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Agreed. I get annoyed when I see a post here that’s just a gif of a full commercial. Rather than be a dick, I usually just downvote and move on. I’m torn on this one because it’s a solid post critiquing the community to improve, but the comments from OP are a toxic train wreck.


I’d be one of those forgettable NPCs who has one or two Pokemon who help me with chores and then we hang out in our small house. Squirtle would be my helpful, friendly bro. But I’d also like one of the dog ones to pet and snuggle with. Maybe Growlithe. Water and fire moves would be super handy in everyday life. They’d be occasional Flintstone appliances, but mostly something between pets and children. I would love them so much.

And then you assholes would walk into my house uninvited and be annoyed that I wasted your time by not giving you anything. Like bitch, you’re lucky you didn’t catch a Flamethrower from my boy Growlithe over here for breaking and entering. Don’t look in my trash can, you nosey fuck. Damn Pokemon gym brings riffraff into this town. The shit I put up with for free healthcare…


As a layman, I don’t understand most of what you just said but it sounds like it’s a small, cheap, elegant mp3 player for the modern time and that’s surprisingly exciting. As enshittification spreads more and more, I wouldn’t be surprised to see an upcoming exodus from music streaming subscription platforms and a return to a napster-like boom of music piracy as we collectively realize that we really only like listening to like 200 songs anymore anyway, and storage is absurdly cheap compared to 20ish years ago.

What is the best pitch for why somebody should use your device over the phones most of us have within reach? My hunch is that it’s related to privacy or maybe for kids whose parents won’t let them have a phone? Or is this purely a personal project that you’re not looking to monetize?


After a very brief skim of a few comments, they seem to do a lot of whinging on Lemmy and it’s been about as popular as you might expect. I’m assuming they work at a movie theater because they appear to be a real projection artist.


That’s really cool! My knowledge and experience only goes about as far as building a desktop PC. I’m playing with duplo blocks and you’re over there figuratively the director of R&D at Lego. Best of luck!


Mine is for a very specific kind of depression that’s really more of a vibe of melancholic regret and realization of self limitations which breeds a strange, nearly apathetic anxiety. The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me by Brand New (full album) just picks at a scab that you know probably isn’t healthy but feels satisfying to indulge.

For existential dread, Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd hits way different now than when I was young. Especially the songs Time and Great Gig In The Sky.

For depression depression, I couldn’t be bothered to listen to any music. “Music is for winners” is kinda the mindset. Not helpful, but depression is a motherfucker and it’s almost like self-inflicted emotional abuse when you’re already vulnerable. You feel miserable and convince yourself that you deserve misery, so all is right in the world. It fucking sucks and I hope that if this comment causes anything in anybody’s brain to light up, saying “hey wait a minute, is that not normal?”, then please invest in yourself and spend some time with a therapist, take more vitamin D, and try to do what you can to get yourself to a place where those feelings are just memories that you can mention on Lemmy in hopes of helping others the same way that you needed help.


I did this at the interview for the power plant I’ve been working at for the past 2.5 years. There was a 3 person panel interviewing me and I think they were impressed that I not only asked this but kept asking it through vague bullshit answers. They initially just said “the previous guy left.” And I just sat there for about 10 seconds, waiting for more info than that. Then I said “okay, did he quit, get fired, put in his notice, retire, get demoted, get promoted, become disabled, die off site, die while here…?” He had gone to a different company, but I was uneasy from their hesitance to be forthcoming, so I dug into questions about the culture there, work/life balance, advancement opportunities, safety record, management style, and (maybe my favorite) “what does success in this role look like and how are your feedback and expectations of that communicated to employees?”

