Just some Internet guy

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@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

RAM is the kind of thing you’re better off having too much than not enough. Worst case the OS ends up with a very healthy and large file cache, which frees up your storage and makes things a bit faster/lets it spend the CPU on other things. If anything, your machine is future proofed against the ever increasing RAM hungriness of web apps. But if you run out of it, you get apps killed, hangs or major slowdowns as it hits the swap.

The thing with RAM is that it’s easy for 99% of your workload to fit comfortably, and then there’s one thing you temporarily need a bit more and you’re screwed. My machine usually uses 8-12/32GB of RAM but yet I still ended up needing to add swap to my machine. Just opening up the Lemmy source code and spinning up the Rust LSP can use a solid 8+GB alone. I’ve compiled some AUR packages that needed more than 16GB of RAM. I have 16 cores so compiling anything with -j32 can very quickly bring down a machine to its knees even if each compile thread is only using like 256-512MB each.

Another example: my netbook has 8GB. 99% of the time it’s fine, because it’s a web browsing machine, and I probably average on 4GB usage on a heavy day with lots of tabs open. But if I open up VSCode and use any LSP be it TypeScript or Rust, the machine immediately starts swapping aggressively. I had to log out of my graphical session to compile Lemmy, barely.

RAM is cheap enough these days it’s nice to have more than you need to not ever have to worry about it.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

That looks like a fun gimmick but it also looks pretty damn slow. It looks like it’d still be faster to just type it with the keyboard, even with the stylus. I guess it might be useful for older people.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Dell’s website seems to suggest it can be done from the boot menu independently of an operating system:

Updating the BIOS from BIOS Boot Menu (independent of operating system)

  1. Copy the downloaded file to a USB drive. You do not need a bootable USB drive.
  2. Insert the USB drive into any USB port.
  3. Power on the system.
  4. At the DELL logo screen, press F12 to access the one-time boot menu.
  5. Select BIOS Flash Update in the Other Options section.
  6. Click the … button to browse the USB drive to locate the downloaded file.
  7. Select the file and click OK.
  8. Verify the existing system BIOS information and the BIOS update information.
  9. Click Begin Flash Update.
  10. Review the Warning message and click Yes to proceed with the update. The system restarts and displays a Flash Progress bar at the Dell logo screen. The system restarts again when the Flash update is complete.
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Yeah, it’s not really advertised as an init system anymore. It’s an entire system management suite, and when seen from that angle, it’s pretty good at it too. All of it is consistent, it’s fairly powerful, and it’s usually 10-20 lines of unit files to describe what you want. I wanted that for a long time.

I feel like the hate always comes from the people that treat the UNIX philosophy like religion. And even then, systemd is very modular, just also well integrated together: networkd manages my network, resolved manages my DNS, journald manages my logs, timesyncd manages my NTP, logind manages my logins and sessions, homed mounts my users profiles on demand.

Added complexity, yes, but I’ve been using the hell out of it. Start services when a specific peripheral is plugged in? Got it. Automatically assign devices to seats? Logind’s got you covered, don’t even need to mess with xorg configs. VM network? networkd handles it. DNS caching? Out of the box. Split DNS? One command. Don’t want 2000 VMs rotating their logs at exactly midnight and trashing your ceph cluster? Yep just slap a RandomizedDelaySec=24h to the units. Isolate and pin a VM to dedicated cores dynamically? Yep it’ll do that. Services that needs to run on a specific NUMA node to stay close to PCIe peripherals? Yep easy. All very easily configurable with things like Ansible or bash provisioning scripts.

Sure it may not be for everybody, but it solves real problems real Linux admins have to deal with at scale. If you don’t like it, sysvinit still works just fine and I heard good things about runit too. It’s an old and tired argument, it’s been over 10 years, we can stop whining about it and move on. There’s plenty of non-systemd distros to use.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Ideally it would support WebPush which would allow your app to register with any push notification service that supports WebPush.

