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Mars, avatar

They tried. Then apple dropped 32bit binaries support.

Apple is a very expensive partner to have. They do whatever they want with their ecosystem and many developers have been burned when apple decides to make their work obsolete or outright copies it and makes part of the bundled in apps.

So. It would be amazing if valve updated every one of their games for new versions of macOS and if they would kept MacOS proton support. But macOS is a moving target that will break backwards compatibility whenever it suits apple. So I understand that is hard to justify the investment.

In the end MacOs and Linux where less than a 1% of the Steam user base. But one is an open ecosystem where there is competition and some semblance of respect for backwards compatibility and the other is a closed and sometimes hostile environment.

Mars, avatar

The technology used by Valve is Irrelevant. The operating system losing support is not even supported by apple. The users of that version of MacOs are at risk because they use a closed source unmantained operating system.

As I said Apple is not concerned with kind of old software. They expect everyone to move up with them, developers and users, or get left behind.

Portal is a game released THE SAME YEAR the iPhone was. In classic hit PC game time that’s “nothing”, you expect to be able to run it, but in Apple’s timeline is ancient history. Take a look into how many iPhone games just won’t work anymore.

Mars, avatar

It’s getting bigger, but I said they WERE less than an 1%. And macOS was bigger that Linux for ages.

Then Apple proved they were not an ideal alternative platform, being even more closed than Microsoft, and not understanding the games ecosystem, so Valve pivoted and got into the Linux thing, failed with the Steam Machines, pivoted into Proton, and now I have a Deck.

Mars, avatar

Correlation != causation.

That because is doing some heavy lifting

Mars, avatar

Bots are routinely rounded up and banned. A lost follower is not necessarily an unfollow.

The article is reaching for a narrative. The lady they talk about has done other things in this period of time. Other stuff has happened. The change in followers is minuscule in relation to the magnitude, so it could be noise.

It could be homophobia obviously. It could be some controversy about unfortunate body image declarations. It could be noise. It could be the war on Middle East and a round of banned bots. It could be too much time since the last record. She could be losing the spotlight. The social network could be purging deleted accounts.

The reason “homophobia” is a guess. The reason “bots” is another. None invalidates the other because in both cases you have to make assumptions about the motives of 100.000 entities.

Also could be 5.100.000 followers lost and 5mil gained. The article talks about the delta, but there is not a reliable analysis about the composition of the following and its change over the last months, except one simple number.

Mars, avatar

Didn’t you go into Turing machines and the Halting problem from that?

That was my intro into computation: regex, automatas, state machines, stack state machines, formal languages, grammars, Turing machines, Hanting Problem, P NP.

Mars, avatar

A tree can be seen as a formal language. Look into L-systems.

If you generalize what a symbol is (the rgb value of a pixel) you can write a grammar that ends producing a list of pixels. You can then place it in a 2d matrix and you have an image.

I guess a better approach would be wave function colapse, but seems to me like it could be formally described as a grammar (CS or CF, dunno, would have to look into it)

Mars, avatar

Are they? Because unless you live in some green energy paradise, most EV are charged using coal plants.

Mars, avatar

I’m really sceptic about that kind of metrics because many of them take carbon offsets into account, and carbon offsets are mostly greenwashing.

Power mix in the world right now is over 50% coal and gas, and only hydro is over a 10%. This is worldwide, so mix varies depending on where you are.

In the end EVs are no making a dent in power demand. They are increasing it. The percentage of fossil fuels is maybe going down but total fossil fuel consumption is increasing as our demand does. Green energy is only taking some of the slack from the increase.

EVs will be remembered as the thing we did to keep using cars and feeling good about it.

Mars, avatar

Some media organizations have started nuking old articles to please the Google algorithm

Mars, avatar

Python for excel, grafana for Bi?

I guess depends of your use case.

Mars, avatar

It’s funny how computers are almost the only human invention that for some reason must be able to be used without learning anything.

We don’t do that for almost anything else. We expect people to learn how to drive, how to fill taxes, how to buy things on the store, how to cook, how to play chess. It seems like the only cases when someone decides learning stuff is an inconvenience is when tech people get into another field and tries to disrupt it.

