@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar


@[email protected]

25 years in the federal government in guns and badges, 22 of those in Corrections, then 10 years in hacker hunting and breach detection, now an information security sales engineer. Homestead farmer, amateur welder, equipment operator, electronic designer, 40 years soldering, husband and father.

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@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

He did the right thing, unlike that time that Pierre Polievre shook hands and took selfies with the well known white supremacist who later threatened to rape his wife.



Conservatives lie and cheat then change the rules to remove barriers to cheating. They have no shame.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

We, black market edible producers, categorize our caramels by what they are used for. Our customers then name them. Our big ones right now are Nite Nites and Laffy Taffy. I call them sleepy caramels and party caramels. I ask how much people weigh and how experienced they are and tell them how much I weigh and how much I take then suggest a starting dose and tell them how adjust the dose until they find the right amount for them.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

The left believes in the rule of law and playing fair while the right is will organized and lies and cheats to win then changes the rules in their favour.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

You know what matters a lot more than balancing budgets? Defining public transit as a true public service and making sure the people who depend on it the most, those who have few other options to get to where they need to be, have transit available to them when they need it at a cost they can afford.

This is the problem. Public transit is seen as a service used by poor people. In Europe public transit is used by everyone because it is the best, fastest option to get to where you are going. When I travel to London I take the train from the airport to Victoria station them walk to my hotel. Everywhere else I go is by tube or by train. I have never rented a car and only hired a van when I had a group of people and a bunch of luggage to move a long distance.

If public transit worked (Ottawa LRT anyone?) and we stopped making traveling by car convenient, people would use public transit.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

How do people expect them to pay for food inspections when they are cutting provincial revenue by cutting taxes on the rich and giving loss of subsidies to the provinces dying primary industry to give the people of the province the illusion that everything is fine and that the gravy train will keep running.

Wait until you find out they’re going to “invest” your withdrawn CPP pensions in the oil and gas industry. There’s no easy you’re going to lose everything when renewables take over in the next few years.


How does India's visa office suspension affect Canadian travellers? (www.ctvnews.ca)

The suspension of Indian visa services for Canadians this week has prompted uncertainty among many who had hoped to travel to India in the near future. Here's what the visa centre closure could mean for India's sizable diaspora community in Canada, which is now caught in the middle of rising diplomatic tensions between the two...

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

That is despite India having urged caution for its citizens planning to visit Canada, citing security risks.

Our agents might mistake you for a Sikh activist and murder you on Canadian soil.

Reflecting on Canada's F-35 decision: F-35 fighter jets can only fly 55% of the time (www.ft.com)

The fleet’s mission-capable rate — or the percentage of time a plane can perform one of its assigned missions — was 55 per cent as of March 2023, far below the Pentagon’s goal of 85 per cent to 90 per cent, the Government Accountability Office said on Thursday....

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

When the pilot ejected is guaranteed that the plane is a total loss. The ejection system triggers a number of things other that the ejection mechanism. All of the secure communication equipment erases itself to prevent it or is key material from falling into unauthorized hands. The plane doesn’t squak its position so that it is harder for someone you don’t want to have access to the plane to find it. Had the plane been lost in territory that the US doesn’t control or that is controlled by an unfriendly country the US wants it to be hard for them to know that the jet is down and where it is so that the US has a better chance of getting there first. The probably can’t be disabled to prevent an, “Oops, I forgot to turn it on” mistake in unfriendly territory and to reduce the risk of it not working.

Wyoming ranch accused of abusing children, unsanitary conditions will now operate without inspections (www.nbcnews.com)

A Wyoming ranch accused of abusing children and forcing them to perform manual labor lost its license earlier this year after state officials documented a litany of safety and sanitary violations. But the ranch found a way to stay open and will no longer need a license to care for children, a development that has alarmed youth...

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I still use LGBTQ.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve asked this question several times.

Name one drag queen who has ever been convicted of grooming and sexually abusing children.