They seemed uncomfortable and impatient, but because I already had a decent job at the time I had nothing to lose by swinging my dick around and cutting the bullshit. I highly recommend applying and interviewing for jobs while you’re already reasonably well-employed. It’s great practice, it keeps your resume up to date, you learn real negotiation tactics, and you get to decline offers that aren’t a substantial step up. About a year and a half ago, I did a video interview in my underwear where the manager and supervisor running the interview couldn’t hear me so I was live troubleshooting and resolved their issue. I got an offer, rejected it by telling HR to come back with a higher offer, got the same offer a week later, asked the HR lady why she wasn’t capable of listening to my instructions and was wasting my time with greedy negotiation tactics (which really annoyed her), asked for her name and the name of her supervisor while wholeheartedly rejecting any offer that would come from her, reported the experience to her supervisor, got a call back from the HR lady full of apologies (which I didn’t forgive but thanked her for), and emailed the supervisor I had interviewed with to thank him and let him know that everything sounded great but I couldn’t work for a company whose HR department was that shitty to me before I even verbally accepted an offer. Because of the nature of my industry and our relatively young ages, I told him I wouldn’t be surprised if I wound up working with him somewhere within the next ten years anyway, and I looked forward to that within a company that respects its employees as much as he seems to.

For those who don’t already know, HR exists to fuck the workers in order to benefit the company. Do not trust a goddamn thing HR says. Get everything documented. Record everything they say if it’s legal to do so in your state. If not, draft immediate, timestamped memos (like an email to yourself) of everything that just happened and was said, and be objective with your phrasing.


This is why you’re a confused possum.


Nah man, distribute the 2.
= 6/2+4
= 3+4
= 7

This is like 4st grayed maff.


I’ve read through a good chunk of this thread and I think most people are correct in that you should initially be facing this head-on, particularly with the problem dude in person in front of the group. As a secondary action, I’d also recommend tightening your availability for full group activities afterward if it doesn’t resolve itself. What does that look like? Maybe one or two gaming sessions with the full group anymore, but the couple of chill dudes in the group can be separately invited to play something with you, maybe a new, different game. If the problem dude tries to put you on blast for doing this in some way, you have the ammo of “I’ve tried to give you a chance to be less toxic. You’ve refused. I’m trying to maintain friendships with the people who are considerate about my feelings. I’m still making an effort with you and you keep showing me that you’re a bad friend towards me. How much of your bullshit do you think is a reasonable amount for me to have to put up with before I’m justified in walking away?”

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you this, but if you’ve seen him talking about the others behind their backs, and you’re not online with them as often as the others, then he’s almost certainly talking about you behind your back more than he does with everybody else. And any decent person in the group is aware of this and will respect you for speaking up. Just don’t do it yourself in your subgroup with the chill guys. If they bring it up, just say something like “guys, let’s not worry about them, let’s just focus on having a good time together right now.”


I’ve never heard of antennapod. How do ads work on it? Does it work well connecting to car Bluetooth? My wife signed up for duo Spotify, so I’m wondering if there’s any reason to switch since we’re already paying for that either way.

I listened to an absolute shitload of 1upsmanship, but iHeart didn’t renew :(

Other podcasts I listened to were Fake Doctors Real Friends (except during the strike), Behind the Bastards, Even More News, What A Day, and I’ve recently started Dungeons and Daddies and I’m fucking loving it.

I also gave Your Favorite Band Sucks a shot, but I really can’t recommend it other than their episode on The Beatles. That one was so good that it made me want to know what they had to say about other bands I like, but they just came off as pretentious non-conformists who were bitterly jealous of the bands’ success, fame, and popularity. Their credibility as supposedly knowledgeable music experts went out the window when they said that Pearl Jam sucks, but Limp Bizkit and Creed are good. Everybody is entitled to opinions and preferences, but I expected more objectivity from a podcast that seemed to be aiming to challenge me to think critically about my music tastes and who I should give my money to. Telling me that Eddie Vedder can’t sing isn’t stating a fact or even a decent argument to begin to make to somebody who enjoys listening to him sing. I’ve ranted for too long about these guys here, but I just wanted to provide some supporting evidence to back up my claim that their podcast sucks. If only they did the same in their quest to explain how and why various bands suck… 🤔

Behind the Police is a good, limited run that everybody should listen to. I think it’s only 6 episodes long and original aired in summer 2020 😬


Are those podcasts any good for Linux noobs? I recently bought a used Steam Deck and love the OS so much that I’m considering building a beefy Chimera OS desktop to rival my PS5 in the living room and also replace my 2015 gaming laptop. I’m hesitant because I haven’t seen much info on how Chimera does outside of gaming since I still want to be able to also do standard browsing and stream TV/movies.

