Astronomer & video game data scientist with repressed anger

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


But he’s also operating at some of the highest levels of privilege, wealth, fame, and adoration. And that’s not enough for him…?

He's talking about the Academy Awards. You know, little gold statues for being famous enough at playing make believe to be noticed, and and good enough at it to be considered as one of the best of the well known.

If there's anything the rich, privileged actors can publicly whinge about, it's probably this.


Some things they don't care about -- e.g. Reddit, Twitter stuff -- and some things they just don't feel like they can affect. If they're buying a new car, and every single car in their region and in their price range is selling subscriptions, then they're going to feel like they have no choice.

Now, they do likely have choices -- they could buy a used car, or they could look outside their immediate region -- but those options may not address their pain points (maybe they really, really wanted a new car), or maybe they can't afford the time to travel, etc., but the fact that less convenient choices exist don't necessarily make people aware of them, or feel like they're real options.

When every company you interact with, and every transaction you make, is like this, it takes up all of your spoons for dealing with this stuff. It wears down your resistance, and makes it feel like it doesn't matter what you want, just what's being offered.

Kichae, (edited )

And one of the primary reasons they never had to make a profit was that, so long as interest rates were functionally zero, it didn't really cost the investor class much of anything to park money in a money losing operation while waiting for it to become sellable.

With interest rates back to pre-2008 levels, though, there's a price to money again. And a real opportunity cost. So, compete with bonds or watch your investors walk.


Huh. Gladiator 2.

How... How are they supposed to make that work? Is it going to be like the Final Fantasy games? Or is it more of a God of War type thing?


I know it's a movie. I'm not confused by the source.

I'm confused by the ending of the first movie and the number 2.


You're more than welcome to make a cogent argument for right-wing policies. Please, by all means, convince us that "fuck the poor", "fuck immigrants, but also fuck indigenous people", and a dictatorship of the wealthy is what's honestly best for people, communities, and the environment.

I've been waiting 25 years to hear the case for right-wing policy, but all anyone ever seems to say is "fuck you, I got mine", and there's nothing to say back to that other than "well, fuck off with yours and leave the rest of us alone, then".


Oh, it sounds like that's not the issue. It's that they're using clips from the movie featuring the backpack in anoyher backpack company's commercials.

This isn't "you used our product without permission", but "you're using our product to directly market a competing product".


They're not using it for free, though. If I have a Netflix account with multiple profiles, I'm paying for that. I don't see why I don't get to determine who get to use those profiles.

Particularly after Netflix's own marketing department pushed out that "Love is sharing a password" tweet.

If they wanted to bump the price of multi-profile accounts, fine, but this accusing your customers of wrongdoing for doing something you yourself promoted is bullshit.


A leftist safe zone still exists, they have their own instance.

The leftist safe zone is and always was a lie, anyway. They're just fascists LARPing as a communist vanguard.


Doom 3. It's still the only game I've upgraded my PC explicitly for.

Kichae, (edited )

Yeah, I'm not sure where this attitude of "Fuck people who did work and developed skills in fields that employers thought were necessary, but now suddenly the new hotness is believing that they're not" is coming from. Smug superiority based on the avenue through which you allow yourself to be exploited is pretty fucking dark, and says nothing good about the people espousing that mindset.

Edit: Unsurprisingly downvoted by someone who seems to have mistaken themselves as smarter than the average bear and unreplaceable. "I was interested in a thing that turned out to be more lucrative than you" isn't a good enough reason to look down on other people, folks. None of us deserve more comfort than anyone else, especially not because we liked something other people didn't. Believing otherwise is just anti-social, sociopathic bullshit.


Bald-faced appeal to authority, okay.

You understand that the fallacy is the appeal to false authority, right? Not just any authority?

Swinging the partial names of logical fallacies around like a poorly wielded shield isn't actually an argument. It's just an attempt to poison the well.


If you don't have sympathy for people because they lost their livelihood, and the reason for that loss isn't that they were themselves rotten people making other people's lives worse, then you're a rotten person.

