@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar


@[email protected]

25 years in the federal government in guns and badges, 22 of those in Corrections, then 10 years in hacker hunting and breach detection, now an information security sales engineer. Homestead farmer, amateur welder, equipment operator, electronic designer, 40 years soldering, husband and father.

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@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

What’s your frame of reference? I mean, you live in the second best country in the world and you’re complaining.

MapleEngineer, (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

No, but the extreme right call Canada a dictatorship, a third world country, a shithole, etc. Hell, the leader of the official opposition called our freely and fairly elected right of center milquetoast Prime Minister and his father, “Marxists.” It’s ridiculous. Literally worthy of ridicule.

Most of the people who are complaining have no frame of reference other than being brought up in the safe, warm busom of one of the best countries in the world.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I wonder of you took some of the people complaining about Canada and dropped them somewhere like Sudan, Myanmar, Eritrea, or DR Congo for a couple of years they wouldn’t come back with a new appreciation for Canada? Well, the survivors if there were any, anyway.

Is ready to pass and Joan when you love in one of the best countries in the world. I just think some people need some perspective.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Back when the Glorious Orange Leader was taking about building a northern border fence my American coworkers asked me how Canadians felt about it. I said that we were all for it since the US was Canada’s Mexico.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

He also says that it milquetoast right of center Prime Minister is a Marxist. He’s a liar but the people who believe his nonsense are fucking idiots.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Canada was ranked second in 2016.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Absolutely true. There are problems but they are first world problems and we really are very lucky to live here. I just bristle at hearing things like, “Canada is a dictatorship”, no it isn’t, “Canada is a third world country”, no it isn’t, “Justin Trudeau is a Marxist and so was his father”, ridiculous. Some people need a dose of perspective.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I know. I love Mexico. It only works because Americans hate Mexico.

MapleEngineer, (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Extra-judicial killings? Industrialized rape? Daily mass murders? Famine?

You listed a bunch of first world problems. It’s hard to imagine what hardship truly is when you live in the second best country in the world.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Canada is the 12th safest country in the world. The US is 129th.

We have it very good here.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar


I was on a flight three years ago where a guy was violently ill. I was in the last row beside the door to the tail head. He went past me with a very full air sickness bag. As we were descending the flight attendant was making more and more frantic announcements that everyone needed to return to their seats so we could land I finally leaned out of my seat, made hard eye contact, and made the sign language sign for vomiting.

Her shoulders fell, she hung up the microphone, inbuilt her seatbelt, stormed to the back of the plane and pounced on the door shouting, "Get back in your seat so we can land. Now! "

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I have been places that makes me appreciate Canada for what it truly is.

I have perspective.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

“Our operating procedures were not followed correctly in this instance,” the airline said in a statement. “This includes apologizing to these customers, as they clearly did not receive the standard of care to which they were entitled.”

They received the standard of care that we have all come to expect from Air Canada.

Air Canada isn’t an airline. Air Canada’s main line of business is extracting tax breaks and subsidies from the federal government. It just pretends to be an airline to do that. It is very clear to anyone who has flown with Air Canada that they view their customers at an inconvenience.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve flown with lots of airlines and have never beet treated with bare toothed disdain by any airline employee other than Air Canada employees. Where other airlines smile, Air Canada sneers. They simply haven’t caught on to the fact that social media allows their customers to strike back. Were it not for social media we would never have known that the crew of this plane tried to force these customers to sit in vomit covered seats or that the captain WAY overreacted and removed customers for being rightly upset about being asked to sit in someone else’s vomit for 4 hours.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Air Canada is my airline of last resort. I won’t fly Air Canada unless there is literally no other way to get somewhere.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Their lawyers are already trying to spin this as political prosecution.


Actions are not “politics”.

Actions are not “beliefs”.

Actions are not “thoughts”.

What they are charged for are things that they did, not things that they believed or thought.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

When the protagandist, shills, trolls, and apologists come and say that never happened you’ll need this.


@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

When the protagandist, shills, trolls, and apologists come and say that never happened you’ll need this.


