
@[email protected]

Some IT guy, IDK.

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NGL, I’m scrolling through to see if anyone did this.


I don’t see any problem with that.


I work in IT support, and I have for longer than I’d like to admit. I’m on the very early edge of millennial. I was born a few years after the generation “started”. My older brother was on the transition between millennial and gen X and my oldest sibling was very gen X. My parents were part of the prior two generations (boomers etc), and I tend to work along side and for all sorts of people from all of these generations.

Earlier than gen X, eg boomers and older, are usually technology adverse, they don’t like change. I find many are kind of “set in their ways”. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but they seem to be fairly rare. They like to do things using methods that are tried and true, but often reluctantly agree to use computers instead of paper because that’s what others are doing. Even so, they’re fairly adverse to updates and changes that modify how things get done. They have money, and you can’t have any of it. Often, they have little understanding of the problems faced with current generations, likely because they did not have the same challenges, and despite their stories of “back in my day” about how hard things were for them, they actually had it rather easy in terms of cashflow and buying power. They made less, sure, but when they were able to buy a mid sized, single family, fully detached home for the same dollar value as a “cheap” car costs now, their money went much farther (around $20k).

Gen X is kind of lost. What I mean is that they don’t really have too many traits that stand out. As far as I can see, they’re hyper independent, mostly riding the coat tails of the bombers economically, so, while they didn’t have it quite as easy as boomers did (despite what boomers might think/say), it also wasn’t significantly harder for them. They were mostly able to follow a fairly typical life path, get an education (HS/college/uni), get a career, buy a house, have a family (if desired). Politically, from what I’ve seen, gen X is the most diverse group and they’re usually following along with whatever is regionally popular. Not because it’s popular, but because they’re surrounded by it. From what I’ve seen this group is the most adaptable to their neighboring community, mostly just trying to fit in and not be bothered. Right now they’re a large part of working professionals.

Millennials are usually post college, debt laden individuals that are just tired. They were trying to kick-start their lives in some of the craziest times imaginable. Many early millennials who were able to quickly move through the education system, and immediately get into a career and the housing market follow more along the lines of gen X. If you were held back for any reason or you were caught up in a situation that held you back, you shared fate with many of the later millennials. The majority of millennials were caught up in every economic crisis short of a complete collapse of the money system during the years that they should have been starting their careers. Homes rose in price swiftly and vehicles didn’t lag far behind. Driven by sheer determination to succeed, many accrued significant debt that they just want to balance out. This group is the most technically malleable and can adapt to most technology changes in the shortest time. Growing up on landlines and home PC’s/consoles/electronics that all significantly changed their designs, capabilities and interfaces every 4-5 years. Many seem to be problem solvers and want to be helpful/useful. Many have, and some still do, hold onto the ideal that their contribution should be impactful. Most just want to be acknowledged and told they’re doing well, while making enough to pay their bills and debts. For many the dream of owning a home is dying or dead. Renters, car owners, debt holders. They’re growing rather jaded about it as they get older.

Gen Z have their own language. Millennials did too but mostly in cultural memes, with the zoomers, it’s less cultural reference and more of a short hand derived from cultural references. Things that on their own, don’t make any sense and are not even full sentences in any way shape or form. They follow in the aftermath of the economic crisises of millennials and have many of the same economic challenges. Many of those challenges are simply more severe. Prices are higher than ever, buying power is at an all time low. Surrounded by toxic “hustle” culture and many seem to want nothing to do with that. Many find humor in randomness and unexpected happenstance rather than traditional subversion of expectation as humor. They’re quickly becoming the most socially aware and active generation, and want change. Technologically growing up on iPhones and Androids rather than home PC’s, many are not very adaptable to changes in technology though zoomers are one of the highest use groups for the technology. They use it, they don’t really understand it very well, so when things break, even if they’re only non fictional in their current state, things are replaced rather than fixed. Eg, if their iPhone is too slow, rather than trying to find out why or trying to fix the issue, better to simply upgrade to whatever apple is currently pushing. Due to this, they needlessly spend more money than their older generation counterparts. This is by design by the actions of corporations, fostering a single use, replace, not repair mentality. They’re not lazy or lacking in motivation at all, despite appearances that may show a lack of success, instead the lack of success is driven by an inability to find adequate employment that will pay enough to allow them to prosper. The majority will be “held back” from the “typical” life path of education > career > home ownership > family, because of their inability to prosper due to high prices and low wages.

