
@[email protected]

Small scale permaculture nursery in Maine, education enthusiast, and usually verbose.

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This is what real foraging guides look like. If the cover doesn’t look like this you’ve got to go and look up the author and their bonafides before trusting anything in their book. If you’re new to foraging, you should be bringing a few books or guides with you for cross referencing and confirmation of species.


As someone who goes out of their way to be nice to people but has only written two letters to teachers who’ve impacted me, you’re probably twice the person described in that letter.


Big hugs. We had to say goodbye to one of our rabbits this week (he was 11) and it’s never an easy thing to say those goodbyes. It sounds sappy, but you did right by him and showed him kindness that was motivated by love, and he knows it.


On the whole, the week is starting out kinda balanced. One of our rabbits, a buck I renamed “Aroo Banzai” when we got him at seven years old (his old name was just “Buck”) passed away at the ripe age of 11. He’s off continuing his adventures through the eighth dimension now, and it’s the first time a member of our farm has passed on and I’ve been at peace with it.

This Friday marks my sixth anniversary with my wife, and the first Friday the 13th since our wedding. For the record, the processional was an orchestral rendition of and the centerpiece for our table was that scene from Night of the Living Dead when the woman in the white dress crests the hill before the rest of the horde arrives. To keep up appearances, the centerpieces for our parents’ tables was the carpet pattern from The Overlook, rather than the undead. Her Cousin is getting married this Saturday, the 14th, because his fiancée didn’t want the bad juju from the thirteenth, and when I heard that I laughed because our venue wouldn’t let us smash a mirror or have everyone walk under a ladder to get in 🤷.

It’s looking like my best friend might not be able to make the trip out to see us this year; I traveled out to California two years ago to see him and we had started to make plans for him to come out to Maine but work and life seems determined to get in the way. I’m still hopeful it will happen this year, but it’s a little disappointing that there seems to be a pattern that our friends are only able to visit during periods when the farm is not at full vibrancy.


<3 I think he got to eat the widest assortment of home grown plants after he got here, so you’re correct in a way. Also, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension was one of the first sci-fi movies I got to watch as a kid, and I’m a sucker for punny deep cut jokes.


Anecdotally, I have a generally negative perception of the brands placed in the way of actual search results. They’re rarely relevant to my actual wants or needs, let alone the search terms, and it colors my expectations that they’d be capable of helping me even if I did want their products or services given the low QC on where their ads are shown.


I am the current incarnation of the-timer’s-about-to-go-off man: every time there’s a timer I’m physically uncomfortable in the seconds right before the notification beeps begin. “It should be done by now” I’ll say, just before the oven timer sounds, or the dryer plays its jingle.

Yesterday I took the dog for a walk around another store while my wife did the grocery shop, but I forgot my phone at home. Sure enough, I got the familiar itch between the shoulder blades and the dread “she’s probably done by now” and had to excuse the pup and I from the group of people giving him scritches. We all reached the car at the same time.


Cities: Skylines but ecosystem repair. Plant forests, regrade areas of mountains to mitigate landslide potential, reintroduce species and study their functional relationships with each other… Game progression comes in the form of additional research grants or new area assignments which present new challenges and unlock a new set of tools/procedures, but the successes from previous sites allow for migration of the reintroduced species into the new site.


I’m pretty sure it’s everyone who uses their app, since every third post and every fourth comment on it is an ad of some sort (or at least that’s how it seemed). I’m sure anyone on old.r with an adblocker is unaffected but during the brief time I had their app installed there were enough ads to render it unusable and unnavigable.


The truth! Water is not wet, it is a liquid that imparts the property of “wet” to other objects


Anything wet can impart wetness to other solid materials by releasing a portion of its held liquid. A sponge is wet because it contains, holds, is covered in, or adheres water or another liquid, and can make other things wet by imparting some of its held liquid to that other material.

