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LouNeko, (edited )

Without any natural predetors

Sir, may I introduce you to the little province called “The entire Sun”


If we’re all just killing babies anyway and its hunting season, why don’t we throw them together and make it baby hunting season. Those little fuckers won’t know what hit them.


FTL is really good. Usually the first game I installon a new PC. Small size and perfect to kill some time.


Nice. Wasn’t that back from the time when Steam had the whole Steam Greenlight project going on?


Let’s not forget that forget that the games biggest selling point being “flying spaceships” is absolutely horrendous. SC has probably the worst flight mechanics of any game that features spaceships.

200 ton ships hovering upside down in 1g gravity with only tiny baby maneuvering thrusters. 0 aerodynamic simulation in atmosphere beside a simple drag slowdown. Landing gear that can take 100MNs Impacts without budging. Ships coming to a stop from mach 2 faster than a sports car crashing into a wall. No orbital mechanics.

With a budget of $250M I’d expect DCS level simulation in atmosphere and in space. But what we get is basically the source engine freecam mode with tweaked acceleration for difrent ships. A first year undergrad programming student could code a better flight system than SC has.

Sure, one could argue that it’s the far future with fantasy tech and the board computer does all the flight corrections and calculations, but in the far future, Newtonian physics still exist, but they somehow aren’t modeled in this simulator. The diffrence between fly-by-wire and manual control on a well designed airframe should be minimal except for extreme maneuvers.


I’m a newbie when it comes to reading novels. But I realized that a lot of movies or series I’ve seen are based on books. It’s far easier to get through a book if you already have visual references for the characters and scenes. It’s also nice to go back and experience the story from a diffrent perspective. It’s like reading with training wheels.


Part of becoming an adult is going from
“Oh no there’s a monster in the closet.”
to “Maybe I should get up and check, I’m sure my mind is just playing tricks on me”
to finally “Even if theres a monster, I don’t care, I’m too tired.”


Does it come bundled with some hardware?


That’s some good shit.


Gamepass usually means unmoddable, which is basically against the whole point of Bethesda games.


There’s also no constitutional right for the internal temperature of the White House not to exceed 950°F, but the fires are on their way anyway.


Fabric rubbing against my teeth. I can give myself instant goosebumbs by biting my T-shirt.


I actually agree with you. People praise BG3 as if it were the most perfect 10/10 video game in existence. Its far from it. It is riddled with bugs reaching from minor to game breaking. The best example is the very first few seconds of the game. The first thing the players are likely to interact with is the tadpole pool after awekening on the ship.

Minor spoilerIt explodes, knocking you back and causing damage.

As someone who made a few characters and played the intro section a lot, the animation is often times bugged and confusing. And thats the first interaction a player has with the game.
A few seconds later you stand in front of a door. Usually the door opens and you can go through. But sometimes the opening animation doesn’t play. This happened on my very first time playing and I couldn’t figure out where to go, because my first instinct wasn’t to clip through the closed door. Things like this are absolutely unacceptable in the tutorial area.

Even though they already have full controller support it is very clear why the console release is delayed. The console player base is expected to be a lot more casual and unless they iron out all the confusing bugs they run the risk of people being frustrated and dropping the game.

And then there are other major things.

  • Why is there no native option for 3rd person WASD movement even though it is fully implemented for controllers?
  • Why does only the controller get a search area function but the keyboard doesn’t?
  • Why is there no camera sensitivity for controllers?
  • Why are there no deadzone settings for controller joysticks?
  • Why is there a 1 second delay on movement when using a controller?
  • Why can’t I set the text size below 64px when using a controller?
  • Why in a game that has been in early access for so long and a world full of magic can’t we change our characters appearance post creation? (I know it’s announced but why just now?)
  • Why do we not have advanced difficulty settings? (I’d love the enemies to be smart like “tactitian” but not be unhittable bullet sponges.)
  • Why is every adult character so goddamn hot in this game? I need my blood in my brain.
  • Why can we select a player voice, if the player isn’t voiced beyond some minor quips?
  • Why isn’t there a random name generator for your character?
  • Why can’t I shift + click multiple items or containers to queue them up for pickup or search?
  • Why do container windows open on top of each other or other inventory windows?
  • Why can’t I rename containers in my inventory?
  • Why can’t I filter out or hide wares in my inventory?
  • Why can’t I sort or filter items during trading or in the party view?
  • Why do containers always open in a 5x2 grid instead of trying to fit all the items without scrolling?
  • Why can I skip the rolling animation but not the success-continue animation?
  • etc.