I don’t know much about programming, so I’m a little nervous about where to start with making sure I’m prepared for troubleshooting Linux issues that I know I’ll encounter. I did okay with Windows issues but I’ve heard nothing but complaints about 11.


Thanks! I always download my podcasts while on Wi-Fi anyway because we’re on Google Fi. This way, our phone bill for two is usually under $60/month since we don’t use much data.

Since it’s free, there’s no reason for me to not try it out!


Thanks! That makes sense. I’m sure I’ll still experience the same amount of ads, but can still skip them then.

What do you think of Just Stop Oil?

My Views: I would love it if Solar, Hydro and Wind and other renewable sources of energy + Non Renewable Nuclear were to provide enough energy reliably to completely replace fossil fuels, but I know it’s not a feasible solution at least at this point. And maybe it will never be. Renewable sources of energy are highly dependent...


Agreed, and on the topic of nuclear energy generation, it takes 10-20 years to build a decent plant. Combined cycle natural gas plants take less than 2 years from breaking ground to synchronizing with the grid. It’s no wonder these types of power plant have been sprouting up everywhere. If we wanted to be positioned to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels, we should’ve been building nuclear plants at some point in the past 40 years to handle base loads while we replace coal and gas plants with wind, solar, and hydro. Because of plastics, I don’t see us completely off oil products any time soon, but there’s no good reason for us to still be burning fossils fuels for electricity. And this is coming from a combined cycle gas plant operator. We are doing everything we can to be as green as feasible, but we still release significant greenhouse gases while nuclear plants don’t. America will be far behind if we continue on this path while other world leaders invest in modern nuclear tech. There will be a profitable, commercial fusion reactor somewhere in the world within 20 years, and maybe we will have built an experimental net-zero fusion reactor by then.


13 Pairs Of Pants You’re A Fucking Moron For Not Already Owning! Number 6 Will Make You Cum In Your Pants Again!


I have a waterproof Bluetooth speaker that was only like $20 and has surprisingly good bass. I bring it into the shower probably once a week for a longer self-care shower and jam out. Sometimes I use on the nightstand to help set the mood with my wife or bring it out to the kitchen if I’m prepping and cooking something that will take a while and I want music or a podcast playing.

[This](OontZ Angle 3 Bluetooth Speaker, up to 100 ft Wireless Range, Portable Speaker for iPhone, Android Phones, Louder Volume, Crystal Clear Sound, Rich Bass, IPX5 Portable Bluetooth Speaker (Black) is the product I bought. There might be better ones out now since I’ve had it for a few years, so I’m not saying this is the best thing ever. It’s cheap enough to take a chance on imo, and I would feel comfortable giving it as a gift if that’s the real purpose of your question. I especially like that it has volume buttons and the ability to skip to the next song. The only weird thing I don’t like is that there’s a big jump in volume on the low end so it goes from being very quiet to being a solid medium-high volume. I only go about two notches higher than that when I’m in the shower with it.


Nonsense. I’m sure there’s an orange jumpsuit that fits him perfectly.


I can’t wait for the people who are obsessed with “wokeness” to find new substitute words to describe their intolerance. They’ve been using “woke” for an embarrassingly long time and they still haven’t bothered to agree on an actual definition.


If it was around the time I suspect, he might’ve been worried about the me too stories that were breaking. Which means he thought his own conduct could’ve been seen as questionable. Which means it was very questionable. So bullet dodged. Hooray for not being one of his sexual assault victims.


Molecule by Weedpecker. I was listening to the entire III album while cooking breakfast and cleaning up and the album looped right before I saw this question. Weedpecker is a really good vibe. Very spacey. It’s like post rock after getting out of a long relationship with stoner metal. At times, it reminds me of the Pikachu On Acid animation. If any of this sounds remotely interesting, clear your mind and check it out.


2 for the story, Brotherhood for the cleaner combat and tighter controls.


My dumb ass thought you guys were talking about Assassin’s Creed.


I’d love it if this were a small detail in a larger story. It could be an interesting underlying storyline to show the main character’s growth in starting off relishing in the fact that their ex couldn’t get people interested in their body, and then maybe pitying them, and finally anonymously tipping them, realizing that maybe if they had appreciated their ex’s body a little more then maybe things would be different. But being able to make them smile again and make them feel good about their body makes the main character see that life goes on and that there’s plenty of good in the world if you’re brave enough to kickstart it.

