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Pyrophoric (adj) – Liable to ignite spontaneously on exposure to air.

Just in case you weren’t entirely sure what that word meant either.


Nah, I hired an electrician to handle all that for me. Now if I want electricity all I have to do is stick a plug in a socket, or flip a switch. It’s way more convenient.


I’m surprised it’s never been made into a decent TV show. The entire thing has already been made into half-hour radio shows, so the scripts are there and road tested. It’s basically halfway done already.


Sure, let’s all hustle like crackheads:

“Oh, your job isn’t paying enough? Well, have you tried stealing from your family? Your grandma has a social security check coming, right? Oh, your family doesn’t talk to you anymore, huh? Well have you tried selling your neighbor’s car stereo? What about his propane grill? How about stealing tube socks from Walmart and trying to sell those on the street to anyone who walks by? Still not cutting it, huh? I don’t know man, maybe it’s time to try sucking some dicks.”

These memes seem a lot less clever if you’ve ever been close to someone whose life got snowed under by addiction, or lived in a neighborhood that has a crack problem. Seeing real crackheads really hustling is pretty fucking bleak. They’re not getting ahead. They’re not winning. They’re burning everything with even a shred of value to service their addiction, including family and personal relationships.

I don’t know, maybe it’s a very apt metaphor for capitalism, and what our capitalist system expects of us, but I have no desire to trade the people and things that make my life bearable just so I can brag about having a couple extra dollars in the bank.


It requires a bit of financial discipline, but having a credit card that you religiously pay off in full every month can be a really powerful budgeting tool when money is tight. It lets you combine paychecks or borrow from a future week’s budget so you can take advantage of bulk prices or a really good sale price to stock up on things you use a lot of. And once you get stocked up on all your staple items, the money you would have spent on those things gets freed up for other things for weeks, or maybe even months at a time.

Speaking of stocking up on bulk items, my Costco membership has saved me a ton of money since I’ve had it. It might not make the best budgetary sense for everyone, but my membership fee more than pays for itself just with what I save on gasoline. Even when they don’t have the best price on something, often the quality you get for the price still makes a lot of their stuff worth it for me. But even if I don’t find a deal on something it’s always nice to be able to grab a huge rotisserie chicken that I can make meals out of for most of a week for $4.99.


I’ve been boycotting Sony since even before their rootkit nonsense. It’s because literally every single Sony product I’ve ever owned has broken within three months of taking them out of the box. Walkmans, Discmans, a DVD player, PlayStations 1 & 2. Thankfully most of them were things I received as a gift, so I wasn’t always out of pocket, but I just don’t see any point in spending money on some garbage product that’s going to break if you stare at it too hard.


The guy to the right of Saddam is Eric Harris, the other Columbine shooter, and Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook shooter.


Well, you’re in luck because we are living in basically the platinum age of women fronting cool rock bands.

Just off the top of my head:

Bones UK, Sniffany and the Nits, Cable Ties, Amyl and the Sniffers, Mod Con, Waax, Gutter Girls, Flagipanis, Panic Shack, Tiger Pussy, The Hellfreaks, The Darts, The Creepshow, The Spookshow, Zombina and the Skeletones, Bat Fangs, La Butcherettes, The Death Valley Girls, Sleater Kinney, The Veleteers, The Julie Ruin, The Bobby Lees, The Coathangers, The Regrettes, The Pink Slips, The Blushes, Bratmobile, LA Machina, Scrunchies, Skating Polly, and The Nova Twins.

I could dig up more if I start scrolling through my playlists, but there are tons of women out there right now making great music. Seems like every time I turn around there’s some cool new thing.


Didn’t Costco’s pharmacy get in trouble for this exact thing a couple months ago? I have a feeling we’re going to see a story about this for all the major pharmacy chains.


The list of subreddits I really miss is actually pretty short, but one of them for sure is ThatsABooklight. Not the most active sub, but you could lose most of a weekend scrolling through all the weird stuff that got dressed up as a movie prop.


Yes. I love mine. I originally got some bone-conduction headphones to use at my job because I work in a high noise environment and they still work while you’re wearing earplugs, but I use them pretty much constantly now. It’s really nice to have my music or podcasts and still be able to hear when someone asks me a question, or to be able to hear traffic coming if I’m out walking or jogging.

I’ve had a couple pairs of them now and weirdly bone-conduction headphones seem to be the one electronic device that under promises on its battery life. I don’t know if maybe I just got lucky, but the cheap no name set I got off Amazon promised 5 hours, but even after a year still regularly lasts 8 or 9. My Shokz Open Run Pros promise 10 hours, and I routinely get 15 or 16 hours. So that’s nice.