I know I’m nitpicking here, but for a game that is as highly praised as this, I expect it also to nail all those minor things that other games have already figured out already (some of which were even their own older titles). Especially because it was Early Access and they had a lot of user feedback. I see it times and times again that studios apparently throw out all their previous knowledge of videogames and seemingly start from scratch on every title, making small stupid mistakes that could have been easily avoided. It’s like the research process for video mechanics and UI never consists of actually looking at other games.

So for me, it’s a very pretty game, its a beautifully sounding game and even a very fun game. But nowhere near a 10/10. It’s a 7/10 game. Fix the bugs to bump it up to 8/10 implement some QoL for 9/10 and release modding tools so the community can make it a 10/10.


That privilege had its price.
Our medical knowledge didn’t come from from doctors sitting down with pen and paper and figuring stuff out. It came from field research, trail and error on alive and dead subjects. Subjects that two world wars provided by the millions. It just so happened to be that those subjects were mostly white men between 14 and 50 years of age in dire need of medical treatment. Naturally our knowledge of male physiology skyrocketed during and after that period. On the contrary, when it comes to psychology, men are light years behind women. While trying to “”“cure female hysteria”“”, we got a far deeper look into the function of our brains on the female side than on the male side. Even though most of these women took part as voluntarily as someone would take shrapnel in the war. I’m trying to say that it’s not just as simple as men or women have it better, it all boils down to historical availability of patients for research.


That’s why I put it in triple quotes, because I know that hysteria research is questionable at best and straight torture at worst.


She’s out of line, but she’s right.


It’s a meme, don’t over think it.

LouNeko, (edited )

Pagani Huayra, theres something outerworldy in having adaptive aerodynamics (air brakes) on the hood were they can be seen while driving.


This is a question the greatest minds haven’t been able to answer in millennia. Don’t expect an answer in a random lemmy thread. The closest answer to the truth I could give is “we don’t know”.


Thats fair. I guess because there is no definitive answer, everybody can have their own interpretation.


I was working at a gas station. Aside from a few long term employees, the turnaround was fairly high. Mostly kids from the local school trying to earn some money during vacations. One time they hired this dude who was usually working construction but needed something during the winter. Super nice dude, always helpful and already had experience with cash registers. But given I’ve grown up around sociopaths, there was this tingle in the back of my head that there was something off about this guy.
During your shift you have to keep copies of all receipts and separate trucks from regular cars. At the end, you comb through them and make sure none of the truck receipts slipped into the regular pile, wrap a paper around them and put date and your signature on it.
One day a bit of work piled up and I was stuck with other duties before finishing my shift. As I was finally about to finish, I noticed my reciepts were gone. I asked them whether he placed them somewhere else. He said he already did my receipts for me (wasn’t uncommon and like I said super nice guy).
I go to the breakroom and see the pile of receipts with paper wrapped around and my signature on them???
I ask him if he signed it with my signature. He casually responds with, “Yeah, I know how to do all the signatures from all the coworkers here.”, and I think to myself “Yep, there it is”. I coumbed through the receipts again, clocked out and went home. And coincidentally never worked a shift with the guy again. And a few weeks later he got fired. He got caught refunding customer money to his own bank account (he had experience with registers).

What would the average skin tone and facial features look like after 300 years?

What would the average skin tone and facial features look like after 300 years if every partner relationship was interracial until there were no other ethnicities? Just a hodgepodge of DNA. What would the average human look like having a little bit of everything in them?...


