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I hope it supports VR like their other recent games.


Hitman has you killing billionaires and militia leaders.

If you want something crusty, brutal and nihilistic, try Cruelty Squad. In that game, everyone is evil, morality is dead, death is only temporary and money rules everything. So go gas a cruise ship to get a single target and don’t feel bad for the other passengers who got liquified in the process, they were probably running crypto scams or diddling kids. Just harvest whatever organs are left and sell 'em for cash. You are a flesh automaton animated by neurotransmitters.

If you want pure thievery, try the Thief series. The original games, not the new one.


even contemplating leaving Canada for good.

Hello, yes, LGBT person stuck in Texas here. Can I have their house please? I don’t really like the cold, but if it means I don’t have to feel scared about coming out of the closet then I could deal with it.


As a furry, the “litterboxes in the classrooms” thing would be funny if it weren’t for the fact that A) it’s not just a couple nutjobs, somehow people actually believed it, and B) they actually exist to a certain extent, but not because of “trans-animal” kids; some schools have them so kids have a place to piss during a lockdown (like a shooting).

It’s not uncommon for the community to have memes about furries showing up in textbooks, the furry illuminati, furries in high places, we’re taking over your schools and making them cringe, etc, because there are a number of us with “mystery money” and/or have odd jobs. Like, there are furries who are CEOs, furries who are scientists, tech furries, and furries who are just normal joes, working normal jobs as educators, accountants, etc. So “litterboxes in schools” would normally fuel that form of humor if it weren’t for the fact that the circumstances around it are so fucked up.


Fyi, the article says the AI voices are placeholders.


I was just responding to the fact that OP simply appended “[AI voices]” as if they were trying to lead people to believe that the AI voices were final.


I wasn’t sure which was why I clarified heh…

MossyFeathers, is a cool site. It’s a search engine that only has web 1.0 and web 1.0-styled websites.


Personally, I prefer small, underground community review sites like Rate Your Music. You’re more likely to get people who really know what they’re talking about.

Edit: also, anyone heard of I heard someone suggesting it but it looks like a Spotify knock-off that only gives you playlist suggestions and stuff like that, but you have to provide your own music. Why would anyone want something like that?


My man managed to find an extinct species.

Edit: the Thylacine is sometimes called the Tasmanian tiger. Our guy might know something and is holding out on us.


Would you consider Jet Set Radio a platformer? If so then Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is really, really good (and it has a kickass soundtrack like the JSR series did). Other than that, I haven’t really spent a lot of time playing platformers. At the very least there have been some good remasters like the Spyro Reignited trilogy and Crash Bandicoot remaster.

I think I’ve heard some of the recent Sonic games have been good, though I don’t really play Sonic stuff so I can’t verify that myself.

I’ve heard Super Mario Wonder is really good, but that’s not really 3d (though iirc there are some 3d wonder flower sections).

Warframe might help scratch the 3d platformer itch, it’s got a decent amount of platforming tiles, especially on Jupiter (the maps are proceedurally generated from a tile set, the Jupiter tiles have a lot of verticality); though platforming isn’t by any means a focus.

If you’re okay with foregoing 3rd person view, you might give Mirror’s Edge a try. It’s a 1st-person parkour/freerunning game.

If you like the collect-a-thon aspect, check out the Lego games, especially stuff like Lego Star Wars, Lego Indiana Jones, etc. those are very much collect-a-thons and tend to have platforming elements to them. They’re a lot of fun.

Otherwise… Maybe platformers just need a revival like the boomer-shooters got. From what I’ve heard, Yooka-Laylee kinda tried, but it ended up being nostalgia-bait and not too great standing by itself.


Fuck yeah! Scummvm was fixed!


I’m starting a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory that the embracer group became the “embracer group” to embrace small devs and then kill them off. This company keeps killing perfectly functional studios.


I feel like the answer to the third question would be the pendantic, “you sure can!” answer.


