This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


I also find it incredible, that there’s no GUI button to edit the path. You have to just kind of know that Ctrl+L does that…


For a moment there, I thought, it said “cat”, like your cat is pushing expensive vases off of shelves or something.

Made perfect sense, except I wasn’t sure, why you’d ignore it…


Apparently, “Theorems for free!” is a paper that talks about an extensive ability to reason about parts of programs, if you follow some rather basic rules.

However, lots of popular programming languages throw this ability out the window, because they do not want to enforce those basic rules.
Most languages, for example, allow for rather uncontrolled side effects and to be able to reason as a programmer, you have to make the assumption that no one else abused side effects.

The instanceof is rather referring to dynamic typing, though, as e.g. employed by Python and JS, which makes it difficult to make any assumptions at all.

So, in statically typed languages, when you’re implementing a function, you can declare that a given parameter is a number or a string etc. and the compiler will enforce that for you. In dynamically typed languages, you have to assume that anyone calling your function is using it correctly, which is a difficult assumption to make after a refactoring in a larger codebase.

All in all, such different levels of rigorosity can be fine, but the larger your codebase grows, the more you do want such rules to be enforced, so you can just ignore the rest of the codebase.


Well, if it sold out within hours, I doubt anyone bought it for the taste…


Nah, Alpine is independent. It’s one of the more popular non-GNU/Linux distros.


A big difference is that Twitch livestreams are creating content as reality happens. You can’t skip ahead, you can’t pre-load into a buffer. YouTube would need to take those features away to allow for similarly effective ad enforcement, which would eliminate a significant advantage of VODs.


That one can be realized client-side (just don’t actually pause the stream download, but rather write it into a buffer). No idea, if there actually is a client that implements this, but it is conceptually possible.

I rather meant that with a livestream, people don’t want to be several minutes behind. They want at most a few seconds delay, so they can collectively chat about the things happening in the stream and reasonably hold conversations with the streamer.

What you can do as well, is to just pause the stream when the ad starts and then reload when you imagine the ad might be over…

Kim Kardashian’s next trick? A bra to make you look turned on by absolutely everything (

Highlights: The new bra in Kim Kardashian’s lingerie range, with its “daring” raised nipple detail, goes on sale on Halloween, but not, I think, because the effect she’s going for is “scary”. The sales pitch is “No matter how hot it is, you will always look cold”, but I’m not sure “cold” is the look she’s...


Women aren’t a hivemind. Some women are fully onboard with hypersexualisation…


Yeah, problem is that I’m not aware of anyone who actually writes octal numbers as “OCT123” nor decimal numbers as “DEC123”. It’s basically a made-up syntax, supposed to look plausible for both date notation and number system notation. It’s part of the joke, which LLMs won’t understand.


Electrolysis and then nuclear fusion.


The thing with DNT, while Google and Facebook actively blocked the vast majority of webpages from complying, it always felt like its real death was ushered in by Microsoft setting it to ‘on’ by default in Internet Explorer.

IE was not a browser that users chose for its privacy protections and it not being a setting that users had to actively enable, meant that DNT was not anymore a clear signal that users don’t want to be tracked. The biggest exhibitionist could have been using IE, not knowing that it tells webpages to look away.

IE is dead now. But I do wonder, if this stunt could be repeated.

  • I don’t think, Microsoft has the relevance with Edge to do it again.
  • Google might have a bit too much relevance. The whole commercial internet would probably implode immediately, especially with the GDPR now breathing down their neck.
  • Apple has advertised with privacy, so this could be a default users expect.
  • Samsung could potentially do it, but they have no reason to.

So, I guess, I’m cautiously optimistic that DNT might make a comeback…


♪ Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm. ♪


Etherpad is a relatively lightweight option:


Weiß ich nicht, Digga, so ein Spaziergang wirkt schon extrem bequem. Mag jetzt klingen, als würde ich die Metapher überdehnen, aber tatsächlich meine ich das so auf allen Interpretationsebenen. 🙃


It is completely 100% ridiculous to try to ‘diagnose’ you from this short of a description, but it could be that you’re autistic to some degree.

Us autistic folks like to take moral issues a lot more personal, like having to lie. We’re often at odds with societal standards. We may feel like we’re socially slow, even though in my experience, it’s usually just that we socialize differently. And we definitely overanalyze things.


One theory I’ve heard where fibro comes from, is that the body is always in fight-or-flight mode (for varying reasons), it never properly switches over to rest-and-digest mode for an extended period.

So, it could be that someone with fibro just smells like someone taking an exam, but like, even in theoretically relaxed situations.


I’ve basically only watched one video on this (of someone who’s supposedly medically trained, has fibro themselves and published a book about fibro), so you know, don’t think I’m an expert.

