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MeanEYE, avatar

It’s a matter of planning and availability. In my country people don’t renovate their houses often and even rarely build them from scratch. Having a bidet requires planning and leaving space for it. Japanese style toilet seats are easier to install in smaller toilets, but they require electricity and/or hot water.

MeanEYE, avatar

Literally anything from Brother is good. You can pick any that fits your price range and has features you need.

MeanEYE, avatar

I loved how EU set fines for GDPR breaches and I feel the same should be applied in other fields when companies are involved. There are two tiers of penalties, with a maximum of 20m euros or 4% of global revenue. That way they feel it. Really feel it. Google got smacked 50 million € for GDPR breach. H&M 35M.

MeanEYE, avatar

No. I actually prefer getting familiar with the route prior to traveling. Sometimes I’ll use turn by turn navigation but for the most part just getting familiar with the route is enough. It’s a nice little memory exercise to keep the brain working.

MeanEYE, avatar

I wouldn’t be surprised this is him urging his cult to buy monthly subscriptions. If we see higher tier subscription be introduced one of these days, that would be the reason for this fear mongering. That said, it’s awesome that he’s getting a reality check. You can be surrounded by as many yes-men as you want but people en masse don’t care and even if they do, they love seeing rich people humbled. No one misses a good shitstorm.

MeanEYE, avatar

No doubt, am just trying to read a bit further up because I don’t take him as stupid as he acts.

MeanEYE, avatar

As you could if you used Testing or Unstable. Also, just because you like it doesn’t mean it’s good. People also use and like crack.

MeanEYE, avatar

Pretty much typical these days. Developers will often use metric tons of middleware hell to avoid writing one function or using native library. What’s that, GTK or Qt require few days to learn. Naah, I’ll just include whole browser with my application and write interface in HTML/CSS. Who cares about people’s configuration, accessibility needs, battery life, screen readers, etc.

MeanEYE, avatar

Am a developer and I can very much agree on package managers have nasty configuration, but at the same time flatpak is the exact same thing. No different that any other package. Except now you have to learn yet another standard that’s even less popular than major ones. You can even claim it’s easier, but the fact remains it’s not the defacto standard, so you still have to provide other packages as well as flatpak if you wish to do so.

MeanEYE, avatar

I’d rather developers don’t support Linux than make Electron application and say “there we go, good enough right”. Because it’s not. When it comes to accessibility, no those applications are not better. You might be thinking their UI is easier to scale and increase contrast but literally none of them respect system theme, colors, font choices.

Some middleware is fine, however blindly importing just about anything is very dangerous and lazy. Cargo cult programming is so widespread am surprised hardware is keeping up with the demand. There’s always the right tool for the job and the wrong tool for the job. Just because you can drive nails with a rock, doesn’t mean you should, nor you see any carpenter doing it.

MeanEYE, avatar

Consider yourself lucky that you are not visually impaired and need high contrast and/or large themes.

MeanEYE, avatar

You assumption that I am clueless just shows you have no idea what you are talking about so I’ll end up all arguments there. If you wish to prove me wrong, find me one Electron based application which supports high contrast themes and actually took care not to use colors that are problematic to color blindness.

MeanEYE, avatar

If the system supports flatpak. Yes.

MeanEYE, avatar

Very simple. Debian Testing is rolling distro and has fairly fresh versions, usually couple of months behind. Debian Unstable has all the bleeding edge stuff, also rolling. Neither is unstable and insecure as most would expect. If you want non-Debian, there’s always Arch and Manjaro.

MeanEYE, avatar

Because it’s the easy way out. Just like if Valve’s Proton ever gets good enough people will entirely stop making native ports. They will just ell you use Proton and you as a user lose in the long run.

MeanEYE, avatar

You can downvote all you like. People will always take easier route, just how IE was default browser for decades just because people didn’t have to install it and it was already there.

MeanEYE, avatar

Yes, that’s the easier route.

MeanEYE, avatar

I hate how these videos are titled “off the grid” because they imply he’s living independently from civilization and one with the nature. In reality he lives alone and without certain luxuries, but is enjoying others. It’s dishonest. Mind you, am not hating on his decision to live the way he does, am hating on authors for presenting this as a better way to live your life.

In reality, he’s very much dependent on others, even more so than us living in the cities. His health and sanity are largely thanks to genetics and to a smaller degree thanks to life style. Having an active life style is possible in nature as well in city. You don’t have to take every escalator or drive your car everywhere. Main difference being, he doesn’t have a choice.