Measured at what age? You definitely don’t have the same skin now as newborn you. Skincolor is dependend as much on nutritional and eviromental factors as it is on genetic ones. In addition to that the genes don’t simply average out your skin tones. There are enough examples of “interracial” couples having 2 children, one being dark skinned and the other being pale. Your base melanin levels and additional melanin production are two entirely different and independend genetic factors.


No they can’t, the membranes of fuel cells degrade extremely quickly, as I a couple of 100 cycles before significant efficiency loss. That’s currently one of the biggest issues with fuel cells and one of the biggest areas of research. Currently, batteries are far more reliable as an energy source.


It’s funny how the loss of storage space can be valued diffently. If it’s 3TB of of video footage for a newspaper, that’s weeks if not months of work and money lost. But it could also just be the last 3 Call of Duty’s with patches.


It’s a legitimate salvage.

The steam main Window is now also the launch window, thus you cannot browse steam while launching a game. (

Launching a game means that the entire Steam Window fades and it will become entirely unusable until the game starts. That is not a separate startup window, thats just an embedded element inside the main one. If you accidentally click outside, the game startup gets canceled....


Let’s not forget that pressing the back arrow button on the workshop kicks you back to the main workshop page, resetting all your filters, searches or visited pages. Its absolute ass.

Hot take: developing an open source For You algorithm for mastodon that shows you posts based on your likes inbetween every other chronological post would be great

If we had an open source algorithm for Mastodon/Pixelfed that learned based on the words in the post and image/video we could have a Following + For You feed that showed you all the posts from people you follow and you could choose to see, say, 1 recommended For You post after every 3 posts from your Following feed. With the...


Is this a showerthought or a pitch meeting?

What social taboos that exist today do you think will not be around in 100 years?

I was reading a book on social life of the upper-middle class and new rich of the American 1920s and realized so many things we now do proudly were considered socially taboo back then. This was especially the case for clothing, makeup, women in certain public spaces, etc. What do you think will be different in the 2120s? Or...




Thats a little bit of a stretch, but it’s Kojima, so you never know.


Is that why your password is HomeBoyJenkins93?


Hunt: Showdown



Its insane how much the soundtrack makes this game. Probably the best use of music in a game outside of musicaly focused games. It’s not just a few moments where the music is used effectively, its every single moment.

Why does “come here” bother me so much?

Ok, I have no idea why this bothers me and I don’t even know what to call it. My husband is a “come here” guy. Something he thinks is interesting and wants to show me - hey, come here! Nuclear apocalypse - hey, come here! Why the hell wont he just tell me why he wants me to get up, trudge to wherever he is, so that he can...


As someone who’s been dealing with OPs exact scenario with a family member for 20+ years, I can 100% say that this is the only correct answer.

What started 10 years ago with me asking nicely to drop that habit because it feels like a disrespect of my time, has over the years turned into major conflicts. I can get behind somebody calling me with a simple “come here” to get my attention, but as soon as I ask “what for?” and they go out of their way to make the reason a secret by repeating “just come here” over and over, it’s stops being a bad habit and quickly turns into straight up malice. Especially after being repeatedly told that it’s something that I value for them not to do.

I’ve adjusted my behavior far more for people that I like a lot less, just to adhere to their comfort. If a coworker asks me not to stack boxes too high because she has trouble reaching them, I will. Even though their respect or friendship means a lot less to me than a family members or friends, I will go through this minor trouble because it’s just common courtesy.
But for some reason, the request of giving one sentence of context for a call down two flights of stairs from a loved one, is impossible to fulfill.

Since my situation has been going on for so long, I’ve naturally started looking into this behavioral issue and sought out other people experiences with similar things.
Simply put, it’s a form of narcissism.
I’ve started noticing other typical narcissistic patterns with that person too. Like for example on multiple occasions I’ve been busy with something else in another room and hear somebody dropping and breaking a plate, suddenly this person rushes to me and asks me why I made them drop the plate, because their brain is incapabile to recognize their own wrong doing. This isn’t even the most extreme example, just the most common one.