The act of having water or another similar liquid on, in, or adhering to a solid is what makes that solid wet.


We enjoyed it, and felt that they did right by the characters with how they structured their interactions. There was some notable character development missing (imo) from the interaction with Mihawk and the fights at Arlong Park, and the fights did feel a little quick for how difficult they were for the crew at the time, but it was still a fun trip through the East Blue.

The colon is underused as punctuation and overused as an intestinal organ

Check it: colons are incredibly useful for introducing new ideas or adding emphasis. And the way people talk on the internet could use significantly more clarity: you can ramble and ramble, and just talk about whatever, expand on your point, really beat that dead horse, and then take a short break. But using colons allows you to...


Semicolons are pretty neat too; the primary use is joining two related independent clauses without using a conjunction. Some folks seem to enjoy using them interchangeably with an em-dash; others prefer to use em-dashes as a less formal punctuation mark to replace a colon while still adding emphasis.


Sending our condolences your way, friend. It’s never easy saying goodbye.


They’ll still produce, but at a lower rate that tapers down for a few additional years. And senior birds can be great teachers for new members of the flock as you bring in new girls.

E: this seemed confrontational rather than conversational. I just hoped to give you something to consider as a value to counterbalance your expectations for them.


After a little fabric paint, a pair of socks that says “S’ripe” would be rad.

  1. (Pure opinion) I feel like there’s a difference in the level of saturation in the bread before the toasted patina forms. Spread before soaks deeper, in the pan seems to crust faster and thinner.
  2. Butter, unless we’ve got a duck hen laying at inopportune times. Then it’s duck egg mayo.
  3. Grilled cheese sandwiches are a near-perfect conveyance mechanism for soups. For us, tomato soups get sharp cheddar, butternut and acorn squash soups tend to get a provolone, and I’m fond of smoked cheeses for pumpkin soup. Sourdoughs are great but we’re also fans of cracked wheat breads.

The duck mayo was something we tried making because we both played stardew something fierce and had also never tried it. It’s delicious. The provolone was a happy discovery born of “what can we make without going out” but the slight unctuousness is a nice contrast.

I hadn’t considered your last point but completely agree


Personally, I think it’s fantastic that you’re examining your language in this way. It’s certainly not ill-mannered, unsolicitous, infelicitous, or untoward of you to do so.


“Cringe” is still a verb to many people, and being understanding of different interpretations leads to better dialogue. Knowing how to bridge those gaps with effective language can lead to intergenerational cooperation.

Pure snark which I hope you’ll see is intended to show I’m saying this as some gentle ribbing and not to put down your perspective.


I also had a cracked wisdom tooth and x-rays revealed that my mouth was too small (despite all advice received in childhood) to accommodate them. I had all four removed in one procedure, but received propophol due to my anxiety in clinical settings.

I apparently had a blast during the procedure, cracked up the dental surgeon by complaining about a neighbor, and had an interesting phonecall with my mother involving some bait and switch that I found hilarious at the time.

Recovery was uneventful, soups and gazpachos were great to keep fed and healing, and ibuprofen was only needed for a few days before the residual pain from the procedure was below threshold. It’s far better to take care of these things before they progress further, as you said.


I struggle with making videos sometimes too, even though we have a pretty clear vision for our channel. I encourage you to put your stuff out there! You’ll find people who’d like to have those conversations with you and that can help to further define your content. It’s daunting for sure, but it’s been rewarding to build and find community by sharing what we’re passionate about. For us, it’s mostly garden related but there’s always an opportunity to show other aspects of who you are. If you’re worried about a theme, consider that your thoughtful take and genuine interest will be enough to bring folks to you, whatever topic you might decide to pour yourself into.


There was an interview I saw with a cancer researcher working with AI to improve cancer detection in early imaging - they’ve fed thousands of CT and X-ray images to their model, and have then gone back through the data when patients have had biopsies to confirm. This sort of high quality data and attentive follow up has the potential to provide such better screening for cancers and other conditions that patients could have additional months or years to address them.