Anyone know if this game is worth playing? I like racing games, I like Lego games, it sounds awesome, but I’m wondering if it’s worth picking up.

Edit: how well does it perform on the steam deck?


Yeah! What was wrong with the one on the left? They’re both quite handsome.


A dragon roosts upon the rook at H8. This quadruples its power.

(This would be represented by a dragon atop 4 rooks)


I wonder how many non-nsfw streamers are rejoicing because they no longer have to be paranoid about modded games and nudity. Prior to twitch relaxing rules regarding nudity, you could get banned for a split second of nudity in a modded game, and official nudity/sex scenes in M-rated games were playing with fire (technically allowed, but up to an admin’s discretion if you were trying to “stream porn” or just playing the game as intended). At least I’m assuming these new rules will include further relaxing the game content rules. It wouldn’t make sense to allow full “artistic nudity” if you’re still banning streamers because of a few frames of modded tiddy.


I wonder why they haven’t tried rigging up suicide boats yet. Boats with no crew except some mannequins rigged up to look lifelike. Control them with radio or satellite, fill them with c4 or a similar explosive, and when the Chinese boats try to ram them, detonate the boat.


Wait 'till you hear about when a streaming service has season 1 and 2 in the original language, but only season 1 in English, plus season 1 and 2 (dubs and subs) are merged into a single season. This is space dandy on Hulu (I think it’s Hulu, mighta been Netflix).

MossyFeathers, (edited )

Lemmy: we need to do everything we can for the environment!

Also Lemmy: this thread.

Remember folks, unless your grid is 100% renewables (or split with nuclear), you’re consuming coal or gas power. It may not be much on an individual scale, but it adds up. For coal it’s approximately 1kg of CO2 per KWh, slightly more for petroleum, and 350g for gas.

Edit: apparently OP is running away from the downvotes. Previously they were calling people idiots, stupid, etc for criticizing them.


I like my PC like I like my lights: off when not in use for extended periods of time. Again, doesn’t spend that much power, especially in the world of LEDs; and there are exceptions, like if you’re doing rendering, or compiling code or what have you, but if your PC is idle during the night, turn it off. We have ssds now, so it’s not even like startup time is a reasonable excuse. However, boasting about your PC uptime when our powerplants are poisoning the world is asinine.

Great job asshole, you’re bragging about how your polluting more than others.

Edit: I liked the original reply more:


I dunno about you, but I want more pinkish-white gators. Perfect valentine’s day gift for your Floridian girl/boyfriend. Because they’re pink and they’re white, they make great wedding gifts too!


I wonder if these little things literally move on their own. Kinda like how like Venus flytraps have traps that can close when triggered by an insect (or a curious child), or how some parasitic vines will try to mimic the leaves of their hosts even if the host is artificial. Is it possible that moss’ leaves just subtly move during the day, and because we’re talking about moss balls, that subtle movement translates into physical translation? Granted, it doesn’t explain why they move together, but if you can figure out the mechanism behind the movement then it’ll make it easier to figure out the rest.


Big box games, especially the ones with the “board game” style boxes.

CRTs (mainly because of what they represent).

Point-and-click adventure games (thanks Myst).

Game/movie rental stores.


In general, I miss the fact that the 90s (and early 2000s) had the internet, but the internet wasn’t developed enough to replace physicality. As we’ve grown more dependent on the internet, we’re losing physicality. Our games are digital, our music is digital, our TV shows, movies, news, socialization, everything is becoming digital. We own less and less because companies don’t have to offer a physical product anymore. We dreamed of 3d malls that we’d browse with friends in virtual reality; but we got text and images instead. Our malls have no form, neither physical or virtual, the worst of both worlds. We no longer have a chance at physicality, even in a virtual sense, because doing so is a waste of resources. Why build a virtual mall when a webpage will suffice?

Somehow music is fighting back against the loss of physicality and is winning with records, CDs and yes, even cassettes. I hope eventually we make a return to physicality and can learn from this obsession with the digital and non-physical.


