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So, working backwards, thirdly, the books are excellent. The first three are by far the best and cover up to season 3/4ish. The next two are good, but also different. The show also really starts to diverge so kinda up to season 6, but only in the broadest sense.

In either case if you’re going to read the books, read them all for full background. If course we’re still waiting on at least 2 more new books, sooooooo you might be waiting a while/forever.

Second. The House of the Dragon TV series. I was also hesitant to watch it, but it really is great. It’s not perfect, but if all we ever got was this one good season, I’d be happy. If season two ends up sucking, bummer, but at least we had one good one.

And firstly. King Bran. The biggest issue with Season 8 is that it just rushes to the ending. Bran has the best story? He is a weird raven character now. What does that mean? Who understands what that means? What did he actually do? What about Meera?

But what if we knew more about this three eyed raven character? What if we understood their goals? What if they foresaw the events of the series? What if they caused, or guided them? Hodor’s purpose was to eventually save Bran. To do that Bran would have to make Hodor, Hodor. What if he helped ensure other events also took place? What if Bran being “King” was a setup from the beginning?

If all that is properly explained, I don’t really have an issue with King Bran.

Of course that only explains it for the viewer. To King’s Landing Bran is just some weird kid.

So let’s change Bran’s role slightly. The White Walkers are going to attack. The only way to win is with a united Seven Kingdoms. By the time Dany arrives the kingdom is largely united. However Dany has dragons. Can Bran convince Dany to give everything up and focus on the White Walkers? We see hints of this in the show. If the White Walker threat isn’t fixed in one episode, what happens?

There are multiple seasons of story, and that’s just Bran.

They key points of the show can still work (some of them at least), but they need time. Think of the Red Wedding. Arya’s seasons long journey is nearly at an end. Caitlyn and her negotiating is paying off. Robb is about to achieve victory. Three seasons of setup, executed perfectly.

Realistically, looking back, season 8 was never going to be able to wrap things up. Even less so with a reduced last season.

The show runners fucked up and they fucked up big time.


It also wasn’t well done. Specifically because solving a Zelda dungeon requires solving a puzzle. The dungeon builder they let you make was just “beat all the rooms” which isn’t fun.

To follow the traditional formula you need explore the dungeon and run into obstacles. Then you get the dungeon item. Now you return and unlock new rooms. It usually starts with obvious/easy uses of the item, then more complicated.


So BOTW changed it up, for them the key item was manipulating the dungeon.

In TOTK it actually went more back to the basics and the key item was the new ability.

They only had 4 main dungeons each, but otherwise it was still a puzzle dungeon. Where they make up for the lack of dungeons is by having a hundred plus shrines. BOTW leaned more towards your core abilities, but also had some padding with tests of strength. TOTK leaned more towards construction, which gave them a lot more variety.

And yes, to clarify, drive a pre built car to the end of the room, is a puzzle. Remember even some classic puzzles are as simple as, move a box on to a switch.


I see where you’re coming from, and at one point I may have even agreed with you, but not anymore.

BOTW & TOTK are VERY different Zelda games, but they are Zelda games.

The biggest difference is that these games aren’t linear, even more so than most Zelda games.

Let’s look at Link Between Worlds. You can do many of the dungeons in that game in any order. You receive the dungeon item outside of the dungeon and as long as you have it, you can complete the dungeon that requires it.

Or let’s look at Ocarina of Time. While the intention is that you beat the forest temple and then the fire temple, you can actually do them in either order. The game will certainly take you on the path to the forest temple first, but it isn’t required.

BOTW and TOTK are definitely in a new class of Zelda games, in the same way you can look at and compare 2D and 3D Zelda games. You can compare Link’s Awakening and Minish Cap. It’s difficult to compare Link to the Past and Twilight Princess. It’s difficult to compare Wind Waker and BOTW. They are all Zelda games, so you can do it, but it’s difficult.


Indiana Jones 4 starts to really fall apart on act 3, but the first two acts fit pretty well. I actually think the 5th is better than the 4th.

  • Raiders
  • Crusade
  • Doom
  • Dial
  • Skull

Is probably my order.


I always assume people doing this are unhinged/crazy and I definitely don’t want to deal with that.

Sometimes they look nice enough.

