workouts on my phone, my music and podcasts are all on my phone, I bank and pay bills on my phone, I shop on my phone, I navigate in my car using my phone, I read news and post on lemmy from my phone, on and on. Not to mention my phone is the only picture taking device I have and I want to be able to have good quality pictures to look back on over the years. My phone is the device that runs my life life, so when it comes time for a new one I have no problem sending a little more for good quality.


Part of the problem is news consumers, that was part of the point of the article. “News” outlets know they can just embed a musk X-eet, write a couple of paragraphs of context (or have AI do it), add the headline “Musk says ____” and boom an easy ten thousand clicks. The author argues these outlets should at least acknowledge prominently in their articles that Musk is a serial liar. He specifically calls out a few outlets over their coverage of Musks unilateral claim that the fight will be streamed on X without ever acknowledging that the claim was likely bullshit without Zucks verification. Just shitty clickbait journalism.

PSA: Communick is a privacy-focused provider of fediverse instances, pledging to donate 20% of its profits to FOSS projects

With all the talk about expensive clients, how to fund the developers and big instances not managing to keep up with the influx of users, I’d like to tell you about my work on Communick and what I am proposing as an alternative model for a sustainable growth of the Fediverse....


This is a really interesting idea, I’m definitely considering it. I’m already giving on patreon more than your plans cost. I have two questions. First, just from a business perspective, how do you think about differentiating yourself from the donation based servers? Is there something of extra value that people get from your instance and service that they can’t get elsewhere?

I’m also interested in your moderation and federation policies. I think a potential barrier here is paying upfront for a year only to disagree with a federation decision down the line. Maybe you could have different instances with different policies? Like one that is federated with threads, one that isn’t, one that’s federated with hexbear one that isn’t. Maybe that’s overly complicated once you start adding up all the different combinations that people come up with (personally I’m fine with threads, meh on hexbear, and a no on explodingheads).

Excel’s esports revolution is coming back to ESPN this week (

The contestants in an event like the Excel World Championship are given what’s called a “case,” which could be almost anything. One case from last year’s competition required each player to figure out all the possible outcomes and associated rewards for a slot machine; another required modeling how a videogame character...

Excel’s esports revolution is coming back to ESPN this week (

The contestants in an event like the Excel World Championship are given what’s called a “case,” which could be almost anything. One case from last year’s competition required each player to figure out all the possible outcomes and associated rewards for a slot machine; another required modeling how a videogame character...


Sorry! I just copied a relevant chunk from the article, so that’s their spoiler. I’ll edit though, it is confusing (and this is the first time I’ve heard about excel games so I was tempted to look up last year’s until the verge spoiled it).


7am eastern on ESPN will be a 30 minute cut of it. Sounds like the full multi hour match will be posted on YouTube. I was trying to find last year’s, likes like it might be on Financial Modeling World Cups channel. Not positive though.

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