CRTs are heavy and cumbersome. As such, they represent computers at a time when the majority of PCs were stationary and couldn’t be hauled around. Sure, there were laptops and cellphones, but those were limited in functionality and weren’t a real replacement for a desktop PC like they are now.

As for virtual malls, I remember there being lots of noise made, especially surrounding the internet, about virtual worlds where you could hang out with your friends or go shopping. The idea being that it was a virtual replacement for a physical location; you could buy physical and virtual goods at these imaginary virtual malls. They just… never came into being. Instead of 3d environments that let you socialize and shop, you have flat webpages that only serve to sell you goods.


Yeah, but the fact that literally everything had to be bought was off-putting. I do like vrchat though, and I’ve been meaning to try out Resonite.

MossyFeathers, (edited )

Yeah. Some people watch the awards for the trailers too. Like I’ll be honest, I don’t really care much about who won what at this point. As far as I’m concerned, as long as people like David “I don’t make games for f-ggots” Cage or Quantic Dream (David “I’m so misogynistic I drove Elliot Page out of the closet” Cage’s company) are still eligible to receive awards then the game awards don’t actually mean anything. I just like the trailers and was very excited about Sega’s announcement.

Edit: I’d read somewhere that Elliot Page said that David Cage was one of the contributing factors to him deciding to publicly come out as a trans man, or something along those lines, but I can’t find it now so I might be thinking of someone else?

MossyFeathers, (edited )

Iirc Elliott credits David Cage with being such a horrifying misogynist that he decided to come out of the closet (he’s a trans man) so he wouldn’t have to deal with that again. The amount of effort and risk involved with being a public figure who is trans should drive home just how horrible of a person David Cage is.

Edit: I just looked it up and I can’t figure out where I read that. I may have been thinking of someone else? Regardless, David Cage is a massive misogynist and Quantic Dream is known for being an extremely toxic work environment.

MossyFeathers, (edited )

Is an electric humvee that’s been modded to be comfy the same as a bear wearing drag?

Edit: you ever seen how big a humvee’s interior is? Those things have some serious potential to be Comfy. As. Fuck.


Yeah, I also cringe at the thought that the cash for clunkers program probably claimed the lives of many cars that are valuable but were in need of some TLC. How many supras died to a crusher because they weren’t well maintained but just needed some proper care?


I mean, we’re talking about doing a full teardown here. The shocks are going, the engine’s going, the seats are going, basically everything except the frame, wheels, and maaaaybe transmission is gonna get thrown out.


Listen, I can dream okay lol? Also I have no illusions about it being a hell of a lot of work, it also wouldn’t be my first car. There are other cars I’m more interested in; doing a humvee overhaul like that would be a “I have lots of time and money” thing.


I’d put a Prius shell on a electric car for shits and giggles (if I had the money). Fastest Prius in the west.


If you think about it, the H1, H2 and H3 Hummers were just Rolls-Royces for rednecks.


They have to bring back Hideki Naganuma. He recently did some music for bomb rush Cyberfunk and based on his Twitter, he seems very much aware that Jet Set Radio is going to be his main legacy. I suspect he’d actually be pissed if they made a jsr game without him.


You were supposed to tell me I’m wrong! FUCK.


Damn, that sucks. Sorry to hear that! D:


I buy the excuse that he didn’t know because the article makes it sound like he was munching on them like candy, and I can’t imagine someone would do that if they knew what they were getting into. However, it is strange that he had them in the first place. Is it possible that some convenience stores or gas stations sell pot stuff there? If they sell edibles or pot like they typically sell tobacco and alcohol, that might be where he got them because it seems strange for someone to eat candy someone else gave them. The only reason I would do that is if it was from a friend, but they’d almost certainly tell me that the gummies would get me high. That said, maybe he forgot they were THC edibles.

Another possibility is maybe he thought they were CBD infused, not THC. Then again, seems crazy to just munch on CBD gummies like they’re candy, but at the very least it probably wouldn’t have you passing out on the highway like he did.


