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Who is writing this shit at Babylon bee? Do they think this is funny? I don’t really get what they’re trying to get across with this. Maybe I’m just stupid because if there’s a joke I’m not getting it, and if there isn’t then I don’t understand whatever commentary this is, and if it’s not meant to be either then what’s the point?


It’s trying to be that, but to be satire it needs to be a reflection of something, usually in an absurdist kind of way. But this is so detached from anything, I can’t even think of a way to rewrite it to make more sense since I don’t even know what they’re talking about. Are they suggesting that California rules too many things as suicide? Are they suggesting that deaths due to storms are under reported? Or, and this is a stretch but this is Babylon bee we’re talking about, could this be an even dumber version of their One Joke with the stance of “my hurricane death identifies as a suicide”? Nothing would surprise me, but I’m not sure I’ll ever know what the intent of this was.


Conservatism hinges on a persecution complex. They can’t make comedy because every attempt comes off as whiny fearmongering about a fabricated scenario or perpetrator. What an anxiety-riddled, miserable way to trudge through life with.




Sounds like you could benefit from talking with a professional about that. Being so jaded that you wish all humans would die is not a healthy attitude to live with. Happiness is possible.


Scenario: you had time to avoid a head on car crash but now it’s inevitable. You still have time to slow down enough to survive with moderate injuries. Soon it will be severe injuries at best, and eventually fatal without action.

Your children and grandchildren will see climate related mass migration and fight wars over clean water. If we don’t do enough now, they’ll just starve or choke to death instead, suffering greatly.


In plain speak, what do you mean? What specifically are you suggesting as an action?


That touching up got outsourced to a tiny company that had never done anything but mobile games. There were like a dozen people working on that, and what was just a touch up of one game became the trilogy with only like 3 months notice. So as shitty as the end product was, Rockstar fucked them.


Damn. As much as I love and recommend RDR to people who haven’t played it, this is inexcusable. The original release was buggy af too. A full remake with quality of life improvements is what should’ve happened.

I just wanted to make sure people weren’t shitting on the people who worked their asses off thanklessly. Yeah, it sucked, but I can’t blame them. Rockstar is making greedy decisions because they’re too comfortable that we’ll eat whatever bullshit they throw our way.


Even then, you could skip half or more of season 1. I can’t remember which to skip, but there’s advice online somewhere I’m sure.


Shoot your shot, but you better shoot first.


17 industries that millennials are killing; #11 will make you shit in your own mouth in anger!


That would’ve been true a few months ago, but now it’s even more true because only the dumbest stayed and downloaded the app.


now asking for even more in times of inflation and recession is a slap into the face of subscribers.

But not raising prices is a slap in the face for executives and shareholders! How will the rich people’s yacht money economy possibly weather that storm?!


I was sharing Netflix with a friend. When they moved forward with price increases, pushed to stop password sharing, and were found to be looking at introducing ads, I told him I’m not helping pay anymore and it’s up to him whether he wants to cancel. Idk or care whether he stuck around and decided it’s worth paying more than double what he had been paying. But withholding your share of the cost might convince your family. If it’s your account being shared, just cancel it and tell them to launch their own account.


Nah, they launched at a crazy low price and were putting shit on there way too soon after theatrical release. I’m sure I’m not the only one who wondered why the fuck I’d pay $20 for 2 movie tickets to movies that are getting shittier when they’ll be coming into my home like a month later with subtitles and pause functionality. Their goal from the start was to have a huge userbase at the start and establish themselves as a perceived “need” before ramping up price. I’m surprised it took this long.


Isn’t rapture supposed to happen upon his return? Idk your life, but I’m personally not rooting for that lol.


Surprisingly, I might pick Blockbuster. Having even just one streaming service costs the same as like 8 rentals per month. Idk about the rest of you, but I think I watch more movies than most and it’s still not 8 per month. And remember video game rentals?! Game Pass and PS+ Extra are amazing, but the selection is far from endless.

And it’s kinda win-win. I’d bet anything that revenue for these media companies would rise since it would be cheap enough and convenient enough to curb some amount of piracy. It’s just not worth the effort and risk for lots of people if they can just pop in for a rental while they’re already out for groceries. Redbox should be more successful, but there’s something about browsing in person through aisle after aisle and seeing what jumps out, and it saddens me that my generation may be the last to have had that experience.