Overall, through the generations there has been a decline in community as a function of geography, and an increase in community as a function of shared interest, mainly due to the growing and universal access to the internet. The internet has allowed both good and bad to be accessible at a moment’s notice. This has shortened the tolerance to delays and given a sense of urgency to even the most trivial and mundane of requests. With the immediate response available from growing internet connectivity, demand for more frequent, more detailed updates from everything has grown significantly, eroding confidence in others to fulfill their obligations unless they communicate that “we’re doing things” (so to speak). Even something as simple as ordering take out or having things shipped, if there is no tracking and reporting, then it might as well not be happening.

Over all, IMO, the problems faced by the current generations tend to be more centered around artificial issues created by corporations. They want to pay less, earn more, and overall turn a larger and larger profit. This is neither surprising, nor helpful to most. It does however explain the single use, replace rather than fix, nature of things that has been growing. The rise in rental vs ownership has increased the cost of living and is on track to build a service-based lifestyle where personal ownership doesn’t happen. Everything is provided for a “low” recurring fee, which has so significantly outpaced any rise in wage that most will be unable to accrue any amount of savings.

For me, all of this has made it very clear what future we’re in store for, and bluntly, it’s not very pleasant. Perpetual home rental, no personal ownership of vehicles (you simply tap a button on your phone and if one is available, it will arrive for you to use, little more than a taxi service), video, audio and other media will be rental only, streaming over the internet, which is a monthly service fee. This leads to near zero ability for customization of your lifestyle. You have no choice in terms of the appliances and devices you use, the car you drive, your home’s design… The list goes on. So if you want or need something different, you’re completely out of luck. Conform or die.


I promise you, I have no savings nor investments, mature or otherwise.

I completely understand where you’re coming from. I’ve long considered that the next generation is going to be royalty screwed. Millennials are not doing great. I know many that are struggling, but gen z didn’t even get a chance.

Give your dog some pets for me and I hope things get better soon… Or the government collapses under the insurmountable weight of all the bribery that’s going on.


Linux users… The vegans of IT.


If it’s big, I’ve seen them use refrigerators, washing machines and football fields as units of measure.

Anything to avoid the metric system.


Like Jim Carey in Ace Ventura?

For those that may have forgotten:


Yep. That happened once. The user plugged the cable for their laptop, from the dumb switch, into the same dumb switch and took out most of the network.


Fun story. I was tasked with figuring out a connection problem on a client’s network. STP was enabled, but everyone having problems were all connected to one switch.

Some investigation later and STP’s root port is not the expected root port…

After some investigation, a user took the ethernet cable for their computer (Daisy chained off their VoIP phone), and decided to store it, in the wall jack… Across the office.

That was Jack was on a different switch, and it had a lower port cost than the primary root port between the switches, so naturally, let’s send all inter-switch traffic over to this… Telephone.



I’m pretty sure I’d be sick, about 5 bags in. I’m also sure my mouth would be worse for wear, but by the time the seventh is opened, I’d probably be doubled over the porcelain throne.


Disclaimer, I vape.

The main argument against smoking cigarettes, IMO, is the smell. Not just that it smells, but it tends to linger. It becomes damn near impossible to get rid of.

Vaping, on the other hand, isn’t nearly as bad for that. After a few minutes, it dissipates and clears out. No lasting issue.

This is all aside from the obvious “smoking is bad” normal rhetoric. The stuff that they put on the cigarette cartons and such. I think we’re all very aware of that.

However, it’s a personal choice. You (and I) have been well educated on the negatives, so if you choose to partake, that’s on you.

Being a reasonable and courteous person, however, maybe don’t do it next to someone’s window, or in their face? As a vaper, I try to step away from where people are to do my thing. I also pay attention to the airflow/wind, to try to stand down wind of people. They get the nice fresh, vape free air, and I can blow clouds and not have them arrive in people’s faces. I know not everyone does that, but they should, honestly.


I am not offended. I agree, it’s very addictive. Vaping can be an incredible tool; it can also lead to something worse. It’s all in how you use it.

I started picking up cigarellos to help manage my stress, and instead of continuing to do that, I made a hard turn to vaping. It’s kept me away from combustible tobacco, and right now I’m doing ok.

No need to worry, friend.


Where do you live? The surface of the sun?


I’m in this content, and I don’t like it.


I stopped paying attention. Anytime I actually check the date, it’s like a little surprise.

“Oh, it’s 2023 now, that’s interesting. And it’s December. Cool. Cool cool cool cool cool.”


shakes fist at cloud

Now that I’m older, I understand.


If you have this bumper sticker, I will honk at you.


People in this thread need to watch this:


One point here: the government doesn’t pay out a large chunk of it’s earnings to people who did nothing to ensure that the product or service was delivered.

They got paid a large percentage of revenue because they’re shareholders.