Full stop. End of discussion. Kindly exit society, we don't need more people like you in it.


I actually think it's a sign of success, at least in one realm. We've been taking pictures of Earth from Mars for decades now. That it's a common enough thing that it could maybe be "mildly interesting" is an achievement.


Friendica, as others have said. Mobilizon looks good for less of the family-and-friends aspect of the platform.

Odysee/LBRY is just another bit of crypto crap. Another desperate attempt to create an off-ramp for people who have invested in digital trash actually cash out, by bringing in a fresh wave of lesser fools. PeerTube is the fediverse equivalent to YouTube.

Kichae, (edited )

Most professional YouTubers survive primarily off of Patreon support and sponsored videos. YouTube ads provide only a small fraction of what they earn. If they could increase their Patreon or sponsorship income by cross-posting to PeerTube, then they could be enticed to do so. The current issue there is that sponsors are going to want accurate analytics, and PeerTube isn't going to be able to offer the kind of depth of audience analysis that YouTube can.

The problem is, the cost of hosting videos -- both in terms of storage and in terms of bandwidth -- is kind of prohibitive. That part needs to be solved.


I do wonder if the blockchain ... can be used here

In what way? To what effect? It's not like blockchain magically makes videos small.


Even if you're self-hosting, you still have to send your data to any instance hosting posts or comments you're interacting with, otherwise you'll be the only person to ever see your own posts and comments.

No other instance will be guaranteed to have a complete profile of you, though.


The mods decided to merge. Don't conflate the mods with the community. Plenty of members weren't interested in migrating and merging, and they shouldn't have to participate.

There's no reason they can't stay in the old community.


That's stage 3 enshitification for you.


I was looking for that article a couple of weeks ago, and for the life of me could not remember where I'd originally seen it. I didn't even notice it was there when digging this up. Amazing!

Going to bookmark that this time.


They lost plenty of people, at least for now.

What none of these articles seem to want to highlight is that this is completely normal retention behaviour. 50% week 1 retention isn't excellent by any stretch of the imagination, but it's well, well within the span of what's normal.

And Threads is still half baked.


It also directly goes against their rule 3 which is "no discrimination".

No, in a space that's dominated by Americans, and where the base politics forum is US-only, this isn't discrimination. It's carving out a space for everyone else.

You don't get to take over every space your eyes fucking see. You're not Mufasa.


Ok, but what you described is literally discrimination against americans. Just because they're american, doesn't mean its not discrimination.

Oh noes! Sumeting isn't abowt me! Dis must be wut discwiminashun is! Help! Help! I'm bean oppressed!

QQ all day long, I guess.

If you changed the word "US" to a middle eastern country, im sure that'd receive a lot of backlash, but since you mentioned the US its acceptable. /s

Your convenient and bad-faith lack of understanding of power imbalances doesn't make you not a giant crybaby. Go home. Y'all seem to love your isolationist imperial hellscape, just stay there and keep your nose out of what other people are doing. The rest of us don't want you around, anyway.

Ok but what is an actually good solution to the whole AI art debacle?

I heard about C2PA and I don’t believe for a second that it’s not going to be used for surveillance and all that other fun stuff. What’s worse is that they’re apparently trying to make it legally required. It also really annoys me when I see headlines along the lines of “Is AI the end of creativity?!1!” or “AI will...


Yes, indeed. And, in fact, it would probably make them happier if the bullshit commercial art that's bereft of meaning - a subset of commercial art, to be clear - was no longer something they had to concern themselves with in order to pay the bills.

If they - and the rest of us - could be granted the dignity of a good and comfortable life while perusing projects that were personally fulfilling, then there'd be little issue. But instead, their work is being used not only to line the pockets of investors and a handful of tech enthusiasts with the right connections (generative machine learning models aren't that hard for anyone with some programming skills and basic linear algebra to develop, the magic is in the money), but to directly undercut their paid work. And that's just not going to fly.