WebSockets would drain battery and also add a lot of load on the servers to handle all those connections. Implementing specific notification services directly on Lemmy isn’t quite where it belongs. Plus you don’t want all Lemmy admins to have to register to Apple Push and Google’s FCM and potentially others. With WebPush you can have your own server as a relay and then dispatch to expo/APN/FCM as needed.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I don’t think it supports WebPush at the moment, no. But it would be the technically correct way to implement this. It’s an open standard that’s not tied to any particular company and ecosystem.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

This is why I have respect for Valve. They’re willing to invest into changing the status quo instead of seeing it as not profitable immediately. They’re playing the long game, and they’ve put their version of Linux into millions of hands. They’ve built hardware for it, they’ve invested a ton into Wine/Proton, they’ve invested in open-source graphics drivers. They’re actively fixing up third party games to the point some of them run better on a their handheld than decent Windows PCs. And a good chunk of it is open-source and given away for free to everyone to use.

Meanwhile Sweeney is just there whining that Linux is too hard. They can’t even be bothered to try.

I would give money to Valve just so they keep going. I have no desire to buy an Epic game they’re not even willing to try to at least make it easier to run in Wine.

Your Smart TV Knows What You’re Watching (themarkup.org)

These TVs can capture and identify 7,200 images per hour, or approximately two every second. The data is then used for content recommendations and ad targeting, which is a huge business; advertisers spent an estimated $18.6 billion on smart TV ads in 2022, according to market research firm eMarketer.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

This is the only reason I have a smart TV. I didn’t want one, in fact it prompted me to make an SSID and VLAN just for it, then applied a bunch of DNS blocks. Unfortunately my old 2012 TV wasn’t worth shipping across the country and the image was getting pretty dim and it had started developing dead pixels.

If you want anything above 1080p that’s a dumb TV you have to go commercial like the hospitality market and they charge you way more for it. And they won’t even sell it to you without a corporate account in most places.

The only way to get 4K and HDR without the smarts as a consumer is to buy a giant gaming monitor… and those too ask for quite a premium, because gamers.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I opted to connect it because it’s the only device in the house Netflix is willing to give more than 720p. I hate DRM.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Yeah but they do still end up pretty expensive. I was able to score a black friday 65" 4K HDR 1000 nits 120 Hz FreeSync TV with local dimming for $700. Not the best but given I don’t use it that often or for very long I didn’t want it to turn into a big investment.

I’m sure it’s pretty average but for my use case it worked out pretty good.

Linux 6.6.x won't boot on my System

I’ve noticed that when 6.6.1 came out and it came time to reboot after it installed, I couldn’t boot into the OS anymore, it simply hangs on a black screen for about 10-15 minutes then reboots after selecting it. I’m currently on the LTS kernel which is 6.1.67-1-lts (64-bit) with no issues. I figured after updating to the...

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I’d probably start by booting with nomodeset and in verbose mode and hope you can at least get some debug output. If you have Plymouth, obviously disable that. Anything that can give you some logs and possibly a crash dump to figure out what it’s doing when it dies.

It might also be worth running a quick memtest86+ just to rule this out, you may have dead RAM and memory aligns in a fatal way there with newer kernels and there’s nothing wrong with the kernel itself. There’s an open Arch bug report for 6.6.2 that suggests memory corruption as well, so it’s definitely worth a shot.

If you have another device, you could also have it send the logs there over the network, I think it can just send them out over UDP so it’s likely there’s an Android or iOS app that could receive the logs.

If this is Arch, bisecting might not be as hard as you think. Compiling kernels is not as horrible as it sounds, even on other distros. For the most part it’s more or less the same configure+make steps especially if you reuse the config of the currently running kernel, which it can use pretty much automatically.

Alright, I'm gonna "take one for the team" -- what is with the "downvote-happy" users lately?

Title. “lmao internet points” and all, but what is the point of participating in a community that sees assumptions and other commonly non-harmful commentaries/posts as “bad” this easily? Do folks in here are really that needy of self-validation, even if it means seeking such from something completely insignificant like...

