
@[email protected]

I’m a lady; I like spiders. I like a lot of other things too, like other bugs, and snakes, and other oft-unappreciated creepy critters. I like Heavy Metal, and D&D, and Victorian things, and videogames, and anime, and I also like to fuck

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Aside from panic at what the fuck just happened, walk to the bedroom, and grab some new clothes


If they delete a users ability to use something they paid for, you can still absolutely blame Sony, unless it comes with a refund


Both are the right target. Sony has 0 problem with this. They’re not some victim in this only working with this model of digital distribution because they were strong-armed. Sony doesn’t really give a shit that we don’t own the things we buy


As someone who works the later shifts, it took me a while to figure out what was wrong with “afternoon”. It’s been so long since someone has said good morning to me at work


Unfortunately I think the reality is that as long as people are tipping well, there is little motivation on any party (except the customer) to rework compensation in the food service industry

The people who actually have the power to change this are the companies, as businesses in the US at least have a disproportionate buying power of democracy. Unless what you do hurts a business’ bottom line, it won’t rework any system. You either have to adjust the politics so that businesses have less sway, or you just end up making sure someone who’s already not getting paid enough gets paid even less. The company has no incentive to pay them more. A living wage has to be legislated


I am what the Americans consider VERY far left (A centrist by European standards), and I, for the most part, agree with the idea that the issue is not one of access to firearms necessarily, but of a cultural problem

But what’s the cultural problem? Could it be the gun fetishization we have (perpetuated by conservatives)? Perhaps its roots go in further back, to our founding as a nation built on a violent rebellion. Maybe it’s even further back then that, developed from a puritan heritage

I agree it’s a cultural issue, but where we’re gonna disagree is that the culture that promotes this degree of gun violence is one that loves guns so much it absolutely refuses to try and take any steps to fix the issue. The people who love guns the most, who want that shit on all their media, is conservatives

Besides that, I’d call America a uniquely desperate place. We are taught to believe this country is great and incredible and can do no wrong, but for all its affluence, everything is expensive as shit, we are always just a missed paycheck away from homelessness, medical issues, psychological problems. The cultural issue here is that America doesn’t care about its people; It cares about its companies. Most conservatives would probably side with the working man over the business suit, but it is the Republican party that overwhelmingly supports the rights of big businesses over the actual working people. I’ve seen the country described as a 3rd world country wearing a Gucci belt. The cultural problem is in this dissonance of swearing we’re in a good spot when we’re actually not

Furthermore, you don’t actually know what leftists want in regards to gun control, since you’ve likely heard a lot of it from right-leaning sources. The idea that we want some “abolish all guns” thing is a strawman. I believe that people should be able to own guns. I believe that other countries have gun ownership, and like their guns, and don’t have the issues we have. We vary quite a bit from people who want stricter stuff, to people who want lighter stuff. People who say ex-cons shouldn’t have guns, to people saying you can’t take away rights from criminals because it incentivizes political jailing (If you don’t want your opposition to own guns, arrest them). I personally believe that gun ownership should be relatively lax in terms of what you can get, but that they should have very stringent requirements

Really, the complicated web of cultural issues would require a whole book in order to cover, so I’d just leave it at that. A complicated tapestry of religious, historical, and sociological factors that contribute to our peculiar brand of gun violence, and this course must change. “Copycatism” doesn’t just exist in a vacuum. We cannot stay the course–we cannot conserve the course. We must alter American culture fundamentally, and that is exactly what conservativism inherently and necessarily opposes


Better than throwing bullets at someone?


So first off, no, Americas extreme left is not all that extreme. The tankies we have here are few and far between, meanwhile people with nazi iconography are openly protesting in front of Disney World. We don’t have any significant population of soviet-style communism here, and all of our communists are about labor rights and reducing that wealth inequality. I knew one guy who was actually sad about Castro’s death, and everyone in our lefty-as-fuck circles called him stupid for it. No one here is advocating for the forcible seizure of everyone’s property to be redistributed. You have no idea what actual extreme far left is. Americas left just wants socialized health care and a decent living wage, and to maybe have rights even when they’re trans. We can talk about the Democrats all you want, but now we’re talking about conservatives, who for the most part still don’t want to do anything about police violence, and the prison-and-military industrial complex that lets them benefit from being the world police. They’re not left, or even centrist, and the Democratic party doesn’t accurately represent what American leftists want, they’re just a compromise–limp-wristed do-nothings playing tug-of-war with Republicans, and letting the rope slip further and further, loosing because they refuse to fight dirty against an opponent that fights dirty