In short, if this is something that has been going on for a long time and your requests have been ignored, that person has most likely a mental condition. This is not normal adult behavior. If you’re tethered to this person you can read up on how to deal with them or ask some experts. But just know, that getting them to change is fighting for a lost cause.


There seems to be two kinds of people giving advice here. The ones that try to analyze the situation rationally and give both of you the benefit of the doubt and the ones that have actual experience dealing with a person like this. I’ve been dealing with the exact same thing as you for over two decades. If you can’t live with this issue don’t bother trying to fix it. If that person ignores your request for comfort repeatedly it is definetly a mental health issue.

  • It could be trauma or fear of rejection. Maybe they are afraid that if they give you the choice to come to them instead of commanding it, you could reject them and they are afraid of that feeling. Thats the best case scenario, because this can be worked on.
  • They could also be just plain stupid. Forgetting that you asked them not to do that, or not knowing how to fully communicate their intent. This sucks, because it’s really not their fault.
  • It could be a form to get pleasure from control. As long as they keep calling you and you keep coming they will get the happy chemicals in their brain. This sucks too, but if you stop complying they will likely find something else to give them the same feeling.
  • Worst case, they are a narcissist, who don’t value your time or opinion but will pretend they do just enough to not inconvenience them. This sucks the most, because they will never change - their brain is hardwired that way. They can only be learned to be dealth with, ignored or avoided.

I’m not an expert in psychology, just somebody who had to deal with this issue long enough to know how it slowly wears you down and poisons your relationship.


I sorry, in what world should
“Hey, come look, theres a funny picture I want to show you.”,
“I’m going to need your help in the garden for the next 2 hours.”,
“I think the sink is clogged, the water doesn’t go down.”
be communicated in the same way, by saying “come here”?

Lacking communication skills are absolutely no excuse. If you can’t exite someone and still give them information then work on your delivery, watch some stand up or read novels, there are enough examples how to build tension with plain sight. Communication is the most important aspect in life, and you can’t improve yourself for your loved one, getoutahere.


I think that’s how New Yorkers say “Hello” to each other.


I used to watch his content a couple of years ago and I remember him saying multiple times that he reaches his goal if he goes out of buisness. Devices being so easy to repair, that his services are no longer needed would be a reason he’ll gladly accpect as a failure of his buisness. I haven’t watched him in a while so I’m not sure whether he still holds that opinion. But given that the laptops, phones and harddrives waiting for repair where literary piling up in his workshop, it’s more likely that his shop burns down than him running out of customers. What he lacks is time, and skilled workers to fullfill orders, which are much harder to come by than broken electronics.


Dude, just run up to it and dunk a grenade in there. Problem solved.


I’ve heard Mars and the Moon have no spores.


It seems like Unity is the go to engine for 2D applications. But I’m always surprised how much developers can squeeze out of it for 3d games. Konami could get their heads out of their asses and sell the Fox Engine or make it publicly available since they aren’t using it anymore. The CryEngine always looked stellar and is available for licensing.

I just dont understand, is the Unreal Engine so much cheaper and better for development than any alternative? Is Epics support better than any competitors? Why does it seem like every 2nd indie or double A title uses UE?

We also have more and more developers transfer to UE for sequels even if they already have a working engine. (Insurgency: Source, Insurgency Sandstorm: Unreal)


I just watched the 2022 desktop/console showcase, I’ve only played Brotato and Cassette Beasts (Switch) out of all of them. Looks very clean but so far mostly focuses on 2D and 2.5D games. I also saw a VR game in the showcase. Looks very interesting.


