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It’s heading for the screen in the upper right to google for soil.


Wait, they just figured out that famously hateful far-right pundit Candice Owens spews hateful, far right talking points? Who could possibly have seen that coming?


Her fur looks like velvet. Wanna pet!


You may have missed his rather gushing 2017 interview with Aleksandr Dugin, author of Putin’s playbook The Foundation of Geopolitics.

Alex has been a simp for Putin for several years.


It was an inside job from the outside! Nobody could have seen that coming! It’s brilliant, genius I say!


Well fuck me, apparently. The Adobe and Sibelius fees already break me, and I’ve invested enough in Unity assets (not to mention the learning curve) to get a game close to preproduction, and this could drive me out.

I’m a tiny Dev just trying to break into VR, console, and mobile by myself, and am dirt poor with no support, just my knowledge and talent. I’m working on three beta projects, but this makes me scared to continue on Unity.

I’m a good designer and developer with industry experience, but my health has forced me into smaller Indy projects. I put all my eggs in Unity’s basket and now it feels like they’re ditching me just at the point I was ready for production.

God dammit. :(


Oh, I’ll keep going, for sure! (…with one eye on developments.) But now I also need to prepare contingencies if their licensing goes the way of Avid, Adobe, and most recently Reddit and the bird one.

Something major might have to change and I can’t be blindsided by it, so I have to carve out time to deal with this, anyhow.


Yes, this, too. :(


In a capitalist oligarchy? There’s really not.


Beautiful eyes. Is Blue crafty? Every Siamese I’ve known is wicked smart, like opening doors and turning on faucets smart.


I might be too old for this meme. Why would you need a complex physics equation to order a footlong when you can just use grep -r?


Genius. Where’s your GoFundMe?


Oh they totally exist. There was a big kerfuffle on social media about it when Stormfront was introduced and a legion of fanboys started boycotting the show and sending hate mail because Homelander was outed as a Nazi (like it hadn’t been apparent already – they suddenly figured it out and thought the writers had done a 180 on his character). He was supposed to be the perfect American hero and the woke writers ruined him.

They were serious and angry about it. It was amusing to watch, really. They went on a cancel crusade over it.


Enterprise was basically softcore porn.


Numbers are all spez cares about, though, and just like with Facebook, listicle sites, and reality tv, eyeballs are all that matters. The content is trash and may even be harmful, but if they can sell eyeballs, that’s all that matters.

I’d rather a smaller community with quality content myself, but unfortunately that’s never going to be lucrative.


No u.

Here, I’ll give you a head start:

University of Maryland Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice

our analysis shows that right-wing actors are significantly more violent than left-wing actors
the probability of a violent act of extremism in the United States being committed by a left-wing extremist was found to be 0.33, 0.61 by a right-wing extremist, and 0.62 by an Islamist extremist.

You’ll notice that’s double the incidents from the right vs the left.

Military Times, which no one could reasonably claim has any liberal bias

But terrorism carried out by right-wing actors eclipsed that of leftist movements in the 1990s … Now, government agencies and scholars across the political spectrum agree that far-right movements have caused most of the political violence in the U.S. over the past few years – and present the most dangerous threat today.

West Point Combating Terrorism Center – and again, West Point can hardly be called liberal

Accelerationist ideology, conspiracy theories, disinformation, and far-right extremist narratives have played a key role in the prioritization of critical infrastructure as a target for the violent far-right. The intersections of these ideologies and narratives have led to complex attacks on power grids and the targeting of telecommunications systems by far-right extremists. The increased focus and attacks on critical infrastructure by far-right extremists has the potential to wreak extensive, multifaceted societal disruption and damage, impacting communications, the economy, mobility, and basic human necessities.

Can you provide legitimate, unbiased sources for your claims? Because all the data says you’re being lied to.

LillyPip, (edited )

Mhm. Your anecdotal ‘feels’ outweigh actual data, sounds about right(wing).

How about you at least try to back up what you say with anything at all beyond ‘I believe it’s true’? Because nobody outside your bubble is going to take that seriously.

I’m from a city roughly the size and makeup of LA, so you can keep your ‘online life’ comment to yourself.

e-side note: real people are behind these usernames, you know. Not NPCs or drones, but actual people with lives sharing similarities to your own in varying degrees. People aren’t black and white caricatures, and treating them as though they’re hypothetical characters in fake worlds further detaches you from them and can lead to a distorted worldview.

It’s important keep remembering that, because bad actors have been working hard to take advantage of the tendency we all have towards this.


We’re guessing. Everyone claims it’s all based on research and advanced modelling, but we really have no idea and and are bullshitting our way through presentations and press conferences.

We say whatever we can to keep our shareholders invested and the public buying. I’ll let you guess the industry, but you probably know.


Not so fun story:

One of my first jobs when I was barely 18 was with one of the big funeral home/cemetery providers in the US. It was positively horrible, and not for the reasons most people think.