So you wanna reduce the Gini Coefficient? Stop voting Republican. Democrats will suck the dick and lick the boots of corporations too, but not nearly as much, and they’re weak-willed enough to cave when we call them out on it in time if they don’t have Republicans to keep shifting the overton window. It is Republican policies since at least Ronald Reagan that have consistently benefited corporations. Republicans are the source of income inequality

Just, I don’t understand how you can throw your lot in with neonazis, and the KKK, and think you’re voting for the right people. The 20 or so Tankies we have in this country voted for Biden, sure, but they weren’t happy about it. Donald Trump got a fucking cult


Forgive me for thinking that in a question asking conservatives what they thought, I might see a conservative saying what they thought. You dismissing everything I said because of one incorrect assumption makes me think you really do wanna just ignore everything else I said. Don’t vote Republican? Good. Why are you here then? If you call yourself a conservative, then vote democrat, then that can only suggest that democrats still align with your conservative values, which goes back to that earlier point where Americas left wing is right of center in Europe–That our democrats are still considered conservative

And if you’re not a conservative, then why are you here arguing about what the left doesn’t understand?

Anyway, I guess since I didn’t pinpoint your exact political ideology, it doesn’t matter what I said about how Republican policies regarding businesses and unchecked capitalism is directly responsible for income inequality. May as well start voting Republican now. Everything I said is clearly a lie. One thing wrong means nothing is salvageable

And please, stop with the scary words. “Recommend you sit down and shut up” Goodness, I’d be shaking in my boots if we met in real life. You must be very tough 🙄


An interesting read, especially considering I found out about it through the video. Only thing is I wish they’d release it on steam


lmao AI is going to be used by the capitalists to, well, not end humanity, but certainly to make capitalism better at taking your money. Capitalism will be what ends humanity

Now ideally, AI is supposed to do away with capitalism, lead us to that full automation where we are free to enjoy orgies and wine like the Greeks of old had always hoped, but capitalists are tenacious and shrewd, and will devour, co-opt, and vomit back anything used against it like so many Che Guevara shirts in a Hot Topic. As long as AI is held by the rich–as long as anything is held by the rich and made to be paid for, requiring either your money or your time, the rich will always have more of it, and they will then use it against you

If you want AI to benefit humanity, you have to do away with capitalism first. You have to put in place a system that allows for people to not only survive, but truly live, despite all the jobs taken by automation. Capitalists don’t want this. They need poor people to exist in order to have power, and they use the power they already have to maintain capitalism, including AI

You can use technology in the best interest of mankind, but capitalism will always use it to benefit capitalism

Is it just me, or has the BS with OpenAI shown that nobody in the AI space actually cares about "safeguarding AGI?"

Money wins, every time. They’re not concerned with accidentally destroying humanity with an out-of-control and dangerous AI who has decided “humans are the problem.” (I mean, that’s a little sci-fi anyway, an AGI couldn’t “infect” the entire internet as it currently exists.)...


“A handful of psychopaths making as much money as possible”

Capitalism in a nut shell


Probably subconsciously. I came up with the name long after playing the game, but I wasn’t thinking of it when I made it. I actually am just a lady who likes spiders



Yeah you’re right. Look at that little cutie <3

I use the way people treat other animals, especially ones like bugs and stuff, the ones we barely give a second thought about, as a measure of character. Phobias are one thing, but at least have compassion for this other living thing


Good stick pic. It’s so long 😳


I’m an atheist, formerly a devout catholic. I shifted away from it as I was realizing how little sense it made, and eventually, much later into my atheism, I realized that my need for God was specifically to feel like the kids who bullied me were gonna go to hell, and that my suffering would be rewarded. It was very eye-opening about why people might seek out religion, but I’m already digressing

