
‘The more I see of what you call civilisation, the more highly I think of what you call savagery.’

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For german government “Never again” meant just never again genocide against jews. All other people are fine and free game.


Germany has been the second largest military supplier to Ukraine after the US. They are very much providing for that war too.


They will try it again in like two to three years from now. This time they will just do a under the radar and somewhat diluted version of it.


Musk-, tesla- X- and SpaceX bashing are all equally obnoxious. I’m so tired of seeing why circlejerking about how twitter sucks and reading all the articles with comments about why Tesla stock is crashing, twitter is dying and people celbrating how it’s great that some supposedly misfortune fell of Musk because of his hubris. Reverse fanboyism is as annoying as actual fanboyism for all the same reasons. To me anti musk crowd is now the more annoying one who became the thing they were opposing. So yes please shut up about Musk and ban everything concerning him for all I care.


Remember that Huawei already broke through the mobile SoC barrier that was thought to be impossible with their new chip recently? Oh I wonder what is going to happen next… Well the Chinese have been much further in their domestic GPU/AI accelerator development. They just end up creating Chinese domestic competition and at worst global competition for US tech sector. I say Washington is desperate and treading water with it’s sanction war and will end up slowing china for a bit on the short term, but en up shooting themselves in the leg on the long to medium term with this one.


It’s for being pro palestine isn’t it. You mods are absolutely shameless.


Well that was so obvious of a joke that it’s almost not funny :p


I hope they were lost in “fell in to the atmosphere and burned up” and not in “they started colliding with other space junk and accelerated the whole orbit toward a kessler syndrome” kinda way…


It’s not about the targeting computers not being powerful enough. It’s about the counter missile not being fast enough and the hypersonic missile being able to zig-zag like a cruise missile, but with similar speeds as ballistic has in it’s decent phase.


Then how does it react when the missile is going 3x as fast and sweeps right when the counter missile is sweeping to left towards the missiles previous position and misses, in that case it needs to be faster than the incoming missile itself. Yes, the speed would not be a problem towards a predictable trajectory, that’s how ballistic missiles are intercepted even if they go super fast. it’s basically a high school math problem in that case to calculate the point of interception in a firing solution. It’s also fine if missile can change course, that’s how cruise missiles are shot down, because the counter-missile can still race with them when they turn, but when the missile is fast and can change directions mid flight then it doesn’t much help how fast the computer calculates if the hardware can’t react fast enough. it’s basically like if your mind were able to move at superhuman speed but your body is still human and you get shot and only thing you can really do is to watch the bullet approaching but being unable to dodge fast enough.


Khinzal for example is meant to be both a ground targeting missile and a “carrier killer”. That alone should mean it’s indeed maneuverable in flight.


The car here is moving like 500km/h and it’s doing a zigzag in erratic pattern. Even if your rocks can change trajectory themselves mid flight they simply aren’t moving fast enough. Oh and you have to hit the car from 1km away.


Also, if Khinzal was really that maneuverable then how were the Ukrainians able to intercept multiple with the much slower Patriot missiles?

One can put serious doubt on their claims. Ukrainain MoD has every incentive to lie and on top of that they did show off some empty soviet era bombshells as remnants of a shot down Kinzhal.


It senses the competition…


That’s only for google though.

Russia, China, Iran state media see boost on X after removal of ‘state-affiliated’ labels (thehill.com)

The accounts of several Russian, Chinese and Iranian state media outlets saw a 70 percent increase in engagement on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, after it removed labels identifying them as “state-affiliated,” according to a new report released Tuesday....

Korkki, (edited )

So State labelled media was basically just keep wrong narratives under wraps, keep people away from them and shaft them down the algorithm where nobody would see it unless they went especially looking for it. It never had anything to do with “state media” since no western state media got the label, never had anything to do with lies, disinformation or propaganda either, since what is wider media these days anyway. It had everything to do with not following the Euro-Atlantic narrative and god forbid letting the designated “enemy countries” voice their side of the story. Why there is so much Twitter/X hate rn. in the media is because the western global ministry of truth fears losing grasp of the narrative if too much freedom is introduced.

I want to hear no bullshit here about how this was actually ever good and necessary and why we need narrative control for “democracy” and for protection of the fragile minds of the plebs who don’t know any better than to believe Russian and Chinese lies.

Edit: Oh right fediverse is has sizeable portion of assmad X refugees who now hate X and Musk and left when the people they don’t like got to post again. I must have struck a nerve Explains partly the dislikes. The others I guess are the unironic censorship supporters on a free speech platform, for various reasons.

Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding (www.gamingonlinux.com)

One of the big winners of the Unity debacle is the free and open source Godot Engine, which has seen its funding soar to a much more impressive level as Unity basically gave them free advertising. Certainly helps that Godot ended up launching their new funding platform on the same day Unity announced their hated Runtime Fee...


At least something good came out of this debacle.


He just does the “all publicity is good publicity” trick. He isn’t so stupid to actually do it.


Die Fabre is cool, I guess. It’s a 2010 film adaptation of color out of space.


Annihilation fits within the criteria, but it’s not really a “small”, indie or less known movie.


Holy shit! I knew people got pissed, but this…🤣

Despite it’s illegality. it’s a type of protest. Better that being pissed off in twitter and the still cucking to unity in the end, but worse that just stopping using unity and porting existing games off the engine. Still, not everybody can still just do that, this is why something like this is understandable. Imagine being a indie dev team years in development with mounting costs and backers expecting a product and you expecting return for your work and then unity turns ups the leeching and fucking up your calculations and forcing you either to delay the launch, pay the financial cost of that delay, port to a different engine and learn a new skillset for that engine or bite the bullet and pay. Also Imagine the unity devs who will be out of a job because of this.


Yeah, this is basically why I’m not buying these arguments against a struggle of any kind, just because methods of it are illegal.

Illegality =/= your cause or methods are wrong


If you want to to change something then yes. A empty performance that the target can ignorance is worse than doing nothing, because then you falsely think “you at least did something”. ESPECIALLY so if all other methods are exhausted or unavailable to you and situation is a a great importance to you.

Illegality of methods does not make the cause unjust, since many unjust things in this world are completely legal and will get you imprisoned or killed if you oppose them. The most extreme example of illegality vs injustice was that in 1940s Europe it was highly illegal to protect jews from being hunted down and killed.


I’m not saying I would be justified yo make death threats about this, since as you say this doesn’t really concern me personally and I have not made any. I’m just saying that people who get hurt by this have the full moral right to do this if they go down that path.

Also I’m really not buying this “Even greedy leechlike corporate suits still have the right to feel safe when doing decisions that will fuck over countless of of live and make society all the worse for it” line of argument that you are pushing between the lines. Violence is not just when somebody bleeds, you know and this is just response one one kind of violence with other type of violence. And this is not just a provider charging for a product. Many people get hurt by this and years of their lives might go to waste. And for what? Corporate greed, it’s not like unity is fucking struggling themselves and they need the cashflow. What they needed was bigger margins.


Ooh, think of the Unity’s corporate suits. You monster. they are people too. Think of their sleepless nights over this. They might have to go to therapy…

You really just base you sense of justice on legality. You really would just watch as landlords increase rents for 200% just for greed and watch people go homeless and then feel smugly superior when you condemn and report said homeless for throwing shit in the windows of the landlords. A Tennant might even have the chance to move elsewhere. Unity devs might not have such a easy path out.

You really are a awful person without a heart. Call me a psycopath all you like.


And you can’t see that violence is not just when somebody bleeds. Also you really can’t imagine that anything that isn’t legal is a justified action to a wrongdoing.

just wondering, what is your opinion of Palestine struggle against Israeli encroachment and occupation of their lands? 😜


If you are comparing a third party library changing its monetization model

If you starting point is “it’s just money lol”, then beside your general screwed sense of justice this is another major problem in you thinking. Many people have made it blatantly clear that this is not just some price increase that devs can just wave away. It can cause cost of millions to devs at worse and that’s bad if you have a tight and fixed budget and you are years in development. It’s also a breach trust that will make nobody want to use unity ever again and that’s bad when people have sometimes invested their lives in it. That’s bad for Unity too yes, but it’s bigger that just one company. I have already told you this and why I sympathise with the devs.


The world basically lives in a monotechonlogy bubble. What you have others will have and what others have you will have and production can be eventually set up to almost everywhere when provided the capital and labor. Blocking anything or isolating anybody has become an impossibility and any move of blocking anything has no other effect other than introducing speed bumps or creating an alternative ecosystem of the same technology. US seems to live in this world of a last cold war when it was still possible to limit things and compete with having the better tech and forcing others to come to you to have access to it, but that world died when the iron curtain came down. Now it is never coming back up even if US tries to impose it around itself and Europe and other honorary western countries and even if it did US couldn’t compete with its university STEM departments filled with Chinese and production outsourced to Asia.

I'm worried that in the future we will be forced to use smartphones just like in China

In China, you can’t exist without a smartphone, because for all existential things you have to do (paying bills, buying tickets etc.) , you are forced to use the almighty wechat app. Smartphones are a tool to manipulate and to spy on the population. It is a tool utilized by the ruling class, to control the masses. I hate the...


