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Reminder that the prompt said a town level not state or federal. There is no individual town that would be capable of sustaining Ubi it would have to be at minimum a state level thing to be successful


I mean I was with you in the first half, I also tell my family either to use it I’m used to or don’t ask me for help. But I would not be so rude as to put gnome on it and force them to learn a completely different workflow.

Especially when 99.9% of what they do is in a web browser there’s no reason to change anything on them. I just used KDE plasma as it’s already extremely Windows 7 like in layout right out of the box couple more tweaks to make it a little more Windows 10 like and they don’t have to relearn a bunch of shit.

They don’t need to know how to install things, I have a tray applet helper for handling updates all they have to do is Click yes, doesn’t matter if they understand the differences between Windows and that. They just need to be able to open the web browser, open libreoffice, and occasionally click print. There’s no reason for me to force them into an entirely different workflow.

I’m glad that your mother figured it out and seems to be doing well, but to me it just feels like an unnecessary change


You should attempt to read the message again, I did not say Do not advocate for linux. I said do not pointlessly change the workflow. Gnome is a massive UI departure from windows and a workflow shift. Which is just completely unnecessary for the average person and just makes the transition hard for no reason.


It’s a familiarity problem, those exact same people would turn around and after doing that insane install process and tell you that Windows Works without issues or a bunch of manual tweaking on like your stupid Linux. They don’t see it as a problem or tweaking just because they are so used to it whereas they would have to relearn that for Linux


It’s called the JCPenney effect, because at one point JCPenney attempted to get rid of all the bullshit sales and only list the real actual price. It almost bankrupted them, because instead of buying jeans from them for $20 people would go to the store next door that had literally the exact same jeans for $40 but with a sign that said that they were 40% off

This is a case where it is 100% the fault of the consumers, because we are retarded and fall for this bullshit every single time


Which is why the price starts raising a couple months before stuff like this. So it looks like a real sale, it should really be the lowest advertised price over the last year


Or, just use Endeavor OS and be done with it. It uses the Upstream repositories, the only thing in their customer repositories are some desktop wallpapers and a theme so you can safely remove it without breaking anything. It’s a great way to get a base system in a known good configuration up quickly and from there the arch Wiki can help you tweak things to your desire it’s a much better way to learn than just throwing someone into the deep end of the pool


What are you talking about? My phone has an average screen on time of 7 hours a day and the status bar is literally a permanently static element. So are the three software buttons for home back and app switch. But they still don’t burn in


No it got popular because Reddit pissed a lot of people off temporarily. The only thing segregated instances does is confuse and upset the average person. Hell I host like 10 different alternative open source front ends for various websites and I fucking hate Lemmy instances. It makes Discovery new content unbelievably tedious.

What if I just want to browse communities? I can only do that on a per instant spaces, I have to go to that instance go to its communities tabs to browse and then if I find something I want I have to take its address and then go back to my own instance so I can subscribe to it with my account. That pisses me off and makes me not want to bother with it let alone the average user.

The sad state of reality is that centralized systems will always eventually get turned into corporate greed money machines but decentralized instances are by their very nature just shit and hard to work with and no one wants to put up with them.


Ah yes, one of the German memes that I don’t need to be able to read to understand. Sadly people fall for it so it shall continue


I mean we can just look at historical precedent. Back when the drug crisis started and Nixon decided to start the War on Drugs Switzerland took a completely different approach and started what they called care centers. Somewhere you could go to get heroin of high quality administered by doctors for free, you would also then get somewhere to sleep somewhere to shower and keep your things. Access to social workers and mental Care Professionals to help you get your life back on track.

They saw a 85% success rate within the first year. 85% of people that went into those facilities had a stable job on their own household of some variety within the first year and a follow-up study of how they were doing 5 years later showed that they had stayed employed and housed and not regressed.

But that would require people in the US to be willing to look at them as people and not just criminals who did it to themselves. These people are literally broken, you can’t treat their actions as you would a normal person because they are not mentally stable.


Sites like these are always useless, they never showed jack shit for me. Because I don’t use public trackers I stick with private ones and those stupid Bots don’t have access to private trackers


There are plenty of good ones out there, but be ready to invest a lot of time getting into them. The accounts I have I have had for over 10 years and it took probably a good 2 to 3 years to actually get into those better places. You have to actually build up a reputation of maintaining good ratio at smaller sites and get invited by a member. It’s a pain in the ass but it’s also worth it, way better content, way better speeds


I do this on purpose to prevent myself from buying to much. I KNOW I’ll get more than I came for, lack of basket or cart puts an upper limit on how much


Curiosity took me so I checked it out. I just see petite adult women? Literally every single post has 18 USC 2257 compliant age verification in the main body and it’s listed as a rule on the sidebar that it must be included.

