@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


@[email protected]

Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

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MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

It’s called “tracker music”. A “tracker” is a type of music composing software that dates back to the very dawn of digital music.

Ahoy has a fantastic video about how they work and their history.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Thank you, another for the “actually good tracks” playlist.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

No. Tracker music is 16-bit, within tracker music the term chiptune refers to a specific sub-genre which emulates 8-bit music.

Only much later did “chiptune” become a catch-all for all old computer music, and in that context it can refer to music not made with a tracker.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


This whole discussion is within the context of trackers specifically, not the mainstream definition of “chiptune” which can refer to any music, made using whatever, that have some bleeps and bloops mixed in.

The mainstream definition also includes music that isn’t tracker music, which isn’t what we’re talking about, and hence, it’s not the right term to be using.

Bringing up the word in its general meaning within a discussion about tracker music, is even more confusing and unhelpful, because in the context of trackers, the word chiptune refers to a specific type of tracker music.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

That “lmao” is really doing some heavy lifting for your credibility there…

Which definition are you even using when saying that a tracker is necessary? In the age of trackers “chiptune” referred to a music style from before trackers. If chiptunes existed before trackers, then someone obviously made that music without one.

To consider same sound produced with newer tools “cheating” or “fake” is an stupid distinction. Would not using trackers to create chiptunes then be cheating, too, since chiptune referred to tracker music that was emulating the even older style of 8-bit computer music? (Since again, trackers are a 16-bit era thing)

I’m starting to think you don’t even know what a tracker is, because while trackers could be used to make other styles of music from their time, plenty of retro games used other ways to produce music, such as MIDI sound cards or direct instruction of synth voice chips. All of which would be called “chiptunes” by most people today, not just trackers.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Trackers were created to take advantage of the new and unique audio hardware available in the Amiga.

Trackers use sample-banks, while both the NES and SNES heavily relied on voice chips.

The NES only had 5 voice channels, and they were each stuck with their initial synth-type, and while SNES could reproduce samples, they were used sparingly due to the space audio samples would take up on the cartridge.

Trackers could create music using actual audio samples. While the samples couldn’t be long or high quality due to RAM and CPU constraints, the way they functioned from the audio systems of the NES and SNES is fundamentally different, and more capable.

While it is possible to re-create the style of music produced by the NES and SNES with a tracker, that’s hardly what they were developed for. Trackers had far fewer technical limitations and could do so much more.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

They were before my time, and I only learned about them because of Ahoy. I’ve been on the lookout for music made with them since.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

TFW Mario is higher in the list than Peach.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Yeah but this is about sony fucking patenting the concept, which is dumb as hell.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I abandoned lutris for Bottles a while ago, it was a good decision.

I have one bottle for Battle.net and another for EA.

Heroic for GOG.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I’ve seen “competitive” games turn level-headed friends into seething piles of swears. They aren’t having fun, they admit to not having fun, they acknowledge that they hate it… But they keep going because ranks, clout, commitment…

Games should have stakes, but modern ranking systems are designed to addict the exact same way that loot-boxes and other similar mechanics do. They hook and pull in deeper and the only way I’ve seen friends quit is when it gets so bad they go cold turkey. And only then do they look back at months or even years of playing a game, and see nothing but a waste of time and money.

But it works! These systems pull players into the grind like they’re getting paid to play, even when they are hating every second.

I love some of these games, but I only learned to maximise my enjoyment of them once I began playing them casually. And it’s such a pity that my friends who haven’t learned the trick of not taking it so seriously, burn out on them, while I just keep going and having fun. I run out of people to play with on a regular basis because of this.

Just one factor of the design of these systems is that they have you feeling like you have to consistently win, in order to be worth something. And as that is obviously an impossibility, it leads to every loss taking three times more than what a win is able to give.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I don’t think the majority of people find that balance. And I think ranking systems are designed to exploit that. Who doesn’t want to boast that people play their game the most? And wouldn’t more playtime also lead to players to spending more?

I’m not agreeing with everything the original comment said, but the idea that we should be designing games to at least not make it worse, is something I resonate with.

I don’t think they hate competitive games, nor do I. The opposite, people who think about how to make things better, even if their ideas are bad, are the ones who have gotten into things deep enough to start seeing the cracks.

We live in an age of vices, it’s not just games, everything around us is demanding we spend our time on things, and all of it is trying its best to keep us from noticing we’re acting on impulse, and taking back control.

That you and me are able to do it, is not a reason to refrain from helping those who can’t.

The fact is, games exploit people in a myriad of ways, and that only a small minority is able to resists is not proof that nothing needs to be done, it’s reason to do more.

Especially when the biggest demographic, by far, is children.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I agree. In that sense that first comment is completely off the rails.

I’d personally like to see changes like not having the ranking system torpedo your evaluation because of a single underperforming team-mate.

A lot of current systems go hard on negative reinforcement, and spread it around like candy on halloween along with gleefully engaging in collective punishment.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Based af

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

You’re just volunteering to get down-votes at this point.

