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" or the math is so simple that you really don’t need a calculator." That was the math they were trying to get you to remember and know how to figure out.


I know I shouldn’t but anytime I see someone pull out their phone to figure out the tip or total on a receipt I immediately think less of them.


They stated disruptive. If no one elses rights are violated it is not disruptive. At minimum disruptive to me would have to include intentionally blocking roadways and holding up everyone else. (Which does violate the rights of people who live and work in the area). So your stance sounds as if to be opposite of the person you commented on.


I viewed it as a “hill you would die on” type of question. Where everyone you talk to thinks you are an idiot or believes you to be wrong, but you refuse to change your mind.

Good examples usually are found in people who get stuck in conspiracies, but it doesn’t always have to be. “Birds aren’t real” “Earth Flat” are conspiracies.

Or it could be something off the wall like “Anyone not willing to commit suicide is a coward and inherently evil for putting themselves betore all other lifeforms on this planet”

(Not saying I do/don’t agree with any of these comments/things, just giving my opinion on what the question meant)


Believe Napoleon was the one quoted for An army marches on its stomach.

It isn’t all about calories but also morale as they knew then.


I think they were just pointing out that isn’t a U turn. They called it a Y turn, many people I know would call it a 3 point turn. They were being pedantic for comic relief but it didn’t go over as well as expected.


The state that just voted to legalize recreational weed and to make abortion rights legal? Sure there is propaganda but we need to recognize states for their good choices and not just hate on every state all the time


Is it only rude to slam a door in someone’s face between 9am and 6pm? Consideration shouldn’t have hours. If anything, I would say doing something inconsiderate would be the person with the onus of asking. Hey, does it bother you when I turn the music up all the way at 7am when I make breakfast? … yes. Yes it does. If they tell you its fine then it is on them. Still rude, but they were asked.


I saw a discussion the other day that may have been part of it. They were pointing out that many users when first joining lemmy created accounts on multiple instances. Whether they needed to find a community they preferred or do to ddos attacks and other issues causing outages a lot of those accounts have likely become inactive more as time went by. So the numbers may not be decreasing so much as been inflated by individuals coming up as multiple active users early on. I haven’t looked into how they are verifying what users are active though, so it could be wrong. If someone knows more please respond.


Just talking poorly about a person in general is annoying to me. I don’t care to hear it. If they did something heinous like traffic people please let me know that but I really can’t care to know that your ex partner or soon to be ex partner did a, b, and c. I hear at least once a week someone saying their ex “has a small dick anyways” and comments about their sex life. I don’t care. I don’t want to know. I just want to tell those people to leave me alone but they obviously are already upset and trying to rage out so I don’t want to deal with the what happens after I tell them that. Likely just more rage now focused at me then.

…I really need to find new places to hang out.


That’s rough. My heart goes out to you on that one. If you don’t mind me asking, what is it about for example a movie that you have trouble conversing? Is is a lack of caring about the movie itself so it is along the lines of you can say you liked it or not but were not invested enough to talk about plot points or which actors did well?

I try these days to just think of the characters and see if they had a purpose of being there, and if they did, what that purpose was to see if maybe it could have been better represented. All of which is opinionated as you said, it isn’t facts so I am never right, but at least I get to imagine a slightly different version in my head for a second that might give me a chuckle.


I sent you a dm, sorry if I sent something you don’t care to read, it was meant as a message to let you know I care

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s 100% Clean Energy Bills Pass (

Michigan lawmakers approved a slate of bills Wednesday night that are set to transform the energy systems at the heart of America’s heavy industry, putting the major manufacturing state on a course to generate all its electricity from carbon-free sources within just 17 years....


2040 being 100%. It is a start. Don’t fight the small wins, encourage/clap for them and hopefully they will start to pile up. Make sure they know signing better bills get you votes, maybe we will eventually have good candidates and actual changes


When I posted an article I got a message saying it would be deleted unless I altered my title to the title of the article on the site. I didn’t care for the article on the site but rather the content. I haven’t posted since so I don’t know if that has changed, but I was kind of turned off from posting do to that.

That was in the News thread though.


Not to mention as much as people don’t want to admit it, there are members of that same party telling the populous said person will be charged with a felony and will be going to prison. It looks like a shit show because everything takes so long in a legal system that wants to set a precedent in a way that it won’t have loop holes.