This Saturday marks the annual get together for my mother’s side of the family, always held at my grandparent’s old house, which happens to be in the next town over from where my wife and I live (everybody else travels for hours). It’s always nice but stressful at the same time, with ~20 additional people who each have expectations of you. This week is all about making it look like we don’t have a million irons in the fire.


I was using Jerboa for most things but using the progressive web app as well. Sync is my preferred method for browsing and commenting at this point, but I’m still using the PWA for mod responsibilities and submissions (though I think LJ expects to have submissions working soon and 🤞 mod tools aren’t far behind). It’s fair to say that Sync is my preference due to comfort but the amount of customization is what makes it so comfy in the first place.

Questions about exercise and limited mobility

I’ve got a wedding to prepare for in a few months, and, let’s not gild any lilies, I’ve gotten pretty fat since I injured my right knee and hip and lost a lot of mobility. I get around with a cane most days, and running/jogging (which I used to do a lot of) is now no longer possible (although I can use an eliptical)....


Speaking as someone who’s had ovulsion fractures in both hips and spent a year in PT from a rotator cuff injury in my shoulder, get yourself some resistance bands. They’re great for low/no impact exercises, can be used for a wide variety of regimens, and take up next to no space when stored. They’re usually sold in incremental sets such as 2/5/10/20 lbs of resistance, so you can do things like using a 2 and a 5 lb band to get 7 lbs of resistance if ten is too strenuous. They’re inexpensive as well, but don’t cheap out on them because it absolutely sucks to have one snap on you. There are plenty of 15 minute workout videos available online to help you find the exercises that target what you want to work on, too.


I’ve seen some other folks that use that or left over sticker backing as transfer paper, it’s pretty cool.


Hey thank you, that’s very kind of you to say!

I’m working with a soldering iron looking one from wellington with a temperature control on the base. It’s not too bad, but I am curious to see what a more expensive model feels like.

Lots and lots of little circles, that’s the trick as I understand it. The nub that’s a short, even 45° wedge is usually what I lean on most for filling areas but I’m slowly expanding my skill. A lower temperature and twice as many tiny circles can get things really even.


Nope, everything was burnt in. I did go around with a small round point nib to do the outline of the lettering, though. There’s some stain post burn, “golden oak” to bring some brightness and warmth back to the wood, and they’ll each get a urethane seal as well.


My wife and I have what we call “bad communication days” from time to time, where each of us is stressed to the point that we’re less able to pick the right words for how we’re feeling or interpret things charitably. They suck, and I’m sorry that you’re in the thick of one (though I’m hoping that things will be better for you today).

Some things that have helped us keep our communication healthier in stressful events include

X makes me feel” statements being rarely used. Instead of putting the onus of our emotions on the other with that sort of phrasing, we use “when x happens I feel y” to acknowledge that they’re our feelings about an event or statement and not something we’ve been forced to feel.

“Could you rephrase that, I don’t think I understood it the way you meant it” is something we both use when we feel ourselves getting elevated in conversation. It’s a more positive response than other options if there’s accusatory language, snide remarks, information that’s glosses over, or if we’ve just taken a statement really poorly and want to steer the conversation back to “respectful” territory.

Sometimes it takes us a few days to reach a point where we’re able to have the meta conversation about a previous one. That’s okay, and imho better to wait to have a truly positive talk than risk yet another bad one that’s based on rehashed fights. For us, that sounds like “we had a rough day the other day, but I’m at a place where I’ve been able to collect my thoughts so I can talk about them. I hope you’re getting there too, and I’ll be ready when you are. I love you.”

For what it’s worth, she works in a GI office and says that many of the practice’s patients that have this kind of procedure see improvements in their quality of life, especially if the condition hasn’t progressed to the point of an ostomy being needed. She’d like me to stress that she’s not a clinician and isn’t familiar with his case so she’s speaking in general, but we’re both hoping he and you will feel better soon.


