@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar


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@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

I was looking for something like dwarf fortress adventure mode or cataclysm dark days ahead and this is as close as I could find.

Sacrifices a lot of the smaller details of CDDA by being easier to play (not a bad trade off necessarily). You’ll still die a million times in Qud though.

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Props for seeking out answers and sharing

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Austin and Houston have fairly liberal populations.

But yeah, it sucks here. 1/6 of the texan population are immigrants, and 10% aren’t citizens and can’t vote. The right want you to victim blame. I’d encourage you to see it as people being oppressed by an overreaching corrupt government, similar to Florida. Sure there are idiots and racists but a lot of it is voter suppression and disenfranchisement

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Why are you getting downvoted for perfectly answering the question?

Fascists already invading

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

That’s a good point that I hadn’t considered.

I’d expect someone to raise it as a point, though, because I’ve seen the Nazi in a bar meme a million times but never has anyone pointed out the problematic linkage of punks and nazis.

I think it’s more likely that there are bad faith trolls here already that, rather than engage in a discussion, downvote to silence views they don’t like.

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Name 845.

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

One of my friends won’t quit twitter because there’s no good sportsball on mastodon/Lemmy/kbin that I can find. Any groups, people, communities that talk about sportsball?

Would appreciate recommendations

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Why we linking fox business 🤮

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

without the propaganda garbage.

I’d disagree, still rife with garbage. Is it more palatable and more subtle? Sure.

I’d still rather not push any views or engagement to them in the first place. Link one of the countless other news sites with the same talking points. Hell this article was copied from Reuters on to fox business.

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Nah it’s the fox business that has the magnanimous and cool Larry Kudlow who wants to three way with the other blonde anchors

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

It’s all about pushing the needle and normalizing this shit. They can do whatever they want in Florida so they test drive their facist ideologies there.

I don’t think Desantis is being tooled as a viable candidate, just a useful ton of dead weight to push the scales further right.

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Totally agree - when people start coming out as trolls/bad actors/fascists is when they’re rightly silenced

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

You’re being downvoted because you straw manned, not sure if intentionally or not.

If your solution to a problem can fit on a bumper sticker it’s wrong.

Like…really? Do you think that this community, or anyone worth talking to, thinks that it’s that easy?

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Engagement is a two way street, you need to post something worth engaging with.

Occasionally I’ve seen a valid opinion/idea with some downvotes but there’s still usually responses that get a discussion going. Only the true shit has the massive one sided downvote ratio with, unfortunately, a few replies from people who took the bait.

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Sorry bud, how about you start a thread and get some community feedback? Maybe your opinion is problematic or maybe the mods made a mistake.

Idk I’m not psychic

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

And bots. And sponsored content.

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

I just loaded the front page without logging in out of curiosity. It’s utter garbage.

The timing of twitter collapse, threads paid celebrity launch, and reddit implosion feels… Very foreboding.

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I think both of you have the same general ideas, I enjoyed reading both you and Grays thoughts.

You both argue that a heavily regulated capitalist system is preferable to current state, but you believe that is mostly impossible since the bourgeois/ruling class makes the rules and wouldn’t voluntarily self impose restrictions on themselves. How can that be prevented or mitigated within something like the American political framework?

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for the thoughtful reply, I definitely agree. I strongly believe the best avenue of success is through removing the dollar dependence. It feels like there was some rustling when Bitcoin started to gain traction but I believe that threats been coopted by the rich.

How can I subscribe to Lenincatfacts? You have a mastodon or something?

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

I’m loving this thread, thanks to all the contributors.

People are meme/idea factories, creating new ones or refining existing ones. I think that it’s difficult (impossible?) To find this in any other instance of nature or even in man made AI.

Some ideas are bad/demonic in that they stifle the creation or refinement of new/existing ideas.

Some are “angelic” in that they open new threads and avenues for thinking.

What’s a fictional God got to do with any of that?

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Super hot takes, genuinely. I agree with a lot of what you’re saying but would point out two corrections

All those ancient stories you deny carried this information, but the translations are nonsense because you don’t have the perspective of a civilian from 4-6 thousand years ago.