Usually what happens is myself and everyone else on the train look at each other, have a shared look of “Morons? Am I right?” and then when that person leaves, we all share a group laugh.

So I guess what I’d say is, if you do this, know that everyone is laughing at you. If you say you don’t care, that’s a lie, you do care, that’s why you’re doing what you’re doing. This is not positive attention, this is negative attention. Please take a moment and reflect to be a force for positivity and not negativity.

  1. What’s the catch?
  2. So you’ll just answer ANY three questions I have truthfully?
  3. Wait… Did those first two count?

I use that for my WiFi hotspot, spreading 💩 everywhere I go.


It’s just a label. No money. Labels are free.


Of all the multiplication you had to pick 7 x 8. I hate 7 x 8.

I memorized in 3rd grade or whatever my multiple tables, but I never trust 7 x 8.

7 x 8 = 56

1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 5, 6, 9 ?

No. That’s wrong. After 7 comes 8. After 8 comes 5. No, it goes 5, 6, 7, 8.

If I could visualize it as,

56 = 7 x 8

I’d be fine, but I can’t see it that way.

No I have to take it as 7 x 7 (49) + 7 (1 + 6), to get 56.

Shit. I hope that makes sense to someone.


Out of curiosity what sort of safety did you think an unencrypted hard drive had?

I mean no offense and I think it’s a perfectly fine question to ask, I just want to understand what you expected.


Chakotay: Welcome to the Maquis Resistance, are you spy?

Tuvok: That would be logical.

And the show is over before it begins.


I don’t understand the “it’s just a meme” logic. I’ve seen it used a few times to excuse whatever the meme says.

Imagine if the meme was “Stop signs don’t make sense, I’ve got places to be, vroom vroom”

That’s stupid and dangerous advice. This meme isn’t dangerous, but it is stupid.

Obviously if there was a “Sarcasm rabbit” type meme, now it makes sense. I’ve never seen this meme image before, maybe that’s what it’s going for, but for now it’s going to get shit on.


Yes, although you could use Gentle Repose can look like a post death ritual and give you a ten day window.


When the game first came out a friend and I were discussing how bad inventory management was for about 20 minutes before I realized he was playing with keyboard+mouse and I was playing Steam Deck/controller.

We both had so many complaints about inventory and we were using completely different methods.

I’ve gotten use to it so it’s “fine” now, but it could use some major improvements.


All current conversations surrounding Net Neutrality refer to ISPs being neutral. Since this is happening at the browser level, it would not technically be a violation.

For example streaming websites aren’t required to support Linux. It’s a dick move, but it’s not a violation to “block” users.

That isn’t to say this isn’t a dick move, it absolutely is, but as currently defined it isn’t a Net Neutrality issue.


It terms of movies I never asked for, at least this film has plenty to work with. The original series/films establish that we’re at Hunger Games 74+ and there was a huge war.

I’m not sure if Snow is the best main character, but having watched the film I think he was a good enough choice.

A prequel is always going to be a difficult movie, but I thought this did a fine job. If they want to make a few more I’ll probably watch them, but if they don’t I’ll be ok.


which instance do I even choose

Literally any of them. That’s the answer.


Not at all? Just throw it into one big drawer?


It feels like an editing issue. The film was fast paced and a lot of scenes just ask you to assume that they make sense. In truth they probably do, but they need a little bit of explanation.

Let’s talk Flerkins for example. Early in the film Goose eats some bad guys, teleports to Kamala’s living room, then spits them out. No one really comments on it. No one found it weird. We just defeat the bad guys and move on.

Next Goose spits up some science equipment. We learn that they’ve been missing for a while. They look fine but no one mentions that they still work, or we’re otherwise still preserved.

Finally we have the musical Memory scene. Ignore for a moment the eggs that hatched. Ignoring for a moment it happens when they’ve run out escape pods. We have “kittens”, we’ve established that Flerkins can eat people and they can hold what they’ve eaten for a while. So while the solution makes sense, and on paper they’ve earned the moment, it takes a moment to really put it all together. As a result it feels rushed and instead of just enjoying the scene you’re left wondering if it makes sense.

We’re only talking about cutting a few minutes here and a few minutes there, but it adds up.