I’m really glad to know that today has been better, and I hope it’s the start of some more great times between you two as health and moods improve!


The moviefone guy, when I’m on the phone. People are genuinely surprised I’m a person who’ll respond and not a practiced recording. I may have used the skill to avoid taking phone calls when working corporate jobs…

In text, I’m not consciously aware of influences that may be being channeled. Sometimes I’ll consciously choose “exasperated teacher” tone to type things out but that’s more a combination of all the educators I’ve frustrated over the years than one standout inspiration.

Non-Binary People and Assigned Sex at Birth

As a non-binary person, I often get asked, upon stating my gender identity, this question: “Are you AMAB or AFAB?”, and quite frankly, I hate it, and I think it reeks of bad intentions. Now, I don’t think anyone who asks this is explicitly enbyphobic. There’s a good chance that they just simply might not understand, but...


Thank you, you’ve given me a really fun topic to bring up when we see a bunch of my family in a few weeks (several of them are doctors and nurses). I wonder if other hormonally regulated ranges normalize in similar timelines even if the ranges are further apart in the segment of the population that has been measured, or if there’s a greater period of “in between ranges” in those cases. (I’m unfamiliar with the difference in ranges in your given example, and frankly others too. There’s a reason I’m not in the medical field.)

Again, thank you.

What kind of discussions are y'all interested in having?

Although I don’t fully agree with the sentiment expressed by this thread, it did get me thinking about leaning even further into contributing to an environment I’d like to participate in. I personally much prefer dedicated discussion threads to discussing news stories myself and reading through the comments it seems like...


I hope I can offer some of my experience, if just for some flavor in the spectrum of how some people approach the lives of creatures which sustain some of us.

We raise ducks on our property - they’re wonderful for our gardens given our location, they help to sustain the pond ecosystems we have where we live, and due to the forestry industry in our area there aren’t many native nesting ducks to fulfill the roles they play. There are serious…population pressures… in duck society which makes some form of population control necessary for the health of the flock to continue. Rather than wild predatory action (which we protect against) taking a portion of them, we can manage the population in a way that keeps more of them living without suffering that can also help to feed our neighbors in town. Our goal is for them to be able to live the best life a duck could want, with one bad hour at the end.

I cannot express to you my sorrow any time any duck loses its life. There have been accidents as new mothers have reacted to the new lives around them, and injuries incompatible with life, which have been my responsibility to resolve with the least amount of suffering possible. It is heart-rending, and it crushes me.

We’re fortunate enough to have met other folks who have similar relationships and outlooks for the types of animals they raise. We’re even more fortunate that those people in our community can provide that food that comes from their management practices to us and our neighbors locally. There’s never been a better time for people to support the kinds of agriculture they agree with by connecting with farmers who share their values and are in their communities; I feel confident saying that we should all be doing that to the extent we can. this is me and Mira, the duckling I raised after his mother kicked him out of the nest. He came everywhere with me - to landscaping gigs, to the neighbors, on shopping trips where I could get away with it, you name it. Attempts to reintegrate him to the rest of the flock ended with peeping (eventually hissing) and running behind me to hide. His life was cut short during an outbreak of avian influenza and I still get emotional about him years later, and I have that level of attachment to all of them.


I can totally appreciate where you’re coming from with that concern, and I would probably feel similarly if not the same. What I can tell you is that I have felt heard during mod discussions around flagged posts/comments when I disagree with how something is being interpreted, and I do try to weigh in on those even outside of communities I’m a mod for. What I hope is that if you or another user were to report a comment with a reason such as “this is getting heated with an admin and more eyes might be good before it gets not nice” it would be brought up in the mod chat and discussed and likely have an additional amount of help to resolve the conflict.

At least, that’s my expectation for how it would/should be handled

Have you ever been at the junction of a fork in your life's road and not known what to do? How did you get through it?