I am all about making things as simple as they can be, but not simpler. Intuitive is a super relative term that depends on your knowledge and life experience. People find Office intuitive after using it for twenty years, but for me is a nightmare where legacy features intermingle with weird cloud and AI shit, and most of the time I only need a markdown file. No interface is intuitive, they are only familiar, clear, accesible, discovereable, etc.

Interface Design goes in cycles of skeuomorphism and simplification because computer stuff is not Intuitive, you have to open the way with metaphors people can understand, and when they are part of everyday life you can make the app for the virtual credit cards not look like it’s made of leather.

Mars, avatar

Daily quests. Missions that you can repeat every day for some recompense. Maybe they are always the same, maybe you get a different selection from the pool each day.

It’s MMO/Phone Game design that has bleed into every other games as a service to ensure engagement.

Mars, avatar

Sounds like a “you want us to buy Nintendo? Me too buddy…”

Mars, avatar

Refresh speed, font rendering, integrated features like multiplexing, theming…

Legendary PC developer says Denuvo is “a punishment to the consumer” (

Quote from the article: “The inclusion of intrusive DRM softwares [sic] like Denuvo is a choice that yields an unfair punishment on the consumer,” Running With Scissors says. “Respect the consumer, make a game they want to play, and you will never feel the need to fight piracy. The gaming industry deserves a better future,...

Mars, avatar

So why would anyone hate Denuvo? Nobody is forcing you to play Denuvo-using games. It was your choice.

Mars, avatar

I’m on act 3. The performance level is acceptable to me. 30fps/1080p (docked) on low settings.

I’m having more bugged quest or game does not want to detect your mouse right now problems than graphics or performance ones.

[Game] ‘Starfield’ Steam Deck review in progress - "good in some parts but struggles in cities" (

“After dozens of hours on just Steam Deck, Starfield feels good in some parts, but really struggles in the bigger cities. Turning everything to low and enabling FSR2 is basically the only way to play it right now on Valve’s handheld, and even that drops to 20fps often in the first major city (New Atlantis). The game itself...

Mars, avatar

Many people play games at 40fps on the deck. Maybe taking a look in ProtonDB or Steam reviews is more useful than having a 8 tier verification system?

As I understand Verified should be runs on the deck in SteamOS stable, at 30fps most of the time, text can be read, game is 100% playable with gamepad.

Playable should be you will jump hops. Text is not legible on the deck screen, input with a keyboard or mouse is required, launchers make weird launching the game.

The Verified program is not a performance benchmark. It’s a baseline and each gamer has different performance thresholds.

Some games won’t run at 60fps in any platform (Dark Souls original release) so they should not be PC verified?

Mars, avatar

It’s not (only) a port thing. The game is 30fps locked in every platform.

Doom was 35fps hardcode locked. Could not go above that. Not a port. There are always compromises, and sometimes they are in frame rate.

And, in another order of things, what do you get from 60fps Europa Universalis? 60fps is a cool metric for the usually available monitors and TVs, and I love having at least that in most games. But in many games 30fps and 60fps are the same with a somewhat jumpier mouse cursor. And they are usually the most PC games of them all.

Would I play 30fps Devil May Cry? I don’t think I could if I wanted. Would I play Baldur’s Gate 3 at 24fps? Doesn’t really make that much of a difference in most of the gameplay. Would it be cool to play BG3 at 120fps? Yeah, but my computer is ancient and the deck does not have that kind of power.

I can’t play Deathloop for example. 30fps first person games are really hard in my eyes. The camera movement and input lag are too much.

Mars, avatar

What I’m saying it’s that for many games and for many gamers it does not matter, and you can in fact play the game even if it goes bellow 30fps in the deck. But if you need a mouse for clicking “Start Adventure” you can’t play it without doing some hop jumping on your part.