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I expected this to be “another one of those” but actually from what my instance has about you, you were indeed correct. Gaming distros with exclusive features lmao.

IMO that’s some of the gamer logic bleeding over in the Linux side, now that Linux gaming is taking off. They’ll do anything including install dubious Linux distros barely hanging together with duct tape for a perceived extra 2 FPS. Download software exclusively distributed on Discord? Hell yeah. I’m sure at least one of them boots with mitigations=off and it’s not clearly indicated that it does.

We’re seeing the same thing on the Windows side with modified Windows ISOs like the whole AtlasOS, that rightfully made some security experts sound the alarm. Some did things like completely strip off the updates, antivirus and firewall. Unless your system is exclusively running Steam and firewalled off the network, this is a certified bad idea.

I’d probably trust Nobara because the guy clearly knows his shit, but some of them really are just some other guy’s riced up Arch snapshot. They may give the impression everything just works at first but I’ve definitely seen examples of it falling apart. Even bigger distros like Pop_OS! had major snafus like the whole Steam uninstalls your DE thing, and Manjaro still fucks up something basic every now and then. I tried some of them in a VM and they didn’t even install or boot correctly. Oh my fault that one only works for NVIDIA graphics cards not AMD, my bad.

It’s not worth arguing, it’s a user base with vastly different goals than I do, just let them have their Bedrock Linux completely blow up in multi package manager hell and soon enough they’ll come running for a saner more reliable distro.


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  • Max_P,
    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    You shouldn’t need sudo for this. What’s probably happening is the Makefile you end up running doesn’t do what you think it does at all and ends up clearing header files to rebuild them then dies.

    Removing sudo will at least give you an indication of what’s going on by the means of permission errors. Find out why it’s trying to modify files it shouldn’t. And it’s also a great example of why you shouldn’t compile anything as root, not even for building packages. Not even building kernel modules requires root, only installing them and loading them.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    Then just don’t start a community on a small one.

    I’m a minuscule instance. That’s fine. I like that I have control over it, how it’s maintained and updated. If I want to convert it to Mbin because I like it more, I can. I know for sure it’s going to live at least as long as I’m interested in the fediverse. Nobody can take it away from me.

    Big instances are expensive to run, and in a way, they’re not exactly immune to shutting down and big instances shutting down have a much bigger impact than a small one with few communities when they go poof.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    It’s kind of useless if they won’t let you root it / install your own customized version.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    There’s historically been some privilege escalations, such as cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-3…

    But at the same time, they do offer increased security when they work correctly. It’s like saying we shouldn’t use virtualization anymore because historically some virtual devices have been exploitable in a way that you could escape the VM. Or lately, Spectre/Meltdown. Or a bit of an older one, Rowhammer.

    Sometimes, security measures open a hole while closing many others. That’s how software works unfortunately, especially in something as complex as the Linux kernel.

    Using namespaces and keeping your system up to date is the best you can do as a user. Or maybe add a layer of VM. But no solution is foolproof, if you really need that much security use multiple devices, ideally airgapped ones whenever possible.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    This shouldn’t be a big deal unless they go out of their way to use non-standard Chrome-only features.

    It’s not like the early 2000s where you absolutely had to test everything on every browser because they differed so much and everyone was adding random non-standard features. I haven’t ran into something that doesn’t work on Firefox in quite a long time, even when all the development happens on Chrome.

    Pretty much everything these days ends up through babel and automatic polyfills and browserlists. Unless they have a whole custom framework that somehow directly uses Chrome-specific APIs it’s unlikely Firefox will be left unusable. They have to deal with Safari regardless, and if Safari works, Firefox probably does. Safari is like the new IE these days in terms of bugs and missing standard features, and because you’re forced to use Safari on iOS, and iPhones are so popular, I seriously doubt they’d drop Safari either.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    Code is not a human/lawyer readable policy, so if you access any sort of user data (and being a Discord bot that people interact with, you do), you’ll likely need one. At least for Discord’s legal purposes when you register the bot, I would assume.

