
@[email protected]

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What kind of blasphemy is that lighter blue die. Burn it.


It’s amazing he’s still updating this.


When I became financially independent I got Reddit premium even though I didn’t really use any of the features. Already had adblock and RES. I just wanted to support the site I spent hours on.

Cancelled that when they killed Apollo.

But I do agree that limited ads aren’t an issue… except for the slippery slope that’s happened. Just a few more ads… just a little more intrusive…


This is me. I have had people say I make them sweat by looking at me when I wear a sweater in 75F just because it’s not yet hot enough to make me take it off.





If they can figure out how to enable the camera on my cameraless pc, that’s just impressive.

I don’t even use a proper monitor I use a 6 year old budget tv screen. I see no camera lens on that thing.


I can only speak for myself, but it’s less about the monetizing and more about the how.

The ads are intrusive and highly disrespectful of our time. Not to mention the bullcrap they’re allowed to advertise that would get videos demonetized. And the risk of malware from the ads.

I can understand things like premium. Heck if they wanted to lock HD behind premium I could understand. It costs a lot of money to run that crap so getting money for that service does make sense.

But by solving that with intrusive, annoying, possibly dangerous ads? I will block the ads. Find a better way because that ain’t it. I will sooner leave YouTube for other video sites satisfying my interests that are currently being advertised by creators on YouTube itself, than accept the crappy ads.


That’s basically the mindset I’m in.

We’re screwed and won’t shape up in time. But I’m still going to self reflect and improve myself.

There is very little chance. But there is zero chance if everyone lets zero chance stop them from caring about their own actions.


I was given an Abra and a… I forget in school. First two.

Favorite is my either my Ancient Mew from the movie theater or my gold-rimmed Meowth from the fruit rollups boxes.


Back in the day! I miss when Pokemon wasn’t just a yearly cash cow of bottom quality games to sell merch like cards.



  • Usually open world. I like occasional other types, but a world with an explorable world map is more likely to keep my attention.
  • Has to at least start more green than city. Cityscapes/Sci-fi settings bore me visually. This applies to real life too.
  • Bright. If I need to play at night with lights off to see where the heck I’m going, I don’t like it.
  • Usually some creature in the world to catch my interest. Like (inklings/octolings/salmonids in Splatoon).
  • A good story is nice but not at all needed. I like environmental storytelling and aimless wandering.
  • No “game complete”. I want to keep my save file forever.

Not hard rules of course, I have exceptions.

Like Metroid sounds perfect for me in some ways, but because it’s so dim and sci-fi, I can’t stay interested. Splatoon has amazingly dark lore that’s only visible past it’s bright happy exterior that I LOVE. Stardew Valley/Minecraft/Animal Crossing are in my alley.



  • Usually open world. I like occasional other types, but a world with an explorable world map is more likely to keep my attention.
  • Has to at least start more green than city. Cityscapes/Sci-fi settings bore me visually. This applies to real life too.
  • Bright. If I need to play at night with lights off to see where the heck I’m going, I don’t like it.
  • Usually some creature in the world to catch my interest. Like (inklings/octolings/salmonids in Splatoon).
  • A good story is nice but not at all needed. I like environmental storytelling and aimless wandering.
  • No “game complete”. I want to keep my save file forever.

Not hard rules of course, I have exceptions.

Like Metroid sounds perfect for me in some ways, but because it’s so dim and sci-fi, I can’t stay interested. Unlike Zelda, which usually starts with brightly lit forests that keep me in.

Splatoon has amazingly dark lore that’s only visible past it’s bright happy exterior that I LOVE. Stardew Valley/Minecraft/Animal Crossing are in my alley.


… That’s the time of day I feel good about life.

I mean I know life sucks but I’d like to enjoy myself at the peaceful low-stress hours!


Wait there’s a community for it?



Hi I made it to 30 and no wizard powers yet.

… Wait is anticheat on? I got a hacked client that automatically disabled my desire for partnered “fun time” so it made the grind to 30 with that status effect a lot easier.

