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34 years old, I’ve been without power a cumulative of maybe 3 days total my entire life. That includes being hit by many hurricanes including Michael which was a CAT5. You might be exaggerating a bit.


So your saying that the majority of congress would vote to feed the poor? Last I checked they voted to not feed even the poor children.

Seriously a stupid take.


Fuck, now I’m hungry. No right to be so good


Does it also not open the door to stolen intellectual property now? Its one thing to repost a meme or use a format for no profit, but if any post garners profit coming off someone else’s creation, would that not be a legal issue?


Throw in that CPR is effective in 10% of situations and maybe there are reasons why people don’t act. 10% is wayyy better than 0% so it is always worth trying.


That would just make ToothSocial money and build their user numbers. Mastodon I doubt would get their users.

Zelensky dismisses compromise with Putin, pointing to Prigozhin’s death (

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has said the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin – the Russian mercenary leader whose plane crashed weeks after he led a mutiny against Moscow’s military leadership – shows what happens when people make deals with Russian leader Vladimir Putin....


I tried to look it up, I am only finding that it is a slur used to call people gay when they may or not be. U.S. equivalent seems to be like saying “Suck a dick, fag!” With pidor being the word at the end that would be shunned for being said.

I halted on submitting this over and over because I feel like I am going to get downvoted for using that term even to define a word/usecase. (Then I remembered the points don’t matter and intent changes context)


I understand your sentiment but cars today are safer, quicker, dont rust as much, and get better gas mileage.

The cost to maintain an older car won’t be cheap and it is shit for the environment.

We just need to place government regulations on subscriptions. With recent wins pertaining to right to repair, hopefully they pick up speed and people start voting to make good changes.

If you purchase a product, you should own it. If it has a feature that is disabled by the company, they should have to lease that space on your product, thereby paying you for the storage. That would incentivize not making products like this.

LifeInMultipleChoice, (edited )

How is that s10 getting 25mpg, that’s wonderful as new it only got 22 mpg. The 1992 Jeep Cherokee outisde my place last I tested got 10.8 mpg. 6 cylinder mostly metal no airbags. Now the snapper push lawn mower I have that was bought in the early 80s is a better example of what you want. I mowed a half acre with it today and it started up on the first pull. Spark plug, sharp blade, and a motor and it gets beat by my neighbors $3000 rider but Ill save that dollar anyday. Exercise isnt hurting my fat ass. That thing runs better than the Honda motors i thought outran their time.

No one cares, but it started up first pull this year after sitting all winter uncovered in a backyard with small amounts of snow


So the car I drove to work today is from 1992/93. Doesn’t even have airbags. No AA brakes… and I can almost guarantee that it doesn’t fold like a car from the 2020’s

LifeInMultipleChoice, (edited )

Comically enough possession of Psychedelic mushrooms isn’t a charge in Florida. They had a ruling a while back that stated a standard person wouldn’t know how to tell the difference between a mushroom that was and was not containing psychedelic properties. Thus it is illegal to sell, deliver or etc but if you have a zip loc bag of a few mushrooms in your pocket they in theory would have to let you go because they would have to prove your mushroom swiss burger was intended to get you high vs just being enjoyable. Now if you have 10 1 oz bags of mushrooms, you will have a hard time arguing you didn’t have intent to sell.


I went into a Kohls a few months back and wound up walking into the big and tall section. Either they were going through reorganizing or it was all sweatpants. No jeans, no slacks, nothing. Basically if you had a 45+" waist you were only allowed to wear sweatpants. I realized at that moment that shopping for clothes has to be really hard if you are bigger. I didn’t even see shorts.


Charged as an adult, but put in a juvenile detention center because they acknowledge he’s not an adult. He was 10 when it happened, likely hadn’t even started puberty. Anyone asking to charge him as an adult is without a doubt a fucking moron. They should all be fired, shunned, and never allowed to hold a position of authority again.


My name is completely crossed off as well, my spouse is now Ho though. Not sure how I’m going to explain to her I am saying it like Santa does.


Use one instance for the upvote, and one instance for the downvote, and then tell everyone Drew Carrie was right, the points don’t matter.