So, for the Deck Verified badge

  • Frame rate is not important (it’s a subjective opinion if 30fps, 40fps or 60fps are needed and for what percentage of the play time is acceptable to go bellow.
  • Game can be played with gamepad is important (objetive. If you need extra hardware you need to know it)
  • Game will launch is important (objetive. Non launching games can’t be played)
  • Game text can be read is important (objetive. Most games have text that you need to read to actually play them)

In my opinion expecting the badge to mean any other thing than what Valve means with it will be an exercise in frustration on your part.

“Technically good” or “Technically bad” are not the benchmarks for the label. Maybe you should look for that in another place?

Valve's compatibility rating for Steam Deck doesn't even try to be accurate anymore... Baldur's Gate 3 doesn't run well on the Steam Deck, it's okay... you can't support every devices but be honest!

If a game hypes a lot of people up, it will be verified. That’s like, the most important factor… not even the performance, the controls, etc…...

Mars, avatar

I have at least 60h in my play through, all of them on the steamdeck. Good enough for me.

Not saying other games are no getting certification they should not but BG3 on the deck is not bad at all.

Mars, avatar

But you can sell everything back for full price, as always, right?

Mars, avatar

Rubiales it’s not a “dumb mistake” kind of guy. It’s an “I’m untouchable and can do whatever I want” kind of guy. This is part of a years long trend.

I mean, he is indicted for several corruption cases, accused of holding orgies paid with federation funds, and being a shady creep. Spanish sports federations and national government have protected him from prosecution, delaying several cases. Let’s see for how much longer.

He also is kind of bad as a federation president, petty, dismissive with some teams, blind to corruption and deals between teams and referees, slow to accept the popularity of women’s football, and many more bad decisions.

It’s not an innocent guy that made an honest mistake, it’s the kind of guy that treats other people like objects and have the power and influence to avoid or delay the consequences of his actions.

He should have resigned years ago, he will not do it. But now he has done something that:

  • it’s easy to explain.
  • has been seen around the world.
  • looks very bad.

So everyone that wanted him out of the federation for whatever reason (this one included) seems to be taking the chance.

As an Spaniard that doesn’t really care about football, but knows the kind of use this guy and others like him are making of their power, influence and taxpayer’s money ABOUT TIME.

Mars, avatar

As I said in another reply, there was never any chance of this guy apologizing.

If anyone expected a (real) apology they don’t much about him.

Mars, avatar

I’m in the third act, over 50h played. Every single minute on a docked deck, 1080p/30fps output.

Perfectly playable. Of course graphic settings are almost all the way down and facial hair could look better, for example.

Mars, avatar

In Spanish we have an expression, “¡No se podía saber!” It’s something like “Who could have seen it coming?”

NFTs are a bad investment? ¡No se podía saber!

Mars, avatar

Xbox One/Series S/SeriesX and PS4/5 are x86 PCs, Switch is an ARM phone.

So, in the lowest level they are pretty out of the shelf hardware. Electronics are getting way to complicated to invest in the development of custom hardware architectures for a single product.

You take a commonly used architecture, fork an Operating System that you have access to, bundle as many libraries as makes sense and call it a day. No one is going to use weird quirks of the hardware except if you make some deal with Unity or Unreal.

Thank Sony and the Cell Processor for that.

Mars, avatar

Firefox architecture makes remarkably difficult to spin a browser based in its rendering engine.

I can forgive the JavaScript think taking into account the specification was made in 3 days and that the suits made “looking like Java” a requirement.

Everything else is true.

Mars, avatar

At least half of those are patched Firefoxes, without telemetry and improved privacy.

Brave, Vivaldi, Edge etc are way more different from chromium than any of those from Firefox.

The thing is Firefox components are more tightly coupled. blink and v8 are easier to wrap in your own browser than gecko and SpiderMonkey.

Mozilla has been refactoring for ages improving the modularity of Firefox, but it may be already to late.

Mars, avatar

Python in the browsers seems like the only outcome worst than JavaScript in the browser.

It sends shivers down my spine.

Mars, avatar

It’s amazing how so many people are falling into the trap and arguing against or even in favor of Microsoft’s CoD argument.