McDonald's prices are out of control. (

Gee, it’s almost like corporations are gouging consumers so badly that their market advantages are being lost due to greed. Inflation this quickly isnt real. It’s what happens when you come off a global pandemic with millions dead and corporations see they can freely abuse you by exploiting the public zeitgeist that prices...


It isn’t a lot but I think Biggie bags are still $5. They include a shitty burger, 4 nuggets, small fry and a small drink I believe. I think Taco Bell got rid of their 5 dollar box. I should see if there is a little ceasers near me.


It boggles my mind why we don’t subsidize plant based meats. Subsidizing it shouldn’t cost anything (should actually save money) as every customer who buys the now cheaper plant based option is not buying the subsidized meat option. The plant option is natrually cheaper so our expenditure on subsidies goes down, our impact on the environment goes down and no one is being forced to eat either. Choice stays. Eventually cost savers would move to the cheaper option, slowing increasing our savings and decreasing our inpact. Market for plant based grows, more companies come in to compete and make a better product. I must be missing something about how the subsidies are enacted. Oh and while we are changing things with food subsidies, let’s get corn out of our shit. Bring in more efficient crops.


$6.78 for 60 $1.40 for a dozen. (Prices from local Walmart)

Mind me asking where you are located, that is extremely high

Edit: Never mind I saw further up in this thread that you are used to NYC prices


I’ll bite, what makes a dad bod. Like would you define Bert Kreischer as a dad bad or what?


No benefit at all, but I doubt the U.S. will be discussing much with Cuba unless they agreed to get rid of the Chinese base that was built there. Id rather it be lifted but it’ll be staying for awhile.


They can get an expedited permanent residence (green card) after being here for one year I believe. Things were always dodgy. The wet foot, dry foot rules may have been ended though. That was a non official term for a policy created by Clinton. If your feet are on dry land, you can stay, if your feet are in a boat/raft/etc you were sent back to Cuba. There was a year where tens of thousands of Cubans that were trying to float across to florida. Rigging old cars up to makshift rafts in an effort to flee Cuba and make it to the U.S. That is where the slur “raft drifter” came about for Cubans I believe. Obama changed something to try to discourage that practice, traveling 100+ miles (160+ KM) in open water with makeshift transports Im sure was the end for to many lives. It’s horrible what people do to each other. The shit they had to go through to feel that was the necessary risk to better their families lives. Then the voyage, and then being treated like shit anyways if they got here.


Many people likely wouldn’t know Voldemort (Rick Scott) was the Governor of Florida and not Minnesota.


Went to look up how many kids are homeshooled and it is much higher than I expected. Just over 5% of kids apparently. I would have guessed 1-2%. It looks like home schooling has been on the rise as it was closer to 2% in 2000.


No street dogs where I live. Suppose I’ll have to get a pet deer instead


I watch a wide variety of movies, but the number of movies I see where the characters are supposed to be in high school and have sexual acts in them is wayyy to high. 28 year old actor playing a 17 year old, I just feel gross when those parts come up.


I have found the opposite lately. Many newer movies shoehorn in a lot of male nudity and minimize naked women. Latest example I can think of was “A Million Little Pieces” I saw the other day. The flaccid practically helicopter scene towards the beginning came out of nowhere and I laughed, and then the shower scene has 2 full frontal men which actually did nothing for the plot. I just checked IMDB to see if I forgot about any nudity from women, but it says there wasn’t any.

I REALLY thought the shower scene was going to have a plot serving reason… at the end of the movie it is almost as if the writers forgot it happened.


You can’t turn the wheel immediately on the way out or you’ll drag the back end of the truck into the vehicle next to you.

If they didn’t have the room to swing out to go in straight, they likely won’t get backed into the spot on the first try as well. The number of cars getting run into while parked if everyone backed in would sky rocket. I have met at least 3 people who told me they couldn’t parallel park, I’d rather those people just pull in forward so they can see where the other cars are.


Restaurants, bars are part of number first one. Coffee shops to me close early. Never seen one open at 10pm+

The library having games and such would be nice. They likely would run into the issue that thoae unfortunate would turn up and try to stay all night every time to get out of the cold/rain/heat.

Bars usually manage to bounce them without issue due to them not being paying customers. Getting bounced by a librarian does sound kind of cool though.


Someone sourced a couple higher in the comments. Their info showed 2% of the populous doing what “literally everyone” is doing. The other stat they included was 80% of the populous had never used a sleep aid in their life. So the talk of it being hyperbole is even a stretch.

