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No GPS, no map Quest, no internet on cell-phone. You just got lost in the smokey mountains for hours, about to run out of gas, hoping there was an open gas station at the next exit. Just raw-dogging those road-trips for the most part


Better than 16 Candles, if I had to choose


I find it hard to use IMDb ratings as a metric for picking a good horror movie. The scores sometimes seem like they’re just all over the place, when looking at the horror genre. I just watch a trailer, maybe read about it a little, and check it out myself. I would’ve missed a ton of good horror flicks if I had gone with ratings alone


6 Underground was a good movie. Michael Bay is just making fun of himself, and I thought it was hilarious


My main is

Clear and open admins; smaller instance with room to grow; it’s my personal favorite

How often do you use "AI" to reply to your messages, if at all?

The recent chat bot advances have pretty much changed my life. I used to get anxiety by receiving mails and IMs, sometimes even from friends. I lost friendships over not replying. My main issue being that I am sometimes get completely stuck in a loop of how to formulate things in the best way to the point of just abandoning the...


I tell people I have “phone anxiety”… but it sucks. Family, friends, new acquaintances… it doesn’t matter, trying to reply or answer a phone can feel like torture sometimes. Have absolutely lost a few friends over this. You’re not alone


Not once did I ever get a post in r/showerthoughts past the mods. I eventually stopped trying


A forum should work in tandem with a chatroom in an “ideal” online community, imo. Searchable Q&A with a communication for additional, nuanced interaction. They serve different purposes and can be more powerful when used together, than they could be on their own.

Lemmy does seem to have a bunch of old, crotchety internet nerds on here that like the “old ways” of the webs. But just tell 'em to “go fuck yourself”, if they’re being a dick; and than don’t reply to them again. It’s very freeing. They’re just butt sensitive about linux and foss, cause they were bullied on early internet forums and now act the same way, when expressing their loud-ass opinions. It’s like an unfortunate cycle of abuse that has existed on forums, but don’t let it discourage you from asking anyway… the question might help others

I’m a crotchety old internet nerd… tell me to “go fuck myself”, just for funsies! It’s empowering!

And also… fuck you buddy, get good!


Working in a hospital; power and/or network outages usually just translate into more work for me


Not “regular outages” where I’ve worked, but natural disasters and such can happen. Back-up generators run things, but ya still gotta make sure your equipment is plugged into the “generator supplied” outlets.

But now the employees don’t have AC and such. And than the networks are down, so you have to paper-chart everything and the orders get slowed up and… it’s a whole thing. Not the end of the world if you know what you’re doing, but it can be dangerous if people don’t pay attention. It just makes it a bit more stressful to do your job well


Normally, there are plugs labeled for critical equipment (as in, they’re connected to the generators even if the power goes out). But yeah, everything non-essential is kinda down.

You still absolutely need to go check your equipment during a power outage, and make sure your “critical” stuff is plugged into the “generator outlets”. There’s battery power on (pretty much) all critical equipment, so you have a buffer.

I personally don’t rely on batteries being my backup, and keep my critical stuff plugged into the labeled outlets… but you still gotta check; and deal with power being out for everything else


Yes, I’ve only seen red ones


I should have said color-coded instead of labeled. But yeah, I’ve only seen red plugs like that


Same, but never realized it was from the Cookbook. I think we baked them first to dry them out? It did absolutely nothing, but I guess the journey was fun nonetheless lol


Tails OS. I went to search what it was and read the Wikipedia article. Guess I’m on a watch-list now, cause of my dumb curiosity lol

From Wikipedia

In 2014 Das Erste reported that the NSA’s XKeyscore surveillance system sets threat definitions for people who search for Tails using a search engine or visit the Tails website


Nice try NSA. I ain’t clicking that link. Fool my curious ass once; shame on you. Fool me twice - well… you can’t get fooled again

MrShankles, (edited )

Lmao that’s low key, kinda how I feel looking at that link right now

Edit: Mother fu**er, and I still clicked it! God damnit; curse my curiosity. It’s a link to the Tails website y’all, in case you’re wondering. Doesn’t matter for me, I’m already balls deep under the NSA’s nose now. Hope they’re happy my taint is showered


The definition of


What word? Tails? Like, “Tails” from Sonic? Or “Tails” as in the word I searched and fucked myself on, for being insatiably curious?