I believe you 100% (and piracy is even cheaper) but browsing in person is something I truly miss. And it makes sense for digital access to be cheaper because there’s nothing to rewind/wipe clean and no need to replace stock that breaks/gets lost/gets stolen. I hear you in that it’s faster and more convenient to go digital like that, but there’s something almost therapeutic about taking your time and walking and using your hands. It’s intentional. It’s active. It’s a whole thing. It’s like the difference between getting fast food from a drive through versus walking through a few blocks of a city and choosing a good restaurant and sitting down and enjoying a cultivated experience. I know I’m exaggerating the impact, but not by as much as you might think.


Yeah? Well, back in my day we could get bread for a nickel and the music was really about something.

I’m just kidding, you actually make a very good point lol.


To the layperson, she seems to be going out of her way to help fascists like trump. To knowledgeable people, she seems incompetent. To paranoid people like me, she seems to be virtue signaling in hopes of a scotus nomination the next time fascism gets voted into the white house again.

These threats to democracy are exhausting.

legion, (edited ) to piracy avatar

Any sites you guys use for good quality Premiere League soccer streams? Rip navmix :(


Beat me to it. My only issue with it (and I’m sure every stream has this issue) is that big matches like World Cup freeze frequently. I’ve had surprisingly few such gripes during these women’s World Cup matches, but so far I’ve only watched a few group stage matches. Semis and finals will almost certainly have issues.


“I’ve got 57 varieties, but free ain’t one”?

To the surprise of absolutely nobody, I’m neither a writer nor a comedian.


My fellow lactose intolerant peeps, lactaid tablets are cheap and work well. I suffered for decades before finally trying it. Don’t be stupid like me!


Milk isn’t the only product that contains lactose. In my opinion, a life without cheese is not a life worth living. And I know there are alternatives, but I don’t think any of them are anywhere near as delicious as cheese made from milk of cows and goats.


Whatever floats your boat, but I’m wary of counterfeit stuff on Amazon these days, so things meant to be ingested are a no-go for me unless I can be reasonably certain it’s not a reseller. Plus I don’t like giving more money to bezos if I can help it, but that’s an entirely different conversation.


True! General rule of thumb I’ve noticed (although there are exceptions) is that soft cheeses fucked me up more than hard cheeses. Mozzarella destroys me, but Parmesan is nothing.


Commendable. Cheese life.

On the off chance that it’s relevant to you or anybody else reading, the lactaid dose matters quite a bit. The first time I bought it, the packaging recommended 3 tablets for a dose. Why they didn’t just do bigger tablets, I’ll never know. They also say they’re only helping you for about 30 minutes, so take more if you eat lactose 30 minutes past your lactaid dose. Basically just read the directions and err on the side of taking more if you aren’t sure.


This one right here, officer. He’s a menace.


The first one to prove that it exists, the second to prove that America had the resources, manufacturing, and still had the balls to do it again even after seeing what it did. America dropped one to get the world’s attention and respect, and again to establish horrifying dominance. “I can do this all day” energy.


Kevin thought the police were violent thieves. Home Alone was accidentally based.


Sounds like a participation trophy to me. I thought they hated socialism?


Oh, I’m more than aware of their hypocrisy. I was being facetious.


If retaliatory nuclear weapons are on the table, why would we launch them at Belarus instead of at Moscow? Not saying we should use nukes, btw. I would think that a better response to Putin nuking Ukraine would be a more precise attack against Putin himself and senior officers involved in greenlighting a nuclear attack on Ukraine. We can’t just go eye for an eye when it comes to tens of thousands of civilians. We need to ensure no more dead innocents, not give them the same number of dead innocents. Especially because people like Putin just straight up don’t give a shit about civilians, including the ones on his side. He’s a sociopath who cares only about what benefits him personally, so nuking Belarus accomplishes nothing.


It’s unfortunate, but kinda inevitable. I’m sure there’s a graduate student somewhere whose thesis is on approximating the popularity and diversity of social platforms necessary before trolls swoop in.