    Play Store also requires one even if it’s open-source. They just blanket require one even if it literally says “this app is a wallpaper and it doesn’t even have internet access nor collect any data”.

    Big companies just can’t understand or picture that some apps are well behaved and don’t scrape every bit of data they can get their hands on.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    I had to call to help someone that was in the process of spiraling down, cutting themselves and mixing benzos and alcohol and needed advice to help them urgently, that was a couple years ago. I never got through, sometimes it didn’t even ring, instant failed call.

    Those really need better funding.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar
    • August: 75GB
    • September: 94GB
    • October: 88GB
    • November: 80GB
    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    Isn’t that kind of AppImage’s whole thing, to behave like Mac apps that you just double click on regardless of where they are, and not have a package manager?

    I’d go for the Flatpak if you want it to be managed and updated.

    We went from distro packages to Flatpak to bare files and circling back to reinventing the package manager…

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    Maybe you can set up a KWin window rule to force Latte to be where you want it to be?

    Not that Plasma panels work that much better than Latte in that regard, they still sometimes shift monitors just because something is plugged in (not even enabled, just plugged in!)

    I really wish we could pin things to the exact monitor via its physical port location or serial number or something from EDID.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    Probably an AI model that fits in that size. It might not be our best models, but it probably would be a lot more useful to aliens than whatever we’d decide to fit on 4GB.

    They’d get mostly all the inner workings of our languages and how we do conversations and generally be able to answer basic questions about humanity.

    Max_P, (edited )
    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    Because an LLM is more than just data: it’s like a big network of how syllables and words go together based on some context. And that’s useful because language is how we communicate, how we connect ideas together, it’s how we share stories. It’s not just Wikipedia articles, it’s a database of relationships between words and concepts. It approximates how we think as humans.

    Yes, AI is hella overhyped. Everyone wants to AI everything. But really for this particular situation, I think the model data would actually be the best precompiled database of knowledge we can possibly provide to learn about humans for the size.

    No it’s not magic compression, but 4GB worth of parameters is still a lot. GPT4All has models just under 4GB. They’re not particularly impressive compared to OpenAI’s offerings, but I think you can extract a lot more practical information to do first contact out of a basic model than 4GB worth of Wikipedia. It’s extremely lossy compression, it’s never gonna spit out articles vebatim, it will hallucinate a ton of stuff.

    If we had more space I’d send all the major AIs we have like Dall-E, LLaMa and GPT 4. Imagine you’re an alien, you’re presented with a keyboard and a monitor, and know nothing about us. You can use Dall-E to try random letters and words and see if the output makes sense. Maybe you find out what a cat, dog, bat, frog, apple looks like. You can then input those words in ChatGPT, and get context as to when those are used. What’s “a horse”? What’s “riding”? Put those into Dall-E, now you know what a “cat riding a horse” looks like. It can generate as many as you want, any combination. Eventually you can figure out how to ask ChatGPT if cats typically ride horses, cars, bycles, what do cats do.

    Now imagine you’re a very advanced alien species that can easily process the model’s parameters. You’ve just downloaded the basics of humanity. They can map their language to our model’s parameters, and basically speak to us in our language, and translate our answers to theirs, and basically have a basic conversation.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    I’ve already explained some upsides and even given an example of how it could be used. What’s your counterarguments? What advantages would the raw wikipedia text do that would make it more useful? What assumptions are we making about our aliens’ knowledge about us? Are we looking to share our latest scientific breakthroughs, or just showing them what humanity looks like? Are we trying to send them plans on how to build a spaceship to come visit us?

    Arguably if we’re looking for the perfect dataset to send them, we’d have to redo what we did with the golden discs we sent along with the Voyager probes, and carefully consider every bit of data we send and for what purpose and how we expect them to be able to process it and understand it. This is a broad philosophical discussion, I’m not looking to be right or have the best answer, I’m providing one idea, one potential answer. Everyone’s first thought is to send out as much of Wikipedia as we can. Doesn’t make for great discussion.

