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Lodra, avatar

Personally I think the right method is to only roll when there’s pressure. If you’re good at a skill and there’s no pressure, then it just succeeds.

Lodra, avatar

Bitwarden has been working well for me on iOS. It’s a paid feature though. $10 a year I think

Lodra, avatar

Bitwarden uses end to end encryption. This severely reduces the risk their infra is attacked. The encryption keys exist on your devices only so it’s impossible to read the server side data.

The only real question is how much you trust Bitwarden as a company. Are they completely lying about E2EE to customers and auditors? If not, then Bitwarden is a good choice.

Lodra, avatar

Oh and ya, it’s has a one time passcode function. Works great! It will even autofill into OTP fields… sometimes 🙂

Lodra, avatar

Ok the dialogue is fantastic. But these characters are 100% backwards! Seriously, the tanky looking guy should be the paladin and the cloaked and hooded guy should be the rogue. Plus if we’re giving The Punisher a dnd class, paladin is basically a perfect fit. Chaotic good.

Lodra, avatar

Has anyone here tried Kando yet? Looks like a very nice tool. How does it compare to typical keyboard shortcuts?

Lodra, (edited ) avatar

Well I guess I can offer a dissenting opinion on this one. YouTube video links are fine on Lemmy? I like watching a short video or two each day?

Yes, YouTube sucks for privacy. So I don’t have an account and use Firefox Focus to be anonymous. I do wish there were better alternatives to YouTube.

I don’t like ads and that includes people advertising a channel. But I haven’t personally seen this happen much on Lemmy. Maybe not all. I guess I don’t see why it needs to be banned.

Anyone else seeing things this way? Or am I missing something?


I’ve thought about it more. I think I was indeed missing something. Is the complaint referring to all the posts that contain nothing but a YouTube link?

If that’s the case, I guess it’s a valid complaint. Doesn’t really bother me though. I just scroll on by the posts that don’t interest me

Lodra, avatar

I got the same as @mintycactus using Firefox Focus on IOS. Which I’m rather pleased by

OSS Notetaking App: Notesnook (

Just wanted to share my experience with notesnook as a daily note taking and information organizer app. The free tier is fairly barebones but you can use it for simple stuff, but I’ll say that the paid $50 per year tier is really nice. I’m surprised at the polish and feature set for a OSS project from 2019 but it’s also...

Lodra, avatar

I actually have to agree that the price is too high. Yes, Notesnook is competitive. But they’re all way too expensive for my taste. I’m really not happy with any of the solutions I’ve seen recently.

For comparison, I pay for bitwarden. It costs me $10 per year. That’s a price point that I’m more willing to consider.

Lodra, avatar

Ha yes! It’s within my ability to research and choose… but that would cost more time than I want to pay. I’m definitely appreciating the input from the crowd.

Lodra, avatar

Thanks! I’m aware of it and updated my post with a comment on it. I’ll add these to my short list!

Lodra, avatar

If it wasn’t already known, I currently have no real opinions on various distros. But within a day or so, there will be one correct answer and all other distros will be simply evil! :)

Lodra, avatar

Thanks! Especially for the “You described EndeavourOS” comment. This helps me a lot. I’ll give it a close look!

Lodra, avatar

Redhat :)

At least, that’s where most of my experience is. But now I’m working for a contracting company so I use whatever distros are made available by clients.

Lodra, avatar

Well this is much more commentary than my post deserved :)

Thanks for all the input! If only I could give more than one upvote. Much appreciated!

Lodra, avatar

Ooohhhh I like that idea for testing! Thanks for the tip and the recommendation!

Lodra, avatar

Hardware has come up a few times in this post now. Seems I should share a bit about what I’m running 🙂

I bought an ASUS ROG Strix GA15DK just over 2 years ago. The hardware was shiny but not top-tier at the time. It’s not new at this point but also not old by Linux standards.

  • AMD Ryzen 7 5800X Processor
  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
  • 16GB DDR4 3200 MHz RAM

What about a new mixed-feed which merges the Subscribed, Local and All feed based on probabilities customable by the user e.g. 10/40/50 or 0/20/80? (

This would push users toward local posts (especially on smaller instances) while still supporting a better distribution of user engagement over the threadiverse. And if you don’t trust that it was implemented correctly – you can simply check it by counting the amounts of posts against your chosen probabilities....

Lodra, avatar

I’ve been considering a very similar but distinct idea for a while now. I want my subscribed feed to be based on user weightings. Give subscribed community a default weight of 100. Then if I see too much from worldnews, I can scale it down to 50 and see half as much from that community in my feed. The goal being that I can adjust the proportions of different contents types without blocking users or unsubscribing entirely.

Lodra, avatar

A few thoughts.

Actually. I don’t think I would want it presented as a probability from a usability perspective. If everything has to add up to 100, then increasing one means lowering all the others and vise versa. Similarly, those numbers will all change when I (un)subscribe to a community. This sounds extra confusing for users. Want to see half as much? Divide by 2. Let the computers do the math and turn it into probabilities.

Agreed that it might be an over engineered solution. But I think it would make a very good experience for users. And if a user doesn’t want to bother with it, they can easily ignore the feature.