I wish could experience DLSS. I’m still rocking a 1080Ti, so no DLSS for me, only FSR. But, in my opinion, FSR is such a visual downgrade for a minuscule performance boost. Especially in PvP games, where you can get killed by a single pixel, playing at a curbed resolution is a dealbreaker. I’ve heard DLSS looks a lot better than FSR but I’m going to run the 1080Ti till it dies, since it still runs nearly everything maxed out at 1440p.


I wonder why exactly somebody decided that the search for a perfect AA method has to stop TAA. We went from jaggy edges to edge detection and oversampling (MSAA) being the standard in 2000-2012 but people where unsatisfied with the performance tank so we needed a lighter method. So we got post processing AA like SMAA which is a scam and does absolutely nothing or FXAA which simlpy applies a blur filter to edges. Not the most elegant solutions but they will do if you can’t effort to use MSAA. Then TAA came around the corner and I dont even know how it looks so bad, because it sounds fine on paper. Using multiple frames to detect differences in contrast and then smoothing out those diffrences seems like an OK alternative, but it should’ve never become the main AA method.
I’ve honestly expected the AA journey to end with 4K resolution being the standard. AA is mostly a matter of pixeldesity over viewing distance. Mobile games have mostly no AA because their pixel density is ridiculous, Console games also rarely have AA because you sit 10 feet away from the screen. PC being the only outlier but certainly having the spare power to run at higher resolutions than consoles. But somewhere along the way, Nvidia decided to go all in on Raytracing and Dynamic Resolution instead of raw 4K performance. And Nvidia basiacly dictates where the gaming industry goes.
So I honestly blame Nvdia for this whole mess and most people can agree that Nvidia has dropped the ball the last couple of years. Their Flagship cards cost more than an all consoles from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo combined. They cost more than mid-high range gaming laptops. And the raw power gain has been like 80% over the last 10 years, because they put all their R&D into gimmicks.


That is basically MSAA without the edge dection. Rendering in 4K and downscaling is the dirtiest but most effective AA method. But downscaling the whole screen also applies to UI elements, this often times results in tiny blurry fonts if the UI isn’t scaled appropriately. But more and more games have started to add a render resolution scale option that goes beyond 100% without affecting the UI. Downscaling also causes latency issues. I can run Metal Gear Solid 5 at a stable 60 FPS at 4K but the display latency is very noticeable compared to 1440p at 60.
I miss the time when you could just disable the games native AA and force MSAA through Nvidia control panel. But most newer titles dont accept Nvdias override, especialy Unreal games.


Thats what I meant by edge detection. I think part of the downfall of MSAA in modern gaming is foliage. Nowadays every field in videogames is filled with lush grass, same goes for trees and bushes. They aren’t flat textures of low poly models anymore. Most engines use completely different rendering methods for foliage to get the 1000s of swaying leafs and grass on screen with minimum performance impact. But having to detect all the edges of every single piece of grass and apply oversampling to it, would make any game run at single digit frames. There are certainly a few other things that GPUs have to render in bulk to justfy novel rendering methods, but foliage is by far the best example. So I can understand why post processing AA is easier to implement. But is TAA really the best we cab do? Especially because things like swaying grass becomes a green blob through TAA. Slow and fine movement like swaying is really the bane of temporal sampling.


Yes I agree, I wrote another comment about how I think the prevalence of realistic foliage in modern games might have been the biggest factor in MSAAs abandonment.


I’ve seen the presentation of Nanite and Lumen a month ago and they seem like very interesting technologies. I still haven’t seen a game implement Nanite to get a significant performance boost though. Lumen is more of a filmmakers tool, since lighting in games is often preferred to be more stylized than realistic. But this also brings up another issue with UE. The constant updates distract developers from actually fulfilling their vision and finishing the game. Early Access titles often stagnate development to update to a new engine version and implement new technologies, instead of providing content and bugfixes. And if you don’t update the to a new engine, the community whines about it. So the devs have no choice. The versitality has its price, it’s like UE tries to become jack of all trades, but master of none in an effort to provide everybody with a platform.


Apparently there are performance increases because the simulation of distant objects has been optimized. Here’s the Devs talking about it.

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