No, because active noise cancellation doesn’t offer any hearing protection. It doesn’t make the noise go away, it works by sending out an extra soundwave which is a mirror inversion of noise to be cancelled, sends out peaks where there were troughs and troughs where there were peaks, and they cancel each other out as far as your brain is concerned. But to work the destructive soundwave has to be as loud as the sound it’s cancelling, and now you have two sound waves blasting away, still moving air and putting pressure on your eardrums, and it’s that pressure causes the damage to your hearing.

Proper PPE has a passive barrier that physically blocks the bulk of the vibration from reaching your eardrums in the first place. Active noise cancellation does kind of the opposite of that.


Lucero is pretty legit. Really nice guys too. My buddy made friends with the singer way back when he was in his previous band and subsequently Lucero is one of the few bands I’ve been following since basically day one.

Some of these are more country than southern rock, but you might also like Jason Isbell, 16 Horsepower, Slim Cessna’s Auto Club, Corb Lund, Wovenhand, Larkin Poe, Pink Williams (if you’re not turned off by leftist politics), and Hank Williams III (if you don’t mind a lot of drug references), and The Goddamn Gallows.


I want the H2G2 Krikkit robot teleportation noises: the sound of 100,000 people saying “WHOP!” when you appear, and 100,000 people saying “FOOP!” when you disappear.


I used to have this idea of shady lobbyists skulking around Washington with big bags of money, trying to entice wayward congresspeople and lure them to the dark side. Then a friend of mine did a short internship in the office of a congressman, and I found out it’s actually very much the other way around.

You’d think a congressperson spends most of their time reading, writing, debating, and voting on the laws on which the country is run. That’s their job description. That’s what we’re taught in school that they do. But what they actually spend most of their time doing is cold-calling people and soliciting donations. So if you define their job by what they spend the largest amount of time doing, your congressperson and your senators’ job to beg for money so they can keep their job. There’s a big call center just off the Capitol grounds, and as soon as the session at the Capitol ends they all walk over to the call center, plop down in their cubicle, and spend the rest of the day calling past and potential donors.

But a principled politician could just choose not to participate, right? Maybe, but even if you could self-fund your own campaigns, you still have to get out and earn for your party. Having the support of your party is contingent on hitting predetermined fundraising metrics based on the population, demographics, and economics of your constituency. If you don’t hit those metrics you might suddenly find that it’s tough to find support for your legislation. It’s the same in either party.

It was one of the most disappointing things I ever learned about how our country works. The corruption isn’t just baked into the system, it’s all but mandatory. And this was like 25 years ago, before Citizens United. I can’t imagine it has gotten any better since then.

dragnucs, (edited ) to asklemmy avatar

What do you call the plastic or metallic bowl used to take a bath without a shower? @asklemmy

It is a hand held device used to get water from the bucket or a bigger tank to poor it on oneself


Wash basin.


Sponge bath?


It’s not surprising, that’s how their search engine has worked forever. But yeah, icky is a good word for it.

McDonald's prices are out of control. (

Gee, it’s almost like corporations are gouging consumers so badly that their market advantages are being lost due to greed. Inflation this quickly isnt real. It’s what happens when you come off a global pandemic with millions dead and corporations see they can freely abuse you by exploiting the public zeitgeist that prices...


The last time I went to McDonald’s I got two regular hamburgers and a medium fry, no drink. It was almost $10 after tax, the fries were cold and I had to pull out of the drive-through and wait for it.

I didn’t eat McDonald’s a lot to begin with, but it’s just not worth it to eat there anymore. It was always crap food, but it was at least fast and cheap. Now that it’s crap, slow, and expensive, there’s absolutely no reason to go there. The entire time I was sitting in my car eating my sad little mostly-bun burgers and cold fries, I was looking at the Costco across the street thinking about how, for the same $10, I could have gotten a huge slice of pizza, a soda, two churros, and an entire rotisserie chicken.


But… Indiana Jones famously doesn’t speak Hovitos.


Is it just me or is this article written under the false assumption that Facebook not serving you ads is somehow the same as Facebook not collecting your data? Because just yesterday I read an article about Costco being in trouble for allowing Facebook’s tracking pixel to collect their customers’ HIPPA-protected medical information through their pharmacy’s web interface. I can’t imagine that serving ads or not serving ads is going to stop Facebook from collecting and exploiting all the personal data it possibly can. Paying to opt out of seeing ads seems like it would, at best, just make Facebook’s data mining less visible.


Is anyone else surprised it’s even worth that much?


Why do I feel like this would just be a jar of unseasoned tomato paste with some cigarette ash mixed in?


Somewhere in storage I have a tapestry of dogs playing pool.