Oh no, I’m shaking in my boots. It sure would be a shame if the might of the Russian military invaded my country. They’re having trouble invading a small, neighboring nation by land, but I should totally fear them crossing an ocean to invade a nation that has an objectively superior military. Maybe if I defend him online, Putin will spare me. Notice me, Putin-san! uwu.


Why do you think nuking Russia would be unacceptable in the hypothetical situation of Russia instigating by launching a nuclear attack against Ukraine first? Why do you think that only we are responsible for being mindful of mutually assured destruction in the event that Russia is the first to use a nuclear strike in this war?

Why do you think Putin gives a shit about Belarus? Why do you think Putin gives a shit about Wagner, a group that recently planned to march on Moscow to engage in a coup? What am I missing here?

Do you understand that a nuclear strike on Ukraine means nuclear fallout kicked up into the atmosphere? And that wind will definitely carry that fallout into NATO airspace? And that this would be recognized as an attack upon NATO which would trigger article 5?

Russia is making incredibly stupid decisions, but I don’t think even they are dumb enough to launch a nuke at Ukraine. At a time when they already appear to be villainous weaklings, this would just invite direct action to ensure complete destruction of Russia. So far in this campaign, they’ve only seen the results of a few allies donating weapons, ammunition, and training to Ukraine to use in defense; imagine all branches of militaries of the west directly involved in an offensive with the goal of showing the world what happens when you nuke our ally without cause.

If they launch a nuke in this war, it should be viewed for what it is: the frustrated whimpering of a dying nation, desperately gasping for breath while its lungs fill with blood.


~70% of communication is nonverbal. Body language and tone of voice convey that you intend something opposite of the literal words you’re using. When you throw the nonverbal aspect out the window for an entirely verbal exchange, especially online where everybody is a stranger and potentially something akin to but not necessarily a Nazi, it’s pretty difficult to ascertain whether you’re dealing with somebody who is broadcasting silly thoughts to satirically display the stupidity and absurdity of supporting fascism or an actual supporter of fascism who is actually stupid and absurd. Without using italics or “/s” we can’t know for sure because there are almost certainly some dipshits who believe whatever you say sarcastically without a shred of self awareness.

But yeah, I think the comment you’re talking about was pretty obviously meant to be sarcasm. It could only be misunderstood by people who don’t know what those words mean lol.


By that same logic, guinea pigs are pigs.


The Political Compass shows that authoritarianism is on a completely different axis than the economic policy spectrum. You’re correct. I’m not sure of any true, long-lasting authoritarian left systems though, since they seem to quickly transition to cronyism oligarchies, enriching the people in power. Maybe the oligarchs don’t directly own the means of production, but using their seat of power to skim money off of the fruits of the productivity is just unfettered capitalism with extra steps.


I don’t really have anything to add, but I wanted you to know that you gently yet succinctly described the uncomfortable truth that America is borderline brainwashed into fervently defending capitalism to the point that most Americans can’t even fathom a functional system other than capitalism. The first time it clicked for me was from reading a comment very similar to yours a few years ago. You might not get much feedback, but I’m sure your comments will help educate people. Cheers!


The thing about mercenaries is that they will only fight so long as they’re getting paid. Nobody wants rubles, so they would expect currency conversion, and this is while the Russian economy is in the toilet. Russia also has a bad history in terms of keeping their word even if you could trust that the country weren’t in a spiral, so most PMCs aren’t exactly gonna get excited for any deal that doesn’t include payment upfront. If Putin is jailed, I think we’re more likely to see a power vacuum in Moscow than people scrambling to free him and go to war against South Africa. Putin only has power so long as he is surrounded by protectors loyal to him. I’m not sure any of them are that loyal to him at this point. He’s fucked the country with this invasion, and he’s getting old, and the rumor is that he’s very sick and possibly terminal, but that part could be propaganda designed to get loyalists to second guess their allegiance.

Although, to be fair, Russians haven’t exactly made a lot of good decisions lately, so maybe there are enough ignorant dumbasses in the region to decide to go to war. Devout nationalists might continue to fight despite empty bellies, but they won’t fight well.


This is the fair and balanced take. Of course it would be better for the planet and our wallets to not eat meat, but our diet more or less requires some amount of meat for iron and protein; the responsible thing to do is to be selective about types and frequency. We don’t need meat in every single meal or even every single day, but you’ve got a better chance of pitching meatless Monday to most Americans than full vegetarianism. And even a small reduction is better than no reduction.


