About me on lionir.ca

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


That is not a feature, you would have to subscribe to the communities individually - that said, please only subscribe to what you actually enjoy. It balloons needlessly costs when federation is used outside of genuine interest. It may also pollute the all feed.

Lionir, (edited )

From where I’m standing, I can’t really much has changed unfortunately… which really sucks…

Lemmy.world has grown substantially meanwhile the moderation tools have not improved at all. All I can say about the moderation tools is that we now know that the tools suck more than they used to.

Here’s a list of moderation problems that we have discovered since then:

  • If a Berson is reported on another instance, we never get the report.
  • If a mod is banned from the community they mod, they can still take mod actions
  • If you get site-banned from Beehaw while you are from another instance, you can still post on the community and people from that instance and kbin can see your posts
  • People from other instances can’t know who if someone is an admin on the instance they’re interacting with
  • People from other instances can’t see when we use the shield function to signal we’re talking "officially / as a mod"
  • The modlog is not chronological
  • The modlog breaks if you ban someone for more than 4 digit days.
  • A banned user’s description is still visible so if they link to a scat image in their description, it is still visible to moderators.

Despite these newly known problems, there have been exactly no improvement whatsoever to the moderation tools. It is honestly unsettling and terrifying.


stay defederated. even now whenever I see some transphobic or hateful comment it’s because I accidentally browsed all

Do report if you see anything like this, it can help us block communities and talk to other admins to get those communities deleted.


I’ve recently made a blog post about this subject if you’d like to read it : lionir.ca/posts/open-limitless-federation/

That said, defederation is a tool like any to build site culture and moderate spaces. If the only thing we can have are awful spaces because we should not curate our own community, we’d be better off not federating at all. Thankfully, most admins understand this and do take actions when necessary.


I think I corrected them - feel free to tell me more specifically if you still see some.


Why not remove them as mod? I don’t understand why you would keep anyone in the mod team that has been banned from the community?

Oversight - that simple.

Yes that is a problem with Lemmy in general. But why this only seen as a problem for people from Lemmy World and sh.itjust.works?

That is not actually a problem with Lemmy in general - community bans do block posting unlike site bans. As for why, well, it was done at that point in time because Lemmy.World and Sh.it just.works took a lot of moderation time - for one reason or another, bad actors liked to go there. I have no reason to believe this has changed now that .World is now many times bigger than it was.

Why ban for 9999 days if you can leave it empty and perma-ban?

Oversight or malice. You can break the modlog of everyone you’re federated with because of this - that is dangerous.

But Beehaw defederated from Lemmy.World and sh.itjust.works very early on and in the meantime they are federated with instances that are as big as Lemmy.World was back then.

Size doesn’t necessarily mean problems though. I think it’s probably a culture problem as the root cause but I don’t think .World wants to tackle that problem so all I can do is wait for better tools.


Some of these are likely not hard to fix but some of these are a bit more complicated like fixing the report system.

So it’d say it’s largely the former two though I’d like to mention that these issues appear to not be treated as critical problems by the main Lemmy developers so I believe this is also a policy problem.


And yes, we were also told initially that it was because of a lack of moderation tools but now @Lionir seems indicate a “cultural” difference. But we are left wondering what the difference with LW and the other instances they federate with are.

Yes, there are differences in site culture between Beehaw and Lemmy.world that make the need for moderation higher.


I really don’t get the “oversight” part of keeping someone who is banned from a community on the moderator team there. Can you give me an example how this would make sense?

Oversight as in, “I would never think this would not work so I commited a mistake”.

We’ve always said we are open to discuss actions but you’ve always said when the “when modtools are available”.

And I stand by that.

And what do you propose should be done to tackle these issues?

I generally think that Lemmy.world’s focus on growth while being the biggest instance results in a bad site culture but I still think this problem can be tamed on our side with better mod tools.


Thank you ❤


I just use the “browser” one which uses darkly and litely depending on system theme.


I mean, that is possible but the issue is mostly that Lemmy does not allow some form of restricted admin that can take moderation actions but not do things like defederations, deleting communities, changing application questions that can be quite dangerous. This means that giving someone admin powers gives them essentially full control of the instance - this makes it a very high barrier of trust for us to give someone that kind of power, especially when that’s not what we need help with.

That said, I think it would’ve been impossible to prepare for this kind of growth in work and we’ve tried delegate when possible. I’m not sure the amount of effort I’ve put in would’ve changed very much, it would’ve likely just been directed in other places.


Thank you ❤️


Hey there, could you tell us what community this is happening on? It’d help us troubleshoot why this might be happening


There are no issues with federating that community it seems, we just banned its prominent poster (beehaw.org/u/[email protected]).


Right that comment you see there shows a comment from 10A. Since we ban that person, their comment doesn’t show up. All of the other posts on that community are from 10A hence they don’t show up either.

As a side note, I think you might be posting to the wrong community for what you’re looking for…


Strike7’s post… well, I’m not sure about that one. It’s been a month since it was posted so we would have no logs to debug this unfortunately.


Hell yeah 😎

Lionir, (edited )

It appears it was because of misoginy and queerphobia.

