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@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Microtransactions aside, if you’re trying to protect your kids from creeps online you’re gonna have to ban every platform that supports interactions with strangers. This includes several other games you’ve mentioned in the comments including Minecraft.

Personally, instead of banning it I just play it with my kids on a regular basis. There’s plenty of actually decent games on Roblox and it enables game ideas that otherwise wouldn’t see the light of day. My favourite is the Ikea survival game.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

I need several levels deeper for no particular reason.

Is Ubuntu deserving the hate? (lemmy.ml)

Long story short, I have a desktop with Fedora, lovely, fast, sleek and surprisingly reliable for a near rolling distro (it failed me only once back around Fedora 34 or something where it nuked Grub). Tried to install on a 2012 i7 MacBook Air… what a slog!!! Surprisingly Ubuntu runs very smooth on it. I have been bothering all...

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Ubuntu attacted a lot of control freaks because Shuttleworth was originally splashing some money when it started and a bunch of nerds saw dollar signs. As a result they have a culture of “not invented here” syndrome where someone just has to reinvent the wheel in only the way they see it and they don’t work well with others or accept their input because they want all the credit.

Personally, I got sick of it having been pretty involved early on in the project. It’s easier and saner to just use a distro based on what everyone else is doing.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s not my thing but I appreciate just how much depth and substance Star Trek has to it and the sci-fi theme is a perfect fit for most people who frequent Lemmy.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

What makes sense is two things:

  1. You can ask questions about the game and get a direct answer, often including someone showing you exactly the thing in the game you asked about.
  2. Some streams are genuinely entertaining, such as GTA RP streams. These people mostly aren’t slobbering fat guys (though some are) but are actually working and acting the entire time.
@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Can I remote desktop a Linux PC with this, either with Wayland or X.org?

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Our plastic Christmas tree. It’s a constant battle.

How do I cope with my father hating me?

My father, who convinced me (16 m) at the time to move in with him instead of my mother when they moved. All 3 of the other siblings stayed with my mother. He then kicked me out the week I turned 18, a week into my senior year. Since then he stays in touch only to speak with his grandchildren (now going on 4 kids). I have never...

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

You won’t get justice or change anything about how the guy acts so you have to make changes yourself that you can control. Let yourself be free of needing his approval and attention. You deserve respect at least as much as you’d expect from any other person, being family doesn’t absolve them of it. If he won’t be respectful, then stop calling him, let his calls go to voice mail, stop seeing him and fill your time with people who are respectful. You can’t change him but you don’t have to put up with it either.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Thanks to capitalism somebody else already owns those diamonds anyway.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

$5k definitely helps people, it lets you catch up on bills, treat yourself a little and be able to enjoy life for a bit. But in this show it felt like medieval royalty throwing a few copper to the peasants on the streets and they literally said it was a once in a lifetime thing for these people. It was downright depressing that Americans live like this.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Are these lower classes voting to change this or are they completely brainwashed into voting against their own interests?

It almost kinda sounds like there’s an unspoken caste system going on in the way you described it.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Where I live we’re fortunate enough to have universal healthcare but it’s constantly under attack from the same side of politics that ultimately want to abolish it.

I have a friend who was going on about cutting taxes and especially not having to pay for others healthcare. Meanwhile, this idiot had just had a baby with his wife with the entire tab picked up by taxpayers, was now receiving family benefits and payments for starting a family and would soon need to rely on taxpayer-subsidied child care when she went back to work and school going forward. It somehow didn’t dawn on him that he himself was reliant on all of this assistance and was getting far more out of it than he was putting in.

At least he wasn’t so cooked that he was scared of others having abortions but I’ve at least had a taste of this bazaar mentality here.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

This is an interesting take and I think you are right. Apart from unionizing and demanding better there are definitely structural problems in how capital moves though the classes because there’s clearly enough wealth to make a lot of people’s lives better. I mean, that wealth is right there on display in these shows but it’s just not shared with these workers at all except when the wealthy want to big note themselves a little bit.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

I cannot understand the desire to be trapped in a job because without it your family gets no healthcare and will basically either die in a ditch or you’ll get a bankrupting bill for it. Not having universal healthcare even as a safety net scares the crap out of me.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Onus is on them to actually release a good game, not on the potential customer to have any faith especially with their track record. Turning NMS into a decent game was the least they could have done.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Maybe but turning it into a good game was the least they could have done in the end for people who gave them money. That would apply to TDB devs too going forward.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Anyone had much luck with it?

Everyone I know that’s tried it is telling me they just got ripped off with dodgy products, especially clothes.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar


Makes dealing with lots of servers, be them Linux or Windows, much easier.

Honourable mention to Right PDF reader for helping me with previous study too. It’s had a name change but it includes enough features in its free version that makes it very good for reading and marking up longwinded academic studies.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

You guys have pizza left?

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

What we’re currently calling AI isn’t AI but just a language processing system that takes its best guess at a response from it’s database of information they pilfered from the internet like a more sophisticated Google.

It can’t really think for itself and it’s answers can be completely wrong. There’s nothing intelligent about it.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Indeed, but it’s not the popular opinion in the general public and it’s currently the biggest buzzword in tech even if it’s wrong. People are throwing serious money at “AI” even if it isn’t.

Kushia, (edited )
@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Can you make a logical decision on your own even when you don’t have all the facts?

The current version of AI cannot, it makes guesses based on how we’ve programmed it, just like every other computer program.

Kushia, (edited )
@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

If you can’t make logical decisions then how are you a comp sci major?

Seriously though, the point is that when making decisions you as a human understand a lot of the ramifications of them and can use your own logic to make the best decision you can. You are able to make much more flexible decisions and exercise caution when you’re unsure. This is actual intelligence at work.

