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The DLCs take a little sting out of it.


Snowpiercer: Sure, there’s some evidence the world is warming, but at current there are two people, a bear, and no real shelter other than a rapidly cooling train. Just how long do they expect to survive?

The Graduate: Ends with the famous fading smile. Sure, you ran off together… now what?

Morbius: The central conflict of the movie is that the vampires who drink real blood go feral but are more powerful, and those who drink artificial blood are weaker but in control. Morbius is under time pressure because the artificial blood is becoming less and less effective, so he’ll eventually have to drink the red blood or die. He got a temporary victory killing Matt Smith, but due to the incompetence of the studio the actual real conflict of the movie is never actually resolved.


There are a lot of bad one off Christmas songs, but Wonderful Christmastime is the worst one that still gets played every year.

And before anyone says it: All I Want for Christmas Is You is the most overplayed, but not the worst. And Christmas Wrapping is the most underrated.


The Rock. It would have been very easy to set up another terrorist attack that is tied to Mason’s spy past. Goodspeed is the only one who knows Mason is alive and where to find him. Would have been an easy hit.

Is linux good for someone tech illererate.

Now i’ve been considering moving to linux. I don’t have much of a history using a computer and find it tougher to use than my phone. But I also really appreciate the foss movement. I’ve currently got an old laptop running windows 11 I think and it would prolly speed up with linux too. But I’m afraid I’d fuck smth up...


Your biggest tech challenge will likely be in installing linux. So take your time and work through a tutorial.

Linux is a fundamentally different OS from Windows. Some desktop environments resemble various Windows versions, while others are very different: they might be more Mac like, or more mobile like, or completely unfamiliar.

Installing programs is generally easier on linux because the default is to use the package manager (basically an app store) rather than downloading sketchy programs off websites that all want to update on their own schedule and all want to start when you boot the OS. Just search them, set updates to pop up weekly or whatever your preferred schedule is, and your package manager will do the rest.

Troubleshooting is harder for new users but easier for experienced users: it typically requires more work that can be daunting for casual users, but it lets you get much deeper into the OS to fix problems, where on Windows you might just be stuck waiting for a patch.

Compatibility is usually the biggest frustration, since many programs do not release a linux version, so you need to find alternatives or run them in a compatibility layer. Both of these solutions can sometimes cause problems getting the exact functionality you need, whereas if you’re using the natively supporting OS it may be smoother.


Tosses paper on top of work pile, then leaves for the weekend.


Absolutely, that one’s amazing.


William Tell Overture - An entire generation of people came up knowing a portion of the song as the Lone Ranger Theme.

Also, I suspect very few people know The Blue Danube by name, but almost everyone could hum the entire thing if prompted.


Sounds like you’re all prepared. I’d just bookmark Debian’s NVIDIA page as the drivers are proprietary and not included in the base install. Typically, you can install using the generic Nouveau driver and then switch to the proprietary driver after the install; however, should you run into problems such as a blank screen, google “Debian nomodeset” to get around the graphics driver.


The more serious argument comes from their insistence that cross-political marriages will help save the nation from “the Trump-era divisions” and social ills stemming from men’s misogyny.

Obviously. This is the same as when the Republicans blamed Democrats for not stopping them from voting out their own majority leader.

Democrats are tired of being the Republicans’ parents. They’re tired of bailing out the red states with their taxes, only to have those same state leaders whine that Democrats are bullying them with having to pay taxes. They’re tired of having to get the economy back on track every time the Republicans fuck it up. They’re tired of having to do all the work to fix the environment while the Republicans insist everything is fine. They’re tired of having to stand up for human rights over and over again while the Republicans quote their story books at them.

If you were the farmer in this video, how many times would you save that stupid sheep before just walking away and leaving it in the ditch?

Democrats have no obligation to save the Republicans from themselves.


Yes, but it doesn’t always sync up with the Doctor’s regenerations.

You should give it a try!


Wow, this edit is way more sexual.


How about Pinetab 2?

Though it’s important to note that you’re buying the hardware and the community is actively working on the software. For example, the wifi driver is only partially functional and it’s currently recommended that only developers should install it. Otherwise, they’re recommending using an external adapter or phone for wifi until it gets fixed.

Moobythegoldensock, (edited )

I first heard of it in the early 2000s, with my dad talking about replacing our buggy Windows ME with Lindows. Eventually, that computer died without us ever attempting to install it.

