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No drag queens, just a pathetic drama queenattention whore.


Unfortunately, once the strike is resolved she’s got to finish Matlock first. But hey, she’s Kathy Bates, she could probably knock off the Elon biopic in a long weekend.


You have some capacity for affection because you take care of your cats. Many real women will see that as a sign you’re basically a decent person, even if you don’t have practice with real human romance. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, if you haven’t learned a lot of bad habits. I guess one thing to examine is how positive or toxic the fictional romance is. A lot of things guys romantically do in fiction can be really creepy in real life. Even though you’re sane enough to manage in other areas, a therapist could be a good sounding board for evaluating this and figuring out first steps if you decide to try looking for human love. Maybe better than a bunch of people who are sitting around on a weekend arguing with strangers on the Internet instead of doing something with the one they love.


I average out to average, because I know a lot of things and can figure out some things, but I also have huge gaps. Whether I seem smart or stupid depends a lot on the situation and company.


A person approaching on foot or a bicycle from my right side at the coincidentally perfect speed can accidentally stay within both my human eyes’ blind spots (behind the support pillar) as I come to a stop at a 4-way. I have learned I need to crane around a bit before proceeding, or their frightened and angry face will suddenly lurch into view too close for comfort. The robot must be designed to have zero blind spots because humans are ridiculously good at hiding in them. Especially the little humans.


I watch geezer TV and see ads for those “Fruits and Vegetables” pills. I’m not wasting my money on those! But the ads show delicious-looking fresh produce, which reminds me how good they can taste.

Eating a salad of plain dumb lettuce makes me feel like a moo-cow, so I make sure to add something like bits of apple, or grapes sliced in half, avocado, tomatoes,. Crumbled queso fresco or your cheese of choice, and nuts tossed in a hot pan for a minute with just a drizzle of maple syrup and cinnamon aren’t vegetables but they help a salad feel like a meal.

I like to chop and rinse a head of romaine, keep it in the fridge and toss a handful of that, a handful of “spring mix” baby greens, and a handful of baby spinach into my salad spinner, rinse it and mix it in the water, and spinspinspin it dry. Even though they’re “washed 3 times” it really freshens the flavor. And it’s fun, pushpushpushing the big button. Get a salad spinner if you don’t have one.

If baby spinach or baby kale starts to look tired, or you’re tired of it, throw it in a stew or curry, under it instead of (or under) the rice. The heat will wilt it away to practically nothing and you’ll get your nutrients.


Or maybe they just pissed everyone off so bad they went NC and don’t know or care that Karen is dead/had a car.


They get those from little bugs they catch in flight, as well as nectar and pollen from whatever flowers they can find blooming. That’s why you should also have some native blooming plants if possible. The feeder should never be their only source of food, but like it says about nectar in this article about bees, it can provide the extra energy to get to the next nutritious food source.…/whats-the-secret-of-nectar/#:~:te….

Adding anything more nutritious to the sugar water than plain white cane sugar would make it an excellent food for harmful bacteria and other microbes.

New Vaccine Can Completely Reverse Autoimmune Diseases Like Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes, and Crohn’s Disease (

Researchers from Pritzker Molecular Engineering, under the guidance of Prof. Jeffrey Hubbell, demonstrated that their compound can eliminate the autoimmune response linked to multiple sclerosis. Researchers at the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) have developed


Just make it a combination shot. Then they can hit the red button… or not!


So did I, but I have to say he’s done better than I expected. I almost think because he’s another Old White Man he can slip stuff through that would have gotten shot down by the rest of the Old White Men if Obama had tried it, or a woman, or even a progressive OWM. Maybe it’s because they know he’s not going to press for more progressive goals so they don’t see it as a slippery slope and dig in their heels. At least in his geezerly way he seems to have the best long-term interests of the people at heart.




Easy to be brave with your own life but would you kill your wife on this hill? Or your child?


He’s likely looking for a better job as we type. But he’s got to plan ahead for the jump.


Considering how fucked up the whole tracing and research situation was once the scourge hit, (not to mention any proper experimentation on how to treat it, everyone was just trying anything because they were desperate) and how rapidly the variants have evolved once the scientists knew what they were looking for, I wonder if there might have been a less deadly variant or two earlier, which could have traveled out of China in apparently healthy people, while the deadly version was starting to wreak havoc in Wuhan. People who assume they have the flu often don’t go to the doctor and get tested, since they’ll just be told to go to bed and drink fluids. It was only when hospitals started to see a lot of very sick people testing negative for flu that they started to suspect something new.

But I’m not saying there definitely was.


We have a couple tennis ball sized wool balls that I used for awhile, but the kitten decided they were for her to wrestle with and roll around the house. Now I would have to wash them separately before I threw them in with my towels and undies.


“I could eat a sheep!” That what my cat is saying


I listen at a low volume. I’m usually doing something else as well, so loud music is too distracting and irritating. I’m old, and I can still hear very well except for spousal deafness.

