This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Kraiden, (edited )

Lol, you can dream, just don't pre-order.

Edit: actually, going to expound on this. I predict the following:

An initially buggy, but impressive engine with a mediocre, and probably too short single player story that will be overshadowed by always online crap that you can't turn off. There will be one or two missions that are news-worthily provocative in some way, featuring overly graphic sex and/or really REALLY violent. You'll probably have the option to play it in co-op mode. It will ship with online multi-player. will have game breaking micro transactions from the start, and the online space will be utterly toxic from day 1. They will milk this engine for the next 20 years until it (and we) beg for death. You will be able to dance. Like in fortnite, dance.


Willing to throw my hat into the ring here and say that I haven't even bought it yet because I know my pc can't handle it. I will wait for performance patches (or look at finally upgrading my 5 year old pc)

I also think they've done everything right. They called it out BEFORE release, but released anyway for the subset of players who can play, with the promise of improving it for the rest.

The ones who can play it got lucky, the ones who can't and are all pissed about it are the same ones who would be bitching if it got delayed.


Sorry, but I don't think this is right. You'd say "add ham" not "put ham." "Put ham" doesn't mean anything without the preposition. "Put ham in/on"


Better than what my brain suggested... "Tom Cruise has finally lost it, then."


White Lotus. The memes about the intro song got me, but I couldn't stuck with the show. Just not my thing I guess

Kraiden, (edited )

I have some bad news, you're gonna want to sit down for this... it's 22 years you have to do over...


I am the egg man
They are the egg men
I am the walrus
Goo goo g'joob


She wasn't even the one twerking... she just happened to be near someone twerking... how dare she?


Juuust gonna drop this here again



Is this a fair argument in 2023 with all the options for wireless headphones/buds? I feel like it still sucks because you can't use your dollar store wired sets, but there are enough cheap raycon clones out now that it's hardly a guaranteed secondary sale at this point.


Look, I do understand, and it took me a while to buy into the wireless buds thing, but you could have made the same argument for PS/2 mouse and keyboards, or anything using mini, and then later, micro USB.

The fact is, if you want to keep your old peripherals, but upgrade your main compute device, at some point you need to accept that you'll need an adapter.

The 3.5mm jack was first introduced in the 1950s as a mini version of the 6.5mm jack... which was used as far back as 1878... it's had a hell of a run, but if you weigh the pros and cons fairly, wireless as a standard has drawbacks, but is actually, ultimately an upgrade and it's well overdue.

I just think there are enough wireless options (and adapters) available now that it's not fair to knock fairphone for this decision anymore.


It’s simply not.

Ye, well, that's just, like, your opinion man...

But seriously, that highly subjective. I'll take wireless over wired any day thanks. The inconvenience of having to charge the buds is not actually as bad as you're making it out to be. You can charge and listen if you consider charging the case as still being charging the whole unit.

The convenience of not having to deal with the damm cables themselves outweighs the inconvenience of needing to occasionally charge them for me, and clearly I'm not alone.

Someone smarter than me can talk about audio quality over wireless, but when we're talking about streaming music from Spotify, it's moot anyway.

The fact is, for the vast majority of mobile users, wireless is an upgrade over wired.


it would be a shit argument

This is fundamentally where we disagree. See my other comment

That is a pro, not a con

Never said it was a con, nor did I mean to imply that jacks are obsolete overall, only that it's a valid move to not include them on a device that is primarily used to stream audio and thus doesn't need the extra fidelity. Unless you want to try and tell me that Joe Public should be lugging around gigabytes of flac files?

lick Tim Cook’s boots

Lol, personally I prefer the taste of Han Jong-hee or Kenichiro Yoshida's boots

jack comes with none.

Respectfully, this is rose tinted glasses talking. Do you know what my wireless buds workflow is?

  1. Open case
  2. Insert buds into ears and wait for "Bluetooth connected"
  3. Tap left bud
  4. Music plays.

Compare that to

  1. Pull out buds
  2. Untangle cord
  3. Pull out phone
  4. Fumble jack into the microphone hole for 2 minutes
  5. Look at device, and insert jack into correct hole.
  6. Unlock phone
  7. Open music app of choice
  8. Hit play
  9. Music plays

With wireless buds, I don't even have to know exactly where my phone is. To say nothing of having to carry it around with me which, if you're doing housework, or a workout can be a pain.

Also, anyone who's ever had buds forcibly ripped from their ears because they've dropped their phone will tell you:

Wired buds ALSO have drawbacks


I replied to “your other comment”.

I meant the one made elsewhere in this thread where I explain why I don't think it's a shit argument. I think the wireless is a legitimate upgrade over wired when we're talking about a mobile phone.