I said to someone once, "There are branches of several international organizations in town that have a centuries old well documented history of grooming and sexually abusing millions of children worldwide then hiding the abuse and moving the abusers to other locations so that they can continue to groom and sexually abuse children. These are the same organizations that are telling you that drag queens are the problem. Why aren’t you protesting them? "

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ll give them a list of 1,000 clergy who have been convicted and ask them for the name of another drag queen who had been. They will run out of drag queens long before I run out of thousands of clergy.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Be very careful when travelling to Canada to murder Canadian citizens on Canadian soil.

  • Modi government
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

If you come to Ottawa and commit crimes in Ottawa you should be tried in Ottawa.

If you want to be tried in Upper Rubber Boot, Alberskatchetoba then do your crimes there.

(Before some pedant comes in and points out that he’s from Ontario and not Upper Rubber Boot, Alberskatchetoba, I know.)

You should not be able to travel somewhere, commit crimes, then expect to be tried somewhere else where you will get a more sympathetic jury.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

True dat.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Yes, and it should be denied.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

This isn’t an, “error in judgement”, it’s professional misconduct. He knew that they were single use and knowing that they were single use he decided that he knew better and reused them. He wasn’t fired because he reused syringes, he’s being fired because he doesn’t follow the most basic rules of his professional. He’s lost the trust of his employer.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Remember the Air India Bombing

There are Sikh terrorists. Some of them are in Canada.

Not all Sikhs are terrorists. There are lots of wonderful, peaceful Sikhs in Canada.

These are important points to remeber in this discussion. The current Indian government are right wing, nationalist extremists who are not our friends.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I agree completely. I just think it’s worthwhile to have the background information to understand why they are pissed off at Canada. I’ve known a LOT of Sikhs and have liked them all. They were all kind, gentle people. The people who blew up the Air India plane were extremists. The Indian government are also extremists. The Sikh separatists and the extremist Indian government are having a dick waving contest. I wish they would both fuck right off.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Parents of children who attended the original daycares that shared a kitchen ignored public health instructions and put their children in other daycares before they tested negative and remained symptom free.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Selfish entitlement. That’s how it came about. What if one of those children they infected dies? Then what? Oh, it was just inflation? It’s worth it for my freedumb? A small price to pay?

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

For people like me, dead children is always the worst possible scenario but you do you.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I will never be sympathetic to people who put other people’s children’s lives at risk for any reason.


That’s is incredibly selfish and entitled.

It’s a bad situation for sure but risking someone else’s child is unforgivable.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar


Putting other people’s children at risk will never be acceptable.


@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

There is no circumstance where putting someone else’s child’s life at risk is acceptable. Period.


You’re an amoral, toxicly entitled assholes if you do.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Putting your convenience before the health of other people’s children is entitled and selfish. Public health ordered them to keep their children isolated until they had tested negative and remained symptom free for a few days. Instead they risked sickening or killing other people’s children. That is never acceptable. I am sympathetic to their inconvenience but it’s an entitled, selfish asshole move to risk the lives of other people’s children for any reason.

I think they should be charged with violating a public health order and had my children been sickened because of their selfishness I would be suing them for every penny I could get out of them.

It is NEVER acceptable. EVER.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

“Any involvement of a foreign government in the killing of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil is an unacceptable violation of our sovereignty. It is contrary to the fundamental rules by which free, open, and democratic societies conduct themselves,” Trudeau said.


free, open, and democratic societies

India free, open, and democratic?


MapleEngineer, (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

What’s most distressing about this is the fact that these new daycares that don’t share the same central kitchen are having infections because parents from the ones that do ignored public health orders and put their kids in other daycares before the test results came back to show that they were infected.

So these entitled assholes have infected other peoples children.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

A theory is a well-substantiated explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can incorporate laws, hypotheses and facts. The theory of gravitation, for instance, explains why apples fall from trees and astronauts float in space. Similarly, the theory of evolution explains why so many plants and animals—some very similar and some very different—exist on Earth now and in the past, as revealed by the fossil record.

MapleEngineer, (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

The Theory of Gravity is the well-substantiated explanation of gravity that incorporates laws, hypotheses, and facts.

I hope this helps.

MapleEngineer, (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

“The biggest difference between a law and a theory is that a theory is much more complex and dynamic. A law describes a single action, whereas a theory explains an entire group of related phenomena. And, whereas a law is a postulate that forms the foundation of the scientific method, a theory is the end result of that same process.”