A language processing system has to have it’s prompt framed in the right way, it has to have knowledge in its database about it and it only responds in a way that it’s programmed to do so. It doesn’t understand the ramifications of what it puts out.

The two “systems” are vastly different in both their capabilities and output. Even in image processing AI absolutely sucks at driving a car for instance, whereas most humans can do it safely with little thought.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Well, it’s an online forum and I’m responding while getting dressed and traveling to an appointment, so concise responses is what you’re gonna get. In a way it’s interesting that I can multitask all of these complex tasks reasonably effortlessly, something else an existing AI cannot do.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

On Lemmy definitely.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s not just about storage and retrieval of information but also about how (and if) the entity understands the information and can interpret it. This is why an AI still struggles to drive a car because it doesn’t actually understand the difference between a small child and a speedbump.

Meanwhile, a simple insect can interpret stimulus information and independently make its own decisions without assistance or having to be pre-programmed by an intelligent being on how to react. An insect can even set its own goals based on that information, like acquiring food or avoiding predators. The insect does all of this because it is intelligent.

In contrast to the insect, an AI like ChatGPT is not anymore intelligent than a calculator, as it relies on an intelligent being to understand the subject and formulate the right stimulus in the first place. Then its result is simply an informed guess at best, there’s no understanding like an insect has that it needs to zig zag in a particular way because it wants to avoid getting eaten by predators. Rather, AI as we know it today is really just a very good information retrieval system and not intelligent at all.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

You said it yourself; you as an intelligent being must tease out whatever response you seek out of CharGPT by providing it with the correct stimuli. An insect operates autonomously, even if in simple or predictable ways. The two are very different ways of responding to stimuli even if the results seem similar.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah because fuck hustle culture.

Kushia, (edited )
@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

There’s a difference between what works best now to meet our energy needs (renewables) and the furthering of the science behind nuclear technology. We can do both.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Can this thing run non-emulated games or software of any kind at all (without this kernel) or is it just another Ambernic type device for retro gaming?

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

What advantage do you get using one PC in this way instead of two?

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

They practically are though once they upgrade it with two 3060s and the CPU.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

You still need all the physical space that two PCs require except for the box which is only a small part of it. You still need all the peripherals for two people and once the 3060s are in it the power difference will be negligible between one or two PCs. On top of that you have all the inconvenience and problems that using in multiseat brings. Network gear is dirt cheap and maintaining two PCs is less hassle Vs this too.

Personally I think at the end of the day you’re better off with two PCs even if the second one is a cheap second hand one. Especially since I assume the GPUs mean they’re planning on gaming on it.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

You could have a look at ex-business slimline PCs or laptops if two cases are out of the question. They’ll take up less space overall than the typical PC case and are usually pretty power efficient. The former can also be upgraded if you are careful with what you choose and find the right slimline GPUs to fit in said cases. This is what I used to do for my kids particularly with ex-Dell PCs.

The thing is that you’re not going to get a whole lot for your old parts, certainly not more than the benefit you gain by having a second PC, as by the time you sell it the parts would have depreciated in value quite a lot. But, it’s neat I guess that PCs allow you to do stuff like this even if it would result in a bit of frustration.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

When you have like 30 kids in a class and a limited budget then yeah, makes a lot of sense to come up with solutions like this.

For these two though if I knew them I’d just straight up give them a second PC for free to save them the hassle. You can do amazing things with refurbished PCs when budget and space constraints are a problem.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Enough to buy a house.

That seems like a lot for this question but it’s honestly the only thing that significantly would. Cars and goods are great but just materialistic and I can live without them just fine. But give me a place for my family and I to live and our lives would be significantly improved, because we’d not have to deal with landlords, renting, we could modify the house to our needs, have pets and not stress about constant rent hikes and the possibility of being evicted.

I think everyone should have the opportunity to own their own house and politicians are betraying society and entire generations of people by doing things that work heavily against it.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s really sad that wherever you live this is the case. A thousand bucks is nothing to most well off societies compared to the benefit that treatment for your condition has in helping you become a more productive member of society.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m not sure about the requirements that NHS has but a potentially cheaper way of doing it is having a psychologist run a few tests out of the DSM 5 and doing a report about it. Once you’re in the door with funding you can use that for a full specialist diagnosis instead.

Again, not sure if that’ll work with NHS and if it will it’ll take some research on their behalf to make it happen but that’s how I got around the same requirements for our local system without paying though the arse for a specialist.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

I hope you don’t go with your edit.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

Crypto was better even before this when hundreds of bitcoin were worth a few cents.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar


@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

I’d rather uppercut myself.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

This is what sabor rattling and fear mongering gets you, people are too gullible and scared to vote in their actual best interests because they think those interests are to run to the party that’ll protect them from an imaginary evil. Combine that with left-wing governments often being incompetent and giving in to their drama moving further and further to the right to try to win what they perceive as the popular vote instead of properly combating it and a complicit bias media + online shills in their thousands and this is the outcome.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

This is me too and why I no longer use Arch btw.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s actually really great… if you know how to interpret and apply the information on it to your situation and adapt as needed. A good new user experience it does not make however.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

The conservatives have really latched on this to do more saber rattling unfortunately in Australia. Reddit is an absolute write off trying to have any rational discussion about it too, the bots and shills are out in force. Just the suggestion that we don’t know the facts has people PMing you accusing you of being a Chinese shill and all sorts of toxic crap.

@Kushia@lemmy.ml avatar

In the early days of Reddit it’s motto was fake it until you make it. It was a ghost town so they set up an army of bots to generate content and fake activity. Not much has changed tbh.

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