But I’m not a writer. I’m sure your friend has better ideas.


There are some decent TNG names that aren’t easily identifiable as sci-fi if he grows up not liking the genre. Will Riker, Wesley Crusher, Miles O’Brien, etc.

In Star Wars, Obi-wan is initially known to Luke as Ben Kenobi. You can also pull from actor names too. Liam Neeson played Qui-Gon Jinn.

Depending on what IPs you like and what names you lean towards, maybe look into character/actor names from Blade Runner, Back to the Future, Ender’s Game, Mass Effect, Terminator, or whatever else strikes your fancy.

If sci-fi isn’t mandatory, there are great secular names alluding to nature, minerals/elements, and the cosmos, such as Heath, Flint, and Cosmo respectively. Just keep in mind that whatever you are choosing for him, he has to either live with forever or go through the headache of a legal name change if he hates it. So I would shy away from naming him something too out there like Betelgeuse or Eagle or Hurricane. Maybe if you have any sort of cultural ties, you can allude to that on some level by using a translation to your ancestors’ language or something like that. For example, if you’re sorta distantly Hispanic and wanted to allude to that without being as obvious as choosing Juan or Jose or something like that, “oak tree” translates to “Roble”. River is Rio, Brook is Arroyo, etc.

I’m surprised that you’re asking the internet and expecting reasonable answers instead of just Omega Fartwagon Supreme. Good luck!


Isaac is a great pick as it can allude to Isaac Asimov, the father of robotics. Jules could also work for OP as Jules Verne is widely known as the father of science fiction.


Agreed. I’m seeing this more and more here. I would expect this from middle management dipshits who failed upwards. We’re better than this.


Idk how old your kids are, but if/when they’re old enough to have a conversation with nuance, just talk with them about the myth of the Lost Cause. Maybe watch some Checkmate Lincolnites videos on YouTube to help. This applies to all sorts of topics of discussion, by the way. Have a fact-based conversation once they are ready, and land on your opinions and show that you arrived there based on the facts as you understand them, encouraging them to take the same sort of approach to any nuanced conflict. In this way, you can still enjoy the music you like without necessarily condoning the message. But keep in mind that unless you’re pirating that music, you’re still financially supporting the artist, so do with that information what you will.

If they aren’t ready for such a complex discussion, you can still make it clear that you like the guitars, drums, etc but not the lyrics, and you can say that the song is about people being mean to people who don’t deserve it and tease that you can talk about it more when they get a little older.

Idk if it’s relevant to you at all, but I rediscovered the Southerner album by Trent Dabbs recently and it’s pretty solid if you want something a little country-ish without being so problematic. Paper Trail in particular is a fucking vibe.


Preach. I played piano and guitar growing up (no lessons, just dicked around until it made sense) and had a much lesser but similar experience. I worked long hours at work and did volunteer church stuff as the #2 of stage production while playing bass or guitar or running the sound board and also had a band that had an offer for a record deal (which was a shit deal but I digress). Then, in the middle of all that, while I was struggling for food and money at age 24, my mom suddenly died.

I stopped going to band practice and my bandmates weren’t capable of understanding what I was going through so they fired me and at that point I didn’t care. I went through the motions to keep the church stuff together. I didn’t touch my guitar or piano at home for nearly a year. Until one day, I just did for whatever reason. And I recorded a little two track cover (1 acoustic, 1 voice) of Green Eyes by Coldplay (because my mom had green eyes). And I spent maybe an hour mixing it in audacity and then threw it up on YouTube, idk why. Maybe as a little “hey, I think I’m gonna be okay after all” sorta update for my friends and family. I kinda got back into it, but as I’ve gotten busy with having a more successful career and meeting the woman who’s now my wife and moving away from the musicians in my life, I’ve shifted away from it again.

I’ve tried to get back into it at least a little bit, but I’m in an apartment and can’t feel comfortable making much noise, plus my guitar needs some attention and I just can’t muster up the motivation to fix it up myself. I’ve asked my wife to take it somewhere for the TLC it needs for a Christmas gift, but idk if that’s actually gonna happen.

