
@[email protected]

Small scale permaculture nursery in Maine, education enthusiast, and usually verbose.

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Part of me has been enjoying the recent finding out going on. Maybe it’s because properly linked and referenced sourcing is cool and saying where someone got an idea doesn’t devalue how they’re implementing it. Maybe it’s because the people who are working on projects similar to my own are colleagues and not competition, since we all do better when we all do better.


I have little doubt that that fact was a key factor in her publisher’s decision to break ties

LallyLuckFarm, (edited )

Power’s out - we’re seeing wind gusts over 50mph and have gotten a little over two inches of rain since last night. Currently waiting for the lowest-ranked-in-the-US power company to repair things. Two trees snapped off their trunks about eight feet off the ground and landed just a few feet from our duck yard, so at least I don’t have to fix any fencing.

Edit: power’s back! Met two nice folks from Canada who were down this way to do repairs and convinced them to take a tree off a line even though it wasn’t in their task list.




I’m really glad you’re in a better spot now. Definitely hoping you can keep that trajectory.

My eyes popped at 350/month. That’s… that’s a lot. Around us $750 gets you two cords and that’s enough to heat our space all winter (but the house is <1200 square feet so it doesn’t take much).


I don’t think I’ve come across a server without upvotes, though some disable downvotes. That said, the vote tally means less to me than someone saying “that’s neat, thanks for sharing!”, and that definitely adds to the vibe as well as the conversation. I encourage you to do that, to the level you’re comfortable with


One thing I noticed is that the site doesn’t have any mission statement or “about us” (that I could find). That’s an opportunity to include not just information about yourselves, but also to communicate to potential users when they’re looking for a trustworthy source on this topic. That “about us” or “our mission” page with declarative statements is what search engines will pull teaser blurbs from much of the time.

Something else that I picked up from my last SEO coaching is that you’ll be more likely to be seen if there are other places that point back to you. With ~200 people contributing to answering questions, if even half of them linked back to the site from their own blogs, channels, or sites you’re likely to see a difference in your search ranking. It’s a bonus that folks who are looking at those contributor’s pages will have the ability to come right to your space as well.


Like @froyn said, Bob’s Burgers is super cozy.


Glad you haven’t come down with “ionlycommunicateinkelvinuenza”, I’ve heard the baseline for recovery is absolute zero


Gotta be Steady Betty or Fair Claire, I think.

E: I feel like a jerk. Congrats on a good date!



It was because I sent the reply without celebrating your positive experience with you


Hah I had purchased Lego City a while ago when it was on sale and I just fired it up this evening


Big fight in dire straits, but the group has been having a session that’s helped you flesh it all out more and they’ve been doing deeds in alignment with the cleric’s deity? Shenanigan. Maybe you pass a note to the cleric later to entice them with a quest. Troubling dreams, seek out a shrine, the whole party has the same dream.

Same situation but they earned a bit of a walloping and should have the resources to win or the intellect to run? Shenanigannot.


Look up at the stars in this chance to grasp the vastness of space and marvel at the opportunity to be a part of it.


Neat article! When I was young, one of the schools I attended had a unique approach to punishment - you’d spend lunch and recess copying a page out of the OED letter for letter. No idea how many I ended up copying, but I was precocious. I wonder how many words my mental dictionary contains.


Hilarious and accurate



temperature above 120F/49C

This temperature target is really just to begin killing weed seeds - it takes a sustained temp above 140F/60C to begin killing pathogenic bacteria, with ~160F/71C being required to get to the most tenacious. If all that’s being composted is grass and garden waste and leaves and wood chips then by all means aim for 120F/49C but if the pile incorporates manures or carcasses then 160F/71C should be the target temperature.


These are very good points, and I hope you understand that my comment was coming from a place of care for a novice composter in the same vein as yours. My experience teaching new composters has caused me to give the 140-160F targets as that’s the most likely way for their pile to reach the minimum temperatures for these processes to play out.


From our perspective it’s been worth the investment. We did a new water heater while the electrician was wiring everything up, and that’s saved us an additional grand (at least) every year not using heating oil. Last time we talked energy prices with the neighbors they were averaging over $500 per month, but we generate enough to bank credits to last us through the winter at the hookup fees.

Granted, our winter heat is primarily the wood stove and a low consumption floor fan to circulate the air and not space heaters, but our overall ROI is below 10 years given heating and electricity costs in our area.


Just my $.02 - while newsworthy, a political statement by a political party is politics and not reported news. I get that it’s frustrating, but I also kinda prefer having the ability to sift between “purely political” and “reporting with known bias” in my feed.


It’s an official party statement, which means that it’s purely to rile people up either to garner support in the form of public displays or donations. It falls outside of the posting guidelines for, which I happen to like.