On this post (beehaw.org/post/561345), they were advocating for women to be treated as inferiors based on the story of Adam and Eve.

On this post (beehaw.org/post/562870), they were advocating for people to stop celebrating pride, compared gay people to murderers and thiefs and advancing the idea of a bigoted “silent majority”.

Looking at their newer posts on kbin, I think this was the right call.


Do you have any errors in the browser console about this?


To me, it’s an extension of spoken language. It’d sound a bit off and maybe actually have different connotation to say “I use he” instead of “I use he/him”.

So yeah, I think it’s to reduce confusion because outside of presenting your pronouns, two pronouns are unlikely?


I’ve been seeing some of the more mocking, belittling, shouty replies here. And sadly they got upvoted too, which also made me second guess, are these kind of behaviors acceptable?

Just wanna say, if in doubt, do report and we’ll take a look at it. We unfortunately can’t read everything despite me trying at first until I realized that was not healthy for me. I hope you’re doing okay 💜


Yeah, sorry, you’ve been interacting in bad faith in this entire thread. We will not allow that kind of behaviour here.


If it can, I can’t figure it out.

Here are my observations on it:

  • Paypal
    • If you use a personal account, your full name and the email address associated with the email account will be revealed in the Paypal transaction
  • Stripe
    • If you set it up with a business name, it will seemingly still reveal the city from your home residence.

It doesn’t actually act as a shield like Patreon does where the only thing the person paying sees “Patreon LLC” on the transaction.


I really really do not like cryptocurrencies and do not want to encourage anyone to use them.


Right, Kofi does do that but to establish a Paypal business account, you need to have a registered entreprise as far as I can tell. To established a registered entreprise, I would need to, well, register it and then I might be liable for corporate tax and people will be able to simply look up the business and find my personal information there anyways. As for Stripe, as said in another document, it still leaked information about me which is quite annoying.


That is true, getting a PO box seems expensive though…

That said, I just want to hide from the donator, not the government nor the payment provider.

The issue is that even by incorporating a business, my full name be trivially found. Corporate listing services in Quebec are free.


In Québec, all companies must have their “ultimate beneficiary” listed in their corporate listings so while a PO box and VOIP number are options, the listing would still have my full name and would be rather expensive to just… accept money.


I think cryptocurrencies are largely inefficient, attract tons of scammers, generally propose deregulation of the finance sector and serve no real purpose.

Largely, I don’t think they solve problems as much as they create them.


Right, that’s what I want, just the donor.

On PayPal, It mentioned that it was the “legal business name” so I guess I got scared because of that.

CashApp is not available in Canada.


I’d argue that crypto is more efficient than the legacy fiat currency banking systems.

I don’t believe this to be true.

Scammers are attracted to money. There are plenty of fiat scammers too.

Sure, but you don’t see fiat currencies being used to pump and dump.

Crypto doesn’t propose any kind of regulation or deregulation.

It does. A system where you can transfer money without giving the information that would be needed for a government to tax you or regulate transactions is one that encourages people to commit fraud and avoid financial regulations.

The fundamental driving force behind it is very much the same as the fediverse. It’s decentralized money.

No. Distributed systems are fundamentally incompatible with federated systems. They are both decentralized but the way they are decentralized is very different.

They serve the purpose of being able to quickly and easily send money around the globe without middle men that can censor your transactions.

This is true but there are often reasons why transactions might be blocked. Some might be right and some might be wrong. If we’re talking about fraud, blocking transactions is good. If we’re talking about sex work, blocking transactions is bad. There is not an inherently bad value to blocking transactions.

There are many places in the world where it’s difficult to even get a bank account.

I’d love to see information about that.

I don’t understand where you got the ideas that you have about cryptocurrency?

I’ve seen cryptocurrency spaces and have informed myself on the subject. I don’t believe it solves real problems.


Ethereum switched to proof of stake, which dropped the energy used by the network by 99%.

Well, proof of stake is less power hungry for sure but it also has a big con : The people who control most of the currency can now fake money. Considering our capitalist society with very big gaps in wealth, this is not an acceptable thing.

A lot of bitcoin mining is already done with renewable sources of energy.

That’s not great. These sources of energy could be used more productively. There’s also nonetheless tons of it is done on coal.

Blockchains are public ledgers. They are terrible for avoiding taxes!

Public ledgers which do not contain the information needed for taxation - pointless.

There is a lot of overlap in the culture of distributed centralization and federated systems. Many people that are into Bitcoin are really into the fediverse too.

There is some but I think most people who want a distributed system will go for a distributed social service like Aether for example.

There may be “good” reasons to block someone from making transactions, but who gets to decide what is good? like you said, sex workers should have access to financial transactions just as much as any other worker.

The people should through the government that establishes regulation. I don’t believe workarounds to be solutions to these problems. After all, a sex worker can still not solicit work through social media and would be unlikely to look for help from the government if they need it because their work is prosecuted. Cryptocurrency does not solved that.

I use Bitcoin and Ethereum to store my wealth. From my perspective it solves the problem of needing to trust someone else with my money. It’s not unheard of for banks to fail and take your money.