A single game of whatever size or importance is not the problem. But it’s in Microsoft’s best interest that the discourse keeps being this lacking in nuance and centered in aspects like this.

jlou, to technology

Longtermism poses a real threat to humanity

"AI researchers such as Timnit Gebru affirm that longtermism is everywhere in Silicon Valley. The current race to create advanced AI by companies like OpenAI and DeepMind is driven in part by the longtermist ideology. Longtermists believe that if we create a “friendly” AI, it will solve all our problems and usher in a utopia, but if the AI is “misaligned”, it will destroy humanity...."


Mars, avatar

It’s an amazing ideology to have because if you can create a plausible future benefit you can do any real evil and feel like the good guy!

  • Stealed billions in wages from your workers? It’s alright, the funds will be used for you to gain influence and guide humanity to a better future!
  • Did you release a bioweapon in some global south country? It’s all right! Overpopulation was a danger 5 or 6 generations from now!
  • Destroyed democracy! It does not matter. Fascism today ensures democracy in the year 4000, trust me bro!
Mars, avatar

Vivaldi is a chrome derived browser. Using it entrenches Google power over the web.

The manifest v3 debacle, weird “standards” like the recent Web Environment Integrity and more are only posible because Google controls most of the web clients through Blink and V8. They can make or break standards thanks to the massive amount of Chrome and Chromium related browsers, like Vivaldi, Brave, Opera, Edge, etc.

So, glad you like Vivaldi, but you are not that far from google and are in fact an asset for their goals.

We need Firefox alive and well. If we lose it, Google will be THE web and will control it’s foreseeable future.

Mars, avatar

I had a problem with my family account on Spotify and my options for asking for support were twitter dms or some meta stuff (Facebook dms?)

I was 🤏🏻 this close to cancel my account right there, but my partner still has social media accounts, so they solved it in my name.

Get a freaking email inbox…

Mars, avatar

This looks more like trining to make it run in a stolen raspberry pi in Elon’s basement than trining to extract value.

Let’s be real, there is no value left to extract.

Mars, avatar

It’s not that huge of a userbase. Pinterest is bigger. Twitter just have a disproportionate amount of celebrities, politicians and journalists addicted to the instant feedback and drama.

Elon is hooked and high on his own supply, so he seems incapable of understand what Twitter actually IS for most users and that “ego boosting machine for the rich and famous” is not a business plan.

Enshitification implies a degree of planning and success that he seems incapable of right now. And you can’t jump to step three without achieving steps one and two. Never good for (most of) the users, never good for the advertisers. Nothing to squeeze.

I mean, it has gone to shit, but it doesn’t seem intentional. Even in the best of circumstances these changes would not be better for the bottom line than just doing nothing.

[Fortune] Over just a few months, ChatGPT went from correctly answering a simple math problem 98% of the time to just 2%, study finds (

Researchers found that ChatGPT’s performance varied significantly over time, showing “wild fluctuations” in its ability to solve math problems, answer questions, generate code, and do visual reasoning between March and June 2022. In particular, ChatGPT’s accuracy in solving math problems dropped drastically from over 97%...

Mars, avatar

“Prompt Engenieer” is one of the funniest thinks that have happened in the recent history of the world.

“Learn to ask questions to a prediction algorithm and get rich! Is the work of the future! Software engineers and writers will lose their jobs, but asking questions is an evergreen field!”

Dude, if the algorithm only understand correctly formatted input is a parser. We have those.

Mars, avatar

They are completely disconnected, with the exception of the occasional spinoff or direct sequel, but those are easy to identify. The last game is probably the easier one of the series to pick up and play (this statement has been true for the whole existence of the series)

Where to start? Depends. Everyone of them is a huge game and a big time investment.