I opened the browser at the library to print a pre employment drug screen form today. The browser had a pop up asking to review settings, it looked like you could tell them not to use ads this way, but damn I wish I would have read it now. Not my computer and it reboots to clear the profile when you “log out” so I didnt spend the time


I think they are confusing the terms opt-in and opt-out. It is opt-out with a pop up that notifies you to review the changes.


I’ll have to take a look later but I specifically remember the options being auto selected. So you have to go to the options and uncheck them when that pop up comes up. That would be saying the default option would be for it to be on. So you would have to opt out of the changes. Opt in would be default option set to off.

Were you on a computer, or a phone. Also are you in Europe? I have seen some users say that in the U.S. it is checked by default (where I am at) and some users in Europe claim it is unchecked by default there.


I think they understood that, the other user was pointing out you could use a heavier gas to ensure the balloon wouldn’t be equal in weight to the atmosphere. It would make it “float” more in an equivalent manner as a helium baloon does in the opposite direction.

People usually show the effects of the weight of these gases as well by breathing it in, helium makes your voice higher, where sulfer hexaflouride would make your voice lower.


Throw in the buyer never mentions if the product came from amazon or a third party as written in the article. Amazon should be verifying the quality of the 3rd party sellers, it is shit not to, but come on. To not know? It says Sold By: in the main section if the sale. If it says sold by Elite 100 and not amazon… it is sold by Elite 100.



I’m going to guess they typed 02/17/2008 the first time to denote Feb 17th as is fairly standard with American apps. It then told him it was invalid because there arent 17 months in a year because it was the wrong format. They typed it correctly after and took a screen shot before pressing submit. (Making it so the error was still on screen from the previous bad submission. )

That is all just a guess though.


The amazing part is that both vehicles in this picture get the same gas mileage!



Reminds me of the signs they used to have in Seminole County by railroads (could have been elsewhere as well)

“Big train, little car, are you passed the stop bar?”


How would I notice it, for example I noticed cloudflare was listed, and is currently using it until they can move off it I believe. Does that mean I could see it somewhere while accessing that instance?


Also why was a police car blocking “another lane” I can’t get to the article because of paywalls. So I am picturing a 4 lane wide one way street. The claim is that 2 driverless cars are blocking the far right lanes. The 3rd lane was blocked by an officer and the 4th was moving traffic? If so why on earth would they block the third lane instead of parking behind or in front of one if the taxis? If there is video footage in the article?


Don’t forget to throw in the part where we have to fix humanity. If a 35 year old woman doesn’t feel safe alone around random people now, imagine how they are going to feel sending their 17 year old son/daughter into those scenarios.

Many people currently use their cars as a safe space. Drive to the grocery store, get out and quickly rush in. Safer inside. Get done what they need and rush to their car on the way out. Public transport turns that into a 4 hour ordeal of no safe spots except in the store. Bus stops and buses aren’t safe spots. That rando that creeps you out in the parking lot now, you are going to spend 20 minutes with walking back to the bus stop and waiting with them.

Why are they on this bus with me… do I get off by my residence or do I get off elsewhere to hope I lose them before they follow me home. That might be more dangerous.

College students are still struggling with basic math. Professors blame the pandemic (

Colleges across the country are grappling with the same problem as academic setbacks from the pandemic follow students to campus. At many universities, engineering and biology majors are struggling to grasp fractions and exponents. More students are being placed into pre-college math, starting a semester or more behind for their...


How are they getting into college? I guess colleges are accepting lower standards to keep money flowing?

Otherwise wouldn’t the students just do terribly on the math section of the SAT/ACT and just be denied entry?

Sounds like that is what accredited Universities should be required to do if so. If you haven’t learned the prerequisites there is no reason to be acting like they should be there.


Is this what you mean they couldn’t answer? Or are you saying would just be hard to submit answers online?

Denote the methods used and how many of each item can be made in the following baking situations:

Ed has: 4 dozen eggs (thank god prices came down some so he didnt get robbed), 5lbs of sugar, 12lbs of flour, and 5 gallons water.