In college, I hung out with someone who used linux and thought it looked cool. I successfully dual booted Ubuntu on my PC around 2005 or 2006, but could never get the video drivers working properly (it was stuck at the lowest resolution) and eventually gave up on it.

I started adminning a web forum around 2014 or so, and the previous admin talked me into dual booting Fedora rather than only using Putty. So I started using it intermittently whenever I started working on the forum, though I never really got into GNOME. He also told me about raspberry pis, so I picked up a pi 2 and started tinkering with it.

When my wife moved in (2018), she (a software developer) was working on a project and asked me if I’d heard of raspberry pis, as she was recommended to use one but hadn’t looked into it yet. I pulled my pi 2 out of storage and she fell in love with it, so we started buying loads of pi 3s and zeroes, with me testing out different distros and setups for her while she was working on the project code.

Finally, somewhere around 2018 or 2019 my laptop started running like shit on Windows. I tried out Xubuntu and fell in love with it. It ended up becoming our go-to distro, getting slapped on old desktops she brought home from work and a used laptop I bought for our daughter. So that became the daily driver on my laptop, even as she moved onto Alpine with i3wm.

And now we both have Pinetab 2s, so I think it’s fair to say we’re full on linux nerds at this point. We still have Windows on some of our desktops, though, so we’re more pragmatists than linux proselytizers.

TL;DR: I heard about it young, and that interest grew into dabbling, until I finally got addicted to it.

New to Linux, have a few questions

I currently use Windows 10 and I’d like to try out Linux. My plan is to set up a dual boot with OpenSUSE tumbleweed and KDE Plasma. I’ve read so many different opinions about choosing a distro, compatibility with gaming and Nvidia drivers, and personal issues with the ethos of different companies like Canonical. I value...

Moobythegoldensock, (edited )

My big question would be why are you starting with a dual boot? I would recommend trying each one with a liveUSB or in a virtual machine and simply do a single boot with the one you like better. There’s likely little need for you to actually maintain two distros unless you have a very niche use case that one distro can’t solve.

My advice would be to just relax and realize that the underlying OS is 90% the same regardless of what distro you choose. All the discussion you see on different distros, package managers, snaps, wayland, etc. are all the other 10%. It really doesn’t matter what distro you start on as long as it’s a general purpose distro (both of the ones in your OP are): once you learn the first 90% of linux, you’ll develop your own tastes, and then you’ll be able to decide on the remaining 10%.


Oh, my misunderstanding, I thought you wanted to dual boot OpenSuse and KDE Plasma. Dual booting Windows 10 and one of those makes way more sense, especially if you have niche university software that was probably written 20 years ago for Windows XP service pack 2, is already barely compatible with Windows 10, and almost certainly never had a linux version. You definitely don’t want to gamble on abandoning Windows completely until after you graduate.

And yes, once you get comfortable installing a distro, it gets pretty easy to just install a new one.


Ah, that makes way more sense.


Oh goodness I have no idea where my brain was.


I went back and read the Wikipedia article for Legend of the Sea Devils and barely remember any of it. What a forgettable episode.

I haven’t gotten to the Third Doctor yet on my Old Who watch.

Actually, it just occurred to me that they had probably already greenlit the show and Chibnall’s special was meant to be a setup for it.


Downsizing, with the trailer being the pitch.


Yep, I assumed he’d be sitting on a trashcan with a can of paint at least, or standing right next to slug. Nope, he’s just a spectator in his own comic.


I like trying to guess where Heathcliff should be. I had no idea for this one.


Here’s a tutorial for removing packages without the app store:

when will be your last time to vote for the "lesser of two evils"?

When will be your “this is the last fucking time I’m voting for the ‘lesser of two evils’, then I don’t care after that, let this country burn to the ground”? For me, this is basically it. This is last election I’m going for that " lesser of two evils" bullshit. After that I’m done. It’s just pointless. Let’s...


Voting a third party is not throwing your vote away. It’s actually often the best way to make your vote matter.

Third parties in the US tend to run on smaller platforms pushing their key issues. Typically, these issues attract voters on one side of the spectrum more than the others: in other words, some third parties attract liberal voters while others attract conservative voters. This means that they compete with one of the major parties more strongly than the other for votes.

Votes for a major party typically do not have a huge effect on the presidential race unless you’re in a swing state. For example, the last time my state voted Republican was 35 years ago, and since then a Democrat has one by more than 10 percentage points. A million Biden voters could have switched their votes to a third party last election and he would have still won my state.