This is some of the rhetoric the Leave campaign used to garner votes, but none of it is what it was supposed to accomplish.

The architects of Brexit were proponents of William Reese-Mogg's ideology of the Sovereign Individual, which basically states that the wealthy should be above the law and outside the pervue of the state. It also calls for the collapse of democracy, via the withholding of the rich's wealth from the state via tax immunity.

It's still unclear whether the Sovereign Individualists will succeed in their goals, but they haven't failed yet, and Brexit was a necessity hurdle on their journey.


The whole point of that server is to allow people to simply login and then participate in other instances from there.

In order for users on to interact with content on other instances, has to import and host that content. So, it has plenty of content on it, just most of it originated elsewhere. That remote content should be just as indexable as local content.


Yup. It's mirrored content all the way down.


I'm not sure how lemmy or kbin handle instance-hosted media links -- whether they import the media and redirect the link, or whether they point to the original media object -- but otherwise, yes.

There are ways to access other websites directly from within a given website -- iframes and the like -- but that's not what happens here. Each website is independent of each other, and all text is locally hosted in your instance's database.

There are also (limited) copies of user profiles all over the place -- if you click on my username, for instance, you'll be taken to[email protected]. That's a local user address, even though I'm not on I can't login to that account -- it's either credentialless, or has randomized credentials -- but it exists. And by going there, you get to see what knows about my activity across the fediverse. Without ever leaving

YSK that a lot of common questions/complaints about Lemmy are presently answered by kbin (

This is not an attempt to convert Lemmy users, nor is it a slight on Lemmy. I'm sure there are plenty of reasons why Lemmy works better for some, and I love the fact that we not only have multiple choices, but multiple choices that allow us to interact with each other regardless! It's amazing. Lemmy is great, no shade....


Ehhh. kbin's quite feature-incomplete in its own right, it's just a different set of features that are incomplete. I don't think there's anything about kbin that's actually superior to lemmy, just... different. Meanwhile, Betamax had inarguably better video, and inarguably worse capacity.

Kichae, (edited )

Off the top of my head:

  • API's a big one. Mobile app development for kbin is deeply hampered because of that.
  • The ability to quickly filter your timeline by Local/Global, which is a big deal for regional or themed instances.
  • A (more) easily accessible subscribed community/magazine list (slower/smaller communities are kind of totally smothered in kbin).
  • PeerTube federation.

Meanwhile, the domain block touted by the OP is buried and kind of a pain to get to, and the search claim is... overstated (kbin search still only reaches other sites that the given kbin instance is subscribed to).

kbin has a nicer UI, IMO, and it's fine. It's perfectly fine. Lemmy is also perfectly fine. Neither is excellent, and that's ok. Neither has reached version 1.0, either, and both are being developed by small teams (for some flexible definition of "team").


Yeah, 0.18 came with subtle but really impact changes.


This is X-Philes erasure, and I won't stand for it.


Why would you have to do that? I doubt you read every post on the Reddit subreddit, so you don't have to try to read every one here.


the prevention of multiple separate communities having the exact same name is convenient and simple

Except for when those communities have names that aren't intuitive in any way, or the intuitively named communities are full of off-topic content.


And you can't see content from Facebook on Reddit, or from Twitter on Instagram.

The part that's unintuitive is that you can see content from users on or


Because having communities with an identical name on different instances will fracture the community.

They're different communities on different websites, though. Trying to force them all into one space is erasing all communities but one, just for the sake of having to see an address, or for pretending you're not missing out on something when you ignore 99.9% of posts and comments that end up in the space.

1 million users discussing a topic spread out across 1000 communities of 1000 active users leads to more vibrant and meaningful discussions on that topic than having 1 million of them all crammed into one place, shouting and competing for slivers of attention. And no one will miss anything of deep value in the 999 other communities, because people will cross-post the good bits anyway.


Indeed, there's a viability threshold for a community, and it's probably on the order of 100 active users. Having them spread out isn't doing any of them any favours.