Google and Meta walled gardens are the cancer of the internet, not the internet itself.


It’s unironically good that there is further centralisation, integration and efficiency in payments, reservations, bills. What China is doing is It’s progress and future. You just can’t imagine that anything big and centralised can even in principle work for the people. WELL IT CAN AND IT SHOULD. No need to be a Luddite or dogmatic libertarian about it. What you are really worried that government or big corporation would control it. And if you are one of those that can’t process the idea that government could ever be trusted in anything, because of bad experience (and probably partly because of propaganda) then it gets to be understandable position, but it isn’t in reality like that and doesn’t have to be like that.


yeah and the problem here would be that it all would happen in one app? Seriously? It would only be a problem if google or Microsoft owned and controlled it and ran it rampantly for their own profit, not if it’s handled as a public utility as such things should. That’s why WeChat-like apps are progress and the future.


I want regulation and preferably nationalisation and putting them under democratic control to work towards social ends and not profit. Not corporate power, not fragmentation.


In some applications centralisation is the only feasible solution. Decentralisation and cynical fear of centralisation is never the excuse to create and accept shit.


We basically need fragmentation - to small local counties, instead of a multinational hegemony.

That’s unbelievably reactionary and impossible. Is this just one of those takes that is founded on the belief that governments are shit and they will be shit no matter what and we the people cannon change anything or hope for anything better? So the solution is that we all go back to the “peasant commune” where we will each build our treehouses with people like to live and see life like us? Will work fine until one realises that supply chains enabling modern western lifestyle and technology are global and dismantling central states will both take down the infrastructure and bureaucracy that makes everything run. Plus if one doesn’t have the same or greater violence monopoly of centralised state there is no way to force outsiders or the neighbouring country just rolling over you.

People have tried this “going back to the simple, communal and smaller scale” many times and every time they failed, as if for example the transition from feudalism to modern states and towards higher centralisation wasn’t the next stage in the evolution of human condition and just some singular shit choice made by evil, ignorant or bad leaders of the past that we can just walk back on any time we wish. Genie is already out of the bottle as we say and now the only way is forward.


That is not an argument against central government, it’s an argumenta against bad governance. Many things have clauses for special events and circumstances.


Quite ingenious and simple design, even considering the limitations of the time.


Giving the site massive amounts of traffic in attempt to crowdsource a another 100x30 pixel “Fuck Spez” banner. Spez must be getting pads on his back for this.


most people participating in “fuck spez” already had an account, so they aren’t getting many new users from this.

Why would a person even become a new user just to shit on spez, they have no stake in the drama anyway? I still have an account but I have lessened my usage to a fraction. I don’t go to R/place to “protest”, nor do I make bot accounts or alts to spam the place.


Google controls way too much. People need to stop using their products.

At his point it’s like saying stop using the internet. Also most don’t even have the freedom to totally ditch google, since time and effort and knowledge of alternatives are still a scarce resources. Also work and school might be tied to their products. I fear they are too big to fail. This btw why any sort of Open source, crypto, fediverse shit is only the second best option in my option when taking on the tech giants. My preferred option would be total nationalization of big tech platforms and handling them as public utilities. Drop them under some new UN institution and we would golden.


but you forget that governments in the West are simply employees of the big corps and banks.

True, or it’s more like private public blob, with the private part dominating, but better to have nominal democratic and legistlative control than total corporate impunity to make and change the rules as the go and only being limited with nominal legislation by corporate puppet government. Also I mean something trans national, like the UN. obviously just giving all social media to their respective governments would just lead to same problems and wold still just leave the social media sphere into a plaything of US gov, that it is already, (and that why it will never happen because it would require US gov cooperating). But the minimal gain from all this would be that it would be only the government spying on you, not both government and the corporations.


Some rolling release might be good for driver updates, so arc si good for that or manjaro for easier use, but I guess it doesn’t really matter if hardware isn’t the cutting edge and even like mint might do and it might be a bit more stable.


Tax really is a good word for it. When you basically have a monopoly on or just act as gatekeeper to something and there is no market and no real competition the fee and profits you are making is basically taxation.

OSs kinda also act like natural monopolies because of software compatibility. People tend to gravitate towards the option that has most software support for ease of use. Windows should either be taken over by taken over by international bodies to be handled as global commons (of which I seen never happening) or it should be replaced with a open OS like Linux. Same could be said with social media, because it’s equally retarded to have the agoras used by the public as a profiteering tool for capitalists who abuse their power and leech from their monopoly, when the user base is the only thing that gives a platform any value.

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