Tell me again why taking a big pile of money from customers, who are very likely not wealthy (at least for the majority), and giving it to wealthy people, is “more efficient” than the government doing the same job and just, not doing that?

If you cut out the profit, the “business” runs more lean, no matter which way you arrange the numbers. I would argue that a more lean business model is simply more efficient. The dollars going in simply result in more output per dollar. IMO, that’s efficient.

Am I taking crazy pills here?


Except they didn’t. Whomever purchased the stock initially did, and often that amount is a shadow of what the stock is currently traded at.

It’s also a figure that’s been repaid over and over again as dividends have been paid.

With government organizations, the public, aka debt devices, aka the public wallet, pays for the initial investment. Once that investment is made it pays for itself over and over in goods and services over the lifetime of the investment.

Shareholders are basically the landlords of wall street. They contribute nothing and feel like they deserve everything.


Okay, I’m not getting into a debate about organizational behaviour, economics and finance with an unarmed person.

Good day to you sir/madam.


I’m just tired, and the context of your statements show a dramatic lack of understanding for how business operates.

Good luck tho. 👍


If it turns a profit for them, yeah.


Is it his birthday?


I’m not sure the mods are going to care honestly. I think most are in agreement that the Orville is basically star trek adjacent, and close enough that… Honestly as long as it doesn’t take over, nobody will bat an eye at the occasional Orville meme.


Yes. The stimulants used have a side effect of basically being turbocharged coffee… That’s the best way I can describe it.

I’ve been in prescription ADHD meds for more than a year and after forcing myself out of bed long enough to shove my medication down my face hole, within an hour, of that, it becomes impossible for me to get to sleep for at least 10-12 hours, even if I’m fully acclimatized to my dose.

Once when I neglected to take meds for over a month straight (pretty significant depression after a job loss, I’m ok now), the first time I started back on my medication, I was wired for at least 20 hours after taking my normal dose. Messed up my sleep pretty badly, but I got back on the horse right after and things calmed down a lot.

Since getting onto this prescription, I haven’t had any issues staying awake, and usually as the meds wind down (wear off) near the end of the day, I can get to sleep at a reasonable time.

It’s a stimulant, so that’s not really surprising.


It’s unfortunate that most business owners seem to be morning people and demand that all of their employees do the same.

I’m barely functional by 8 AM and you want me to DRIVE? And DO WORK before 10 AM?

I swear, I do 80% of my work between 2PM and 5PM.


My pet peeve about headlights is that auto manufacturers used the same fittings for standard and HID bulbs and allowed users to replace them of their own accord.

So plenty of places and third parties made HID bulbs for standard bulb fixtures, and people installed them thinking they would make everything better for them when driving at night. They’re the brightest and therefore the best, right? Nope.

HID bulbs should be in specific housings and fixtures which control the direction of the light better than standard bulb housings. With regular bulbs (incandescent), this isn’t a problem, since the amount of misdirected light is not enough to cause problems. When you exponentially increase the amount of light with an HID bulb, that leakage is no longer trivial, and rather blinding.

This is why I’m in support of LED headlights on cars. They’re still “blue” and very VERY bright when you’re in the cone of light they emit, but they’re usually a non-user-serviceable component. So unless someone intentionally goes and screws with their headlight alignment, they generally eliminate most issues with very bright headlights. They keep the light directed at the ground, giving the driver very good coverage of the road while not blinding oncoming drivers (mostly). The downside, IMO, is that, since the bulbs are no longer able to be changed by the user, by design, you now need to buy a whole new headlight assembly if your headlight stops working. While LEDs are generally very long lived, that life can be significantly reduced due to problems beyond your control, like manufacturing defects that can go undetected for years until suddenly the light simply stops working; costing possibly hundreds of dollars to fix, where a standard set of bulbs would be maybe $20 at most.

IMO, between this, and automatic headlights, and on some cars, automatic high beams, as long as people use those systems as intended, being blinded by headlights in most scenarios should be a thing of the past… Of course that requires that people use the systems as intended… Which is a bit like wishing for world peace. The populous unanimously agreeing to anything is basically impossible at this point. Even something as basic as “killing people is bad” is not something that everyone can agree on, since there are entire movements of people who think they should be seeking peace by killing all of the people who disagree with their position. I don’t want to name names on that, but it’s a thing that a few very notable groups fervently believe. To go into that a bit further, most would agree that anyone trying to commit the “murder, death, kill” on anyone should be stopped by any means necessary, which includes, but isn’t limited to killing the person trying to kill others; this is largely considered to be an acceptable exception to the rule, but again, not everyone agrees with that. I won’t go further with it, since I think the point is made… We can’t, as a society of people, universally agree on anything. So there will always be exceptions.