Considering half the country threw a temper tantrum over being asked to wear a mask during a respiratory pandemic, I don’t think you’re being realistic in your view of everybody being able to go vegan. Many of these people threw a fit over AOC “wanting to take away your cheeseburgers” even though that wasn’t what she was proposing; they just knew that it would rile up the rural base.

I think it’s much more reasonable to convince people to make two easily implemented changes: no more meat at breakfast, and meatless Mondays. With these two easy changes, only 12 out of 21 weekly meals is eligible for meat, which is a ~43% reduction. Not everybody will do it obviously, but the same people willing to cut 10% will probably cut 43% when presented in this way. Especially if you bring up the financial cost, health risks, and storage inconvenience of buying and eating so much more meat than is necessary.

I also think it’s a little silly to say that it’s easier to go vegan. You need to study food labels and nutrition facts to see if there is some animal byproduct involved. When you go out to eat, it’s not always clear whether options on the menu are vegan friendly, but restaurants are getting better about that nowadays. But I think you’re also assuming that people have the means to always choose a product that may be significantly more expensive. I think you’ll have better luck convincing people to occasionally think about whether their stirfry really needs steak or if mushrooms are actually enough to carry that earthy, satisfying bite they’re looking for this time.


I don’t know who needs to hear this, but she doesn’t really mean that, she just doesn’t know how to gently let you know that she doesn’t find you attractive. Get clothes that fit you, wash your ass, style your hair somewhat, and get a cool hobby you can passionately talk about. If you’re fat, do a few pushups every morning and cut back on carbs. But don’t do all this for her though, do this for yourself. It feels good to know that people find you attractive, plus you will have plenty of options throughout your life, and the sooner you get started, the sooner you start reaping those rewards.


Glad you’re still here. I think it helps to speculate that our lives very well could be a small moment of wonderful experience in a cosmically vast existence of our consciousness. There could be an eternity of boredom or pain or who knows what after this which we would experience and think “damn, I wish I’d enjoyed life more while I had it.” So cutting that short would be our biggest regret if we continue to experience anything afterwards, and if it’s not like that, well we’ll get there eventually anyway.

I was nearly suicidal at one point. I took a step back and realized “if I’m at a point in which I think I’ve got nothing to lose, then why not take a wild risk to try to get to a better place?” I made a ton of big changes between 2014 and 2017, and I’m much happier for it now. Career change to more than double my pay (quadruple at this point), dumped a bad gf that I didn’t realize I could do better than, met my current wife, saved more money, cut back on drinking by quite a bit, learned a lot, etc. When your down and near the end, swing for the fences; you could get the home run that gets you a win.


If you could make things worse, then you haven’t hit the point where you have nothing left to lose. And if you still have something left to lose, then you’re relatively blessed. Mental illness notwithstanding, anybody who is reading this has a pretty decent lot on life given that they have access to internet and a device to browse here, plus some amount of leisure time. Those data points alone put you in a better living situation than probably more than half of the world population.

I can’t speak to your exact situation, but I’m optimistic that you’ll find yourself in a happier place within a few years. You seem like a thoughtful and caring person, and you’re right that that’s not all it takes, but it’s enough to get started with. When I get anxious, I envision a simple flowchart:
Can I do something about this situation to improve it?
If no, then don’t worry about it and just ride it out the best you can. Worrying is wasted time and energy here.
If yes, then do that thing. Try. If you failed to improve it, at least you tried. And you’ll wake up tomorrow and try some more. But don’t delay the trying by spending time and energy on worrying. Worrying is wasted time and energy here.

Both result in the conclusion that worrying is an illogical step that you should just go ahead and skip. And that’s how you can ease your way into a “fuck it” attitude!

My other lifehack mentality is to figure out how much more time and effort it would take to get an A+ result versus a B result. If it’s a significant difference for a pretty minor improvement, I say fuck it and move on. Beef Wellington is really good, and I’m glad I’ve taken the time to make it a few times in my life, but burgers are really good too and much much easier to make.

I hope this was helpful to you in some way. Rock on, my dude!

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