Here’s a simple, easy to understand explanation of the difference between a law and a theory in science.

And here is an explanation of the difference between a theory in common use and in scientific use.

I hope these help.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I love the confidence with which you’re wrong and it’s clear that you’re trying very hard to sound smart but while I can explain this to you, and have more than once, I can’t understand it for you.

Have a nice day.

MapleEngineer, (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Had you read, and more importantly understood, the two links I posted you could have answered your own question.

You asked whether gravity was a law or a theory.

Gravity is neither a law nor a theory. Gravity is a fundamental reaction that causes any object with mass to be attracted to any other object with mass.

The law of gravity is a formula used to predict the effect of gravity.

The theory of gravity is our collected knowledge on the subject of gravity and includes the law of gravity.

So, the law of gravity is one small element of the theory of gravity.

That is a complete and correct answer to your question.

Now, unless you have a clear understanding of the difference between the idea of a theory in common parlance and the idea of a theory in science and how a law in science relates to a theory in science (which you would have if you had read and understood the two links I provided) you’re not going to understand this, despite my explaining it a third time, and you’re going to continue to argue with me instead of saying, “Oh! I get it now. Yes, I was wrong. Sorry, and thanks for the explanation.”

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m sorry you can’t understand.

Have a nice day.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar


@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I like it here. There’s less of you anti-Canadian trolls.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

“I know you are but what am I?”

You are everything we’ve come to expect from the very best that the SinoRussian anti-Canada simp brigade has to offer.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Under the current government Canada has become a sickly Victorian child.

You are clearly delusional. Canada is one of the best countries in the world to live in. You are definitely anti-Canadian if you’re spreading this utter nonsense.

MapleEngineer, (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

stripping of the rights of citizens

What rights, exactly, quoting chapter and verse of the Charter along with any relevant judicial findings do you think have been stripped from Canadians?

I’ve heard people claim that their Section 6 rights to travel across interprovincial boundaries unimpeded and to leave and reenter Canada was taken away after they drove across multiple interprovincial unimpeded because their Section 2 rights to freedom of assembly and protest had been taken away by freely associating and protesting in Ottawa that they couldn’t leave Canada because no one would take them because they had exercised their Section 8 right not to be vaccinated. So obviously it wasn’t Section 2, Section 6, or Section 8 so I’m interested to hear which rights you’re convinced beyond question were taken away under this government.

EDIT: Downvotes are fucking useless on Lemmy. There is no Karma. No one fucking cares. So…give me all your pathetic, impotent downvotes. They don’t change the fact that this is the truth.

MapleEngineer, (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

You do not have the right to own a gun in Canada.



@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Like I said, anti-Canadian nonsense. I love Canada.

MapleEngineer, (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

You made a Gish Gallop.

I didn’t “attempt to refute” your arguments. I proved that you were wrong. You have no right to own a firearm in Canada.

[Montague] argued that the right to bear arms has always been a part of Canada’s Constitution. His arguments failed to convince the trial court. The Ontario Court of Appeal upheld the lower court’s ruling that there is no constitutional right to bear arms in Canada. Montague tried to appeal the case one more time, to the Supreme Court of Canada. On September 16, 2010, the Court announced that it would not hear the appeal. As a result, the ruling that there is no Canadian right to bear arms is settled constitutional law for the foreseeable future. The Supreme Court said in 1993 that “Canadians, unlike Americans do not have a constitutional right to bear arms.” Montague will not have a chance to change the Court’s mind.

Now that you’ve descended to name calling were done.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

As I said, now that you’ve descended to name calling, we’re done. If you want to talk to me you will be respectful of I will ignore you. No one owes you a response if you’re being an ass.

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

You know what’s funny? I mentioned going down to Save On Meats to get a sandwich and you didn’t even know that it had closed permanently during the pandemic. You were telling stories like you were from there and you were lying. You’ve probably never even been there. I have. I’ve walked those streets. My cousin works those streets. You’re afraid of outrageous stories you’ve read online, probably in the extreme right wing echo chamber. How utterly fucking pathetic

@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m not even slightly angry. I’m quite happy, actually. I just landed in Vancouver.

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