This is hugely important. Since Windows is what they use now, I’d start by seeing if any peers are using macOS. See what issues, if any, they have. If you can find someone who uses ChomeOS, ask them too.

Linux will likely have a solution to any sort of compatibility problems, but I imagine folks who have already moved off of Windows will share similar problems.


I would argue to stop other violence, not necessarily bigger, is also justified. It’s never allowed unrestricted, especially as the bigger entity, but a tactical or measured response to prevent further violence can make sense.


Not even you believe that is what I meant.


My point is that it’s an absurd argument.

Let’s talk real world, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Do you think a reasonable argument can be made that those bombings made sense? If not, what about in 1945?

I’m not asking you to agree, just to understand the argument. It’s a discussion worth having, even if you disagree with the answer.


Hard disagree. The opening theme is part of the show. It’s a secret Star Trek call.

A few years back I was waiting for an elevator and randomly the song got stuck in my head. I started to hum/sing the song, quietly, but getting louder as I waited for the elevator. I didn’t notice but another man had also had begun to wait for the elevator. “Is that the Enterprise theme?” He asked? And we shared a conversation about a show each of us had watched 20+ years ago.

You gotta watch with the theme song.


I liked the singing planet but wish they had leaned much harder into it.

When we arrive everyone is just standing around and don’t start singing until they notice the Marvels. I understand the reveal joke but they could have handled it better.

The prince being bilingual was fine.

However when it came to battle that should have been a huge musical number. It could have been an added step to the Marvels working in unison. Have them try to time things together but occasionally messing up. Then they could have hummed/sung along to get more in sync.


After watching this trailer I’m so confused.

The reimagining is that it’s a musical. A film adaptation of a successful Broadway show.

What I just saw is a trailer for a generic teen comedy.

Did they fuck up and forget to put music in a musical?


I always preferred BUSIER backwards. It’s shorter and alliterative., but whatever helps you remember.


I said the exact same thing when reading about Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes earlier today.

I don’t know the director, but it seems like he’s got a visual sense of what’s needed. Visually I think the first Maze Runner was well done (didn’t see 2 & 3) and looking at the trailer for Planet of the Apes I think it matches the films that came before it.

I am cautiously optimistic that he can take an idea and put it to screen.

This is going to a difficult film to put together, but I expect when it’s all done the director isn’t going to be the issue. The issue is going to be putting together a good story and having a good story to tell.

Mario games are all about whimsy and spectacle. Mario 1 has you jump incredible heights and throw fireballs. Mario 2 has you in a dream world with potions. Mario 3 has you travel between unique worlds. Mario World has dinosaurs and secret paths. I could go on, but you get the idea and the movie did an excellent job.

Hypothetically if we had a Metroid movie it would have to be about isolation. Not complete isolation, but isolation with a sense of being watched or followed, or being in over your head.

But, we’re talking about Zelda. What makes a Zelda game and in turn a movie a Zelda movie? I think it’s a sense of exploration. It’s an adventure. Think Star Wars, think Indiana Jones, that’s the kind of movie this needs to be.

What if they adapted Link’s Awakening? An established hero, lost at sea, slowly uncovering secrets of the island. That could work. I don’t think they should adapt that story but that’s the sort of story they need to tell. A fairy boy with a greater purpose. A boy who seeks out his missing father in a storm. A boy trying to rescue his kidnapped sister.

I think this could work, but it won’t be easy.


First up, the special’s title is listed as Doctor Who Holiday Special: The Church on Ruby Road, with December 25th set as the date.

Saved a clickbait click.


I’m glad they did. Jimmy Pesto is a great rival and I was bummed he disappeared. (Although I understand why.)

Looks like Eric Bauza does the new voice, comicbook.com/…/bobs-burgers-recast-jimmy-pesto-v…

Watching the episode, possibly because I haven’t heard Jimmy Pesto in a while, I couldn’t tell the difference. Eric is the voice of hundreds of characters and he does an excellent job at one more.


I almost feel bad for Jimmy Pesto after Bob’s speech at the end. Almost. Almost.



The trailer pitches it as a funny concept movie (what if people could become small), but that concept is largely dropped about 1/3rd of the way in and becomes a dystopian drama, which is interesting but a huge tonal shift, only for that story to be dropped 2/3rds in, to finally give us an end of the world story, which is kinda comedy but not really.