Taking into account you have no nostalgia for the series, I’d say your options, in order of what I think would stick are:

  • Option 1: the last one. If you just want to play a modern action/rpg game with AAA sensibilities but weird enough, is not a bad option. You have no need for any previous knowledge, the gameplay is completely different to the one in previous entries, etc. Haven’t played so I do t know if it’s any good.
  • Option 2: the 7 remake. One of the biggest milestones in the series retold for modern audiences, with updated graphics and narrative.
  • Option 3: 16bit retro experience: FFVI, SNES or GBA version. The pinnacle of the formula for the 8 and 16 bit consoles. Upcoming titles in the series are way different. Great in every way a game can be good.
  • Option 4: the 7 vanilla. The first international massive mainstream success for the series and one of the more influential video games in history. After this one, if you loved it:
    • Option 4a: the PSX trilogy. Go for FFVIII and FFIX for the full pre-render backgrounds and 3d models god killing trio.
    • Option 4b: the complication. If you are really into the setting and characters you have a few games complicating this one under the “Final Fantasy VII Compilation”. Some aren’t even RPGs.

If you go completely Final Fantasy insane after any of those, start with FF, the first one from the NES and make your way through them all. Prepare a couple thousand hours.

informal PSA: we are sorry the UI got worse and more annoying to use, please blame Lemmy for all the shit that is now that little bit more irritating

we already collectively dislike a substantial number of 0.18+'s UI decisions, most of which are minor but are already adding up to be that much more annoying collectively. maybe we can sand some of these off with theming in the future. for now though please hang with this and petition them to merge better decisions in the...

Mars, avatar

What about something like this?

“¡Hi! You might have experience some changes in the interface of Beehaw. The admin team is not really happy with them but remember, we do not build the software that powers this community, so if you are experiencing problems make sure to report them to the Lemmy developers. We are already doing it.

In the meantime we are making some plans to mitigate this problems with theming on our end.

If accessibility is being a problem, take a look into these alternative clients.

In the end Lemmy is still in an early stage and it’s the responsibility of every instance to help in any way we can to help make it as good as it can be”

No need to throw anyone under the bus. To be honest it’s not the kind of criticism I expected from this community. Maybe you would be chillier if you had a downvote button to get all… that… out of your system.

You sound really adversarial against the people that build our tools. Even if you are frustrated, this leaves a really bad taste.

Mars, avatar

Lots of toxic behavior in social media is people venting frustrations. So in that sense what you are doing is not that weird.

Now think about the community you say you want to foster here and the values you say you want uphold.

This should not be Reddit or Twitter, right? We expect better from people, right?

Please, think about the optics, reflect and do not double down, unless you are 100% sure this is the kind of criticism you are ok with having in Beehaw, because is what you are going to get.

Mars, avatar

Real time video and audio are a different beast to text. The only way forward for these is P2P, not federation.

Maybe some Matrix like protocol for chat rooms (call them Channels, Communities, Club Houses or something trendy if you want) that also setups a P2P audio room, and a P2P video sharing system.

No one can independently host and transfer the insane amounts of data discord moves, but P2P networks resources for serving data grow linearly with the amount of devices consuming data. And audio/video streaming can be ephemeral, no need to save 80tb of a streamer sleeping.

The thing is how are they going to use the piracy bogie man to make all this ilegal hahaha.

Mars, avatar

New favorite way to use lemmy.

Great design, feels responsive, works everywhere…

PWAs are great, and for 99% of use cases are more than enough. We need a fake App Store that “installs” PWAs in people devices in a transparent way.

Also let’s hope Apple is forced to open iOS to alternative rendering engines and complete full features browsers.

And for a final irony boost, the PWA thing is the “”””original”””” vision for smartphones, at least according to Steve Jobs during the original iPhone keynote. Full circle and stuff.

Mars, avatar

Corps need a self destruct mechanism for when they get out of control.

Maybe is time to leave Fedora (and Nobara) behind. Not really feeling that great right now doing free testing for Red Hat, having so many alternatives.

Mars, avatar

I know it’s a joke, but it’s an old one and it doesn’t make a lot of sense in this day and age.

Why are you comparing null to numbers? Shouldn’t you be assuring your values are valid first? Why are you using the “cast everything to the type you see fit and compare” operator?

Other languages would simply fail. Once more JavaScript greatest sin is not throwing an exception when you ask it to do things that don’t make sense.

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