A guy at work seemed to have really similar music tastes to me so I let slip that I play, and I showed him something I threw together in like 2 hours while under the influence. My dumbass texted him a link of it and he showed like half the people we work with, so now everybody knows I’m not just some amateur who learned Wonderwall at 15. And now I feel that pressure to do something with it. Like I’m letting people down by not taking this skill or talent or gift or whatever you wanna call it and sharing it at every opportunity. And that’s a feeling I did not miss. I just wanted a small project to myself so I could feel proud that I wasn’t wasting away on the couch, not to feel like a letdown that my ability was wasted on me. It makes me feel disappointed in myself for halting it while also feeling external pressure from people that I know mean to show support by being interested. I’m paralyzed and I hate that I can’t just do it and finish the project and feel complete and put it down. There’s no closure and I’m terrified that there never will be and it’s like I’m awake with anesthesia and I’m totally powerless as I watch my years tick away with no complete music project to show for all the countless hours of honing my craft.

So yeah, I’m a little fucked up by music too, I guess.


I was a chef for quite a while. I worked my way up from dishwasher to prep cook to line cook to running a dining area to banquet chef to running a program. I burned out because of a boss so fucking awful that I was suicidal for a while right around the time my mom died (it was a whole thing and there’s word vomit with more info in another comment here lol). I completely lost all joy in cooking. That motherfucker killed my passion to cook. It took years to get back to a point where I was excited to cook again.

The best thing I ever did for my passion to cook was quitting the industry to scrub fucking toilets. They say “if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Those people don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about, they’re just miserable in a cubicle and speculating about some passion they wish they were capable of, or worse, out of touch wealthy assholes trying to give advice to people they have nothing in common with.

Agreed. Fuck that.


Totally agree. That pressure was definitely there in food. They thought they were punishing me when they sent me home early and treating me by keeping me there late. Towards the end I did just enough to not get fired and completely shut down once my two weeks notice was given. I now know that I absolutely should’ve just walked out in the middle of a busy moment and fucked that boss over at hard as possible, but I thought I was doing something honorable or some shit.

Everybody out there: you don’t owe your company or boss a goddamn thing. If you have nothing to actually gain from not burning that bridge, napalm the fuck out of it because they’d do the same thing to you the moment it benefited them to do so.

Younger users of Lemmy: Did you ever love a game that you just really sucked at?

So I was watching a few youtubes and remembered how the vast majority (of like the ten) nes games me and my sister had were hard as all hell. I loved to play Little Nemo and Street Fighter 2010 but I am pretty sure I never made it past the third level of either. Let alone infamously hard games like The Lion King....


Right?! Type advantage against the first 2 gyms, mid game has a couple of surprise difficulty spikes, but late game Venusaur is a front end status workhorse and tank. Choosing Bulbasaur is playing on Easy lol.

Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?

2020 was… truly unique. It was so hard to stay away from doom scrolling, and I (and many others) were pretty disillusioned by the sad fact that so much of our country legitimately supported the Orange Man. I didn’t get a wink of sleep the night of the election because I genuinely considered it to be a make or break decision...


This country is a sham democracy and I refuse to participate.

This is how they want you to feel. Republicans win by making people like you feel hopeless. The wins last week in OH, VA, and KY happened because young people turned out more than expected, and young voters skew more progressively. Like you, I’m frustrated too, but the Overton window will continue to shift right unless you put Democrats in at the general and vote progressive in primaries. That goes for the entire election all the way down to the lowest local elected office because that’s where people get their start. You’re right, we’re not getting ranked choice across the board within our lifetime, but some areas do use ranked choice and may help elect people who will push for it at the state level, and maybe one day federal. The same is true for enshrining abortion rights and legalizing marijuana, which pushed a little further last week. I know federal legalization won’t be here any time soon, but the first step is rescheduling from I to II or maybe even III, and that could be here within a year as a nice poll bump right before elections.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit. By not voting, you’re allowing poison ivy to take root instead of a peach tree because you’d rather have an apple tree.

If you really want to focus your time and energy into making a difference, check out Run For Something. If you don’t want to run yourself, you can support progressive candidates by donating or volunteering.