I don’t want you not participating, even if we disagree on this. What’s wrong with linking the direct source in and finding reporting on it to post to


Sorry, I meant I want you participating. Just, post the purely political stuff to the politics community and the reporting on stuff to the news ones, that’s all.


I’m concerned that my affect over text is coming across as combative or dismissive and that’s really not the case - their stance is deplorable on any level of humanity and rallying support against them is of paramount importance.

If it were the AP, or Reuters, or a local Ohio news agency (or other news group) reporting blurb that linked to the party statement, it would fit the posting guidelines by being a news report.


My experience has been that the “-” was exactly the same as a skip. Spotify still plays those songs and even if I’ve gone to the artist or group and selected “don’t play this artist” they’ll still come up. So this redesign seems more honest, in that you don’t like the song but they’ll still play it.









I agree, given my own experience in this regard. I’ll film what I’m doing because I think there’s a value in the techniques or approach that others may find helpful in their own lives, but there’s a limit to how much time I’ll spend editing it or adding effects/thumbnail creation/etc. That’s time that could be spent on the tasks that aren’t being done due to the setup and breakdown time for capturing the video, the amount of editing that does get done, or the time spent planning for longer/deeper dive videos.

Sure, there’s a slight economic advantage for doing those videos given what we do, but it’s not like we’re monetized. The collection of videos is primarily just because of my enthusiasm for what we’re doing, with my reliance on internet groups for social interaction coming in as a close second.

Amazon used an algorithm to essentially raise prices on other sites, the FTC says (

The new excerpts unveiled Thursday allege executives at the e-commerce giant intentionally deleted communication by using a feature on the popular app Signal that makes messages disappear. By doing this, the FTC said Amazon “destroyed more than two years” worth of communications from June 2019 to “at least early 2022”...


Amazon employees were using signal to coordinate anticonsumer policies and then destroyed the records, which the FTC had ordered them to preserve. At least, that’s how I read it.


“As a result of this criminal act, Amazon’s license to operate within the U.S. has been suspended until executives can provide the communications they were legally ordered to preserve,” said an FTC spokesperson while smiling wryly in my fever dream where laws matter.


My answer would be that the AP is just reporting the claims made by the two parties, rather than knowing that they were destroyed - that’s the usual approach from the AP. I agree there’s likely no “smoldering trail” in any logs that an encrypted system like Signal might be able to furnish, but I also am not read up on what kind of reporting requirements they might have. If they have to do something like SMS carriers where “a message was sent at x time on y date” logs exist then there’s investigatory potential. But again, not really my strong suit.

There’s probably some testimony or interview that we’re not privy to that lends credence to these claims by the FTC, hopefully it will be made public as their efforts progress.

Moreover, do we know the conversations were destroyed AFTER they were ordered to preserve them and not just routinely destroyed?

Can’t say. My own anticapitalist leanings notwithstanding, none of the reporting on Amazon’s corporate behaviors would lead me to believe that they are pro-consumer or unwilling to break the law in furtherance of avoiding a heftier punishment.


I would like to non-sarcastically point you to my top level comment in this thread ❤️


As (yet another) cis guy, I can’t speak to what you’re going through but I hope this story gives you some food for thought:

When I was younger I took Savate classes - French kickboxing - and there were a total of three people in the class. Groups were similarly small at the few places we would compete with, so everyone competed against the others in their weight/skill brackets regardless of gender. At one meet a guy mouthed off about having to “fight a girl” and our instructor turned to us and told us to watch closely, because the dude was about to get his ass handed to him. He was right, she beat him handily. She beat the next two guys she was up against as well, but those matches were closer and far more interesting to watch because at that point nobody was holding back; it was truly competitive.

On the ride back our instructor spoke to us about how that first guy had forgotten that these sports aren’t just brute physical strength - speed, flexibility, awareness, wits, and adaptability are every bit as important. And that any person who judges their opponent before the match begins doesn’t have the skills required to progress very far in a competition.

So whatever you end up doing, I hope you have a good time and kick some ass, though since it’s BJJ maybe I should say flip it on them.




I’m having a bit of a tough time making out the bevel in your second picture - the angle looks steep but not unreasonably so. Are you flat filing the backs of the cutting faces to work the burr? Here is a guide to determine the angle you should be aiming for.

I love flat files for sharpening larger blades like my axes and hatchets (they’re still finished with a stone) but tend to reach for a sharpening stone for smaller blades like scissors and secateurs. The wider face of the stone makes it easier to keep a consistent angle even without the use of a jig.


It’s normal for scissors to have different angles on the thumb arm than the finger arm, depending on their intended use. You shouldn’t have to work the backs too much, but they should be revisited every so often during filing/honing to work the burr that is formed by the sharpening. I personally feel that a stone is more economical but you can finish hone with high grit automotive sandpaper too. If you’ve got an old leather belt, some scrap wood, and some glue you could make yourself a strop and only need some polishing compound. The finish work with a strop removes the burr, leaving the sharpened edge - if you don’t remove the burr your tool is likely to lose the edge more quickly.