I’m currently at this juncture and trying to decide whether to go back to school and start entirely fresh or to hold out for another year or two to see how things go. The anxiety of what the future may or may not hold is real and I’m just standing here, watching the distances shorten faster and faster while still not...


Growing up (and admittedly into adulthood) I had trouble “quieting my brain” enough to make emotional decisions like the kind you’ve described. One trick that’s really helped me make use of this technique is to assign each option to the face of a coin - in OP’s case this might look like “heads I go back to school, tails I stay at this job”. Then, having assigned each option and telling yourself you’re going with the choice the coin makes, you flip it. Only, what you’re really doing is getting a gut reaction to a decision being made for you, and you go with how you feel about it.

It was introduced to me as the “zen coin flip” in case anyone wants to learn more about it.


I wish you the best results, whatever you decide!


I’m in favor of the guidelines listed by @Lionir for bots operating on Beehaw. Particularly the part about contacting community mods before deploying - it feels like the nice thing to do before adding new wrinkles to the moderation workload (which includes monitoring discussions about the appearance of the bots). That also provides an opportunity for a discussion within the community to engage with, or pre-emptively disengage from the bot account should they choose, rather than having to do it in the spur of the moment.


I appreciate you doing that, thank you


Sync is back in its rightful place on my device home screen, only now it points me at Beehaw. Things are looking up.


I’m working my way through Christopher Alexander’s The Nature of Order for a second time. It’s only slightly easier to get through this time though. Before that was the full run of The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan (and Brandon Sanderson).


I love these breakdowns of the financing! Thanks for all your work and communication, it really makes me feel like a stakeholder in the community instead of a string in a database.


Gourdgeous puzzle! We like to do puzzles together too, it’s a nice time indeed.

Would anyone else be interested in a Beehaw-specific menslib community or similar space?

One of my most active subs on Reddit was /r/MensLib, an open, pro-feminist, trans-inclusive space for people to discuss men’s issues without toxicity and without anger or violence directed at women or men. It was a (mostly) wonderful community that fostered lots of genuine, heartfelt discussion, and it would seem to me that...


Just chiming in that my experience has been similar to each of yours (you, and @Vestria ) in those kinds of spaces. There is the potential for truly positive social interaction even in anonymous dudespace but highly granular mod tools are necessary. Really, those tools are necessary in semi-anonymous and real name internet spaces too, and lemmy hasn’t got that specificity in mod and admin capabilities yet.

My interactions on Beehaw have convinced me that, once the mod/admin tools exist, it stands a great chance of being able to navigate the hosting of such a community with few/er of the seemingly inherent nasty tendencies. For what it’s worth, I’m one of the mods who was a vote against forming it before the tools we need are in place, and I’d volunteer to mod it if/when it gets created.

What do you do when trying to describe something very specific?

Many times when writing, I get a very specific image in my head of the way I want something to look, or the way I want something to move. Particularly with actions where objects are moving in a very specific way, I want to describe them accurately so that most readers would see the same thing that I’m seeing in my head. The...


Could you describe the movements relative to the rest of the scene you’re setting?

“Part of the mechanism moved along the west wall, as though guided by (mechanical/spooky action related to plot). It stopped, then rotated towards (character) but came to rest on its corner before completing even a quarter rotation to the east.”


A few beard tips I’ve picked up from my barber buddy:

When you shave for length control, use down strokes (no up & down) to encourage the beard direction. You’ll trim the stragglers but well behaved hairs will help to keep it looking more full.

Use a round-toothed comb to keep it need and detangle, preferably one with two widths between teeth for detangling and styling. They’re inexpensive and easy to find at a pet store, and usually available in all metal for easy cleaning.

Personally, I like a beard oil or beard butter for conditioning mine post-shower or face washing. It helps to keep it from getting tangled, reduces what gets plucked during combing, and keeps it softer for longer.

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