I’m all for a fuck literally any child fetishization. But they seem to be very clearly ensuring that there’s no children. you can’t seriously be saying that any adult female with a petite body should be seen as shameful and equated to a child?


Browsing through the comments a bit, I don’t really see them fetishizing it as even close to children. They just happened to be into petite women, the smaller the better. On the opposite extreme is stuff like the BBW fetish people who want the woman to be as large as possible.

There are definitely people out there who are probably looking at them just because it’s as close as they can legally get to teen, but I’m not really seeing much of that in that particular community at least not out in the open. It’s definitely possible to be interested in extremely petite bodies without it having literally anything whatsoever to do with any potential similarities to underage women.

If I had to guess it’s probably mostly just people who like being in control, the idea of an adult partner who is so small that you can literally pick them up with ease and use them like a toy. I found a decent number of comments that seems to be on that sort of track.

From what I can see of the age verification almost all of these women have been involved in some form of pornography even just magazine or video so I doubt that they are particularly uncomfortable about being looked at it’s actually. There’s always going to be creeps who think about you and weird ways in that industry it’s not something you go into not knowing that.

Now I’m not trying to be too overly defensive of this particular community, just trying to remind people to not get overly banhammer happy. That’s how Echo Chambers start to form


Not specifically porn groups, I said not to be too banhammer happy. They were basically accused of being borderline pedophiles so everyone should block them. But I just can’t see any evidence of that, it’s literally the main sidebar rule that age verification is required and it’s in every post I looked at as the rules required. And I didn’t see anyone doing anything other than the usual creepy comments about how they want to fuck her that you will see on literally any porn forum.

That sort of jump to conclusions ban first mentality is what starts to lead to Echo chambers. Not from Banning porn specifically but just the mindset of ban first don’t verify


I think the point is that trying to ban right on red will change nothing because they will still just drive incorrectly turning right even if they shouldn’t they already weren’t supposed to be turning


Maybe in some places but definitely not in seattle. I see people turn red at intersections very clearly marked no turn on red all the time


I keep trying, I have an extremely large collection and it keeps falling flat on metadata matching. Especially with anime, yes I have installed the add-ons. They still suck. And for whatever reason it’s transcoding performance is nowhere near as good. It also still has an unresolved memory leak issue with a ticket that’s been open for a long long time about it. I want to replace Plex but it needs to be with something as good as Plex


I already do this, everything in my media is extremely cleanly named because they are handled by sonarr

series name/season 00/EPSxxExx-“episode title”

so it’s not a file format issue. It gets a lot of them but there are certain things especially if they are recently aired or currently airing where it will simply fail to find a match until I give it the Japanese name at which point it manages to find the metadata for the English name. Really stupid stuff like that


piped for desktop and libretube for mobile also a great option


a more permanent solution would be using an alternative front end like piped. there are a lot of public instances available


wait what? piped doesn’t use your login in any way tho? you manually import subscriptions from Google checkout and you create a piped specific login for syncing that across devices. at no point will piped ever ask for your Google account


That would be because Amtrak is not a high-speed rail. They barely maintain their rails and so they have to go quite slowly.


And I guarantee you it has more than that because honestly the verified system is kind of bad. I literally have five games in my library marked as not supported but they play perfectly fine with no issues¯_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah you definitely can’t expect extended runtime on battery for anything other than light games like rimworld. I haven’t had any particularly large performance issues with the majority of my library thankfully but I also have a portable battery pack capable of 65 watt charging that is also larger than the steam decks own internal battery so I’m able to more than double the life of my steam deck when I’m not directly next to an outlet


or you can be gnome, and “accept pull requests” by letting them stall for 8 years for no reason, refuse to elaborate, then claim your getting bullied when users get upset. that’s a solid third option


There’s actually a few of them, but the most recent I can remember off the top of my head is probably the DRM leasing. That was a fun one. Everyone got together discussed how to do DRM leasing, gnome agreed and signed off on the implementation, stayed quiet for a long time, someone made a pull request for the agreed upon implementation, silence for a bit, and then all of a sudden “actually this implementation bad should be portal so nvm not doing it this way everyone else should change to use portals”

ah right another was variable refresh gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/…/1154 basically sat for 3 years with no review, and when users started being like hey we really need this what’s going on developers got all super defensive and ultimately locked it claiming harassment

The comment about 8 years was a reference to the thumbnails in the file browser. If I recall correctly that one took about 8 years


Technically the original statement was still correct because the only way for them to sexualize it was to use things that they could see


If you are using Plex to host your media this feature is built right into plex. Watch together on Plex


plex let’s you choose the target bitrate. 1080p can be done at 8Mbps so a cable connection with 30Mbps up could do 3 with some spare room. like yeah if you are rural or just stuck with dsl.

but generally people with their own media library to share have okish net


Rather it is because you don’t do those things that you are not. I personally still like to have at least a box spring, but for the most part my bedroom is, well, a room that I put my bed in. I don’t understand the need for $1,000 of pillows that we aren’t allowed to actually sleep with overly fancy blankets that look nice in a photo but aren’t anywhere near as comfortable as a cheap down blanket at Costco.