I love that the font size on this post is twice as big as all the others.


Raw means uncooked, not unripe. They taste sharper and have their skins on, and the seeds are with their gel and juice, between the firm fleshy parts. When tomatoes are cooked, often the first step is to drop them in boiling water for a minute, take them out, and slide the skins off. Because the skin gets tough when cooked. The other thing that happens in cooking is that the flesh softens and the seeds migrate so it’s all more or less the same texture. The flavor gets sweeter too.

Personally I like raw tomatoes and cooked equally, but they are different.


Raw cherry tomatoes or grape tomatoes would go along with raw carrots and raw celery and raw cauliflower and raw bell peppers and other raw vegetables on a crudité platter. Guess what “cru” and “crudités” means in French?

The point being that these are all vegetables that can also be served cooked. (Unlike lettuce which is ruined by cooking. I tried it once, blech.) But when dipping, you want that firmness and fresh taste.

It’s not a US thing, or anything special, you just seem to have an exaggerated idea of what the word raw means. Maybe you’re confused because it can also mean naked (“in Equus, he appeared on stage in the raw”) or chafed/chapped (“his nose was red and raw from the snowstorm”) or unedited/unfiltered (“the raw data suggests Hillary Clinton will win the 2016 election”). But in this case it just means uncooked/unheated. It could be sliced and spiced and still be raw.

Btw, we don’t default to cooked or canned tomatoes, we would specify those as well, for instance in a pasta or chili recipe.


Depends on the context. For instance I have tomatoes growing in a pot on my balcony… I might say, “I put some tomatoes in the salad” or “…in my sandwich” and we’d both know I meant raw. Or I might say “this curry has tomatoes in it” and they’re obviously cooked. Even if I said they were fresh tomatoes from my garden. Unless I was offering chopped tomatoes as a condiment for the hot curry, then they’d be raw.

The people in the comment thread were just trying to make it clear they have an objection to raw tomatoes but not cooked ones, that’s why they specified.


Okay, but what about fresh tomatoes freshly cooked? Or raw tomatoes that have sat in the fridge for a week?

No criticism intended, btw, all along this conversation, friend.


The origin of BBQ!

[Old French, barbe à cul (beard to ass) meaning impaled on a turnspit.]


In my area both are red unless you get the 12-hour controlled-release caplets, those are white. It’s probably just different factories.


He received 6 pints of blood because he was having severe gastrointestinal bleeding. That’s why he was unable to get out by himself, not because he was taking stupid unnecessary risks for thrills. He was part of a research group.


Unless they realize that each new interpretation is Divinely inspired. In which case the most recent one is the truest, Tradition is dead, and also the Divine changes Her mind a lot.

Why is my cat so anxious? (

This is Cleo. She is 2.5 years of age. I have posted about her before actually. I worry about her because she gets so anxious that it harms her. She has had an outbreak of hives on her skin, especially her ears, for the last week or so, and she has been picky about when and what she wants to eat, if at all. We got a kitten in...


Our anxious cat had her teeth removed (feline resorption) and we noticed she was much bolder while she was on gabapentin to recover from the dental surgery. We talked to the vet and he put her on a daily dose of it. We experimented to find the smallest amount that gave her Courage without making her sleepy. (Having her painful teeth out helped a lot too, but it wasn’t her whole problem.) Now for normal days she gets 25 mixed into one can of food and spread throughout the day, but for a recent airplane trip she had 75 in one small meal before being put in her carrier.


There’s an argument to be made that warriors who die in battle are less skilled than fighters who survive to a ripe old age. Cohen the Barbarian springs to mind, and probably onto your horse/lady/treasure when you’re not looking… on his way to return fire to the gods.

  1. Why are those stripes yellow? They should be blue, to indicate it’s the access ♿ path for people exiting wheelchair accessible vehicles. (Or with other mobility issues, but specifically it’s wider to drop a ramp.)
  2. There’s only one way I can surmise to excuse this: If the rider is legit disabled, maybe they use 2 crutches or something, and when they arrived some non disabled asshole had taken the actual spot. While they were inside asking the store owner to call for a tow or ticket (because it’s private property it has to be the owner) the asshole left.

If you and I stay in hotels, people who work there will be able to afford to live near there.


Bendy straws were originally medical equipment and are still the only way for some people to be able to drink without spilling or having someone spill on them. For instance my husband’s a quad. Without a bendy straw, I have to tip the cup into his mouth without being able to see clearly either the level of the liquid or the angle of the cup to his mouth, especially the far side. He can’t tell me because drinking, nor move his head or hands to signal or correct me. A straight straw is almost impossible because he can’t tilt his head down to drink. With the bendy straws his face is straight and as long as the straw is between his lips he can drink at his own pace. But those rubbery straws are too thick, he can’t suck that hard. And we’ve never found a metal one that’s bent at the right angle. So we’re sticking to plastic, just have to make it up in other areas. Now, why they’re not made with recycled plastic, I don’t know.