IDK, I always say gif, and people seem to understand what I’m saying.


I hate this.

MystikIncarnate, (edited )

The phone in the movie was a Nokia. I believe it was the 7910, if memory serves me correctly.

The spring loaded slide wasn’t really a thing. I think one version of the phone had it in the production release, but it was limited to a very small geographical area… I think somewhere in Asia? I forget.

Everywhere else had the phone to some extent, minus the spring loaded sliding action. You just had up push the cover down.

Source: my best friend had one. After… I think, 3? Years of owning it, he was so fed up with its dumb quirks that I think he snapped the slider thing off… Which had the mic in it, so he got a new phone right after that.

EDIT: I was mistaken, it was the Nokia 7110.


I remember my first phone better than the last feature phone I had. First was the Nokia 5190

The last non-smartphone I owned was a Samsung I think. One of the first ones that supported media playback. It was a flip/clamshell design. After that it was a string of questionable choices until I got my first Nexus.

I had a strtrk phone (I think that was the name), which was a clamshell Windows Mobile phone and I really liked it but I went for a walk on a pretty warm day and got a call. After a long conversation, enough sweat got into the phone that it died. I also had the HTC touch, I think it was called. Anyways, it was a soap bar but slid sideways and had a qwerty keyboard, also Windows phone. I eventually picked up a Motorola milestone (other regions may know it as the Motorola Droid), which was similar to the HTC, but thinner, with a bigger screen, and it ran android, my first Android phone.

Then I eventually gave up on the hardware keyboard because nobody made phones with them that were any good, went through a few other HTC’s that were all Android and very forgettable, until I landed on the Nexus 4. I’ve been doing the Google thing since. I owned a Nexus 4, 5, 6, 7, and 5X, as well as the pixel 1, 4 and now 7. Over the years, I’ve had secondary phones, usually iPhones, but not always, sometimes for work, sometimes just to have something different with me. I think I’ve used the 6/6 SE and one of the cheap ones… I forget which cheap one, but one of them.


Yeah, wtf! Stop replying to me!


Thank you very much for not replying. I really do appreciate it.


Yeah, I’m just having a bit of fun.

Please don’t screw me though. I don’t think my wife would appreciate it.


Oh no!


Makes me wonder what people are paying for bread, Kraft cheese (or a knockoff of the same) and butter/margarine.

Seriously, a single grilled cheese shouldn’t be more than $1, it should be much less… At least in materials… The cost of grilling it and cleaning up and whatnot should still be really cheap. Even if you wrap the sandwiches in wax/parchment paper or whatever and serve it, you should still be able to make a profit per sandwich. Whether you would be better off doing this rather than getting a job at McDonald’s or whatever… That will depend on how popular the food truck is…


I’ll grant that farenheit has merit, but for me, the foot/inches distance works a bit better for casual measurements, and stuff that doesn’t have to be very precise.

Beyond maybe someone’s height, I’d rather work in metric. I’m also very much in favor of celsius and I still have trouble converting between the temperature scales. I grew up with temps in degrees C, and height and some sort distances in feet/inches. IDK, I’m weird.

The date thing drives me nuts though.



ISO 8601.


I feel as though there was a “good old days” of the internet. Don’t get me wrong, it was a complete shit show, but it was anonymous, anyone could say anything that they wanted, and there would be few if any consequences. There were ads, but they were generally garbage animated GIFs at worst.

It wasn’t perfect, but we were free to do what we wanted on the internet, with little to no bearing on our daily lives.

Now, it’s almost expected that your online activity will be tied to you specifically. In most cases, your legal name is attached to it for everyone to see. If you try to go around without your legal name on everything, then generally you are either severely limited, or outright removed from the platform. Sigh


mmmhmm. yeah, I understand some of these words.

Can anyone explain to someone who doesn’t play ranked?


IDK man, I’m just anti-war and anti-warmongering. Anyone who desires war or actively engages in it is kind of a bad person.

Nothing against soldiers, most of them are just trying to do their duty, usually oblivious to the real reasons behind their orders. They’re just the fodder for someone’s desire for conquest and power.

With all the amazing communication technology we have, so many still have so much difficulty actually communicating with others in a reasonable way. We’re all humans, and the vast majority just want to live their lives. The minority want everyone different to become like them.


I’m mainly referring to all the people who feel the need to start wars and such. I understand that the conflict when seen remotely is difficult to get any accurate information about, since the content is heavily filtered/edited by media outlets. I don’t think what they’re saying is necessarily false, but I don’t believe it’s the full story, and I never will.