Again, I believe in the government needing to bring good laws to solve these problems. I don’t believe that deregulation solves these issues. I also think that you have to trust an infinite number of people to trust in a blockchain system, people who are not regulated by law.


You have far too much faith in governments and laws created by humans. Laws change as society changes, and society is usually far ahead of laws in terms of evolution.

This just means that we need to change our political system to be more wary of that.

All governments are corrupt, and will never help solve the wealth gaps. The US government is bought and paid for by corporations. Places like china just control the population through fear.

Blockchain technology does not help to fix these problems, not sure why it’s being brought up.

We need separation of money and state to have real freedom.

This is not true, we simply need better states. Money does not equal freedom.

There is no need to trust people when using Bitcoin. it’s a trustless system that uses a consensus algorithm.

There is, you need to trust that there are no flaws in the system. Programs have flaws - I don’t know of any program that is perfect. Not only that but moving to proof of stake means trusting people who have the most money to not collude and create fake money in the blockchain.

I would rather accumulate large amounts of wealth and help people than stay poor.

If you don’t see the accumulation of wealth through the usage of your currency as deeply problematic, I’m not sure what to tell you.

Did you watch the talk by Andreas?

Yes, I have. I think the anger and frustration is misplaced.


I haven’t played Nier, but I’d say that defines perfectly Platinum games’ games (or at least the ones I played)

Bayonetta has basic combat? Isn’t Platinum known for their combat and gameplay?


This “report” is exactly what I would expect from Lunduke. It is really sad that this reactionary content comes from someone who I once thought was cool.

The only part I can agree on : the execs at Mozilla are getting paid too much in the current situation.

Now to get to the real meat.

The combined spendings to political organizations make up around 1m$. This is less than the donations made to Mozilla foundation. Considering the very political nature of the foundation, these spendings were likely authorized there.

Now, why would a technology company spend on political organisations? Well, simply put : technology is political. People trying to peddle that technology is not political are trying to sell you the status quo.

Technology companies spend insane amounts of money on lobbying.

Now, why would Mozilla spend money on left-leaning organisations? Well, simply put : left-leaning politics (though embedded in neoliberal Californian ideals of the internet) are embedded at the core of Mozilla from the start with Mozilla manifesto.

I’m not gonna get into why Lunduke thinks that these organisations are bad but consider it a red flag.

Now, what I would ask to anyone reading this : why do you think Lunduke is ignoring this? Why would Lunduke try to paint this picture?


Yeah, for sure, the CEO is the clear outlier. I just count them as an exec though that might be misusing how that term is used colloquially.


I find WebKit to be a fine browser engine most of the time.

It is worth mentioning that the WebKit port for GTK does not support WebRTC and that it is not supported at all by Apple. It’s an effort by Igalia, one person from Red Hat and volunteers.

There’s also essentially no WebKit browser for windows. WebKit is often slow at adopting new web technologies as well.

All that to say - WebKit is not the example of a success outside of helping big corporations to make their own big proprietary browsers.


I mean, the neolib Californian ideals of the internet was anarchist so always anti-gov but not anti-corporate. That’s how you end up with compromise points in the Mozilla manifesto like this:

Commercial involvement in the development of the internet brings many benefits; a balance between commercial profit and public benefit is critical.

Principle 9

Worth mentioning that Eich came from the Netscape days and was highly influential on a technical level.


Yeah, of course. I’m not defending Eich, just some insight on how he got there :P


I might be confused but Lunduke doesn’t mention neoliberalism or left-wing ideology in that article - I did.

Of course neoliberalism is to the right of what I’d consider to be left-wing and it works very much hand in hand with conservatism but it’s usually socially liberal. I think Mozilla definitely fits a weird bill, it’s hard to pinpoint because the principles are largely about individual rights yet the addendum definitely feels atleast socially liberal. That said, it seems most of the causes they support are left-wing.


That would be cool! Just need a model and a place :)


My thoughts are mostly that I wish this were integrated in Lemmy because of a couple reasons:

  • People might be interested to see comments, see that there’s one in a thread only to realize it’s a bot
  • The sorting algorithm of lemmy makes no difference between bots and users so it can give a much higher importance to posts which attract bots (namely news)
  • Posting it as a comment just feels a bit noisy? It takes a lot of space in a thread.
    • On the other hand, maybe it could be hidden by a spoiler tag? I think @nfld0001 mentioned this being a possibility

We could put all of the bot commands on them on the page for bots. That said, I expect many people will see one person doing it and copy that behaviour.

What kind of discussions are y'all interested in having?

Although I don’t fully agree with the sentiment expressed by this thread, it did get me thinking about leaning even further into contributing to an environment I’d like to participate in. I personally much prefer dedicated discussion threads to discussing news stories myself and reading through the comments it seems like...


Have you thought about inviting people you know that like sports? Also, thank you for your effort in !sports


Yeah… it’s at the top as the link for the post


Yes but merch is a lot of work to do in an ethical way. We also would prefer to pay the people designing the merch than ourselves so it’s not something we’d consider using for fundraising.

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