    It’s less dense than Wikipedia text. End of.

    That’s making a strong assumption that Wikipedia is already the most dense and detailed source of information we have, and that aliens are able to read and understand english, and that this is the optimal format to present our knowledge.

    I’m not arguing that LLMs encode more information. They certainly don’t. That’s not the point. I’m arguing that I think it has a higher likelihood of being useful to communicate with us. That’s the first thing we want to do with an alien species: open dialogue. Language is the fabric of our entire world, and that’s what Large Language Models do: language. The model is a representation of billions of relationships between words (or tokens, to be technical) in the input, and probabilities that the output will be that other set of words/tokens. When it sees “wheel”, that signal propagates through the network and all the weights and it comes up with probabilities that it’s related to “car”, “bycicle”, “tree”, “mountain”. Does it even know what that implies? Nope. It just knows you’re much more likely to be talking about cars than trees when a wheel is involved. Billions of those relationships are encoded in an LLM along with how weak or strong that relationship is. That’s useful information especially when language and communication is involved.

    If we had an LLM for ancient and long forgotten languages, we wouldn’t even need things like rosetta stones. We could keep throwing inputs at it and see what comes out and make deductions based on that. We’d also get some information and stories from the time as a bonus and side effect of those being somewhat embedded in the model in some way. But the main point is, you can give it as many inputs as you want and it’ll generate as many outputs as you asked. Way, way more than the size of the model itself. You could have an entire conversation with an AI Egyptian or something, and learn the language. Similarly, an alien could get semi fluent in english by practicing with the model as long as they need. Heck we already do this as humans: so many tips about using ChatGPT to practice and refine your presentations, papers, prepare for interviews, etc.

    That’s my value proposition for shipping an AI model: language and general culture over raw scientific data.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    From the source, mostly s/xinit/waypipe: gitlab.freedesktop.org/mstoeckl/waypipe#usage

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    To be fair, if you’re deep enough into Linux to use xinit, it’s extremely unlikely you’ve never used sed before.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    As an aside, distro doesn’t matter but should make sure realtime is set up properly for the optimal latency. That usually requires the linux-rt kernel. The default one isn’t quite as bad as it used to be, but linux-rt will be able to guarantee low latency processing without dropouts. Also worth tuning/hardcoding latencies in JACK or PipeWire if the audio delay is too big out of the box.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    I’ve never had to restart the Lemmy container and tracking down the reason why is probably a good idea.

    Also rule 5, this belongs to !lemmy_support

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    C bindings and APIs generally work much better in Rust because the language works a lot more like C than it does C++.

    Qt depends a lot on C++ class inheritance, and even does some preprocessing of C++ files to generate code in those classes. That’s obviously not possible when using Rust. And it looks like you need a fair bit of unsafe there and there to use it at all too.

    Meanwhile, GTK being a C library, its integration with Rust is much more transparent and nice.

    So if you’re making a GUI Rust app, you’re just kind of better off with GTK at the moment. It’s significantly easier and nicer.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar
    <span style="color:#323232;">sudo machinectl login the-user@localhost

    That will handle all the PAM stuff as if you actually logged in.

    Wanting to improve my Linux skills after 17 months of daily driving Linux

    I’ve been daily driving Linux for 17 months now (currently on Linux Mint). I have got very comfortable with basic commands and many just works distros (such as Linux Mint, or Pop!_OS) with apt as the package manager. I’ve tried Debian as a distro to try to challenge myself, but have always ran into issues. On my PC, I could...

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    Arch is actually not as bad as many say. It’s pretty stable nowadays, I even run Arch on some servers and I never had any issues.

    Not even just nowadays. My desktop is running a nearly 10 year old install. It’s so old, it not only predates the installer, it predates the “traditional” way and used the old TUI installer. It even predates the sysvinit to systemd switch! The physical computer has been ship of thesis’d twice.