It’s comforting to know that no one is judging me for my mistakes, that I’m allowed to try and fail. It’s also comforting to know that there IS an end, that I don’t have to worry about what comes after it. It allows me to live life thinking about the things that matter, the people here on earth, my body, the planet itself, whether or not my single measly life will actually feel fulfilled. It leads me to seek and desire actual happiness instead of delusional wish-fulfillment. I don’t want false hope; I want real happiness that isn’t informed by a need to cope. Shit’s hard enough without a judgemental abusive father figure threatening to set me on fire if I don’t worship him the right way

See, I’m a nature lover. I love animals, and tress, and the beautiful magnificence of this earthly space. There is beauty in the shining sun, and the songs of birds, and in a grizzly way, even in the cycles of life and death. There is a grotesque beauty in shear chaos of reality, even when it sucks to live through. Christianity, at least contemporaneously, feels like such a strict divide between the earthly and the divine. The words profane, arcane, and mundane are all connected, mundane, meaning “of this earth” and arcane meaning of “heaven”. The profane and arcane are explicitly separated from the natural world in a way that just disgusts me. Through thousands of years of dogma and mutable mythology, the implication of ourselves as earthly, strictly separated from the divine is borderline insulting. We are explicitly called filthy and dirty and lesser, below the arcane, and then demanded to worship by threat of being thrust even lower, into the profane, by a God who swears he’s too good for us. Fuck him

God reminds me of my abusive father. He says he loves you, unconditionally, but you have to worship him, else you go to hell. He’s the best at everything, knows everything, yet doesn’t have the foresight he forces you believe he has to maybe just put the tree of Eden in an inaccessible place, and then when something goes wrong because of his failings, he blames his children, and then punishes their children for mistakes they never committed. God is a narcissist, and in seeing that, I have learned how to escape from the abusive men in my life

(And just a disclaimer here that I understand people will interpret god differently. Someone else may have an entirely different perception of God, but if you’re gonna tell me I’m misinterpreting him, someone from one of the countless other sects of that religion will say the same of you)


Yeah, this is a contemporary trend I kinda dislike. It’s never enough to dissuade me from a game, but always seems little off to me


Trauma, really. Therapy helps, and time has as well, but yeah


My best drinking story is one told to me by my parents, because I don’t even remember it. See, it was actually my birthday party in which I got very drunk. Also, I was 2

So apparently these old boomers thought “Oh it’s only one tiny sip, she’ll be fine. doesn’t matter that she’s 2”, but they all had that same idea, and after a few “one tiny sips” I was one tiny drink toddler. Thanks mom and dad. Probably didn’t help my brain develop very well :/

Anyway, that’s the best drinking story I have because I don’t drink. Not even because of this; I just don’t much care for the taste or the feeling, so yeah


Rub it in how you had responsible guardians XD


How’d you get on top of the fridge?




😅 makes sense. Clearly the toddler-aged alcohol poisoning is having its effect on my brain

Why isn't everyone talking about AI generated audiobooks?

I just listened to this AI generated audiobook and if it didn’t say it was AI, I’d have thought it was human-made. It has different voices, dramatization, sound effects… The last I’d heard about this tech was a post saying Stephen Fry’s voice was stolen and replicated by AI. But since then, nothing, even though it’s...


As someone who would like to do this, how well do you actually pay attention to what is going on? I’d do so much more reading if I didn’t have to go back and reread paragraphs several times over because I simply can’t pay attention, let alone if I’m doing something else entirely


Ah yes, Audio AI. I can’t wait for this rapidly-approaching future where you literally won’t be able to trust the validity of anything your senses tell you anymore


Might legit work for me, as I do sometimes do that with things that aren’t plot-focused. Mostly audio youtube videos, podcasts, the like


Lincoln was a smart man


You know some people are just gonna generate that fucking locker room smell, the reek of hormones and axe body spray, to terrorize people


Yes, but you could tell they weren’t real. They still needed real voice actors, real sound design, studios and stages and resources. Anyone with a halfway decent rig can fake shit to a very believable degree. Even with CGI you swear is fantastic, you see its fakeness once the novelty wears off


I’m really reconsidering that, because I legit hate other drivers. I wanna be less annoyed by driving


Truly one of the wisest men to ever live


It’s still not perfect, but it gets exponentially better every day

What are your experiences with polyamory, first or second hand?