While I do think better sorting algorithms are good to explore, I see that as a separate initiative. Yes, weighted subscriptions and better sorting algorithms can address the same problems but they can also be implemented separately. And they can work together to improve the user experience.

My big concern is performance. These are all assumptions but here are my expectations: Giving every user a distinct sort will send memory usage crazy high. Thus, you have to apply the weights dynamically when a client gets data. Can it be done fast enough to not slow down those calls? How much extra cpu will this cost?

Lodra, avatar

I’m glad I’m not the only one. My son is a year and half old. I’ve been teaching to count on his hand in binary since day 0. He goes wild and celebrates when we reach 31 🙂

Lodra, avatar

It does take s little practice but not too much. The awkward positions are easy enough after a few weeks.

I chose binary for two reasons. First, it is occasionally useful to count that high on one hand. Second, the education when he’s older. I hope this will give him a note intuitive understanding of different bases. And binary is specifically useful for understanding comported and software development. I dont intend to push him toward a career in software but I think there’s a fair chance he chooses that anyways.

Plus we’ve made it into something fun 🙂

Lodra, (edited ) avatar

Yes, unity costs money to develop and a fee is reasonable. But I think the are a few risks with this model.

How do they track installations? Metrics from steam and other platforms? Connecting to a license server at install time? Or maybe at runtime? I don’t know the answers but they all seem to have implications for users regarding privacy and/or offline gaming.

It’s also a variable fee to game developers. A single user can install a game on multiple devices despite buying the game once. Similarly, a game can be installed repeatedly over time. This is a financial risk to game development companies. I could see them mitigating this risk in several ways. First, they can pass the fee to the end user. So every install costs the user $0.20. Secondly, they can limit the number of installs per user. You want to install more than 5 times ever? Buy the game again! Thirdly, they could simply shut down the download service after a certain amount of time, making new installations impossible. None of this is good for a gamers.

And what happens to games made by companies that shut down entirely? Today, games remain available through steam, etc. But with this new pricing model, Unity based games will continue to cost money over time. Who pays the bill after the company is gone? This reminds me of Worlds Adrift, a game that used a licensed library. When the developer company shutdown, they were unable to release their server source code because the third party couldn’t can’t send bills to the open source community. Thus, the servers were destroyed and running the client today (still vailable via steam!) just gives the user an error message about license issues or something. Users paid for a game that they are now unable to use.

Lodra, avatar

While you’re probably right overall, there are many good reasons to use k8s. The api provides all sorts of benefits. Kubectl, k9s, and other operational UIs . Good deployment models and tools like argo. Loads of helm charts that are (theoretically) ready to use.

No, those things aren’t free. There’s a lot of overhead to running k8s.

Lodra, avatar

You can also take a look at open telemetry. It’s a huge open source project with lots of functionality. Handles logs just fine and also can provide metrics and traces too. Might be overkill for your needs but it’s an excellent tool.

Lodra, avatar

Another suggestion to solve it. Collapsing could be done with a long touch instead of a tap. So tapping would do nothing unless you tap a link. Touch and hold for a half second or so would collapse the text. Might be a little tricky to not mix with scrolling?

Lodra, avatar

Agreed for comments. I also use that all the time and I’m sure we aren’t the only ones. I was thinking of this for the post text only… But that makes for an inconsistent interface. Hmmm

As for the last bit, I’m quite certain that most of us just learn languages as needed. I certainly do 😂

Lodra, avatar

As someone rather new to the fediverse, thanks for your plug. I’m about to check it out!

Lodra, avatar

Well I’m also not entirely sure what you’re looking for. But here’s my guess 😅

None of this stuff should run under the account of a human user. Without docker/compose, I would suggest that you create one account for each service, deploy them to different directories with different permissions. With docker compose, just deploy them all together and run it all under a single service account. Probably name it “docker”. When an admin needs to access, you sudo su - docker and then do stuff.

Lodra, (edited ) avatar

Not a single lib will change their minds after hearing this.

Are liberals generally opposed to supporting Ukraine? What opinion are they not going to change?

Lodra, avatar

Ah I see now. It’s about the motivations behind the support. Thanks for the insight!

It’s actually quite interesting. Personally, I try to remain neutral on politics but I’m definitely fed a left-leaning social media diet. Within that content, the general reason to support Ukraine is still self centered. “Go beat up the Russian military because they’re the bad guys and our cost is super low.” The nobility of this support feels like a happy side effect. But the really interesting part is that “funneling money into the military industrial complex” simply isn’t focused at all. This is the first time I’ve considered that aspect.

Lodra, avatar

Ya that’s my understanding was well. Which is why I asked the question.

higher wages for the servers... by the customers. Fnbs (

Went to a restaurant in LA today and when I got the check I noticed that it was a bit higher than it should be. Then I noticed this 18% service charge. So… We, as customers, need to help pay for their servers instead of the owners paying their servers a living wage. And on top of that they have suggested tip. I called bs on...