But well, according to this video, one common cause for pain in people with fibro is muscle tension. She said something like, what’s normally considered dangerous levels of muscle tension, where you’d actively medicate people in a hospital, that’s normal levels for fibros.

Obviously, you won’t get muscle tension in an exam, except maybe in your writing hand, because you’re not really using your muscles and exams tend to be short enough anyways.

Another suspected cause is that during fight-or-flight, your body releases testosterone, which inhibits, I believe, oxytocin production, which means your body slows down long-term regenerative processes. So, quickly closing up a bleeding wound is on schedule, but making sure your joints are regenerated before the next fight-or-flight situation, that’s lower priority while you’re supposedly still in a fight-or-flight situation.

Does extensive post-release support - particularly for live-service games - lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointing realities in a game's sequels? (

It's a common issue at this point: a game releases, gets years' worth of updates and DLCs, and then eventually the developers move on to developing a sequel. The sequel comes out and... the depth and amount of content is nowhere close to what players have just been experiencing in its predecessor. The sequel may have many of the...

/kbin logotype

I always think that a 2.0 upgrade would make more sense, e.g. what Factorio is currently chipping away at. I guess, Factorio has the advantage that they’re far away from market saturation. Dropping a big update will likely pay for itself, because it’s just solid marketing.

But yeah, it feels like if you’re a live service game, you should be having incremental updates to keep the game modern. I believe, Fortnite is doing quite well in that regard.
Releasing a sequel often feels like misguided investors wanting to cash in twice and then, of course, that’s bound to not work very well.

I guess, the question is whether this is really a problem. I imagine, Paradox can pay for finishing up C:S2 with the live service money from C:S1. It doesn’t need to have a grandiose launch. And I guess, folks who aren’t deeply invested into C:S1 can just buy C:S2 without that being a disappointment (once the performance troubles etc. are fixed).


I mean, I certainly don’t want to argue against 2FA, but some accounts are just …disposable, you know?

Like, if someone hacks into this account, obviously not great, but I’ll talk to the admins to get it suspended/deleted and then I’ll make a new one. It’s mostly just a minor inconvenience…


Problem is, when you sit there with headphones all day, you won’t do much socializing. Often all it takes, is just one colleague who can’t make it to the office or who works at a different office…


GApps-less LineageOS, currently without root. Will probably go back to a rooted setup, though, mostly because the default font is depressing me.


I have not noticed a difference yet…


Privacy is one discipline of security…


Some years ago, when Google introduced the permission system with Android Marshmallow, I watched this developer conference presentation. At the end of it, a visitor asked whether there’s also a permission to prevent internet access.

The Google guy who had presented it, responded that there was not, because with the other permissions in place, no app would have access to data that shouldn’t be on the internet.

I’d wager every single person in that room was techy enough to know that this was complete horseshit, including the presenter, but that did not stop him from pressing it out his grinning teeth.

To this day, when you install a third-party keyboard app, you either trust it with all your passwords and everything you type + internet access, or you don’t use one, even though 99% of third-party keyboards don’t need internet.
Similarly, you could allow camera apps etc. to not need to ask for permission, if they don’t use the internet, thereby reducing user fatigue.

Instead, Google decided to compromise security of the Android platform, I imagine, because they want apps to ship with (their) ads and trackers.


Yeah, I was actually aware of that, while writing the above. The AndroidManifest.xml is zipped into the APK-file, so even for closed-source apps, you should be able to check it.

Problem is, of course, that it doesn’t help less techy folks, but also that you can’t prevent app updates from suddenly adding internet access.

And that you can’t take it away from apps that do claim to need it. At some point, I had some sort of root/XPosed/whatever setup, where I could take this permission away from apps, but because this was a thing that couldn’t happen normally, they all just flopped over sideways, saying things like “Please connect to WiFi 🥺”.


This is going to be an oddball suggestion, but quite a unique gaming experience, in my opinion: NodeCore

It’s basically Minecraft meets puzzling to progress through technologies.

The game is rather difficult. And it being so niche, there’s no wiki to tell you the solutions, except for actual Wikipedia, because somehow it’s relatively realistically modelled.
As such, it has this feeling of being the first human to figure these things out and I found it massively rewarding when I pushed through some of the more complex puzzles.

The whole game is completely free. Just download the Minetest engine/launcher and search for “NodeCore” in the Content-tab.


Muss auch echt sagen, dass es ziemlich schräg ist, wie die ganze Partei in Richtung Nationalsozialismus abdriftet, seit Mutti im Ruhestand ist.