That is Larkspur. I’m from Denver, and recognized it immediately (also I image searched Larkspur ren faire to double check I wasn’t misremembering what it looks like). I’m sure other ren-faires have similar things, but that castle facade has been there since at least the 1980s, and I kind of doubt that was something you could get pre-fabricated back then.


I don’t think it’s from anything, but it has kind of a similar look to Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet, so maybe that’s why it looks familiar.


Is it too late to bring back the lettuce?


I for real thought it was from the dad jokes sub. I was super relieved when I realized it was a link to a news story about an actual bear, and not that the punchline was supposed to be that the bear was black and stole something.


Are you sure touching the armrests was necessary to make it work? In a hospital setting I would think it might have metal armrests just because metal surfaces can be easily disinfected, whereas wood could potentially harbor bacteria and other nasties. Kids aren’t exactly famous for hand washing, hygiene, or keeping their fingers out of their mouths, after all.


They’re not doing him a favor by sending him to whatever passes for a “disciplinary alternative education program” in Texas though. Sounds like they’re trying to stick him on the fast track in the school-to-prison pipeline.


It was taken down years ago, but for a while the entry for the song Regulate, by Warren G and Nate Dogg, used to feature a recitation of the story events done in the flowery prose style of a fancy Victorian English gentleman.


As someone who lives in an area with no earthquakes, my first thought was, “Man, those shelves really need a lip around the edges or something.”


Every picture of Grimes I’ve ever seen looks like someone tried to draw Madonna from memory.


Row (pronounced like wow) is another word for argument or disagreement. It’s most commonly used in the UK. A “political row” just means politicians are bickering with each other.

Are there any prince movies for kids?

Anyone who knows about kids’ movies knows how popular princess movies are, especially Disney princesses. My child is six and absolutely loves them too. My child also loves princes and kings, but I’m having a hard time finding anything that features a character as easily beloved as Elsa or Moana for example. Even worse, a lot...


There’s also Under the Cherry Moon, and Graffiti Bridge.


For what it’s worth, I was on Reddit for over a decade and I think I clicked on a stickied thread from any subreddit maybe twice in that whole time. I think a lot of people’s eyes just automatically skip over them. Plus, stickied threads disappear under some sorting options. Posting the occasional meme about it might be more effective.


There were/are a lot of dumb subs full of dumb content for sure, but what I miss about Reddit are the subs that have a super deep expert knowledge base. The plumbing sub, the mechanic advice sub, the vacuum sub, the fountain pen sub, etc. I’ve saved a lot of money and heartache by asking knowledgeable people naive questions in niche subreddits. Lemmy just plain doesn’t have the numbers for those kinds of subs to exist here at that level yet. But I hope we get there because for me that was the best thing about Reddit (though I also have a soft spot for the big “what’s your true real life paranormal experience” mega-threads that would pop off every few months.)


Nah, there is no reason an employer needs to know anything about your banking details. Maybe some basic routing info if you’re doing direct deposit, but even then that’s after you get hired. This sounds all kinds of sketchy. I bet they used the words “kindly” and “dear” a lot.


For your consideration stand, you have a good news.

Yikes. Yeah, that kind of bad grammar almost always = scam.

Mostly_Gristle, (edited )

I have kind of a boring job that allows me to wear headphones all day so I have a ton.

Music related: -60 songs that explain the 90s -20,000 hertz -No dogs in space

History/Politics (humorous/lighthearted): -The dollop -Behind the bastards -Cool people who did cool stuff -You’re wrong about -American hysteria -It books could kill

History/Politics/News and Current Events: -Congressional dish -The lawfare podcast -Straight White American Jesus -American history tellers -In our time with Melvin Bragg -Lions led by donkeys -Reveal -Throughline

Science/Tech/Art/Design: -99% invisible -Articles of interest -Ologies -You are not so smart -Science vs. -Sawbones -This podcast will kill you -The last archive -Proof

Spooky/strange/macabre: -Box of Oddities -The shallow end -Lore -Cabinet of curiosities -Radio rental -Spooked -Monsters among us -Real life ghost stories -We can be weirdos

Misc: -No such thing as a fish -The blindboy podcast -The bugle -The gargle -Darknet diaries -Craphound, the Cory Doctorow podcast -Off menu -Criminal -Swindled


It was listed in a column when I posted. The formatting got fucked.


Henry’s raw sexual magnetism is too powerful. Men with priapism, women slipping off their chairs: I don’t want to be responsible for everyone’s arousal related injuries.


Just imagine that he’s pooping.


Well that’s an interesting stance for a company founded by a literal Nazi to take.


Fuck. I never noticed this outfit had a codpiece. Holy crap.


The Hudsucker Proxy.

You know, for the kids.

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