How Tamara Lich transformed from spokeswoman to symbol of 'Freedom Convoy' movement (www.ctvnews.ca)

To her fans, Lich is a proud Canadian, a lioness of the movement behind the “Freedom Convoy” protests and the target of a justice system that won’t abide her anti-government beliefs. For the combined 49 days she spent in jail, first after her initial arrest during the 2022 demonstrations and again following an alleged bail...

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Not a “hero”. Not about “Freedom”. Not a “patriot”. An unintelligent delusional criminal.

MapleEngineer, (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Not “peaceful”.

There was nothing “peaceful” about the constant honking, the threats and intimidation, the insults and slurs. There was nothing peaceful about the harassment of small business that resulted in hundreds shutting down for three weeks putting thousands of hourly workers, many working paycheque to paycheque, with families to support out of work.

Everyone knows that when a child screams at the top of its lungs and refuses to move until it gets its way that it’s throwing a temper tantrum. That’s what the “protest” in Ottawa was. A bunch of full grown children throwing down, honking their horns and refusing to move until they got their way. They were tantrumists and they got spanked. Tammy Lich is going to get spanked harder than most.

I think that if you step out of your echo bunker and look around that the “many Canadians” you believe support her are actually a small, delusional minority. The rest of us are done with this fucking tantrumist false patriot bullshit.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

“BoTh SiDeS!”

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

My wife’s best friend’s husband is a long haul trucker. Like most Candian truckers he was vaccinated and working when the tantrumists were throwing their tantrum. He thought that they were fucking idiots. The big companies said that they would move unvaccinated drivers to Canadian routes.

MapleEngineer, (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

If you think that Canadians support the tantrumist bullshit then you definitely do live in an echo chamber. You really should stop reading Chinese and Russian anti-Canadian propaganda masquerading as extreme right wing “news” and come back to the center.

Lich is an idiot. She said, “If we had been there with an agenda to take over Ottawa and overthrow the government, we could have done it.” A bunch of northern hillbillies with a hundred big rigs were going to overthrow the government of Canada. What a bunch of fucking nonsense. That would have ended in one of only two ways: They would have ended up in prison or they would have ended up dead. They are a bunch of delusional children who share a ridiculous collective fantasy. Save yourself before you buy their bullshit book, line, and sinker. Or are you already too far gone?

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve said this 100 times but I’ll say it again.

Comparing anything that is happening to or around you that is anything sort of the systematic murder of 10 million people to the systematic murder of 10 million people is going to get you in trouble. That shit should stay inside your fucking head.

OK, having said that, this hateful bitch has got to go.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Why the fuck do these people always panic about such nonsense? Can’t we get them panicking about something real like the erosion of our rights, wealth inequality, climate change? No, these feckless idiots are panicked about pronouns. The Pronoun Panic. I guess it’s easier to get through your day if you’re panicked about something imaginary instead of something real that has actual consequences.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

You’re so angry that you’re picking fights with allies.

My comment was that the white bread christofascists are getting worked up about something that has no effect on their lives in their safe, white bread, christofascist echo bunker communities.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

You were wrong. Move on.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I worked for the federal government for 25 years. I went months at a time any time I changed jobs or got promoted not getting paid the right amount. Sometimes I wouldn’t get paid at all. The pay people always told me that it eat ok because they would eventually get it figured out. I tried multiple times to explain that I bank and my landlord wouldn’t accept that but they just shrugged. Overtime and expenses would go six months before being paid. All that time I was out of pocket. My pay had constant deduction adjustments as they tried to get past mistakes corrected.

I left the federal government on 2011 and went to work for a private company. I told my wife to anticipate a few weeks before they got my pay flowing. At the end of the next pay period they paid me, the exact amount that I eat owed. Every pay period after that I was paid exactly the right amount. When I left that company in very good terms they paid my final paycheque immediately and it was exactly correct.

When I left that company and went to work for a US company as a foreign contractor my pay was always right and always on time. That company was sold to another company and my pay was never late or wrong. We were them divested and sold to another company and my pay was always on time and always correct.

Were any other employer in the country doing what the federal government is doing it would have been charged with gross violations of labour laws. The federal government just absolves itself with a, “Tee hee. Oops.”

MapleEngineer, (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

What a load of nonsense. Federal employees don’t own the government any more than the average Canadian does. We pay for it but we don’t own it. The government is owned by the wealthy, the powerful, and corporations. The rest of us are just cattle being farmed for wealth. They get us in debt as early as possible and keep us in debt until the day we die and take everything we owned to pay it off.