I didn’t meet my wife until I was older than 25, and to be honest I wasn’t ready to meet her until I did. I was very much still figuring myself out, and I didn’t even realize it. I recommend that before you even attempt dating people, you first date yourself for a while. I know you focus on your career, but how are you spending your free time? Are you cooking yourself a nice meal that you enjoy? Are you drawing, painting, playing music, woodworking, etc or are you just passively watching TV? Are you getting into anything new? You need to be giving your mind and body the constructive attention that it craves, and that will help you to find out what kind of person you are and what your likes and dislikes are, and most importantly what you enjoy doing with yourself, not just by yourself. Then and only then can you be the confident and interesting person that others will truly desire to spend time with, because you will have fostered personal growth such that you yourself truly desire to spend time with you.

You mentioned losing weight; some general calorie reduction and minor exercise is enough to get pretty fit, but it could take a while depending on how much you weigh and what your target weight is. Don’t be discouraged by stagnation. Muscle is dense, and health is more important that weight. Every minute on a treadmill is significantly more productive than spending it on the couch. Even if you have an off day and can’t motivate yourself to do the exercise you want to do, you can still do some pushups while you’re waiting for your shower water to get hot enough. One pushup is better than zero pushups.

Make a paper airplane right now. Doodle some racing stripes or flames on it. Throw it. Enjoy your own company for 5 minutes and see how you like it. Be your own best friend for the evening. I guarantee it will kickstart you onto a productive path.


Darn Tough come with a lifetime warranty. If you get holes in them, you mail them back and they ship you a new pair. Just beware of counterfeits. I have 4 pair and will only wear them to work where I’m in boots and on my feet climbing ladders and shit for 12 hour shifts. My feet sweat a ton which used to cause red, itchy, gross feet. Now my feet are pretty normal. Is Darn Tough the only brand that works? Almost certainly not, but they also have that warranty that you seem to need. Each pair is like $20 because of that, but if you hike or work long hours on your feet, I think it’s a worthwhile investment.


I like that for Barney the Dinosaur, it gave you a green dinosaur instead of a purple one, and its shirt says Barry instead of Barney lmao. Truly fucking nailed it.


Lol I know absolutely nothing about Magic, so this is total gibberish to me. Is this card really good but not too good “broken” or really bad but not totally useless “broken”?


I check out Ground News sometimes. It compiles and groups news stories and you can swipe through how the story is presented from different outlets and shows whether they lean left, right, or center. I don’t really agree with the political leanings all the time, but it’s nice to see that caveat and compare how the same story gets framed differently. There are interesting features for paid subscription, but I use the free one and it’s fine enough for me.

What A Day is a short daily podcast that’s easy to put on during your morning shit.

Some More News and their podcast Even More News especially are informative and entertaining. They’re interesting because they’re actually leftist and not CNN leftist, which is really just center-right and less authoritarian than far right outlets.

Somebody else already mentioned First Thought. Their videos are short but it’s because they don’t waste your time. They seem to generally have more of a global focus than other stuff I find on YouTube, so I find it’s most unique and valuable for that aspect.


I’m not into it in a sexual way at all, but I’m all about laying in my wife’s lap and getting pets and scritches. Especially if work has been rough lately, it’s nice to be pampered and have no expectations.


I’ve never understood the people who insist on only buying used, particularly when they have the money for new. Why spend $5-15k on a used beater if you could get a new car for $30k that won’t have mystery problems, and if they do then it’s covered by warranty? I’ve only ever had real problems in my used cars. I don’t think I ever had a used that made it more than like 4 years before dying on me. Meanwhile, I’ve had my 2016 RAV4 since January 2016, and I’ve only had to deal with a few things that just wear out naturally over time like tires and brake pads. Nearly 8 years with this car so far, and it’s been a fucking dream. My used 2002 Hyundai XG350L however was a fucking nightmare to the point that I’ve sworn off Kia-Hyundai entirely. Which is a shame because the Ioniq whatever EV seems like a pretty solid product, but I feel the need to do extensive research before getting too excited because of how badly Hyundai burned me.