Lodra, avatar

Ya… That doesn’t seem realistic to me. Very few people will “direct their anger” toward someone with power over them. There’s always risk in a addressing issues with your employer because they can make your life worse. They can fire you, reduce your income or working hours, become inflexible with scheduling and demands, remove benefits, etc. No, it doesn’t always go this way and there are plenty of fine employers. But even if you have a reasonable employer and are free to raise concerns, there’s still risk and confrontation.

And what about alternate employers? Restaurant staff can go find a better employer, right? Except, job searches are very difficult and it’s near impossible to identify a good employer from a bad one while interviewing. Very real chance that you make a change and end up with more problems.

Don’t get me wrong. These hidden fees are 100% bs. It’s just not the employee’s responsibility to fix things. They usually have zero power in these situations. “Be good to the customer or I won’t get a tip. Be good to the employer or I won’t be scheduled to work.”

Can I faraday cage my ISP-issued router in order to use my own?

I have a family member living on my property in a separate but adjacent living space, close enough together to share my router’s wifi. She likes to let her youtube app endlessly autoplay talking head news videos at full volume due to her hearing loss, and this goes on for a few hours in the mornings. The sound through the...

Lodra, avatar

Lol yeeesssss. It’s not exactly the healthiest mentality in my opinion… But I 100% sympathize with you here. “I have energy and opportunity today to fix a thing so let’s do whatever I can do today to solve it.” Unfortunately, that does lead to some “creative” solutions like a Faraday cage around your modem (ahahaha 😂). But it sometimes you just any solution!

Let it be known that I have provided your 2nd upvote.

Lodra, avatar

Able type of good use for worked charging is for devices that don’t move much or often. Things like wireless keyboards and mice. Wireless chargers allow you to basically never worry about battery life. And you can hide the cables with a little tinkering.

Lodra, avatar

Pineapple + bacon pizza is delicious. My favorite actually. If you like spicy, add some jalapeño or similar peppers.

Lodra, avatar

While you are definitely right, I and many others use yyyy-mm-dd outside of software. And that’s when the T becomes super lame.

Lodra, avatar

Create a new branch on your fork. You need it to be synced with the other fork so there are a few extra tricky steps. On your new branch, you need to delete the latest commits that aren’t merged yet so that it matches the original repo. Then add a remote for the other fork and pull. Now you can build against the other fork and submit a PR to it.

<span style="color:#323232;">git checkout -b even-cooler-stuff
</span><span style="color:#323232;"># Remove the last 8 commits. Change this number as needed. Increasing it "too high" is just fine 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">git reset HEAD~8 --hard
</span><span style="color:#323232;">git remote add even-cooler-stuff
</span><span style="color:#323232;">git pull even-cooler-stuff

You should now have a branch that matches the other fork. Make your changes, commit, and push normally. When you build the PR, you want to merge into the other fork.

Disclaimer: I wrote this on my phone and from memory. There are probably typos and possibly other mistakes. Good luck!

Lodra, avatar

Apparently, someone else posted the same solution that I did while I typed it out. Sorry for the duplicate but at least weagree on the solution! A warning on this one though. You want to use a feature branch too. Otherwise you’ll mix your changes for cool-stuff with new changes for and from even-cooler-stuff. It may become more confusing and difficult to merge.

Lodra, avatar

On a phone, yes it’s a bit annoying. Enough for me to read comments for a clockwork link

Lodra, avatar

Apparently I need to try that. Looks tasty!

Is that syrup? What kind of syrup do they use in Japan?

nm, to vegan

WTF. are they demanding a monthly ransom??

I came across this. It’s from Mastodon Valley Farm.


Lodra, avatar

The comments here had me expecting a Save Toby type of thing. Look it up! It was both funny and quite messed up! Much worse than this.

Personally, I’m seeing this a little differently. Small animal farms don’t exactly earn a lot of money. If people are only willing to pay for meat, then those animals really have to be slaughtered and sold. There’s no financially viable alternative. Especially given that it costs real money to care for a single large animal like a cow or horse. I can confidently say that $50 per month is quite low for the cost of a single cow.

Don’t eat meat! That’s the solution, right? If the world stops eating meat, then those farm raised animals won’t be slaughtered for food. Great! But then those same farms still need to produce food and won’t carry live stock. Which means that those animals simply wouldn’t exist going forward. Lots more plants and fast fewer animals. There are other reasons why that’s probably a good thing but it’s a tangent.

If you want these animals to be farm raised and simply live a long, happy life, then paying a farm to keep them seems like a good option to me.

Lodra, (edited ) avatar

Oh sure, very possibly or even likely. But what’s the alternative? As far as I can see, it’s either these animals being butchered for profit or basically going extinct. All bad options

Edit: I went back to read the title from the image. The “vegan” label on there is very pointed. Seems derogatory.

Lodra, avatar

I don’t think this satisfies your use cases perfectly but an interesting solution for sure. I prefer note taking in vscode using the patricklee.vsnotes extension. Here’s a write up on it at c/vscode. You can commit your note changes to a git repo on github or other elsewhere, giving you access from many different places.

Lodra, avatar

Well that’s interesting! But I don’t write see how that would work. Mind explaining a bit more? Perhaps s little demo with notes from two workspaces?

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