Either admit you took a stance where there was no ground to stand on, or if you’re too proud for that, walk away.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

He doesn’t need to prove that which is widely know and easily confirmed by anyone who bothers to check, that you’re willfully ignoring that so you can call his correction an opinion, doesn’t work.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

He’s right. No bias, I swear.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Didn’t most of the fediverse preemptively de-federate them already?

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

There is no “unofficial client” to exploit, there is an unofficial installer/launcher. Windows games run using proton run in exactly the same way they do on windows, the game itself is not modified in any way, that’s the whole point.

It allows you to run games, as if they were on windows. All these companies have to do, is fucking allow it.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Sweeney is lying through his teeth here. From things he has said previously, it becomes very clear he hates the whole idea of linux. When steamdeck became a thing, it was clear he was salty about how it would shine a light on it as an alternative OS. With this interview, by now it seems he is beginning to bend under the pressure and at least pretending that “oh I have nothing against such and amazing platform, so sad we can’t support it” in order to not look like an ass.

Which is an out that will bite him in the ass, they can support it, so soon interviewers won’t be asking, “why can’t you support linux” but “why won’t you”.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Doing good with one hand doesn’t excuse using the other to smother FOSS progress. No matter how humble you are materially, or reasonable in local policy, that doesn’t mean he is right in the many bullshit stances he’s dug himself into where the games industry is concerned. He does have a point in some places, but holy shit is it hard to take him seriously when half the shit he gripes about other companies doing, Epic does too. And that’s before we talk about the scummy BS only Epic does.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Except if they did enable Fortnite on Deck… As the game is not on steam, people who want to play it would be encouraged to install the epic store on their Decks (which IS possible, and already something people do to play other games from the Epic store on Deck), which would give Epic an in on SteamDeck.

Enabling EACs proton support for Fortnite would be a means to get their foot in the door with Deck players, but you’re saying they wont do it because they don’t have a foot in with Deck players?

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I already have the LCD, but the OLED has me seriously considering retiring it far earlier than I usually do with my electronics.

I’ve had a gaming laptop for years but I think I did more gaming on the deck in the first six months than I ever did on my laptop. The suspend mid-game, actually using it away from a power plug…

The Deck announcement made me try linux on my desktop again, too, just to see if Valve’s claims about proton could be true… And I have yet to boot back into windows.

[Discussion] Reddit-like aspects of Lemmy that make no sense in a federation.

Disclaimer: I like the Fediverse, Lemmy, and the concept of federation, I’ve been here for two years, and I feel grateful towards people working on this platform - devs and admins and mods and everyone else. As such, I hope that what I’m voicing is interpreted as constructive criticism and food for discussion....

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

For activity to be as direct as you say, you’d have to break authentication.

All activity goes through the instance your account is on, because that’s where your account is. That instance then syncs your activity to other relevant instances, which in turn syncs it to yet more instances, if your activity was in a community on that instance and not your own.

Your suggestion is completely incompatible with the inbox/outbox model of the ActivityPub federation protocol.

Notifications and mentions would break. How is a reply supposed to get to you if posted in a thread outside your instance, except via your instance?

The only way things could work the way you suggest, is if every client application was also its own lemmy server, which would be a stupid amount of load to put on phone or any other potential client device.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I don’t think so, but you should be able to create an install usb, same as for linux, boot into that, and access recovery tools. From there, you can definitely run chkdsk, done it before though I don’t recall every step.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Apparently any further sales of the game will have a cut going to even the staff that was laid off.

That’s commendable, but overall this is still an unfortunate development. I wonder if microtransactions in big games like apex and genshin are down this year? Is this an overall trend, or are people choosing to spend on one game, foregoing titles like Jumplight Odyssey for bigger spending on one (arguably less deserving) game.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

My headcanon is that most of their speech is ferengi being translated by the universal translator, but when they say the word human they just use the human word for human which then goes untranslated.

Valve needs to step up on Anti-Cheat

So yeah, I want to discuss or point out why I think Valve needs to fix Anti-Cheat issues. They have VAC but apparently its doing jackshit, be it Counter Strike 2 (any previous iterations) or something like Hunt: Showdown the prevalence of cheating players is non deniable. For me personally it has come to a point that I am not...

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Cheats will only grow more advanced, at some point you’ll be able to train an AI to play exactly like a human, but while performing perfectly far more reliably than a human.

The line between what skill looks like versus cheating will only get blurrier.

The real long term solution is to enable the vetting of players (not by the game company or god forbid the government, looking at you china), by returning to community based servers/private matches. And to have reports dealt with faster and by people who care about the game personally.

As a member of the Northstar community, cheating is basically a solved problem for us atm.

There is no anti-cheat, instead a global ban tracking system was put in place and server admins are now able to share the identities of players who have been caught cheating, banning them on every server, regardless of who is running them, by the hosts simply opting into the global ban system.

People used to form “gaming-clans” in order to find people to play games with to begin with, and that structure for a community around a game is likely to become relevant again simply to be able to fill matches with people who you can be sure are honest players.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

EA account ID. Northstar is the community modded version of Titanfall 2.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

While that’s all true, the day you can just fire up an undetectable AI to play for you, and all the matchmaking queues are flooded with people doing the same… Players are going to beg for the ability to not just team up with people they know, but play against people they know.