It’s presumptive to assume that I don’t understand the stories from thousands of years ago. Knowledge evolves just like we do. We possess that same knowledge in a condensed and efficient format. Just as massive dinosaurs evolved in to chickens or whatever other analogy you like, a 15 minute story in the bible can be condensed in to “help others in need” or “don’t steal”

Is information lost in these condensations? Absolutely, evolution comes at a cost, chickens are missing some things that dinosaurs had. The great part about ideas though is that they can always be picked back up and reassessed. If there is some old story that contains a grain of wisdom that society has missed, by all means pick it up and share. But to address your specifically quoted piece, you would be directly contradicting yourself if you are saying that knowledge has been lost. It’s laid out and available for anyone to pick apart.

God is just shorthand for the fundament, the reason there’s something rather than nothing.

I think this misconception comes from our perspective on time. You and I were born so our consciousness began “somewhere” so it is easy to fall in to the trap that all things are conceived. While all actions have a cause and an effect, you can “see” the effect 10 seconds in the future, just as you could have seen the cause 10 seconds in the past. There doesn’t need to be a beginning of time, things always were. A rock floating through space at x speed in y direction can be predicted to be at another point days, years, infinity in to the future, just as it could be done in reverse.

Long way to say that there need be no fundament, just varying states of the universe. It always was and always will be.

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Agree with you brother, I find the idea that the big bang was “the beginning” as being far too narrow minded. It wasn’t the first and it won’t be the last.

While I find value in what you’re saying, I’d encourage you to take the time to explain your positions. When you say

I understand not believing in God, but if you don’t believe in demons, you’re likely being victimized by one.

you must realize that you’re speaking to an audience that is familiar with christianity, the Exorcist movies, or played diablo 2 at some point. Not only does language matter, but context of the time does too, as you said. If no other word will suffice, you should take the time to better explain what you mean.

I say should because the world isn’t binary. There are people who want to hear your perspective but will absolutely dismiss you as a right-wing troll because of that one word - because there is only so much time in the day to dedicate to talking and thinking about things to risk wasting it on a one-liner with no further context.

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Pi holes could still circumvent this, no? At a high level you’d need a computer to load a page, strip all the garbage, and forward the remaining page to the client. Any drm keys could be retained I would expect?

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think he’s commenting in bad faith, you both basically agree with each other.

[Rant] I hate the modern internet

I am fucking scared of the mass surveilence nightmare direction that the internet and the world as a whole is going towards… C2PA, france hacking itself into citizen phones, the UK anti encryption law, EU’s chat control, etc. Im also sick of and hate the “you will own nothing and be happy” mentality that corpos try to...

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for providing a positive perspective! It’s really important we don’t lose sight of the good things.

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

It sucks you feel afraid to comment, I definitely understand how you feel. Even if someone responds to you in a hostile way I’ve seen the rest of the community come in for support. And really, report bad actors. Having a good community isn’t easy.

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

lmao I didn’t know what was happening in this one for a moment

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Yep saw the guillotine thanos snapping before my eyes… This could’ve actually been fun but fucckkiinnnggg reddit.

Can we start out own lemmy place?

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Its by design. CEOs are replaceable, the corporation is not. Once all the shit changes are done they’ll get rid of Huffman (who will get a fat golden parachute for his hard work) and new CEO will walk back maybe 2 of his changes. Suddenly reddit is loveable again and to say otherwise is asking for too much.


@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

Max american interests is reached at TROLLEY = 0

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

I really like Potholer54 - he doesn’t do any ads so youtube NEVER promotes his videos. He will read, cite, link all his sources and more importantly, will respond to misrepresentations of science in the media. He will usually explain the science behind the articles he sources and explain why the media gets it wrong.

I’ve also found Skip Intro is really good regarding copaganda. He has some great videos on a lot of the media I was exposed to growing up and its good to reexamine it with a more modern take. He also dunks on paw patrols which is fucking terrible.

Don't feel bad for the Moderators of Reddit

I should begin by mentioning that I am (was) a moderator of three subreddits: one large subreddit, one NSFW subreddit and a medical-related subreddit. After u/spez’s calamitous AMA, I joined Lemmy and haven’t looked back. I am really enjoying the Lemmy/KBin vibe. It is very much an alpha (almost beta) product and the ad...

@MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

IDK why you’re being downvoted. It might not be feasible for op to do that but doesn’t mean its not worth doing or thinking about.

A lot of non-profits have truly dysfunctional leadership. They leech off the hard work of people who do genuinely care about the cause. My friend worked for one of them that was supposed to help underprivileged children. They ended up getting burnt out and leaving, though her former boss who did jackshit was fired shortly after.