The fidelity is one of many many pros we have listed
I don’t understand what this has to do with anything.

I'm trying to point out that your "pro" of better fidelity doesn't mean anything in a space where people aren't using a lossless format, and so aren't taking advantage of that extra fidelity anyway. This is admittedly an area I'm not strong in, so I could well be wrong, but I don't think there's any difference between wired and wireless when the source is Spotify.

you don’t have to choose.

Alright, this is fair. It would be great to keep the option for both. However, I don't think it's fair to knock Fairphone for not offering this option though, particularly because it takes space on the pcb and is an extra component cost (yes, a small one, I admit)

People are calling it a money grab move to not include a headphone jack, and I just don't think that's fair.


Hi, I've tried to clarify on the ticket, but I'll post it here as well. Please note this is specifically for Kbin, not Lemmy.

what they are trying to post

This is applicable to anywhere markdown text is supported. Mostly thread text, and comments.

is a URL to an image or an uploaded image

I've only tried externally hosted images (URL)

markdown by hand

Yes, this is specifically about supporting hand written markdown. There are two variants:

A) ![alt text here](url)
B) ![alt text here](url "label")

This ticket is both a bug report:
neither variant actually populates the alt text html attribute

And a feature request:
Support variant B) above in some way to allow more meaningful alt text

Example rendered currently:
A) ![alt text here](url)

<span ...>
  <button ...><i ...></i></button>
  <a href="url" ...>alt text here</a>
<div ...>
  <div class="preview">
    <img src="url"> 

This format should at least populate the alt attribute

B) ![alt text here](url "label")

Currently renders exactly the same as A) with the "label" being completely stripped out.

There are two possibilities for this format:

Either 1)

  <a href="url" ...>label</a>
  <img src="url" alt="alt text here"> 

Or 2)

  <a href="url" ...>alt text here</a>
  <img src="url" alt="label"> 

  1. is more technically correct, but 2) is closer to existing functionality

Lol, honestly I'm already deeper down this rabbit hole than I ever thought I'd be.

So far as I can tell, Kbin doesn't provide a way to specify alt text on embedded images at all. You can attach an image to the post using the GUI, and specify alt text that way, but it will always be at the end of the post, and you can only have 1. Not ideal.

Re: Syntax support. There's no official spec for markdown, but there is a canonical syntax guide which describes the format I'm suggesting. You're correct that it's not very widely supported in implementation though.

I think I created confusion on that ticket by talking about the implementation, which does support the suggested syntax, by populating the title attribute. I wasn't necessarily suggesting it as a solution, and it sounds like that's not a great implementation anyway.

I created even more confusion by talking about a plugin that sighted devs or testers could use to see alt text, and gave a few examples of elements to look at. None of that is really relevant.

I did try to clarify as a comment on the parent post here if you're interested.


I suspect the 2 decades might have more to do with your balls hanging lower than the vasectomy lol


Interesting. Did you have a laser or a scalpel? I had mine last month, and haven't noticed any difference at all.


I think my experience was pretty non typical, but ye, I did NOT have a good time.

Long story short, there was student in the room, so instead of just getting it over with as quickly as possible, my guy was EXCRUCIATINGLY slow to numb me, and not before he'd shown her how to enter the fucking konami code into my nutsack. At one point I actually sat up and asked just what the fuck he was doing, because I was in so much discomfort. It probably lasted 15 - 20 minutes total, but it felt like eternity.

Other than that, it was fine though. Felt like I'd been kicked in the nuts for a few days afterwards, but then it was all good. Still got a month to go before I get the all clear though.


Lol, I meant another month before I can get tested. I was back at it the next day.


Here you go

Note the date on that video. To be fair, this is the first I'm hearing of this as well, but then this is also the first time I've heard of Elizabeth Olsen, so what do I know ¯*(ツ)*/¯


There's a joke here somewhere, but it's too early in the morning for me to think of it...


I know this is all subjective, but that is one fresh ass take lol.


Listen, I'm a busy guy with a life. I don't have 20 minutes to dedicate to a video. I'd rather watch a few shorts... a quick 5 10 30 45 minute session is all I'm after...

You should learn how to properly write accessible image captions as the fediverse has a large amount of blind and visually impaired users who rely on screen readers (

Right now there is a bit left to be desired when it comes to lemmys accessibility features, but it’s a good idea to be mindful of the fact the fediverse and its platforms tends to have pretty universal accessibility features that will likely come to lemmy sooner rather than later


Actually, its because there's no way to specify alt text right now. What you're specifying with the ![text](link) format is a label, which from a technical aspect is distinct from alt text. Op is correct, alt text shouldn't render by default. Not because of abelism, but because that's how they work. Don't be so quick to start throwing isms at people.