    Arch is surprisingly reliable. It’s not “stable” as in things change and you have to update some configs or even your own software. But it’s been so reliable I never even felt the need to go look elsewhere. It just works.

    Even my Arch servers have been considerably more reliable and maintenance-free than the thousands I manage at work with lolbuntu on them. Arch does so little on its own, there’s less to go wrong. Meanwhile the work boxes can’t even update GRUB noninteractively, every now and then we have a grub update that pops a debconf screen and hangs unattended-upgrades until manually fixed and hoses up apt as a whole.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    The only advice I have is to try to make it interesting for them and not just additional practical information they have to memorize. You don’t want to be the weird dad that insists on using stuff nobody else does, you have to show them what’s cool about it, and also accept maybe they’ll just stick with Windows for now.

    I also think the main takeaway they should have out of it is that there’s many ways of doing the same thing and none is “the correct and only way”. They should learn to think critically, navigate unfamiliar user interfaces, learn some more general concepts and connect the dots on how things work, and that computers are logical machines, they don’t just do random things because they’re weird. Teach them the value of being able to dig into how it works even if it doesn’t necessarily benefit them immediately.

    Maybe set up a computer or VM with all sorts of WMs and DEs with the express permission to wreck it if they want, or a VM they can set up (even better if they learn they can make their own VMs as well!). Probably have some games on there as well. Maybe tour some old operating systems for the historical context of how we got where we are today. Show them how you can make the computers do things via a terminal and it does the same thing as in the GUI. Show different GUIs, different file managers, different text/document editors, maybe different DE’s, maybe even tiling vs floating. What is a file, how are ways you can organize them, how you can move them around, how some programs can open other program’s files.

    Teach them the computer works for them not the other way around. They can make the computer do literally anything they want if they wish so. But it’s okay to use other people’s stuff too.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    For me what planted the Linux seed is when I tried Mandrake Linux when I was 9-10ish. I didn’t end up sticking with it for all that long, but I absolutely loved trying out all those DEs. I had downloaded the full fat 5 CD version and checked almost everything during setup, so it came jam packed with all sorts of random software to try out. The games were nice, played the shit out of Frozen Bubble. I really liked Konqueror too, coming from Internet Explorer. It was pretty snappy overall. And there’s virtual desktops for more space! People were really helpful on IRC, even though I was asking about installing my Windows drivers in Wine. Unfortunately I kinda wanted games and my friends were getting annoyed we couldn’t play games on my computer.

    It stuck with me however, so later on when some of my online friends were trying it out, I wanted to try it out again too. I wasn’t much into games anymore, had started coding a little bit. So on my computer went Kubuntu 7.10, and I’m still on Linux to this day.

    But that seed is what taught me there’s more. I didn’t hate Windows, I wasn’t looking to replace it. I hadn’t fallen in love with FOSS yet. It was cool and different and fun. It wasn’t as sterile and as… grey as Windows 98. You could pop up some googly eyes that followed your mouse, because you could. There were all those weird DEs with all sorts of bars and features.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    Maybe a Steam Deck if they’re into gaming, boy do people love to tinker with their Decks.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    Given the rumors he was fired based on undisclosed usage of some foreign data scraping company’s data, it ain’t looking good.

    Now that there’s big money involved, screw ethics. We don’t care how the training data was acquired.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    I’ve tried to find it but I can’t seem to find it. There’s been a thread on Lemmy somewhere about it that linked to a thread on Blind where someone claiming to be working at OpenAI having heard that from the board.

    But, it’s ultimately just rumors, we don’t know for sure. But it was at least pretty plausible and what I would expect the board of a very successful AI company to fire the CEO for, since the company is obviously doing really well right now.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    Supported devices are usually older models, and often there are newer devices

    Usually. If you want a new phone, your best bet is Google’s Pixels, OnePlus (although recently, it’s been weird), Nothing probably too. Google’s phones in particular have a long history of being really easy to develop for, you can pretty much just build AOSP and it just works. They’re community supported for a really long time.