As a new hire, you’d start on the cold-calling phone banks, which was bad enough. Nobody wants a cold marketing call from a cemetery. But it got worse from there.

After a month on the phone bank, I’d done well enough to be promoted to field sales, which meant going to the most impoverished areas of town to follow up on the appointments the phone bank had made, basically trying to scare poor elderly people into handing over what little they had to ‘pre-plan’ for their deaths, with the pitch that if they didn’t, their family would suffer.

After a few appointments it was clear I didn’t have the stomach for that, so they moved me to on-site sales, which was somehow worse.

On-site sales included helping to host the Mother’s Day open house at the large main cemetery. They set up a greeting station at the entrance with refreshments and ‘in memorium’ wreaths that could be bought by bereaved family (on that day, mostly children of the deceased, but also mothers who had lost their children, some at a very young age). It sounds like a kind thing to do, because many young mothers/fathers coming to visit were so distraught, they hadn’t stopped for coffee or thought about flowers.

I was not stationed at the welcome station. I was a ‘roamer’, meaning I was one of several staff expected to meander through the graves and check on families graveside – to ask if they needed anything and to upsell them pre-planning packages for themselves or their other children. I am not kidding, we were expected to do that.

I had to be prodded to approach my first mark (a young couple ‘celebrating’ the woman’s first Mother’s Day at the grave of her several months old child, and I couldn’t stomach it. It felt barbaric. I couldn’t do the pitch, obviously, and backed out as soon as possible, then hid by the skips behind the main building until the end of the day when I quit.

I’ve done many jobs in my life, including cleaning bowling alley toilets, but I’ve never been asked to do anything as vile.

I’ll bet everyone in the funeral industry can guess which company I’m talking about.


Not so fun story:

One of my first jobs when I was barely 18 was with one of the big funeral home/cemetery providers in the US. It was positively horrible, and not for the reasons most people think.

As a new hire, you’d start on the cold-calling phone banks, which was bad enough. Nobody wants a cold marketing call from a cemetery. But it got worse from there.

After a month on the phone bank, I’d done well enough to be promoted to field sales, which meant going to the most impoverished areas of town to follow up on the appointments the phone bank had made, basically trying to scare poor elderly people into handing over what little they had to ‘pre-plan’ for their deaths, with the pitch that if they didn’t, their family would suffer.

After a few appointments it was clear I didn’t have the stomach for that, so they moved me to on-site sales, which was somehow worse.

On-site sales included helping to host the Mother’s Day open house at the large main cemetery. They set up a greeting station at the entrance with refreshments and ‘in memorium’ wreaths that could be bought by bereaved family (on that day, mostly children of the deceased, but also mothers who had lost their children, some at a very young age). It sounds like a kind thing to do, because many young mothers/fathers coming to visit were so distraught, they hadn’t stopped for coffee or thought about flowers.

I was not stationed at the welcome station. I was a ‘roamer’, meaning I was one of several staff expected to meander through the graves and check on families graveside – to ask if they needed anything and to upsell them pre-planning packages for themselves or their other children. I am not kidding, we were expected to do that.

I had to be prodded to approach my first mark (a young couple ‘celebrating’ the woman’s first Mother’s Day at the grave of her several months old child, and I couldn’t stomach it. It felt barbaric, to even try to sell someone who could not stop crying at the grave of her young child. I couldn’t do the pitch, obviously, and backed out as soon as possible, then hid by the skips behind the main building until the end of the day when I quit.

I’ve done many jobs in my life, including cleaning bowling alley toilets, but I’ve never been asked to do anything as vile.

I’ll bet everyone in the funeral industry can guess which company I’m talking about.


Their practices are so scummy, I’m surprised they’re still allowed to operate at all in Canada. Glad they can’t do their worst in Ontario, that’s a small win.

You’re right about their abhorrent manipulation – I still have binders in storage from my sales training; I should dig them up and post some of it. It’s still, 35 years later, the most disgusting emotional manipulation I’ve ever seen. After all these years, it’s only got worse in the US from what I hear.

You were supposed to ask them to relive their most recent familial death experience under the guise of polite conversation, then hone in on whatever detail was the most unpleasant, and hammer home how if they didn’t buy a package, their children would go through worse. Have they considered how much emotional and financial pain they would cause if, god forbid, they died tomorrow? Don’t take time to think about the money you don’t have, because every hour of delay raises the chances your kids will be left with a financial mess when they’re grieving you. You’re basically heartless for doing that to them.

The graveside pitch was even worse. It’s so sad you lost your baby last month, but what if your six-year-old died tomorrow? Are you prepared for that? Like jesus, I can’t imagine the paranoia a grieving family faces after losing one child, constantly afraid for their remaining child. Let’s rub salt in that wound and scare the shit out of them for a few thousand dollars. It should be illegal everywhere.