This is why, as someone who doesn’t live there, has never visited there, and very likely will never find myself there, I’m going to abstain from placing any blame on anyone. I don’t know who is right or wrong or whatever, and to be blunt, I don’t have any stake in this, so my opinion doesn’t matter. The only message I want to convey here is that, killing other people, regardless of who they are, shouldn’t be something that anyone should feel the need to do. Defending yourself from an attack is understandable, but I don’t know enough, and can’t get enough information to know who escalated to violence first. Being able to talk and come to a compromise, and agree to that compromise in the interest of preserving human life and preventing violence, should always be the primary option, but even when that happens, some leaders seem so unreasonable that a violent conflict is inevitable. They refuse to communicate effectively and work with other people in a reasonable way.

For this conflict, I have no idea who sits on what side of that discussion or why the conflict has become violent, and I won’t pretend to know. My thoughts are with those who have been injured or killed in the conflict and their families; regardless of who they are.


Which is probably why webp still exists.

Most of the other things killed by Google follow this trend. Stadia is a glowing example of this self fulfilling prophecy.

Though, in the case of stadia, IMO, they should have probably worked harder to let people know that as long as you have a Google login and something to play with, you could have tried it without buying anything. There were a number of trials on the platform that were free to play. Since people didn’t generally know that, a lot were relying on reviewers to form an opinion, and most of the reviews were early access and wrought with issues that were quickly fixed.

I miss stadia.


As a disclaimer, I understand the logic in most cases, it shouldn’t imply that I agree with it.

In an ideal communism, everyone would have their basic needs taken care of, regardless of who they are, what they do, how “valuable” they are, or what they know is, etc.

In reality, almost all attempts at communism are authoritarian at their core, and whomever is in a position of authority, due to them being human and inherently selfish, they value their own comfort and contribution more than they value the contribution of others. This will almost always devolve into a mass exploitation of the populous to serve those who are in control.

The ideals of communism, in and of themselves are not bad or evil. The practical result of the authority that arises from a communist country or society will very often result in human suffering on a massive scale.

So to put it simply, people generally romanticize the ideals of communism; at a high level, speaking very ideally, they’re not wrong. Communism has some ideas that should be taken into very serious consideration. When applied on a large scale in communist countries like China (as an easy example) it’s very easy for the majority to be living well below what most would consider “the poverty line” with little to no consideration from the governing authority regarding that situation.

Thus, while the communist ideal of a solution to this problem is preferable to the homeless and destitute results of capitalism, there isn’t any country in the world that lives up to providing a good living situation to those who are in need. Sure, in a communist country, you may get a roof over your head, given to you by the government, but you may or may not get adequate amounts of food on the table to not starve, or required medical care, or any of a plethora of other things that are beneficial to your continued existence. You just get to die in a bed, in an apartment, via starvation or treatable medical ailments, rather than dying from exposure with enough food in your stomach, and in otherwise okay physical health, because you had no place warm to sleep.

All options are equal levels of terrible.

IMO, the point of these kinds of posts isn’t to say that we would be better off with communism, but rather, that the typical capitalist “solutions” to problems are less desirable, and we, as a society, should consider other options and solutions in order to help our countrymen, rather than punish them for being poor.


That’s fair. I don’t want to immigrate to North Korea either. I’m more socialist leaning, but there has to be some significant checks and balances to make sure the system doesn’t get biased towards those in power.

The rich/powerful already have the majority of the money and an easy life as far as I’m concerned. The communism I’m in favor of is stuff like universal healthcare and UBI and such. Giving people the tools and resources to live a respectable life, regardless of their station. I don’t believe that McDonald’s workers should be given the same as doctors or anything, but both should be able to afford rent/food, and have all their basic needs met. They should be able to get the medical care that they may require, whenever they need it would being in debt for the rest of their lives.

I believe that a system that allows for this, can exist, and should exist. The thing I’m most against is any system of authoritarianism. If one person or a small, like-minded group can decide the actions and restrictions of the population, that’s not good. It can be argued that even in a capitalist and democratic country like the USA, this situation is already in place, as nobody but the people who are already rich seem to be able or willing to run for any government position, and they make laws that benefit them and what they want. It’s near absolute control by a small group of similar people (at the very least), which also isn’t good.

I don’t know what the right answer is, and I won’t pretend to. I just know that this isn’t it.


Yeah, we need some


All up in here. Gotta replace the last - with a + where applicable… Or just put a big old Z there instead… Optionally add some .### after the second too if you’re so inclined.

Awww yeahhhhhh. I like that.

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