Don’t get me wrong I do enjoy things looking nice, but there has to be some value to the item other than just it looks nicer. Function over form ideally function with form but in the bedroom form rarely follows function

LordKitsuna, (edited )

Yeah I don’t even understand the point. The vast majority of people don’t even need a client side firewall. The only time you need to worry about a client side of firewall is if you’re on a laptop that you actually take out of your house ever or on a university or otherwise shared network. At home it’s completely meaningless and a waste of CPU Cycles.

There are significantly better ways to address security, like how to enable a sandbox like firejail or bubblewrap or enable things like apparmor, firewall is probably one of the most inconsequential parts of security these days because it’s all handled by the local router


i just want to also toss opnsense into that list, a long time ago it forked off pfsense and these days it offers (in my opinion) a significantly easier and better UI as well as more up to date kernel and better tools for dealing with things like buffer bloat


i just want to also toss opnsense into that list, a long time ago it forked off pfsense and these days it offers (in my opinion) a significantly easier and better UI as well as more up to date kernel and better tools for dealing with things like buffer bloat


Instead of building one from scratch why not simply use one of the already made router operating systems? I would personally recommend opnsense, it has a nice easy to use web UI and can be setup in like maybe 20min.

as for hardware you can use just about anything but i highly recommend these cute little dedicated router boxes. It is passively cooled, plenty powerful to handle wireguard VPN at gigabit speeds and should easily last you many many years without an issue.


If you genuinely wish to isolate those devices the correct way to do it is not with client firewalls but with a Smart Switch and vlans


I did consumer electronics recycling and repair for 5 years, and then did like another 5 years of just generic home call repair. You would be shocked how many people basically use their laptop as nothing more than a weird underpowered desktop and it literally just never leaves that spot


You should switch to Firefox instantly then, because the amount of add-ons capable of doing that for you are endless.


Actually it’s pretty easy. While not necessarily universally true, 98% of the time if there is a question mark everything after it is completely useless and can be removed.

for example of youtube, if you just use the share link from mobile you will get something like this


However the only thing needed is


discord is similar, share a picture and you get shit like


but all that’s needed is


the ? is almost always used as an escape from the actual url. So if you see a question mark, Just remove everything after it and things will most likely still work.


I’d say and cars just think about how many bug splatters you see on an average decent trip on the highway now multiply that by the millions of cars on the road daily. It’s not the root cause but it certainly didn’t help


I’m mostly only replying to one part of your message, the reason everyone uses it is not that it’s more simple. For 99% of people the only thing they need is the web browser and maybe possibly office depending on what they do for work. At which point the experience between Windows and Linux is like 99% the same

Windows also constantly has issues and headaches as you alluded to with your error codes. People are just used to how to Google and try and sit there and deal with it for a couple hours.

Windows is the default, because it’s the default. Because it’s what your computer comes with, because it’s what everyone grew up using. It’s just tyranny of the default and nothing more. I got tired of dealing with Windows issues for my family as the resident Tech person so I gave them an ultimatum they can either let me give them Linux or they can find someone else to call when something goes wrong. Some of them took me up on my Linux offer, and I have happily not had to touch their computers in I think about 6 years now. They quietly do updates on their own on a schedule send me a push notification if it fails for some reason which so far none of them have and those people only ever used to the web browser and office anyway and for their needs LibreOffice was perfectly functional they don’t do anything fancy they don’t do a ton of macros they just type basic text with maybe some bullet point formatting


Honestly the only time I’ve really had that issue is if I’m trying to use an Excel or Word document with a lot of macros. For basic text which is what 99% of people need I’ve never had any issues opening or saving a word document with LibreOffice, and I regularly submit documents to government offices because I work for a county department in my area.


good, fuck em. Seeing houses as an equity Builder was retarded in the first place. It’s literally not sustainable, if it’s supposed to constantly appreciate value no matter what it means that there is an ultimate threshold where it becomes unaffordable for everyone.

A house is a place to live, not a fucking financial asset to make money with.

I'm done with NextCloud

Just had NextCloud denying my credentials (not for the first time). I know they weren’t wrong because I’m using a password manager. Logs didn’t say much. Was about to reinstall (again, not the first time nextcloud went bonkers on me) before I tried a docker compose down && docker compose up. Lo and behold after a restart...


I would like to recommend Seafile if immich doesn’t work out. I’ve used it for a long time and it’s always been the best self hosted cloud imo. it’s not as shiny or pretty looking as some but it’s been reliable

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