Trick question.

The billionaires who do good don’t want their names attached to their deeds because that defeats the purpose. The point of altruism is you don’t want credit.

(Seriously there aren’t many, though, because if you’re hoarding money, you’re a horrible person.)


🎶 It’s the circle of looot
It encumbers us aaall 🎶

(Also, how the actual f*ck was I carrying all this?!?)

LillyPip, (edited )

Like three hours in I encountered the dancing corpse bug – basically a staple. Never change, Bethesda. 🥰

(e: I’m throwing shade, but this is an epic game, truly.

e2: also, search for ’dancing corpse bug’. It’s been in Bethesda’s *physics engine since the beginning. You’ll find video examples in every game they’ve released. Some of the videos are hilarious.)


Oh god no

LillyPip, (edited )

What does ground alien horn do for me? I don’t care, it’s MINE!

I’ve been a sneak thief since Morrowind (I pickpocketed everyone’s clothes in Skyrim and turned Winterhold into a nudist colony) and learnt long ago that half my gameplay consists of slogging inventory between vendors. Doesn’t mean I won’t still complain about it the whole way.

e: I already have a respectable stash of plushies, and I squeal audibly when one turns up in a cupboard. The whole reason I started caring about ship crafting was I got a new ship during a quest and my captain’s safe was empty, and that’s where my plushies were. I had all the rest of my cargo, but apparently your captain’s safe is unique to each ship. I think it still counts towards your tonnage, but I’m not sure.

Either way, I’d filled it with the plushies I’d found and freaked out that they were gone. That was the first I cared enough to go online to find a solution. If it had been anything other than my plushies, I probably would have just moved past it.


Honestly, I should set up a psychic shop. Surrounded by this much iridium, plutonium, and heavy metals, I should be able to see the future, right? People have definitely got superpowers for less. And I’ve heard I’m a mantis (then again, I’ve taken a few good knocks to the head recently…)


(Video, best with sound. It was so weird.)


Musk? Evil?? I’m shocked. SHOCKED!

Honestly, how do people think he managed to hoard more money than anyone alive? By being kind? LOL


Wasn’t that Crowder? He definitely hasn’t changed his mind. He’s still an obnoxious shit-show host, last I checked.


Yeah, the guy who exposed himself to coworkers and throws around slurs like confetti. That guy.

Passenger on Ill-Fated Diarrhea Plane Says Flight Attendants Were Forced to Craft "Makeshift Biohazard Suits" (

On Friday, an international Delta flight bound for sunny Barcelona was forced to U-turn back to its starting point, Atlanta, for an exceedingly rare air travel horror: a passenger had suffered diarrhea throughout the plane’s aisle so extensively that completing the flight was deemed untenable....


As someone with severe GI issues, this is exactly why I won’t travel. I can’t imagine the embarrassment that person is now living with. I’ve seen like six articles on this in my newsfeed today. I’d be utterly mortified.

I don’t even like commenting on this because I’m contributing to its visibility, but GI issues are completely debilitating and no joke. You can’t control it, and even adults don’t seem to understand. I’m just so sad for the person at the centre of this who will never live it down. :(


I’m so glad your empathetic comment is at the top of this thread. Thank you for being a good person who doesn’t take advantage of other people’s misfortune.


it’s damn near unliveable and made worse by the fact that you can become someone’s joke or headline

I’ve only left my house like 6 times for doctor appointments in the last 5 years because I’ve got GI issues so bad I can’t be more than ten feet from a toilet or I can’t trust things might go wrong. I’m a complete shut-in because of issues like in the OP, and I’ve had zero social interaction for years now.

I’m sorry you have to go through this. It’s awful, and you’re right, there are no accommodations. Worse, it’s a joke, so that you don’t even want to discuss it with family or your doctors.

I’m so sorry. Nobody should have to endure this. I wish you didn’t. It’s life-ruining, and the worst part is you’re utterly alone, and no one can really understand.

I hope the person this article is about can somehow find peace from all this, though I rather doubt it.


for the remainder of my life



It really doesn’t matter though.


For real.

‘Unknown’ or ‘Suspected Spam’ yeah, I guess I’ll just die.

I Tried Reddit Again and it Sucks Now

I installed the official Reddit app and went on it to see what the old place was looking like now. My inbox was filled with spam. The “home feed” shows subs I never subscribed to. There are so many ads. Between the ads and the the extra subs in the feed, it’s hard to just scroll. I also noted a lot of spam in some of the...


Thanks for taking the hit, soldier. I haven’t checked it since June 1, and was curious.


Memmy user poking my head up.


That’s how you split timelines, then before you know it, everyone’s fucking their aunt.


It was a DarK reference.


100% worth it. And the moment you’re done, you’ll want to watch it again to try and untwist your mind. Best series in ages, imo.

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