Maybe that wont be privately hosted servers, or even fully custom matches, but when cheaters become indistinguishable from the highly skilled, forming even the most basic community bonds in order to find people to play with will be preferable to matching with randos.

For similar reasons people already prefer to team up with someone they know, as opposed to a stranger they might have to carry. People will want to be able to pick who they go up against, as well.

Once the cheaters win, (and they will) the first game to figure out a system to let players do this, WILL be a better experience than current matchmaking algos.

Edit: An example of a game that kinda already does this is Elite: Dangerous. There are two main modes, open and solo, in open you can run into all other players also playing in open, that means you might have to defend yourself against other players.

But, if you want to avoid PvP, but still want to run into other players, you’re in luck! Because there is a third option, private groups. When in a private group, the game works as if you’re in open, but you can only see other players who are in the same group. Meaning other players who also do not want to engage in PvP.

Mobius is likely the largest such group, essential it’s a giant clan of non-PvPers who play the game together. Something similar could absolutely be done for other games, where smaller communities can then vet their members and get rid of players who break the rules.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

It’s open source.

No choice? I can still apply my own bans on top no matter what the mod does. Spyglass isn’t what enables bans, it just makes them networked and tracked. And I could modify the mod to work however I like, or even fork the whole thing and make my own database.

That’s not been necessary as Erlite has been maintaining the spyglass mod and database with integrity.

There’s no chokehold here, no problems have arisen, and if they do, only then are additional solutions warranted. I’m not suggesting this is the final solution for all games, but that this kind of community driven counter-cheater work, is.

Cheating is being treated as a tech problem with a technological solution, when really it’s a social problem which should be solved with inter-social solutions.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I’m not denying any part of what you’re saying, I’m saying that this specific case is currently working fine, and that it is merely an example of the kinds of solutions I want to see enabled.

Obviously the bigger the community, the more complex the solution needs to be, and the more bases have to be covered. You’re nitpicking a specific example I gave (and doing so from a position of ignorance concerning northstar and its community), rather than my ideological thesis. Which is that communities should be empowered with social structure so that cheaters can be properly ostracized. Spyglass is just one way for a community to implement that.

Northstar isn’t big enough to even begin to compare with discord or minecraft. The concurrent playercount on all servers put together seldom matches ONE big minecraft server.

If the factors you bring up become a concern, I’m ready to pick up the tools to deal with it myself, as I’ve already done before. But so far, there has been no need.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

During my conscription (finnish military), there was a kiosk sized civilian-staffed kitchen at the corner of the small recreational building of the base, where you could buy junk food during off-hours.

God, fried chicken tenders with some crappy fries have never tasted so good…

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

“But some people just have a shitty work ethic” is not the counterargument you think it is.

As for the difference in what a big business can afford vs a small one, that’s tough. But if you fall behind on the expenses of doing business, you should simply be charging more. If you still can’t afford something, while charging a fair (both to customer and proprietor) price, then you don’t get just handwave it off and hire someone for less than they’re worth.

A lot of “mom and pop” shops stay in business for decades and finally bite the dust because they refuse to adjust prices that should be orders of magnitude higher due the ever-decreasing worth of money itself.

Instead they try to match prices with giant companies, while providing three times better services because they actually care about both customers and employees in a way corposhits “optimize workflows” too hard to even afford considering.

If you’re a boutique business, charge like one.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

It’s been two decades. We can wait a bit more for the story to continue.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Psygnosis, later known as Studio Liverpool.

Sony shut them down a few years ago. Man seeing that old owl logo hits me hard in the nostalgia bone.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

They seem to consider only massive franchises like GoW and TLoU and Horizon worth their time… But most gamers need variety outside the mainstream game genres, so I don’t see why they are shutting down anything with a smaller fanbase.

[FIXED]How do I adjust the screen color while streaming from PC?

I’m playing Station to Station, Cyberpunk, and Miles Morales currently. I’ve noticed when I stream from my main rig to the Deck the colors are drastically different from both what the game looks like natively on the SD and my rig’s own monitor. I’m curious as to what gives, and how/where to fix it....

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

HDR probably doesn’t work when streaming. Hence why it looks different to running natively.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Not the other guy, but when streaming the HDR OLED is likely not getting the full color data the way it does when you play directly on the deck.

There’s nothing unusual happening here, although the deck OLED may need some way to adjust how it displays an SDR image.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Dude, how the fuck is adjusting the desktop display colors gonna fix the colors on the decks display?

OP’s not being dense, you’re just being an ass while going on about a non-solution.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Been seeing it shortened to fullram or fullramble.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

No that’s when death plays the coin pushers at the arcade.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Upgrade to the premium suspension option! You already can’t see the corpses, but with airsuspend+ you won’t feel them either! It’s like you’re not even committing the murder!


@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

You just do? I never had trouble running the game.

Are your shaders fully compiled? You won’t get them pre-compiled as a download like with steam games.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Ah. I forgot ow2 is on steam now, so I assumed you were running it as a non-steam game. If you installed via steam, your deck should have downloaded the shaders so they don’t need to compile… So then this can’t be the issue.

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