The need for support varies a LOT with size. I never wear a bra in my own home, and I rip the underwires out of the ones I wear outside. My breasts sag, but that’s normal at 60+. But I’m a C cup, so they’re only protruding about 3 inches even when supported. And I only do low-impact workouts for other reasons. I wear bras to put my boobs in the parts of my clothes that are designed to have boobs in them, rather than falling out the armholes or something.

A large-breasted woman with three or four times the pounds of flesh hanging off her ribcage is not going to be comfortable slinging them around braless all day, especially when they get out of sync, as boobs are wont to do when you’re moving around. Especially if she’s running or jumping. Her bra has to work hard, and requires more engineering than mine. She and I have the same underlying muscles, tendons and bones, but her whole balance is under much more stress.

Meanwhile for an A cup woman a bra is probably mostly for fashion. She could have completely flabby musculature underneath and they’d still be perky.

If men had balls the size of boobs they would understand better how they can get in the way. And go 2 different ways! And it would probably be difficult to design comfortable underwear for them.

Bras were invented by women, for themselves, for their own comfort. Yes, SOME bras are unnatural and fashion-driven, and even those serve an occasional purpose. If you’re a woman who doesn’t ever wear a bra, great! Enjoy! Nobody should ever force anyone to wear a bra against their will. But if you choose to go braless, remember it’s not necessary to disparage the women who make a different choice for their own reasons.


Typical man, just tells him to smell good, when the important part is to get clean (stop smelling bad) so as not to cause an infection. You’ll taste better, too.


Personally I have always taken a multivitamin/mineral and my labs have been good except for occasional low iron because periods. Now that I’m old (and yeeted the uterus) my iron was fine until I had bad hemorrhoid bleeding. So I got that taken care of, and my ass doc prescribed daily Metamucil to keep it from recurring.

I like the OneaDay Petites because it’s easier to swallow 2 of those (that’s the dose, because petites) than one of the regular horse pills. Gummy vitamins do not have iron or other minerals, btw.

I don’t think it’s necessary to take any super-supplement, just enough to keep me at the RDA once I add in my food. If your diet is bad, fiber might be missing as well, so consider Metamucil for both your ass and your heart.


I understand what you’re saying but this person obviously has a history of abuse. You escalate up to shooting a kid, you don’t start there. In the same morning she’d shoe-slapped the kids (4 and 7) for not waking her (!?!) and eating food! Not having laws (or not enforcing them) prohibiting abusive people from owning firearms is a firearms issue. Obviously the “teaching” excuse is bullshit, it was murder, but not having a gun in the house could have at least forced her to use a less-certain method.


She’s so disappointed with the name you gave her


I prefer salmon-salad dip myself


If they’re in college and don’t have anything to hide they’re missing out.


First drink a pint of water, your brain needs to be hydrated. But you don’t want to be needing to pee during the interview so push the water early and then stop. As for food, carbs will make you sleepier than protein or greens.

Napping would leave me sleepier and disoriented but ymmv.


You’d get your ass to school, that’s what you’d do. How are girls going to rule the world if you don’t learn how? When we have 9 women Supremes (Justices of the Supreme Court that is) and 100 women Senators (with enough restrooms!) it will be just the beginning of parity for all the men-only generations.


He’s been hoping Trump or his PAC would hire him a lawyer. But he’s probably better off getting an independent Georgia lawyer, without conflicts of interest, who will help him flip for a deal. I’m not sure how Trump et al haven’t considered this, not to mention how it looks leaving the black guy in prison.


Maybe a banana sticker would stay on long enough to identify a repeat offender, and would be shed with the skin if it didn’t fall off or wear/scrape off. Meanwhile keep plugging those gaps.


The A-Team disguised as the Scooby gang, is Mr. T playing Daphne?


I’d forgotten about “forwent,” I’m going to have to keep it in my mental cheek pouches for crosswords and other word games.


I’ve been wondering, didn’t mug shots use to have front and side views, with height lines on the wall behind? And why did they take his word on height and weight? Because unless he’s been on Ozempic he’s nowhere near 215. And 6’3"? Maybe in platform lifts.


Both Eris and Fornax can make people pretty sick, even though they’re not causing a lot of deaths. Once the new Moderna vaccine is out, if people get it, that should help.

But we’re also starting to see flu and RSV cases, and masks help prevent those from spreading as well.

It doesn’t really matter which respiratory virus is keeping a quarter of your people home sick, or home with their sick kids, or being at work but miserable and useless and infecting others, it’s still going to mess with your ability to get shit done.

Mouselemming, (edited )

And it’s always helpful to remember that 40 below is 40 below, in both F and C.

(Whew, ninja edit so I don’t look like an idiot, on Reddit I’d already have six people correcting me)

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