Item 1 requires: 2 eggs 1lb sugar 2lbs flour

Item 2 requires: 1 egg, 4oz sugar, 300oz flour

Item 3 requires: 500ml water, 250g sugar, 350g flour


Gotcha, that was my intent of making item 1 easy without conversions. Then 2 conversions, then 3 conversions to metric. Thanks for spending the time to type that out for me. It helps me get a better grasp of it. : ) Hope you have a great day


Should, yes. Does it already exist, yes. It can just be time consuming. Kill one parent surviving parent or guardian or state placed guardian is then supposed to go to civil court and a judge will rule the person pays support. Some would say that is costly but the court fees will end up having to be paid by the person the judge rules against. (Which many attorneys will pick up pro bono because no judge is going to rule that killing a parent(s) didnt cause at LEAST financial/ impact on the child/family.


Person has a bad day after losing their job or some other real life event like losing their mother. Accidentally runs a red light and kills someone. Officer says they were drunk. Breathilizer says 0.0 and person says they were sober. Poof. They go to prison, and you are now asking someone to go to their house, sieze all their assets and throw their children and spouse out into homelessness because of an accident that involved one of the MANY incidents that occur where people get charged with DUI/DWI without being intoxicated.


Go live in your manufactured world that cops are dealing out fair and unbias judgement against citizens. If you need me to show you where it says they are allowed to give you a dui without you failing a breathilizer/ blood test I can


I was thinking the same. I wanted to see how long it was going to take to get there, then saw in the article it says it is actually only traveling 1% of the distance from the earth to the sun to offset earth’s gravitational pull with the suns and then create an orbit around the Sun. It doesn’t say how long the travel time was unless I missed it.

Should create a cool vantage point for photos I imagine


“Shoplifting” Technically the correct term but the store named is Kroger. That’s a grocery store if you don’t know. Doubt this pregnant woman was stealing jewelry.


Maybe not, could make protective covers with insulation. Might help until you cool it down. Lava is between 700 to 1200 celcius. Platinum doesn’t melt until over 1700 celcius. So maybe a layer of insulation inside a thin layer of platinum, then poor some water on it if you get splashed.


Grew up in the Orlando area. Police dogs were used back when I was in high school and before every once in a while to search for drugs. I graduated in 08’ and I know they were there in at least 2002. (Sibling 2 years older)

Wish they wouldn’t do it, but it appears to just be new for them trying to sniff out gunpowder(?). Unsure what the chemicals they would be looking for with a gun if it isn’t that. … side note, all of the K-9 units still have guns, so won’t the dogs just be smelling the officers handguns if it were gunpowder they could possibly smell?


The school isn’t private propery, but the backpack/bag is what they were calling private property. Unfortunately parents sign away just about all of their kids rights when they sign them up for school.

As for my experience, they would show up a few times a year, usually because someone ratted out someone for having drugs. They would walk the dog through the halls by the lockers when we were in class. It was rare to ever encounter one of the dogs. If you were the one that got ratted out you would have been pulled out of class. The worst I had experience with was an upset girlfriend whom stuck a gram of weed between the backseat cushions of the car her boyfriend was driving. She reported him as having drugs in his car and he got expelled… over a gram of weed that he didn’t know existed.

The right to search your car I believe you have to grant to get a parking permit, which once again is walking the line with shouldn’t be legal.


Yeah, Orlando is Orange county. Florida was the largest producer in the U.S. California is recently passing them up due to issues. Between the two it something like 95% of all the citrus grown in the U.S.

That said, if you want a sweeter, juicier orange, get an orange from Florida. If you want a longer shelf life orange, go with California.

LifeInMultipleChoice, (edited )

Oh he’s shitting there. How can one teach about the Seminole tribe without falling into the category of white guilt for subjugation of another group. Tallahassee is where Florida State University, who uses the Seminole as their emblem/mascot. The Seminoles faught a war (3 according to the U.S.) that spanned 42 years agaisnt the U.S. In the 90s and early 2000s they were still sorting out things, I think the Supreme Court was paying them a settlement over lands stolen.