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  • MelonTheMan,
    @MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

    “Karen” is a term to make white women feel isolated and side with right wingers. Any woman who complains about anything, valid or not, can be easily dismissed as just another Karen

    To somehow analogize that to trans people is so fucking weird.

    ‘Oppenheimer’ Review: Christopher Nolan’s Epic Thriller About Father Of The Atomic Bomb Is As Frightening As It Is Brilliant (deadline.com)

    It struck me watching Christopher Nolan’s masterful three-hour epic telling of the story of J. Robert Oppenheimer, long labeled the Father of the Atomic Bomb, that this is a period piece with…

    @MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

    What if we host the videos at 144p then have the client use ai upscaling to 4k?

    @MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

    hmm you’re right. What if we ditch the video entirely and they just enter a prompt of what the video should be and we generate it. With AI?

    Any recommendations for Yelp alternatives?

    Since Yelp lets businesses pay to revise reviews and advertise for top results, I was wondering if there were any good open source/non-monetized review sites or apps that people have tried out? I usually compare to google reviews and read some of the top reviews to try and filter out the junk, but I know I’m still getting...

    TIL Alice Walton (Walmart heir) killed a pedestrian in a driving accident and was never charged. She has also been arrested for DUI twice but never charged. (en.wikipedia.org)

    The sketchy part is not her not getting convicted. It’s that no charges were even filed. I also enjoyed this bit of info from one of the sources regarding the other DUI incident. Prosecutors in Texas have dropped a 2011 drunken driving citation against Wal-Mart Stores Inc. heiress Alice Walton.

    @MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

    Not to get overly philosophical or anything, but who you are as a person and what your ideas are come down to your experiences. For me, I spend time fixing/causing programming problems at work, talking with people, doomscrolling lemmy/mastodon, playing video games and watching shows.

    For a portion of the population, they are sitting and watching fox news for hours upon hours a day. Even if you are resistant to a view point, your brain is not capable of 100% rejecting a message that is being sledgehammered in to you over and over again. If Fox news or other shit media is your experience, it would be hard to think of the world in a way that doesn’t conform to what they tell you. It will be incremental at first, you’ll reject 95% of a message that doesn’t conform to your previous ideas, but maybe concerned face newscaster has a point about the border. “We can’t let everyone in” you might reason. All to make your more malleable to the next crock of shit they serve up.

    The more I think about it the grosser it is. Just a mass of blond ladies telling you minorities and people who care about the environment are out to change your way of life. You way of life - which is sitting on a couch watching blond ladies spouting lies to you. I’m sure there’s some sick mental illness issues floating around here.

    I used to work at a bank that had fox news on all day and it was horrible, but I’m positive some of my viewpoints from then were shaped by that experience, despite me knowing it was a shit entertainment channel.

    @MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

    “Musk sues capitalism”

    Oh shit hope he wins

    @MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s still feasible to tax risky areas more. If a property becomes uninsurable, great that property gets a big tax break and rebuilt every 10 years.

    Why is youtube recommending conservative "talking points" to me?

    Hi, I am a guy in early thirties with a wife and two kids and whenever I go on youtube it always suggests conservative things like guys dunking on women, ben shapiro reacting to some bullshit, joe rogan, all the works. I almost never allow it to go to that type of video and when I do it is either by accident or by curiosity. My...

    @MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s obviously true

    How to de-radicalize my mom's youtube algorithm?

    She’s almost 70, spend all day watching q-anon style of videos (but in Spanish) and every day she’s anguished about something new, last week was asking us to start digging a nuclear shelter because Russia was dropped a nuclear bomb over Ukraine. Before that she was begging us to install reinforced doors because the...

    @MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

    Great advice in here. Now, how do I de-radicalize my mom? :(

    @MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

    The fact that clean energy is cheaper without subsidies makes the whole corrupt apparatus even more apparent. Oil and gas beg congress to end subsidies for cleaner solutions because they’re having to compete which is a bad woke thing.

    Just look at how long it took coal to die. And now we have “cleaner” nat gas which turns out causes more acute warming than CO2. And rather than convert to a sustainable solution they double down and green wash.

    Removing pipelines would just let them raise prices and get richer but honestly if it curbs consumption it’s a net positive.

    @MelonTheMan@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah sorry I really meant just look at how long it took for coal to START to die.

    Nuclear is such a no-brainer I can’t really understand why we don’t have more development. I assume its lobbying and initial investment costs but I don’t know for sure.

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