Did I miss out on wizard powers?!


I still have my account and check like once every couple weeks for 2-3 communities.

On PC, old.reddit, and no chance of getting a single ad in my face. I’m not technical enough to know if they’re getting other data from my bimonthly visits, but that’s a far cry less than my old every night visits.

As soon as they get rid of old.reddit it won’t even be reddit to me anymore. Just an ugly new thing overwriting the site I once enjoyed.


Welp. I just loss The Game.


For me, the loss meme always makes me lose The Game.

So the prevalence of Loss is directly correlated to my loss of The Game. And upon seeing Loss, I choose to follow the rules of The Game and let others suffer a loss as well!

I do not apologize for sharing the mental connection between the two. It amuses me.


You have a 50/50 split of upvotes and downvotes, so you’re hovering around 0 give or take.

Personally and if I understand you correctly, I pretty much share your view.

If someone looks/acts like a specific gender based on cultural norms and personal experience, I’ll default to calling the person that gender. It’s just a simpler and easier form of communication, and takes just a moment to correct if the opposite is desired.

They/them is technically usable but really clumsy sounding in English because that changes the entire sentence structure to plural even when you are speaking about a singular. Which is a personal pet peeve.

It feels more natural to default to a neutral “he” and change to feminine “she” if corrected than it does to default to a plural “they”. Heck I’ve seen someone default to a neutral “she” and it still sounds more natural than a plural as a neutral. Just a personal issue with the English language there.

And on the side of people who are trans… I have seen sentiment that the whole asking pronouns things makes some people feel very uncomfortable. It’s a constant reminder of being born into the wrong body, and makes it feel like all the effort to pass and be their true selves is meaningless.

I think I’d rather offend a couple trenders that don’t understand language use than remind someone whose mental health is at stake about that and invalidate their efforts to pass with something so unnecessarily superficial.


Ffffffffffffffun thing!

Someone in a server I was in kept spamming Loss memes. Loss makes me think of losing. Loss memes make me lose The Game

As per the rules of The Game I announced I lost because I Loss The Game.

Now Loss = Lose The Game.

We have been freed if the Loss memes. The Game has freed us.

Btw I lost The Game.


… rice, beans, and a $15 rice cooker?

I’m as lazy as they get in the kitchen. If I can’t throw it in a pot, walk away, and walk back to food then it’s too much effort.

Rice and beans is cheap, quick, and easy.


It was my first browser. I used IE to download it.

When I changed computers I did use Chrome for a bit. Then Vivaldi because it was better to me (I liked the split window browsing)

Saw mention that Chrome and all related browsers were about to kill adblockers. Returned home to Firefox immediately.

I don’t feel a need to change right now, but have heard of Waterfox and Librewolf as potential forks. They’re in my mind if I ever feel the need.


Carnism is one hell of a drug. Hope you can escape it soon OP. Good luck.

Same for all the others here still trapped in the beliefs of carnism.


Did Beehaw go the way I feared it would?

I didn’t join it because I was concerned it would do exactly what I saw happening on reddit; go so far i to the everyone’s valid uwu mindset that they wind up making people uncomfortable in their own supposed safe zones and making pride labels into meaningless collectables instead of practical, useful terms.

Things like sexual asexuals and transgender people who see it as a trend to try out. Large majorities jumping in and claiming a label without understanding it at all and then retroactively re-defining the label to fit what they want it to mean, pushing away the original users because they’ve been outnumbered, outvoiced, and bullied into discomfort in their own space.

Beehaw just… gave me those vibes on first glance so I didn’t bother looking deeper for my own sanity.


Interesting. I might take a look then.

I got so tired on reddit from the communities making labels mean literally whatever someone wants them to mean that I was just over the entire thing. Personally watched the one I was part of shift from a simple, easy to understand concept for a rare group sharing a single trait to a whole umbrella of anyone who feels like making up a microlabel for their particular feeling at that point in time.