I have recommendations that depend entirely on lifestyle, so not great general stuff but amazing for the people they’re for:

  • Wurkkos FC11 Rechargeable LED Flashlights Max 1300Lumen High 90CRI EDC Flash Light USB C Charge,IP67 Waterproof Torch, Magnetic Tailcap, Great for Dog Walking Home use Emergency(5000K)

This flashlight is light, bright, cheap, and USB C rechargeable. It has a magnet in its ass so you can easily mount it and do whatever you’re trying to do hands-free. As a power plant operator who runs around outside or climbs inside of condensers and tanks and shit, this thing was incredibly handy. Probably pretty good for hikers and campers too.

It doesn’t necessarily need to be this exact pair, but Darn Tough brand wool socks are the general recommendation. They reduce impact, wick sweat/moisture, and they’re comfortable. This is the only kind of socks I will wear at work or else my feet hurt and itch and stink.

  • OontZ Ultra Bluetooth Speaker, Portable Wireless Bluetooth 5.0 Speaker, 14 Watts, up to 100 ft Bluetooth Range, IPX7 Waterproof Portable Bluetooth Speaker (Black)

It’s a surprisingly good sound quality waterproof Bluetooth speaker. I take mine into the shower and listen to music. You could use it in the kitchen, outside in the yard, etc. but mine is pretty much entirely used in the shower or sometimes the bedroom 😉

Obviously not for everybody, but these are great bang for your buck if they suit somebody you know!


Regarding Darn Tough, part of why I recommend that brand in particular, which I really should’ve mentioned, is they come with a lifetime warranty. If they get a hole, you ship them back and they straight up just replace them. They’re sturdy as fuck. I do 12 hour shifts in them on ladders, stairs, gravel, incline, etc getting thousands of steps and they are the gold standard for that. Just be wary of counterfeits, especially on Amazon.

Board games can be an incredible gift because there’s also the implicit bonus gift of “I will spend time with you playing this game.”


Literally doubling down on a war crime. I truly don’t understand why America supports Israel at this point. I don’t see what we gain by continuing support, nor do I see what we lose by not continuing support. We lose more international respect with every passing day of complicity to Israel’s genocidal conquest. We were supposed to be better than this.


It’s possible to denounce both Israeli leadership and Hamas. Killing civilians is bad, and the people doing it are murderers. This is not a controversial take, and it’s weird that it doesn’t seem to have occurred to many people. Terrorist attacks are bad, and so are retaliatory escalations to genocide.


A few months ago, I connected my Vizio to my network to do firmware updates to see if it could be any better since it was 3 years old and I was sure there were improvements. Then and only then did I start seeing random crashes and the TV speakers turning on and up to max volume (I have a sound bar + subwoofer). The TV shut off without warning in the middle of a Rocket League tournament and wouldn’t turn back on until I unplugged it and plugged it back in. That was the last straw. Disabled the Wi-Fi connection and it’s been running fine ever since.


I haven’t even had a trick or treater come to my door in probably like 6 years. The 2 or 3 years before that, I was getting no more than 3 visits per year. This is the first year I’ve just straight up not even bought candy. Halloween is gone. I thought that after covid got under control, maybe there’d be a resurgence since it’s an activity that kids can do together with their friends outside of home, meeting other kids and shit, and that was all very much taken for granted until people were stuck inside for two years. But nope. 24/7 news convinced parents that there are drugs and poison and razor blades in their treats, and the houses their kids visit will be inhabited by pedophiles and scary [insert dogwhistle]s, and some lunatic will either commit a mass shooting or drive over as many people as possible. No fun allowed.

We let the terrorists win. The domestic terrorists, specifically. We’re afraid of what might happen, and nobody is doing anything to quell those fears, so we just hand over a little more liberty and freedom for the sake of supposed safety and security. What a boring dystopia.


A modern Steam Machine console/PC. I just got the Steam Deck and I love it, but it’s roughly PS4 power. I want a PS6 with the same or better SteamOS build that the Steam Deck has. I want simple modular upgradability. I want it to come with a controller that’s basically the Steam Deck without the screen, but with the comfort of a dualsense. I want to have a device that can replace both my PS5 and my laptop from 2015. I want the freedom and multitasking of PC with the standardization and comfort of console, updated to this decade.


I’m very interested in doing that, actually! I’m not sure I could do it in a small enough form factor to be what I want without sacrificing power and risking overheating, but I could probably build something bigger that’s good to put down on the floor by the tv (no carpet).

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