Yeesh, I hope not. It’s the only shit I can get “legally” here in Texas, but if shit like this starts occurring regularly then I might not be able to soon.


I didn’t even know it was still up, otherwise I probably would have picked it up at some point and played it.


Are we sharing plushies now?

They’re protobeans, and yes, they all have names, colors in parentheses.

Top row: Aziraphale (white), Rose (light pink), Maple (leafy bean), and Crowley (black)

2nd row: il Diavolo (crimson), T H E S H O R K (SHARK BEAN), Herman: the Sixth-Dimensional Planet Smasher (lilac), Olivia (lavender)

3rd row: Quinn (red), (Dizzy Miss) Lizzy (yellow, she’s always the wrong-way up), Roswell (green), Gordon Freebean (orange), John Freebean (blue)

Bottom row: Violet (purple), Rivet (yellow/blue).

The big mound is THE GREAT MOTH UPON WHICH THE WORLD REVOLVES or just “The Moth” for short. He has an old jacket with a broken zipper because it’s getting cold out (that’s also why most of the beans are tucked into fluffy socks or hats). Rivet and Violet are in the pockets, Aziraphale and Crowley are in the sleeves. The purple guy against the wall is Acrid.

These fucks have names too, though they’re currently in trouble because they pushed another plushie off the bed while I was asleep to make more room (I have a twin bed).

From left to right: Nazca, Mojave, and Nyx. Mojave is very proud of his polo shirt, Nyx is channeling some “dark Kermit” vibes and Nazca is just happy to be warm.

MossyFeathers, (edited )

Thank you! The protobeans came from BossMonsta, The hidden moth is from Squishable, the Acrid plush is one of the official Risk of Rain plushies from RobaRoba (dunno if they’ll ever make more, but they should), the dragons are from Creep Cat Toy Company.

The Creep Cat (elemental) dragons are more expensive, but very high-quality. There’s a lot of embroidered detail. Unfortunately it looks like they’ve sold out of most of them, dunno if they’ll be restocking them. I’ve also got one of their roadkill possums on the way.

The moth is approximately pillow-sized and very soft. He’s having to serve as a platform at the moment because bed too small. I’m hoping I’ll be mentally and financially stable enough to move out within the next year or so though, and then they’ll get to sleep on the bed and he won’t have to act as a platform anymore.

Acrid is just happy to have friends now.

The Protobeans are just goofy little fucks. They get into all kinds of mischief and are very intelligent but not very smart and their ability to remember things is fluffy at best, so they can solve problems pretty quickly but still talk in dial-up.

They all have relationships as well, for an example John Freebean who was Gordon Freebeans brother was one day in an office typing on a computer. He got an email from his brother that said that aliens and monsters were attacking his place and aksed him for help so he went..

Herman the Sixth-Dimensional Planet Smasher and Olivia are the “parents” as they’re the first two I got. They’ve got no idea how protobeans are made, they think they just come in the mail.

Quinn, Lizzy and Roswell like to pretend to be a traffic light.

Edit: also Aziraphale and Crowley are a reference to Good Omens. If you haven’t read/watched it, you should. It’s really, really good.


Thank you mossy! c:


And what about the humans who kept watch at night?


Right, but they’re not going to do their job very well if they’re sleepy. Over time evolution is going to select for the nightwatchers who don’t get sleepy and overlook the shadows in the night, leading to humans who are comfortable being awake at night, and humans who are comfortable being awake during the day. The day humans get food, make clothes, etc for the night humans who make sure the farmers, gatherers, etc are safe when they’re asleep.

Edit: I wonder if there’s a correlation between being ADHD, being a night owl, and gun ownership. ADHD is speculated to be a residual evolutionary trait from when humans were hunter gatherers due to a typically heightened awareness; I wonder how often ADHD humans found themselves as the nightwatch as humans graduated to farming.

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