They fuck up the workers pay because they can because they allow themselves to get away with it.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

No…this whole idea that the people own the government is fantasy. It’s not real.

Management are incompetent because yes men, often suffers of Dunning Kruger, are less threatening and get promoted. Once management is incompetent they promote more yes men. You end up with an entire upper management structure that is full of the abjectly incompetent while the competent people are abused and ignored and try to keep the wheels on.

Nothing nearly as fantastic as your ideas. It’s actually quite banal.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

We are done here.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Urban Dictionary says:

Were done here.

When someone says something so dumb, the entire conversation is killed and you need to move on immediately.

It is the talking equivalent of aggressively holding down the off button on your computer to just shut it down, without regard for open documents or what you were doing.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

The definition from Urban Dictionary is complete and answers your question thoroughly. And now…

MapleEngineer, (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Let’s elect the Conservatives so they can cut taxes on the rich, cut services for the poor, neglect our government systems and infrastructure, drive up the deficit and the debt, then blame the Liberals for trying to fix their mess.



Why are people so fucking dumb? The Conservatives do the same thing every time. Then they lie about what the Liberals are doing and people swallow it hook, line, and sinker.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Lots of chatter in here about not supporting the conservatives. But, there’s no options for Canadians.

Ok…but why elect a government that we KNOW is going to be worse? That hurts us. They cut revenue, cut services, run up the deficit and the debt, then lose and blame the Liberals for their mess. We would be better off to just stick with the Liberals who are bumbling idiots but at least they aren’t actively trying to fuck us over to give billions of dollars to the wealthy and corporations. That doesn’t make any fucking sense.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Why add losing the social progress we have made over decades to the mix? If what we need is further left why vote far right? Nothing is going to happen quickly. If the US goes authoritarian it will likely take decades to bring it back. How does electing white supremacist, white nationalist, racist, conspiracy theorist supported neo-fascists/christofascists help the average Candian who is socially progressive in the short, mid, and long term?

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

The problem is that every single thing a Conservative does is designed to look like is helping the common man when its actually helping the wealthy and corporations. Dig for us going to make land available for 50,000 units of urban sprawl? Million dollar houses that only the upper middle class can afford and 8 billion dollars of benefit to his wealthy friends. They weave a good story that the least of us believe while the entire time funneling billions and billions of dollars of the tax money paid by the least of us to the wealthiest of us and corporations. What we need is good management and good social programs. We’re not going to get that combination from either party so I would rather have social programs while they try to figure it out.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar


You’re right. I agree.

I’m a socialist libertarian, BTW. I want the smallest government that is necessary to run the country. I don’t want corporations to write laws. I want laws that protect the people, and workers, and consumers, not the wealthy and corporations but I’m also smart enough to know that the only solution to a social problem is a social solution.

I believe that the people who do most of the work, the workers, should enjoy most of the benefit.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

That’s substantially more than my mortgage payment.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

They can’t name a single drag queen who has been convicted of grooming and sexually abusing children but most of claim to be members of a cult with a centuries long well documented history of grooming and sexually abusing millions of children.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Rich people: Give us all the money and we’ll let you have a little.

Liberal voters: Fuck off!

Conservative voters: Ok!

Liberal voters: We told you so.

Conservative voters: Any day now…

MapleEngineer, (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Pierre Polievre has already come out and said he wouldn’t do it if elected and would instead spend his money on housing regular Canadians. That type of virtue signaling is why 24 Sussex is in the state that it is in.

This is the Conservative “not spending money is saving money” fallacy. Not spending money for necessary repairs and maintenance doesn’t save money, it costs more in the end. If your roof needs fixing and you put off fixing it you’re not saving money. Fixing your roof costs more when you eventually fix it and you likely have to repair water damage and replace insulation. This is what Harper did. He neglected everything from the military, to veterans, to government IT infrastructure, to search and rescue…the list goes on and on and on. When the Liberals finally won they had to spend money to fix all of the Conservatives neglect. Then the Conservatives complain about the Liberals spending. It’s so fucking tiring.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m not a mod, BTW, I’m just the OP.

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