It got uncomfortable fast and many of the original group gave up and left from discomfort. That’s the kind of thing I fear finding in lgbt groups now.


Each video game copy was customized and knew exactly what you would try to do always.

Not from button inputs. That never crossed my mind. Literally thought it was some magical fake interactive movie and the wizards who made them accounted for everything and knew you better than you did.

Needless to say, learning about code and how you can make things read button inputs was a mind-blowing moment for me. I learned what the secret behind the magic was.

I have ever since then been far more curious on how and why things work. Learning about the methods behind the magics.


Probably around 8-10ish?

I knew people MADE the games. I just thought that the how involved so much more super-genius level of predicting the future and several times tried to ‘test’ that by doing weird things like waiting 5 minutes before pressing any buttons. And was amazed that still didn’t fool it.


Seeing this weird but cool setup with what looks like OpenOffice makes me happy.

That’s it. That’s all I wanted to say. Mostly so I can get back to this later via my own comment history.


Awww. That’s what I get for browsing before I’m awake.

Still looks cool at least.


With the sketchiness about TikTok, I much prefer YouTube for shorts.

Sure they’re both evil under the hood. But TikTok scares me more. So I actually appreciate Google digging their claws into this one a little bit.


That’s a nice thing for me so far. Instead of endless hours wasted, it’s a little peek here and there. See some news, enjoy some memes, and move on.


Thank you.

It’s not people using the neutral that bothers me, it’s the fact that the neutral is both singular and plural while the non neutrals are only singular/plural.

and the plural part also alters the entire sentence structure to plural.

“He is over there” - Singular and easy to understand

“They is over there” - Just sounds wrong.

“They are over there” - Both singular and plural. Is it a person of unspecified nature or multiple people of mixed ones?

English could use a popularization of a strictly singular neutral that doesn’t carry implications of being an object rather than a being (“It is over there”)


I don’t know why you’re getting ads… I run Firefox + uBlock just fine.

But I also run NoScript and AdBlockPlus. Maybe try those?

(Yes I know NoScript with uBlock is pretty redundant. Doesn’t really bother me to allow scripts on both to unbreak things. I like the double lock.)


For what it’s worth, memes have helped me stay. I doubt I’m the only one.

They’re quick and easy to browse and some get a bunch of topical comments and links to other relevant communities.

It’ll take a while to reach a level that’s known in the public eye like Twitter and Reddit, but the low-hanging fruit helps keep people interested while more niche communities are forming.


Unpopular take: Good people doing bad things does not make the bad things not bad. Yes, purchasing and consuming animal products is a morally bad thing to do. It is not morally neutral.

So yes, by consuming animal products, you are a worse person than you would be if you were not.

Your choice is to purchase the bodies of the dead and “respect” the fact they at they were killed by turning them into sewage. Your choice is to financially reward those who bring them into existence for the sole purpose of killing them for your pleasure and the killers’ profit. This is not a morally neutral thing. This is a morally bad thing.

Personal choice stops being personal when there’s a victim. The victim is the one whose corpse is being ground up in your mouth.


That’s the play store, not the app store.

On iOS here, searching Voyager just brings up a bunch of crypto stuff and a couple travel apps.


Oh that one works. Thank you!


Both are responsible.

Corporations are not people but they are made of people. People who will do whatever it takes to make profit, which means meeting demand.

Demand is created by consumers. Without people willing to pay the corporations that do terrible things to meet their demand, the terrible things would cease to be profitable.

Both are responsible. Corporations will not stop doing bad things if bad things bring more profit. That’s why it’s on consumers to be more mindful of what bad things they are financially supporting.

The action is taken by the big guys but only because millions of little guys are paying them to do it. They don’t need to care about taking the blame if doing so still rewards them with profit.


The point is, they are fueled by money. That money comes from people who demand what they offer. If they don’t profit from the demand, they’re not going to keep supplying.