Ye, meant to reply to /u/DessertStorms, not you, sorry


Because whatsapp came first.


Just gonna drop in here to let any kbin users that might be reading know: this doesn't apply to you.

Go to your.instance/d/ and you can block the entire instance from the sidebar


Kraiden, (edited )

Depends what specifically you're talking about when you say "dying."

Do you mean the process of it? Or do you mean what comes after?

For what comes after: Think about all the time before you were born and the big bang. That's what it'll feel like. Ever had a nap for 5 seconds, only to wake up and realise you've been asleep for an hour? Picture the deepest sleep possible. The remaining time between the second you die and the heat death of the universe will pass in an instant. It really is nothing to be afraid of.

If you're worried about the actual process, just realise that you live in the absolute best time in terms of medical treatment, pain management, and scientific break through. I don't know how old you are, but I'm willing to bet you've got decades in you still. It'll suck when it happens, but the longer you live, the less it'll suck. The chances of going badly (from a medical thing anyway) decrease every day. So stay active, eat well, and look after your body.

But don't let that interfere with living your life.

This Kurtzgesagt video was instrumental in helping me to chill out and just get on with it:

Optimistic Nihilism

ETA: The way you talk about life:

just keep on moving forward, keep setting goals, keep making progress

Stop. There is nothing wrong with standing still for a minute and catching your breath. My advice to you is to stop looking forward for a second and just focus on existing right now.

Once you feel comfortable in the day to day, then you can look a little further ahead.

X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, has threatened to sue a group of independent researchers whose research documented an increase in hate speech on the site since it was purchased (

Twitter is threatening legal action against the Center for Countering Digital Hate, a nonprofit that researches hate speech and content moderation on social media platforms....


I was just going to say, wouldn't they have to disprove the findings to win?


Pretty sure that was FAT. Whatever the case, you don't need to defeag modern windows anymore


I've got an Ayaneo Next. Had it for about a year... I fucking love it. 11/10 highly recommend.

I've not used a Steam Deck though, so couldn't compare them, but from what I've seen in videos of the steam deck, I can't say I feel like I'm missing anything, except maybe all the built in stats.


Embrace the void

Kidding. I hear you. I don't have facebook/insta/WhatsApp but my partner does, and it's painfully obvious how much we'd miss out on if she didn't


Easy. Ban Defederate every company.

FTFY. It's FOSS. We can't stop them from spinning up their own instances (See: Threads) but that doesn't mean we have to play nicely with them.

Edit: Fuck it, I can't get the strikethrough to work.

YSK: Keeping your accounts/online identity safe in the age of the fediverse/federated networks

As more people flock over to the fediverse from reddit, twitter and other centralised proprietary networks it is important that you keep your e-mail and other important accounts safe from hijacking attempts. Since anyone can simply spin up an instance and host users and communities it is important that you don’t divulge your...


Good advice for outside the fediverse too

I haven't seen anyone mention the kbin native(?) app!? I tried it and it seems perfect and amazing? (

I tried Jerboa briefly and couldn't get it to work well for me. Then I visited kbin on my phone's browser and was prompted to install the kbin app!? I haven't seen any references to it, but it's exactly what I wanted...? Has anybody else tried it?


It's better than nothing, but it's missing quite a bit. I'm actually finding it to be quite janky.

Things like every time I go back from reading a thread or something, all the filters get reset. Opening a link to a post is inconsistent, and won't always scroll to the exact post. Tapping on a title doesn't always open the thread, I have to tap 3 times to open a link, no notifications etc etc.

To be clear, I'm not complaining. Kbin is still quite early in it's life and until recently was only being built by one person. This is all to be expected, and I'm sure it'll get smoothed out in time.

Buuuuuuuuut a nice smooth native app experience would be lovely, ngl


Throwing my vote to righty as well.

The left loses a little too much detail at smaller scale.

The little expression marks on righty need to go for the same reason imo.

All in all though, I like it!


Uh... Addendum... Why TF is RIF suddenly working again?

I can't log in, but I can see unauthed content

Kraiden, (edited )

fyi you can do strike through like ~~this~~


I mean they have to protect all that content that they've been given for free, right?

  • spez probably

Wow so they've prioritised the casual users over the power users... You know, the ones who actually post the content... This should go well /s

Anecdotal, but I've been talking about this whole thing to my partner. She doesn't really care though because, in her own words: "I tried to use Reddit a little while ago, but I didn't like the app"

Had a good chuckle to myself over that

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