This is another thing people don’t realize. These videos come with a claim people didn’t want to work in some office until the rest of their lives. In reality they are working harder for the rest of their lives as now they have to take care of every aspect of their needs. Heating, water, food, tools, clothing. Everything has to be done and prepared by you. And it’s a lot of work. A LOT. As someone who has grown up as a child of farmer parents, I can tell you for sure he’s not self-sustaining with that “garden”. People don’t realize just how much food one consumes. You need a huge garden just to sustain one person, not to mention extra work needed to prepare for winter months when there’s no food to forage or grow. And food needs to be diverse. All this requires work.

What irks me the most is obvious disdain towards money and systems we have in place. Unless there’s a tree growing glass bottles and metal roofs they are being very hypocritical. They talk about people having to change their lifestyle and then proceeds to use refined alcohol to preserve foods for the winter. This need to reconnect with nature they talk about without realizing that living far away means buying anything, including clothing, boots, glass, sheets, spices and the rest… all requires more energy than if they lived close to cities.

Living in nature is one thing and completely a matter of choice I respect. Claiming it’s better than living in city is hogwash. If you feel good in nature, so be it but at the same time most people feel good living in the city. This whole “holier than thou” mantra is annoying and dishonest. Do what makes you happy, but don’t belittle others for not sharing the opinion.

MeanEYE, avatar

Pretty much. This claim that without taxes life would be better is easily disproved if you ever visit Jerusalem. Since city is split to West and East Jerusalem, West being capital of Israel, East being capital of Palestine. Israeli people pay taxes while Palestinians don’t. Walking from one side of the city to the other feels like traveling through time. West side is clean, with watered lawns and nice gardens, public transport and other amenities. Eastern side, time has stopped. Locations I’ve provided are less than 1km apart but feel like two different countries. Of course, exact comparison is not really possible but public services matter.

MeanEYE, avatar

Of course. Especially those DIY printers are pretty resilient to aging. I have Anet A8, one of the early ones, that has been through so many changes it’s far better than most new printers these days. If you are into it, go ahead it will be a fun project.

MeanEYE, avatar

Looks like elaborate advertisement for that image inverting lenses.

MeanEYE, avatar

This joke is so stale you could make penicillin out it.

MeanEYE, avatar

I think mocking him is better. Then the world either gets polarized or some realize he’s a crook. What’s that saying lie repeated enough becomes the truth. Challenging what he says and does is always good. Charlie is obviously in character and is farming any shitstorm like everyone else who cares about views and staying in spotlight. But ridiculing Mr. I know most in the world is always good.

MeanEYE, avatar

This is most likely to happen. I also think there’s a strong possibility they are doing this to combat all the addons which block premium users. Those are staggeringly effective at messing up suggestion algorithm.

Can say am a proud user myself.

MeanEYE, avatar


MeanEYE, avatar

Very specific use case. I use it for tech support for some companies in my country. They ignore emails and phone lines, but Twitter they don’t. Other than that, I have no reason to use it, nor do I use it.

MeanEYE, avatar

On a social network like that, where anyone can see and partake in any conversation, asking an open question or reporting any kind of issue makes it impossible for companies to ignore. Sending them email and getting no response could result in me getting upset, maybe changing company and telling my friends, majority of who won’t do anything in regards to that. Exposing company for not being helpful or service disruption can escalate quite rapidly on networks where people can share your post without much effort, regardless of the fact if it’s true or not.

So, I abuse that fact. I don’t send them DMs I call them out publicly. It’s so stupidly effective.

MeanEYE, avatar

I tried writing an “operating system” in QBasic. Yes, I was that ignorant and optimistic at the same time. I still have the code. Standard VESA driver, high resolutions. Wrote my own terrible scripting language. But it was fun doing that. These days I rarely find any programming fun. It’s all tedious and dealing with middleware issues.

MeanEYE, avatar

Just yesterday they stopped allowing me to see home page and recommendations unless I turn on watch history, which I am not doing ever. So they can keep forcing my hand and see how far it goes. If anything am stubborn enough to enjoy this kind of petty behavior from major players. They keep thinking “oh they will just do what we ask them to”, but I’ll do the opposite out of spite. I’ll just use !videos or similar communities to find my recommendations until the day comes where I stop using it completely. I quit Facebook this way, quit Reddit and Twitter, quit WhatsApp. Keep at it guys, let’s see who’s more stubborn.

MeanEYE, avatar

That’s a good point. However I trained YouTube not to feed me crap, couldn’t skip shorts though. What I did was disable search and watch history and then blocked videos and channels that I didn’t want affecting me ever. In time algorithm figured out what I wanted so I got somewhat related and interesting content. Not all of it but a lot of it since they had to focus on my likes and dislikes instead of watch history. This has now changed.