Sonic is the first thing I think of, when I think of Tails. Like “Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic and Tails”. And Tails was kinda my favorite character… besides Knuckles, because of the gliding plus climbing thing

But yeah, now I’m apparently not allowed to say “Tails” without scrutiny. C’est la vie. Ignorance is bliss I guess.


But if you’re already flagged, and then I interact with you online, and use words like “Tails” or “Tor”… am I now flagged? If so, we’re all flagged around here now


TailSpin is awesome, but have you seen what DuckTales has to offer?


I’ve heard that people use the dark web markets to buy a lot of illegal tails anonymously. But what do I know…

MrShankles, (edited )

You saying my curiosity may have decreased my threat definition? Now the NSA just thinks I’m a dumbass? Am I like, on an anti-watch list now?

Kinda hurts my feelings a little, and now I’m not sure how to feel. I guess I’ll take it


There are copper IUD’s as an alternative too


They’re pretty awesome. I think they can stay for 10 years, and it’s a relatively quick out-patient procedure to have it placed/removed. No hormones, and like 99% effective


I have an umbrella with a Bluetooth speaker. It even allows phone calls while using it. No idea why it’s a thing, but I found it could be fun to use as a rave-toy thing. Just gotta add some LED lights and choreography!


the bugs are the size of house cats

Lmao, I feel that in my soul

When I first moved to south Louisiana, I encountered a giant (black and orange) grasshopper. My first thoughts were along the lines of, “Wtf kind of grasshopper is that!? Did I move to fucking Jurassic Park or something!? Fuck!”

It was very jarring to see insects so big (milipedes that excrete some kinda fluid when touched, ground spiders, thunker af orb weavers, wood roaches flying)… now that I actually type it out, it still seems like Jurassic Park almost 20 years later lol; but I’m not much bothered anymore by most of them.

But the electrified tennis racquet for killing mosquitos… that shit is priceless. Wish I could find the $5 walmart ones still, because I would dual wield them and have extra for guests. I’ve gone from mosquito prey to predator, and it’s a joy


Decoy keyboard inside a box, next to the screen?




Do you still use 15-20% of the cost, or something more flat-rate? Tipping for tattoos surprised me, because factoring in a tip% can really change how much money I need for a more expensive tattoo, especially when it’s cash only.


I’m now pooping outside for the neighbors to see… and probably fell over, bare-ass, struggling to figure out wtf just happened. And I’m locked out with a dirty bum; whyyyy!? Why have I been forsaken during my phone poop time?!


That’s incredible. Lemmy may be small, but the memes kill


The first time I got to go to the slopes as a kid, I chose snowboarding (we were renting equipment). And I learned that it was rather recent that snowboards were fully-allowed to be used on their resort. Something about requiring the board to have a metal edge, if you brought your own? I don’t fully remember. I was too young to realize that snowboarding was not allowed on many ski slopes, or that the divide was ever a thing

Then Johnny Tsunami came out and it blew my mind a little that it really must have been a whole thing. I kinda came in, just as snowboarding was more universally accepted, like early 90’s.

No point to my story, I just always think about my first “ski” trip, anytime I’m reminded that snowboarding used to be banned


don’t give them an excuse to kick us out

It’s like you unlocked some latent memory of mine lol. I took a little “begginer instruction” course and that was one of the major sentiments… basically, don’t act/seem reckless. It didn’t really apply to me at the time, as I couldn’t even stop without falling. I would gain a little speed, then fall, and repeat. Took a little bit to figure out the “carving” aspect. Good times. And very very sore afterward, but still good times


I learned of nujabes from listening to the Samurai Champloo soundtrack. It’s one of my favorite albums to listen to when running


Have you tried a clear practice lock to pick? You can watch the pins as you get the feel for it. Once you can pick it easily, cover it with painter’s tape so you can’t see the pins, and try again.


What’s a reddit? We just bullshitting here


I always knew it, but now we have scientific evidence

I posit that it’s a sock from the dryer quantum leaping into my kitchen as a random piece of Tupperware


I helped my neighbor “fix/restore” her computer… which she had already paid someone to backup her files and clean. I showed her how to plug in her external hdd to access her documents, re-signed into her mail client, and re-installed MS Office. And that was pretty much it

While she was looking for her MSOffice product key, I did a quick “systeminfo” in the command prompt; I was just curious about her hardware. She saw the terminal and of course made the comment of “you must be a programmer”… I absolutely am not. I have literally gotten to printf (“Hello, World!”) in C and moved on to another hobby lol

Some people really just don’t mess with computers at all. Of course it seems silly from my perspective to not know how an external hdd works, but I mean… there’s plenty of silly shit I don’t know either. Doesn’t matter, she was stoked to have her system back up like she wanted. But yeah, that was my most recent encounter with someone who really struggled with computers. No shame, cause she surely knows a lot about some stuff that I’m clueless about.