I personally am in a phenomenally stable polyamorous relationship. I’ve been married to my wife for 12 years, and she has had the same boyfriend for about half of that time. It’s a really fulfilling arrangement for all of us in various ways. We’re all genuinely happy and satisfied. I’m kind of casually looking for a...


I’m monogamous myself, but personally know two different polyamorous relationships. 1 is pretty damn good, and the other is rife with drama. Besides that, I tangentially know of others, and all of those are rough, though since I’m hearing of these from mutual friends and acquaintances, I could just be getting the juicy drama and none of the good parts. Could very well be that my info on those are bad

It does seem to mirror the general expectation, though, that most are unstable, and I wouldn’t call it surprising. Relationships are complicated, and anything that has more moving parts is going to be more complicated. I’m not trying to suggest here that monogamy is the way to go by any means–different people have different wants and needs, and some people are just good for polyamory. I just think that a working arrangement like this is tough to pull off

Besides, this gets asked a lot about polyamorous relationships, but there are so many fucked heteronormative relationships, and you never see the argument that monogamy is wrong, so yeah. Just whatever makes you happy


Yeah, I just think the poly relationship has more places where things can go wrong. In a monogamous one, you need to two people who like each other and are compatible. In a poly, even with only 3 people, you need A and B to be compatible, A and C, and C and B. Adding one extra person into the mix complicates the relationship 3-fold depending on the nature of those relationships. They don’t all have to be in a relationship with one another, but you’re still adding more avenues for drama and collapse in one relationship, not to mention how one relationship could impact the other. If A is having drama with C, the frustration of that failing connection could also impact their relationship with B. I think it’s easier to fail not by any sort of moral failing of polyamorous people, only that the nature of those relationships is inherently less stable through its myriad of moving parts

But there is for sure an element of bias, where heteronormativity gets a pass for being the standard


I am far more eloquent over text than I am in real life. If I were to speak the way I write, I’d be tripping all over my own words


I’m a lover of the romantics. I don’t have any one favorite, but I like me my Liszt, Brahms, Chopin, Mussorgsky, Schubert. Not that I don’t like others. Mozart, though not a romantic, is one of my favorites


Erl Koenig is basically a black metal song 200 years early, and I love it


Would love a world without rickrolling tbh. One of the jokes I never really got


I’ll agree to that for sure. A marked improvement


For real. I have a plaster cast of my dog’s paw print and that’s enough. It seems morose. You wouldn’t do that with a relative, right? “Sure am glad I got Grandpa stuffed and mounted here, next to the TV. It’s like he’s still with us”


Yeah, it’s who I suspect gets most of the taxidermy stuff. I mean, if you do it yourself, I guess there’s a pride in your craft thing, but it really does seem like insult to injury to go and kill something then display its carcass as a trophy. Seems barbaric. Really, the only kind of taxidermy I could support is vulture culture stuff, where the subjects are ethically sourced (read: Found on the side of the road already dead). Still weird if you go overboard, but there’s a grey area where you can have something between “propped up elk carcass designed to look alive” and “collection of pinned butterflies”


I have told a few people that, should I die, I’d want them to keep my skull somewhere on display


lmao I mean it is kinda silly, but not what I would get. Furthest I’d go into taxidermy is having skeletons. Maybe a skeletal mouse on a stripper pole


If they truly want to honor my life after I have passed, they shall drink Dr. Pepper from my skull!


Honestly, I just chose Dr. Pepper for something anticlimactic. I do like Dr. Pepper, but it’s not my favorite beverage or anything. Still could be a genetic thing, though. My dad hates Pepsi because to him it just tastes like soap

If I’m gonna hate a soda, it’s gonna be Mountain Dew. That shit tastes and looks like it was harvested from the fertile grounds of Chernobyl


I didn’t know the versions would be so different, but it makes sense. There’s no way they’d get away with selling Mt. Dew in Europe without getting rid of at least some of the alien blood and nuclear waste. I swear, if you put it next to a geiger counter, it makes a droning sound

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