Every purchase we all make came from somewhere. Researching every little detail of everything we buy is mentally taxing and just not feasible, and most people depend on products that are unethically produced. Often times alternatives are unfeasible or inconvenient, so we accept the unethical things in exchange for our personal needs/wants.

We are ALL the problem. Yes, corporations are a big problem. So are the people who buy what they sell. It’s easy to do absolutely nothing and blame someone else. It’s hard to accept being a part of the machine and not only advocate for others to help change, but also change oneself.

Change needs to come from ALL directions. It will not come if people just cry about evil CEOs while said evil CEOs are still making bank off of the very same people that are crying. They’re still getting the only thing they actually care about from the exchange. Profit.

Zyratoxx, to memes avatar

I'm sorry guys, I was too weak to resist (but at least I helped a bit with the banner)


I thought I would, but I ended up just watching the Never Forget group on discord and just… not.

Feels kinda sad. Place was actually a fun little yearly event. TheButton was fun in its own odd way, too.

I will miss enjoying those. I did enjoy reddit. I wouldn’t be on lemmy now if I didn’t.


Yes, but it was the one to have an encore.

Doesn’t even need to be place specifically. I mentioned both because they were neat little random community events that only had meaning because users enjoyed making meaning of them.

It’s still a fond little memory to call myself a non-presser, even if it means nothing. And to see the chaos of the original canvas, immortalized in one big glorious mess with each small area having a story to it.

The short lived little social experiments were fun just to see people enjoying making something of nothing.


Mostly Voyager for me because it’s almost a 1:1 clone of what I know and love.

But I have Memmy installed too and sometimes use that instead with no particular rhyme or reason.


Factory worker. Not tech illiterate but also not exactly an expert in any respect.

Have been abnormal though, Internet-wise. I only have a twitter to post crap from Switch to lazily import screenshots to computer. When Facebook asked for my real name I said fuck you and never looked back.

Reddit was the only social media that I actually used as social media.


The fact that they thought /r/place was a good idea when everyone is angry at them.

The whole board could become “Fuck Spez”.


My only nsfw complaint so far is I don’t know how to allowlist some instead of blocklist all.

I’d prefer the option to find ones I’m okay with and seeing those few in my feed than have to have ALL on and block them one by one.

If that’s an option I am not yet aware of the how.


What they are farming in all that land is feed for livestock.

So yes, even though they’re growing plants there, those plants are being grown to feed the animals instead of feeding humans directly. Which thanks to trophic levels is a massive waste.

The amount of feed needed to rear one animal to kill for food is not even CLOSE to equivalent to how much we would get if we didn’t add the extra step in of feeding animals and just grew plants for ourselves instead.

The meat industry is a massive contributor to global warming, and we could drastically reduce our effects on climate change if we just stopped eating animals.


Paraphrased probably, but:

“What is an ocean but a thousand drops?”

It’s a really good way to get rid of the mentality of one person can’t make a difference. Because everyone is a drop, and without so many drops, there is no ocean. Maybe one individual drop doesn’t truly make a difference alone. But what if every drop was gone?

It helps me feel that, even if the difference I make isn’t big enough to make an impact, an impact only exists BECAUSE of all the drops.

That goes for both positive and negative things. A thousand bad drops are needed to make a bad thing. A thousand good drops to make a good one.


Hm. Good question, and I can’t say I have a great answer.

I like the starfish one too, the ocean one is just better for my mindset.

I guess accountability? The starfish story appeals more to personal ego (not using the term ego as a bad thing here), where as the ocean one feels more like accountability to me.

Starfish is saying that the little thing you do can help someone, even if it doesn’t solve the problem. Ocean one is saying that everyone is responsible, even if only a tiny bit in the grand scheme.

I kind of pair it with a mindset of if every drop thinks that they don’t make a difference, that adds up. One person can’t save the planet, but every person thinking they can’t save the planet means that you have that ocean of people all thinking that they don’t matter. And that’s a big problem.

Like I said, probably not the best answer. Just rambling what came to mind.

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