But that points to the need for and importance of discovery tools. Community tags, better search, better federation tools, better back-linking and cross-posting tools, user-defined lists, etc. The Misskey/Calckey "Antenna" saved-search feature would actually be very powerful in the threadiverse, particularly if coupled with community and post tags, and would really improve the visibility of new or undersized communities to those who are looking for them.

But forced amalgamation across independent and independently operated websites definitely isn't one of them.


If communities want to amalgamate, they can just collectively choose to use a different community. Negotiate mod status for the immigrating mod team, and abandon the old instance. With small communities, this is feasible. With large ones, it's not, as a significant number of members won't want to amalgamate. And they shouldn't have to.

At the user level, lists and antennae would give users a lot of power to shape their streams.

A clear victory for the free fediverse: Meta now says integrating with ActivityPub is "a long way out" (

When Meta launched their new Twitter competitor Threads on July 5, they said that it would be compatible with the ActivityPub protocol, Mastodon, and all the other decentralized social networks in the fediverse "soon"....


I think it makes entry into the EU easier, but they're receiving headwinds on two fronts there. There's no need for them to implement federation if they can't overcome the other regulatory hurdles first.


Still, my guess is that they’ll figure out a way around the EU’s objections to Threads

I think it's more likely that they'll hope demand is high enough that the EU is forced to let them in.


I don’t think it should be done by a specific name, it should be user defined, I should be able to add the communities together which I deem that they do belong together for some reason.


People are used to a single handle mapping to a single community, and I get that they want that to still be true, but it isn't here. It just isn't. Having a communities auto-group in any way is asking for a bad time for all involved.

First of all, people generally are not considering the contexts that those communities are situated in. My go-to example here is politics communities. r/politics is, very frustratingly, about American politics, but that isn't going to be universally true here for communities named politics. You should not assume that an Australian based server, a Canadian based server, a UK based server, an Indian based, etc. will reserve that name to deal with, well, foreign politics. And having them automatically lumped together will functionally destroy the communities on instances focused on smaller countries.

In top of that, it's wide open door for troll instances.

If people want lists of communities, that's fine. That's great even. I'd love to lump together some sports communities so that when I'm in the mood for that, I can find them all in one place. It'd be cool to be able to have them optionally not show up in Subscribed, too. But auto-grouping is one of those features that is actively bad for smaller communities, and which people really only think they want. It's more of a sign that people aren't opening their mind to this new space and paradigm they find themselves in than an actually useful feature.


As I say, it's an open door for trolls. Anime titties, holocaust denial, endless pictures of Rush Limbaugh's face, you name it, with enough effort it can flood any auto-grouped community tag.


In grad school, my friend couldn't print anything on the office printer to save his life. It just hated him, and him in particular.

I once helped him print a document that wouldn't print by walking over to his desk, hitting the print icon, and then clicking "Print".

I could tell that the printer really, truly hurt him that day.



It's a pay-to-harass scheme.



Obviously, then, megacorps should be abolished.


My own country (Canada) is sadly guilty of of committing ongoing indigenous genocide. One merely needs to look up the term as defined by the United Nations Genocide Convntion to understand how.

It defines genocide as any of these five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group":

We tick every box. Every. Single. One. Always have, and continue to do so.


Subscribing to the user like a Community

Being pedantic for the sake of clarifying why this works when Lemmy doesn't let you follow users: You're subscribing to a PeerTube channel, and just like with YouTube, users can have multiple channels. PeerTube uses an ActivityPub group for channels, just as Lemmy uses them for communities.

  • All
  • Subscribed
  • Moderated
  • Favorites
  • random
  • uselessserver093
  • Food
  • aaaaaaacccccccce
  • test
  • CafeMeta
  • testmag
  • MUD
  • RhythmGameZone
  • RSS
  • dabs
  • KamenRider
  • Ask_kbincafe
  • TheResearchGuardian
  • KbinCafe
  • Socialism
  • oklahoma
  • SuperSentai
  • feritale
  • All magazines