MeanEYE, avatar

That is fine by me! But I doubt the number will be so small. Still I don’t care how many. Am not selling my data becauseo others are. -

MeanEYE, avatar

That’s what I did actually. However in times of boredom new thematically suggested content was useful.

MeanEYE, (edited ) avatar

I use to use to use Evie but then got Samsung Fold and it’s not really handling two screens well. But overall it’s a great no nonsense launcher.

Edit: Removed fraudulent link!

MeanEYE, avatar

Right, I remember something being with it, I thought Google Play store was just being weird for me. Thanks. Removed the link. I never had this version installed.

MeanEYE, avatar

Yeah, I found out the same thing. Granted I haven’t used Evie in about a year or so, since I got Fold4. Too bad. It was a great launcher.

MeanEYE, avatar

Unless drivers are available not really. This is all specialized APU stuff. Valve chose AMD on purpose and had a deal with them to improve drivers AMD was already open sourcing and developing for Linux community. If they chose some Windows only hardware you won’t have much luck with Steam Deck. It might work but then performance will suffer.

MeanEYE, avatar

Actually gloves are a bigger problem. In them your hands start to sweat immediately and prolonged use is ideal fertile ground for bacteria. With proper hygiene pure hands is safer and not a problem. I’d also assume all product is later sterilized with radiation to be extra safe.

MeanEYE, avatar

Hands sweat so you get moist and closed environment perfect for bacteria growth. Any chef that had to wear gloves at work will tell you they had issues with nail infections and similar.

MeanEYE, avatar

As someone who is in software development world, I can say not everything is to be blamed on developers. Many times companies will downright refuse to hire people to design user interfaces properly or invest time into tidying up existing interfaces. Managers often only look at graphs and ignore the users. User’s don’t matter, their money does.

Now am not defending this company, but still…

MeanEYE, avatar

No one said no glued batteries, they just have to be easily removable. So if they add pull tabs, pentalope screws for disassembly they are still technically replaceable. So iPhone is already there. What they wish to ban is things like glued back covers and batteries that can’t be unstuck without specialized equipment. It doesn’t mean will get clip on covers and batteries like we use to have. Still it’s a great move and will make sure design in future is as such that you don’t need heat gun to access battery.

MeanEYE, avatar

It won’t. There were plenty of devices out there with waterproofing and removable battery.

MeanEYE, avatar

This video should be titled “how batteries are recycled”. Clickbaiting garbage.

MeanEYE, avatar

We can’t the moment we click play they think they have won the SEO game. Best thing is not to watch it.

MeanEYE, avatar

When news of this superconductor hit the mainstream I had a very easily hyped up friend send me the news like 5 times from different sources and I told him am very skeptical. None of the articles had any links to scientific studies proving this stuff and the team backing the claim didn’t have previous work on the same subject.

Then all the debunking came and I told him, look it was as I suspected… he told me, naah dude have faith… FAITH in what exactly. Science doesn’t work like that. Especially what they claimed this achievement will do. And he was still hyped up telling me to imagine what things would be like. If we are to use imagination to break laws of physics and chemistry I have plenty of potential scenarios.

MeanEYE, avatar

There’s a doctor that will recommend starving instead of controlling your diet?

MeanEYE, avatar

Am so happy world is waking up to what kind of a shithead Elon is. For the longest time it was annoying to see universal praise to a person who essentially knows nothing in depth but has read a wiki page here and there. To anyone in depth of any area of expertise he even marginally talked about knows just how clueless he is about pretty much everything. This wouldn’t have been such an issue if he just sat on the management board and kept his mouth shut while raking in the money, but no. That’s not possible for egomaniac of his caliber. If you ever need a good example just how out of his ass he’s talking about just remember the interview with Neuralink panel. There were dozen or so people there, all PhD holders, some even multiple PhDs. People with knowledge, skill and expertise… and Musk was the only one talking what was possible with Neuralink while others rolled their eyes with every claim.

Squabblr now officially a "free speech" cesspool, admins removed or forced out by owner (

So I mean, most of us knew this beforehand and being on the fediverse we probably do not really care, but what was always on the horizon has no happened, the owner of Squabblr finally had enough having to be a decent person and has decided that his site is now “free speech purism”, so he gets to continue to insult LGBTQ...

MeanEYE, avatar

It’s already falling apart and I haven’t even heard of it. Sounds about right when it comes to chats and social networks these days.

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