That’s where it all gets dicey though, the Seminole tribe was made up of torn apart tribes they accepted into their culture as well as African Americans who were “granted” freedom after serving in the Civil War. The U.S. basically had tried to take a census per say of who they were, then tried to divy out the land as individually owned as per U.S. law. Previously it was all owned by the community/tribe I believe. Anyone that hadn’t been written down but was part of the tribe would essentially not get part of the payout.

Sorry I got way off topic. End of the day I guess what I meant is that stereotypically people who watch college sports are viewed as ignoring politics if they can. If the Seminoles had to change their name per request of the tribe stating “you can no longer use it if you are no longer allowing education to your populous about the subjugation you put us through.” People would get mad that they had to hear about it and mad they had to use another name.

Not to mention many would potentially protest it being changed and demand that their history be still an eligible topic. (Which would diminish the bills signed by Desantis)

LifeInMultipleChoice, and are defederated from them. .ca is Canada based (if you didn’t guess)

I have an account on both those, then an account on .ml and hexbear.

I created the Hexbear one recently as I wanted to be able to avoid their community when I wished but also learn about their community so I could get a greater understanding of it. They restrict to only upvotes and no downvotes which ensures more commenting when you disagree on something (which can be good or bad). They seem to be an outspoken, energetic group which is what made me not want to just dismiss them completely. I agree with them on a few things, and other things I obviously will be at odds. Then again I have a minor in Cultural Anthropology so maybe learning about them perks my interests differently than it might others.


34, I have had health insurance very rarely. It was expensive last time I looked at their site for me. Most jobs lately I’ve had have been contracts so insurance isn’t really available through them. Spent 1.5 on my last contract before they brought me on to the company. Less than 6 months later they laid off/fired our division (~80 people) and outsourced it to another company. The job hunt has been grueling.


I’d like a hybrid truck similar in size to a chevy s10. 50-60 miles off electric with a switch over to gas. Use all electric daily, and my 15-17 hour drive to family could use gas when needed.

LifeInMultipleChoice, (edited )

From the U.S.

A lot of interactions with police, very positive overall. Biggest issue I ever have had was having to wait over a holiday weekend to get a 1st hearing before being released.

Using the ACAB terminology is a gaurenteed way to ensure racism and bad treatment are fixed at a way slower pace.

Edit: my thought process… Anyone who wants to help change or becomes a cop trying to better the system you are already classifying as a bad person. So now they are trying an up hill battle against people that don’t like them bringing reform, fighting for people that don’t like them and call them names when they’re never met them. Eventually you imagine they give up on the reform because it’s easier and the same pay, and at least the people around them start to like them.


I believe that racism is rampant throughout all of humanity and causes abuses in our police force quite often, yes. But just like using all other generalizations, I don’t believe you are automatically a white, male, virgin, glasses wearing, over weight, etc just because you are on lemmy having a conversation.

If we tell ourselves all cops are such, it leaves no room to fix any of the issues. It builds hate, mistrust, and increases problems. Getting rid of the police completely isn’t the solution even if we want a large reformat. No police would enter mafia/gang run very quickly, there is just to much money and not enough risk to not do so.


I never said such. I just believe the solution to the issues at hand aren’t as elementary as you make it out to be. What we do know though, is making an enemy out of a group doesn’t make them more willing to reform towards our viewpoints. It creates more Trumps, Desantis, Abbotts followers that lock down from working against the issues at hand and double down on not listening to solutions.


Except we say drivers/passengers side when referring to the side of a car. People dislike port because they can’t remember it from lack of use. Insecurities cause this whole discussion.

I don’t use it often at all, but when I was 6, I just remembered left/port had 4 letters and haven’t forgotten yet. Some day I might, but me forgetting doesn’t mean I should ask everyone else to stop using language.

E.g. I have a plethora of grapes. We should stop using the term plethora because they could just say “a lot.”


It could, “the car got t-boned on the drivers side of the vehicle.”

You would ask if the driver was alright, passenger side you may state "oh thank goodness (insert significant other name here) wasn’t with them.

… better wording recommended, that may sound like you didn’t care about the driver

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