It’s three movies squished together, each of them are “fine” but together they are an ugly boring mess.


Euphoria is an quality show, it’s far from perfect and has lots of problems, but it is a quality show.

However I just don’t see them being able to put together a Season 3. The passing of Angus is going to be impossible to handle. His story was the best part of Season 2 and it can’t just be gone.

I think if they wanted to do a special or two like the COVID specials that would be fine, just to give character closure, but otherwise it’s best the show come to a close.


A simple and fun episode. Excellent closing song.


Dob is a great new character addition. Perfect Italian accent.


Sure, as a follow up to last week I agree. I still think it was a solid episode. Following and expanding side characters is a good idea, but we don’t need it every week. Classic Linda blunder and a small problem quickly spirals out of control. We get a nice story about sisters that still has the emotional beat but is largely light hearted.


The difference is that while Cheney is “the worst” there was this idea, impractical as it is, that you could change their opinion.

Let’s take for example Liz Cheney’s view on same sex marriage, specifically in relation with her sister Mary. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Cheney#Dispute_with_Li…

Liz was against it. Liz was called out. Her sister and her fought for what looks like 10 years. Liz admits she was wrong.

Yes, it took the classic “I’m against it until it affects me” routine, but her opinion changed.

The “worst” Republicans of the past are that. Someone I disagree with fully, but given enough time can be convinced to change their mind.

(Also as a quick aside that doesn’t mean that Republicans are “always wrong” or Democrats are “always right”, it’s to show that a production conversation can happen.)

If you look at the MAGA Republican that isn’t the case. Trump has “never been wrong” and will never admit fault.

The funniest example of this being the development of COVID vaccines. Trump led Operating Warp Speed to get the COVID vaccines in record time (ignore if this is true or not, that’s the belief). But who are the most unlikely to get COVID vaccines? MAGA Republicans. Trump even tried to convince them, but was booed for it. The one time Trump was actually correct he was booed. Trump can’t be wrong so he’s shut up about it ever since.


Actually you’re right, that is the best. I forget that one because it seems like an SNL skit until I remember it’s real.


I agree. It’s a classic problem. She had a view I find fully incompatible with being a good politician. Her reversing that view does not make her a good politician, but it does make her a better one.

The truth is if I had to vote between two politicians, each of which I disagree with on the majority of issues, but one is steadfast in their views while the other is known to waver, I may pick the second of the two.

Many politicians get a bad wrap for flip-flopping on issues, and I certainly want some level of consistency, but someone who can admit their mistake shouldn’t be ignored.

I do agree we need politicians who can change their opinions not only when it affects them personally. However, it’s not a zero sum game. If we can make a little progress, it’s still progress. It’s not enough, but it’s progress.


Whoops, sorry about that, yes Android PWA 1.14.0


In theory I like it, in practice I don’t. If happily turn it back on if it were lower profile in some way.



The ceremony takes a few days to put together and due to a mishap the medal for Chewie doesn’t arrive. Obviously they can’t delay the giant ceremony but Chewie still officially receives a medal.

Being a rebellion and largely on the run Chewie’s medal is eventually lost in “the system”, sent from rebel base to rebel base. Eventually even Chewie forgets about it and when the New Republic is formed and the filing system updated it truly is lost to “the system”.

Eventually when the new rebellion, the Resistance, starts up they fall back to the older rebel filing system. Chewie then finally receives he medal, at the end of Rise of Skywalker.


So I watched the video and it sounds like they were also using a website to determine where Pokemon were appearing. Reading the Vice article the quote “and that they were only monitoring a tracking application to catch mythical creatures” appears.

I mention this both because I find it interesting. The phone app will show you Pokemon nearby, but if you’ve caught the Pokemon before you can only see in your immediate area (the immediate area is wider for rural areas, but hardly enough). They also seem to know exactly where each Pokemon who pops up is, with more accuracy than you would get from the phone app and likely further away from where they were.

And the second reason is that, while the video proves plenty, I assume they were using their car computer to check a Pokemon tracking website. I would bet the start of this investigation came from checking the logs on that device.

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