But a million votes for a third party would have been noticed by the Democrats, especially if similar numbers were posted across the US. The Democrats would have had to figure out why they were losing votes, and amend their platform in the future to win those lost voters back.

For example, major work reforms in the early 20th Century (including ending child labor, the 8 hour workday, and the 40 hour workweek) and the focus on the federal budget in the last 30 years have both been due to third parties pushing their pet issues into prominence and forcing the major parties into taking stances on them. A vote for a third party is a warning sign to the major parties that they need to amend their platforms in the future to avoid losing more votes, and that pushes change way faster than blindly voting a single party’s status quo.


The simple math is that a +/- 500,000 votes for Joe Biden in 2020, who got 81,283,501 total, would have barely noticeable. However, +/- 500,000 votes for Jo Jorgenson, who got 1,865,535, or Howie Hawkins, who got 407,068, would have been much more noteworthy.

Your vote simply has a bigger impact when you’re voting for a smaller candidate.

And yes, third parties do pressure major parties to alter their platforms, and this is well documented. The clearest example is Ross Perot getting 19% of the vote in 1992 and pushing his pet issue (the federal budget) into every election since then, still persisting today over 30 years later.


You will also become a social outcast if peertube is the only app you use. You might not understand channels people mention in day to day talk from youtube or references.

We must be in different generations. The only time my peers ever mention YouTube is when they’re directly sharing a specific video. No one ever talks about following channels.


I use it on PineTab 2 as according to the folks on Discord it has the best benchmarks. On any other device, Firefox all the way.


A single emoji to add a little mood at the end of a comment is fine. As soon as I have to interpret a fucking code I’m downvoting and moving on.


For years before emojis LOL, ROFL, and LMFAO meant a mild chuckle…


Coffee is sort of like beer: the bitterness is way too strong for kids, but tolerable for adults.

Most people cut it with cream and sugar, but if you have a decent quality coffee it becomes easy to tolerate it black.


Did you try apt update and apt search? Is it in the repositories you’re searching? Do you need to add a repository and/or build it from GitHub?

The reason Kali is a meme is because it’s intended for professionals but often used by newbies, and you’re asking a rather basic question about package management.


You’re running a live image, so the list of packages in the external repositories may be blank depending on how Kali does its defaults. Having apt fetch a package list is a very easy first troubleshooting step.


Here’s an archived version:…/theobserver

He raises some fair points about the shitty things the US has done in the Middle East and our continued unwavering support of Israel. But we can’t just Ctrl-Z 80 years of history and ignore that State of Israel now exists and will have to coexist with Palestine. He lost me when he started whining that no one would let him implement Shariah law.

The rest of it is tired antisemitic conspiracies along with calling on the US to convert to Islam and enshrine Shariah law into the Constitution. Thanks but no thanks: we already have enough religious nutjobs trying to turn the country into a theocracy and we don’t need more.


Scrubs is indeed the most accurate medical show, by far.


If you’re writing Word documents for your own use, to print, or to convert to PDF, you should be able to switch to LibreOffice seamlessly. However, if you’re emailing .docx files with the expectation that others are going to open them, make changes, save them, and send them back to you, you’re going to need Word or things will get messy. Office 365 online is probably your best bet.

I’ll echo what others are saying and tell you to learn linux at home first. Only use it for business when you’re sure it can do everything you need, and even then you might still want to keep a Windows laptop around in case you need it. Even though Linux is great, the rest of the business world still expects you to be able to work within Windows’ ecosystem.


Never had that happen to me.

I need a low budget laptop

I want to create a setup where I have a powerfull PC at home, and a lightweight economic laptop to carry around like at school to take notes or watch media on the go. I’d like to spend around 250 euro, and for the os linux is ok. Thanks for the help. P.S. sry if the sub doesn’t fit but I didn’t know where to post this...


How about Pinebook Pro?


Apparently it’s possible, though I personally haven’t tried it. Probably not the best machine for streaming in general.…/Pinebook_Pro_Software_Tuning_Gu…


Now 76% of all the posts in the Fediverse are about Linux!



Mario is Missing was its own game. It was… not good.


It was released on both NES and SNES, as well as PC and Mac!

I played the SNES version on an emulator. I don’t know how far I got, just that I was walking around doing nothing.


It was released on both NES and SNES, as well as PC and Mac!

I played the SNES version on an emulator. I don’t know how far I got, just that I was walking around doing nothing.

Anyway, here’s a preview!


Trump actually believes in the COVID vaccines and authorized Operation Warp Speed.

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