    Most other brands make unlocking their bootloaders either hard or impossible, and to even just root, you need to unlock the bootloader anyway, at least the way without exploits. Since unlocking the bootloader is the big hurdle, root and custom roms tend to come together. So a phone you can root to debloat as your second option would probably also be suitable for option 1.

    Sure, it’s in the pricier range, but if you value the ability to control your operating system as much as I do, it’s worth the price. Plus, I think my OnePlus 8T will hold up great for the foreseeable future. It’s way more powerful than I need, so I’m sure it’ll take a few more versions of Android. I’m using 4-5GB out of the 12 it’s got on average, they’d have to seriously bloat up AOSP to use all that. I’ve dealt with cheaper devices and they just kinda suck, stock or not.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    If you stick to official builds, then yeah it’s indeed pretty limited. Maybe building the unofficial ones yourself would alleviate your concerns?

    It’s… probably still easier than trying to debloat and put microG on a stock ROM.

    Depends on the manufacturer whether I’d rather use the stock ROM or an XDA special I guess.

    would it be illegal to download Ubuntu on a Chromebook?

    what if I, for example, had a job in Google and I liked Linux so much I install Ubuntu on my Chromebook, would that be illegal/send me to prison?? Or, if I had the job, would I be kicked?? I like Chromebooks because they are so smol and nice. But I don’t know if it’s legal to install a Linux distro on it. Thank you!!

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    Installing Ubuntu isn’t breaking any DRM or any anti-piracy measures.

    Unless your country is really strict about using devices exclusively as the manufacturer intended, but that’d be countries that also want to monitor everything you do. Hard to tell without knowing what country that is.

    That said, I’m pretty sure Google is perfectly okay with people doing that. Even on the Pixel phones, they openly let you unlock the bootloader, and even allows you to add your own keys so you can relock the bootloader with a custom OS. They only care about security and people not getting a device from eBay full of malware. That’s why there’s a message during boot that’s either orange or yellow warning, to tell the users the device has been tampered with. But everything works fine otherwise.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    And a fifth, complete nobody instance! It’s almost like you can just slap Lemmy on a server and you can immediately join in the fun everywhere!

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    At this point there should probably be a generic “just ask random questions for other Lemmy users” community to direct those people to. People don’t seem to get that this one is similar to AskReddit in purpose, but Lemmy is small so there’s no immediately obvious general communities.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    That’s kind of the point. It’s a refresh not a Steam Deck v2. Their intention is not to have everyone replace their deck or make existing users feel like they got the old, bad ones.

    It’s a refresh, shows that Valve is still committed to the Deck, and also sets some expectations for when the Deck 2 comes. And some perks for those that really want a nicer screen and faster WiFi.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    I wrote a proxy specifically for that: github.com/maxpoulin64/lemmy-api-compat

    @iso If that’s the main problem you have with it, this will make third party apps work.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    I expected better from Ars Technica than to resort to malvertising: https://lemmy.max-p.me/pictrs/image/aa120d47-525c-4a2a-8e0d-6b73ecbada84.png

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    An ad on the page redirected me there before I could even touch the screen to start scrolling. The ad banner loaded and immediately redirected me there. Hitting back and clicking the link again on Lemmy a few times and I was able to access the site normally.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    I doubt it, my phone runs LineageOS and strongly avoid closed source apps, browser is plain ol’ default Chrome, computers are Linux, router is OpenWRT, IoT is on its own VLAN. I guess my ISP, CenturyLink could be doing some shady things. But otherwise, I doubt it. My server would be a much more interesting target, and is public facing obviously since I’m posting through it.

    As for why no ad blocker, I use AdAway but it breaks some apps. I don’t use any apps that have ads so it’s limited to Chrome, which mostly gets used when opening links from Lemmy or IRC.

    @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

    I said avoid, not refuse to use. Google’s already got the front door with the Play Store.

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