Vor zehn Jahren war die CxU die Partei des aktiven Nichtstuns. War auch schon gemeingefährlich, die zu wählen, weil eben doch nicht alles so bleibt wie es ist, wenn man sich nicht um Klimawandel und Co. kümmert, aber zumindest, wie meine Mutter es formulieren würde, kommen dann NPD/AfD/FW nicht an die Macht.

Mittlerweile hetzt ein Merz gegen Fremde, ein Söder nutzt das aktive Nichtstun, um einen Antisemiten zu decken, und insgesamt ist das die Partei, die plötzlich ein riesiges Problem damit hat, Menschen in Not zu helfen.
Die “Bürger der Mitte”, die früher CxU gewählt haben, werden bei diesem Kurs früher oder später andere Parteien wählen müssen.

Wenn da eine neue Generation an Nicht-Rechtsextremen nachkommt, ist das eigentlich keine Überraschung, aber trotzdem begrüßenswert.


Is there a small version of Firefox for Android?

There was Firefox Lite, but it was really Chromium under the hood (using Android’s built-in WebView, to keep that download size small). It was discontinued in 2021.


Also, the Android System WebView package is not installed on /e/OS

It doesn’t have to be visible to you. You would have to check with ADB to actually know that it’s not installed.
And I don’t think Android without WebView is a thing. Many apps depend on it…


Here on LineageOS, WebView only shows up in the app list, if I tell it to “Show System”…

On some Android distributions, there is a user-visible WebView-app, which contains an updater, but I imagine, that’s actually a separate package which just updates the system’s WebView package.

And I imagine, that updater-app is optional. At the very least, WebView is clearly installed on my OS and my launcher doesn’t show a WebView app…


Do not negotiate with fascists. The guy is going to move the goal posts ad infinitum.


It is definitely possible, yeah. Tailscale and similar don’t do magic either.

I’m not sure on the specifics, though. I think, you want a TURN server or a STUN server.


The issue I have with Reddit - it’s full of hateful people

I left two or three years before the big wave, for precisely this reason. It really is a toxic culture – it seeps into your brain that you cannot say something mildly wrong or controversial without the mob snowballing your comment to death.
No one affords others any goodwill, because not doing so makes their own number go up.

I was on Mastodon for quite a while, because Lemmy wasn’t a thing yet. And over there, you can only make people’s numbers go up and the culture reflects that.
I do feel like the Lemmy model works better for unearthing content (Mastodon is more about people), but I can’t help but feel like there ought to be a path in the middle.


Yeah, that big wave brought a lot of that culture over here and it might be self-sustaining…


I was gonna say, what even is “adware” in an ecosystem where every app ships annoying or intrusive ads?

Similarly, what is a “trojan” when those ads submit your data, too? None of this is in the interest of the user…


It kind of depends on your definition of “end-to-end”. Normally, what people mean is from one communication partner (i.e. human) to the other. If you use a software to do the encrypting and decrypting, it should be open-source and verifiable. The WhatsApp client is not that. It is an attack vector and it takes in your message in unencrypted form.


I agree that lots of software calls itself e2ee, despite the ends being untrustworthy and one can definitely argue that therefore the word itself should not imply trustworthy.

But well, in this particular context, folks were using the ‘trustworthy’ definition…

The Best PeerTube Frontends are Mastodon and Lemmy

The fascinating thing about PeerTube right now is that the frontend experience actually seems to be best on other services. This is primarily because discoverability between instances is fairly poor due to both federation mechanics and due to the nature of bootstrapping social. Because Lemmy and Mastodon feature their own human...


In case, you’re not aware, there’s SepiaSearch as a search engine across PeerTube instances…


Yeah, I do agree. It’s tricky for individual PeerTube instances to build up a sufficiently large community and thanks to the magic of federation, we don’t have to build all the community features into PeerTube, like traditional/centralized services do.


The penguin is great, because it’s absolutely unprofessional. I’d rather Linux be a fun community get-together than a sterile corporate brand.


160°F = 71.11°C


Yeah, I was wondering as well, if there’s something more to it.

If my cup of tea is at 70°C, that does burn my tongue, but that’s in particular, because water conducts heat very well. I guess, if it’s very smooth asphalt and he gets full contact with naked skin, then it would conduct heat well, too…


Well, active development. Especially for TES fans, it may be difficult to grasp why they would not start with TES6 right after the release + bugfixing of Skyrim. Others may understand that they’ll do Fallout 4 in between.

But doing two Fallouts + Fallout in Space Starfield, it would have deserved a comment from Bethesda.


Yeah, I was considering giving that technicality its room, especially because ESO exists. ESO is kind of FO76 in the TES universe.

But at the same time, ESO wasn’t really what most TES fans hoped for either, so from that average consumer view, it may actually even feel like another project that’s somewhat misguided, while waiting for TES6.

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