I see what you mean - is it possible that you’re a “back third” cutter? I tend to cut close to the lever end of scissors and will have to touch that section up well before the point end needs any maintenance.


Seconding oxyclean or a similar surfactant for the cleanup.

Second piece of (possibly unwarranted) advice: Do your best to load the box in such a way as to minimize fiddling during active burn times. We have a small fire box so for us it’s usually a sort of Z pattern with two parallel logs and a cross piece. Play around with a few configurations to figure out the best layout for yours - the manufacturer may have suggestions. The goal is to set them up in such a way that the bottom logs collapse and let the top ones come down into the renewed coals, then turn to coals themselves. That’s the optimal time to insert fresh logs to minimize ash and smoke escaping into your residence.


A friend of ours had gotten some feet from someone at a fair and shared; after that I truly experienced the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon. Apparently they contain glucosamine which is good for our good boy’s joints.

Tipping culture - what do you tip? (

Here in WA state, the minimum wage per hour is $15.74 (higher in some areas). Tipping culture says 20%, but that’s generally to support lower paid waitstaff in areas that can pay less than minimum wage by employers. Where/What are you tipping and what kind of service would you expect for a 20% tip?


Here in Maine, the minimum tipped wage is $6.90 while the standard minimum wage is $13.80. We eat out so rarely, and generally only as part of a celebration, so we tend to tip %30 or sometimes higher just to make another person’s day better too. It helps that we’ll hit a family owned hole in the wall where the really great food is, rather than an overpriced chain. It’d be great if it was higher, but given how dependent our state is on seasonal tourism it’s a tough ask/sell for year round establishments.


A ghostwriter is usually someone hired to produce a piece of written work, with set terms like deadlines, payment, possibly confidentiality, and other things. Things like memoirs (even some presidents’) are ghostwritten by someone who listens to rambling stories and takes notes to produce something readable.

Plagiarism suggests Person B presenting Person A’s work as their own without Person A or their intended audience knowing that fact. In this scenario there is no compensation for the claimed work and presumably no communication or cooperation between the writer and plagiarizer.


I saw a plushie “octopus” at one of the craft fairs we were at recently, and asked my wife to crochet one in the most neon snot green yarn she can find. My plan is to attach a hair clip to it and have a brain slug for when we do any costume parties. If it doesn’t use up the whole skein I’ll ask her for a smaller one to push the gag a little further and offer it as a token of friendship from the brain slug planet.

It’s mostly that I’m not always comfortable in costumes or large gatherings, and this would give me the latitude to still dress comfortably and also not seem like a downer if I’m not into the vibe of the party.



Have treats for the cat ready to go. A perceived loss of attention can cause negative behaviors but having something to balance that loss can help to smooth the transition.

Dogs thrive on consistency, so be sure to bring home as many of his toys, blankets, and treats as you can, and keep the food consistent. Keep feeding schedules, walking schedules, and bedtimes as “normal” as you can. These things can help to keep the stress of rehoming low, though the 3-3-3 rule posted by another commenter is likely to be close to your experience.

If his humans have done training, get a list of the cues he knows. If they can shoot a quick video of how they give the cues, that can help bridge the communication gap between you and the pup more quickly - dogs are mostly visual animals, so body position and any hand signals are a large part of how the dog knows what’s being asked of him.

Have a place for the cat to get away from the dog, and do introductions slowly. Have a place for the dog to get away from the cat, as well. Supervise interactions and play, and be ready to intervene/distract until you’re confident that they’re each respecting each other’s play intensity. If one animal is looking to stop playing, help the other learn to respect that with praise, treats, or physical affection. In that vein - every mammal on earth uses laughing to communicate play intentions. Rapid sneezing is dog laughter. Some dogs are verbal during play - barking and growling is a normal play occurrence and you should be looking at body language in addition to listening.

Dogs are bad at generalizing. Just because he’s been potty trained does not mean he’ll know where he’s supposed to do his business at your home. This used to be one of the biggest learning curves I’d have to help clients through, so consider him to just not be housetrained. Have some enzymatic cleaner on hand for cleanup, to prevent reoccurrence of accidents in your home. Puppy pads are most useful for cleaning after the fact - putting them down during housetraining can be confusing for dogs, and I don’t recommend them.

Leslie McDevitt, Sophia Yin, and Karen Pryor are my top three recommended authors for learning to communicate effectively with dogs. If you’re looking for video lessons, Kikopup (Emily Larlham) is one of the best around.

If you have other questions I’m happy to answer them to the best of my ability.


What a gorgeous shot! What would happen if you seeded that far bank with some sedges native to your region? You know, just dusting out your pocket during a walk?

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