Saying literally everyone in the U.S. is a cigarette smoker would be more accurate. (Not accurate)


That sounds horrific. Saving this to try. (I do hope you were being sarcastic, but I figure if my arteries clog, that will be a better way to go)

Edit: The batter, were you thinking like a Monte Cristo type batter? (If you gave never had one it is essentially pancake batter)


I can’t see how it would be owned by the public. ~80% of this is loan money offered so it does have to be paid back with interest. The properties in question would all be owned by private companies who were using them as office space. So your suggestion means the government would have to purchase all of the property. Costing them 100%. This way they likely spend 15% (assuming a 5% interest made on those loans) and get the incentive going. Add in the fact that you then need to maintain run and rebuild all the housing directly from the public funds after that and you will never get everything situated/passed in our current government. The government gets what it wants. The private companies get what they wanted. The people get more work from home jobs, less traffic, and lowered emissions with the possibility of housing prices not rising as fast do to supply is being increased. (Doubt)

Overall it isn’t the worst use of our taxes


Did anyone else feel slighted that the article writer decided 1.59 was to high of a price to pay to have a first hand experience on the product?


I keep looking but can’t find it. I keep just finding people saying the pedestrian was hit by a vehicle with a driver and thrown under a driverless car which spokepeople are saying tried to stop as fast as possible to minimize damages.…/amp/


They did, I’m sorry that isn’t what the article wanted to show. That is what we call propaganda.

If you find facts thay differ from that let me know.


How could Iowa exist within a potato?

NY Judge Who Bragged About Aiming Loaded Gun at Black Defendant in Court is in Big Trouble (

Highlights: In 2015, upstate New York judge Robert J. Putorti was overseeing a court hearing involving a Black defendant. Nothing out of the ordinary for a judge to do right? Except, when a Black man approached the stand “too quickly,” Judge Putorti pulled a loaded gun on him in court....


Dude got fired for another illegal act while they were investigating the loaded fun incident. Jeez. That guy was a winner


The souls of the extinct indinginous species that were mowed down by a barrage of alien test tubes fetuses shot down from The Hub that populated the earth with transforming tech dynos? Brought to you by Michael Bay, sponsored by Hasbro

Or was it water or colorings? I got lost


The article gives hardly any information. Clearly what they did was wrong, but child slave labor isn’t what I would label this without further information. The only minor discussed in the article was a 16 year old from another event that gave them reason to ban people under 18 from working in meat packing plants saying they are more dangerous.

The local who did comment said that kids worked second shift so they could work around their school schedules. Implying the kids are going to school, which more than likely rules out the slave part.

The company should get hit HARD for breaking labor laws and putting minors at risk of injuries. Had those same minors been working down the street at the movie theater or such, it may have been completely legal.

The raid happened at 9pm, and labor laws for minors limit working hours till 11pm (in Ohio)

Samsung joins Google in RCS shaming Apple (

Samsung has released a new video in support of Google’s #GetTheMessage campaign which calls for Apple to adopt RCS or “Rich Communication Services,” the cross-platform protocol pitched as a successor to SMS that adopts many of the features found in modern messaging apps… like Apple’s own iMessage.


…or when you are given a new number from the provider and dont find out it doesn’t recieve messages from iPhones.

Happened to my fiance a few months back. She got a new number, and her dad received no messages from her. (He had an iPhone) It was fathers day weekend. All plans fell through.

LifeInMultipleChoice, (edited )

Also they put a * next to the 1/4 pound that explicitly states that it is the patty prior to cooking because this has already been argued in court


It sucks donkey dick. About 1.5 hours in the morning to work and 1 hour home. A lot of the company works from home but I am on a 3 month contract and they want me there. I ONLY support remote users.


If the government uses eminent domain to acquire your house/property to repurpose to build a road, that is fairly close to the company saying your house is being removed from our library. Not exact, but I can see what they may have meant. (Being sent gift cards instead of money is the big difference to me)


Imagine spending chunks of time in there hooked up to a device set to lose weight. Essentially just setting your intake to -300 calories a day and spending a month in there.


Don’t forget E.T.

Williams made universes attractive. It’s like going to a live band play a show and them just playing vs having to have a light show with it. Williams was a show in itself. No props needed.


Should I crost post this in worldnews?

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