I did install Firefox with ublock just for my own use while I was there, because I refused to use Edge. Maybe she’ll keep it


That drip do be a hydroplane hazard for my Heelys though

Black Friday (

alt textthree rows with a barbecue on the left and William Wallace in Braveheart on the right. In the first row, captioned Wednesday, the barbecue is labelled “$899.99” and Wallace says “hold”. The second row, captioned Thursday, depicts the same. In the third row, captioned Black Friday, the there is a label with...


So if you raise the price 31 days prior, and then put the discount on, you should still be good to squeeze more profit!


Or raise the price 31 days prior, and “drastically discount” it after. It seems like a cool policy in theory, but it also sounds like it doesn’t really have any teeth. Like a “political theater” kind of law. But who’s to say, maybe it could be someone’s poli-sci thesis some day.

Or I’m just dumb and don’t understand something fundamental about it; I also except that


I kinda assumed it would still be “striked through”, or maybe “stricken through” because of the typographic term “strikethrough”. But “struck through” also seems like it could be correct

I’ma need an expert typographical linguist to weigh-in on this matter. The world needs an answer

MrShankles, (edited )

What’s up with this product price of $99 for a “re-usable straw” that listed near the beginning for me

It’s list price is $99,999 with an average of $68,267.48?! I obviously wouldn’t be purchasing from that vendor for many reasons; but how easy is it to manipulate prices for a website like this? Or maybe it’s a vendor that’s trying to make the website seem useless? Or just a one-off?

Idk, it caught my eye right off the bat though lol


Why are you not?


Maybe the 30 day decrease in profit would be worth the additional units sold later (possibly at a slightly elevated price), due to the marketing of a perceived “deal”.

I guess there’s a lot of variables that could come into play (type of product, inventory, how many units need to sell over a time period to break even, etc), but it doesn’t seem implausible, so much as it does dependent. But idk, I still can’t figure out how the fuck magnets work, let alone accounting


I lurked on the reddit app for a year or more before I started contributing. One of the first things I learned about ‘internet forums’, is that you lurk first, until you get a feel for the community. I began contributing more because the 3rd party app I started using had me more engaged; which meant that reddit gained more content

But Reddit made the API changes for 3rd party apps unsustainable, to push people toward their own ad revenue. They assume that they’re too important to fail, and that the loss of users/content was worth the squeeze of those who didn’t know how to leave. A standard cost-risk scenario. It’s a short-term goal to try and carve out a piece of the centralized internet that the big corps envision. A move toward trying to win at monopoly

The “forum” is a relationship between “user contribution” and the host’s ‘personal time, money, effort’… a personal cost-risk for anyone that hosts. Is it worth my time? Do I enjoy what I’m hosting?

When the goal becomes so obviously “increase host revenue”, without increasing user experience; you create an imbalance.

We all lurk online until we find something we wanna talk about. Reddit was trying to use (is using) their influence to increase profit for themselves, and (the way in which they chose to do so) actively decreasing user experience. The ‘host’ only gave a shit about themselves and decided that user-created content was a ‘benefit’ of being there, rather than the reason.

Lurkers are half of the equation. Lurkers often become contributors when they enjoy the community. Contributors bring more lurkers. That’s kind of how the balance works

Reddit feels they can do without the lurkers who refuse to use their app, while simultaneously increasing ad revenue. And they’ll be fine financially in the same way Facebook is… clinging to the smallest user-base that makes them the most profit, while slowly becoming irrelevant.

Because contributors will move on eventually, and so will the lurkers.

Case-in-point… my comment. I’m a lurker, until I’m not.


Boomers, Zoomers and Millenials just collectively ruining everything. And don’t think I forgot about those Gen X-ers or Silent Gen bastards. Generations of people just ruining everything, from regular-ass etiquette, all the way to reddiquette too. Fucking generationals! Can’t have anything nice without some generation coming around and being it’s downfall. 😤

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