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Encyclopedia is “general education”, referring to its broad scope. Wikipedia added wiki as a reference to the source, so the best one would be {source}pedia.

Fedepedia isn’t awful but feels… bland, in my opinion.

Something like consolidate is a good synonym for it, but consolipedia also doesn’t feel right to me, so if we’re not referring to the federated part, we’d have to refer to the decentralized part. Decentropedia is fairly decent, but I’m fond of Micropedia, because the root word is very common, and I feel it’s catchier than decentropedia. Either of those are good though.


Sadly, too many would be afraid to be a good name. Sets itself up as a target.


Not as obsessed but damn are those great fantasy books. A staple that I recommend to everyone along with Tolkein and all of them.

I didn’t even know what I had with them, my grandma got a paperback set at mardens for like 2$ and thought I’d like it.

Honestly one of my favorite parts is the enemies that get stronger whenever you kill one.

NYC MTA sets Manhattan congestion price at $15 for most vehicles, just one MTA vote left before the first congestion pricing in North America (

New York City’s congestion pricing program is moving forward with a $15 fee on passenger vehicles, reports Stephen Nessen in Gothamist, after the MTA board voted to approve it. The program now enters a 60-day public comment period before a final vote....


It’s a specific area and it sounds more like a toll than a reoccurring charge. Not really different if that’s your daily commute but it is avoidable.


Snowy owl! It’s a classic.


Best way in vanilla is to get better gear. There’s no 3x3, but enchanted shovels can mine died instantly, clearing it out like tall grass.

Another trick you can do with cobblestone specifically is lava-casting. Get a bucket of lava, let it flow where you want cobble, Abe then pour water on it. Just make sure you pick up the lava source block right before so it doesn’t become obsidian.


Lava-casting is when you mix the lava and water where you already want the cobble, not just making it to mine it.

It’s faster if you don’t already have chests of cobble, you just have to clean up a bit, although since your placement changes depending on what you’re making, it’s pretty easy to mess up and get an obsidian block.

Also you can just generate smooth stone by dropping lava on water, then push it out via piston, so cobble mining is faster than traditional mining just to get cobblestone.


Lava casting is very situational, absolutely. However, you don’t have to continually place water for smooth stone generating.

To do it automatically, place a row of 7 horizontal pistons, with a row of your own stone on their faces. Place two water sources on both ends of the stone row and place a single lava source block on top of the center stone block. Also place blocks to contain the water on the other three sides, and blocks to contain the lava but that allow it to spread across the top of the whole row of stone.

Put the pistons on a clock. I forget the delay right now, about a half second should be fine though.

The pistons retract when our clock unpowers, and water spreads a lot faster than lava, giving the water a chance to flow under the lava. Then the lava ticks, creating a row of 7 stone out of the flowing water. Then the pistons power, shoving the row out, and the extended pistons hold back the liquids. Repeat.

The result is a 13x7 sheet of smooth stone. Sit sideways so you mine rows, not columns. It generates faster than you can break it unless you have a setup to instamine it, which still makes it faster than anything else. Add silk touch if you want smooth stone, or don’t and just enjoy faster speeds.

Faster than cobble by a lot, faster than natural mining because you don’t have to move, and while technically AFK’ing isn’t faster, it feels faster.


Nah the future, you’re like your grandparents who don’t know how to Google, but so much worse. Technology has progressed so far, we wouldn’t recognize it, but it’ll have been taught from. Society will be so fundamentally different that we don’t even have the context to discuss it here. The past, we can make suppositions, and while some will be wrong, we have some idea of what it’s like, but the future, we’d be like a Napoleonic war veteran running out of gas in his car because he can’t read the dials, didn’t know what gas is, and can’t use a gas pump because he has no bank account and cannot open one without a social security card.


First off, multiple pieces requires multiple mendings, it’s true. Second, the break doesn’t have to actually divide the object in two, otherwise it couldn’t fix, say, a rip in the sleeve of a shirt, or a hole left from stabbing through a tent wall. So you repair the phone screens. One crack = 1 break.

You could try to be pedantic and say a dropped phone could arguably have hundreds of little cracks, but the same pedantism applies to any cut in fabric, it’s actually hundreds of individually cut threads. There’s a point where you have to stop lumping tiny things into one “break”, obviously, but that point is when lumping them together creates a break that’s more than a foot across.

Fixing phone screens should be valid with mending. Of course, phones are more than just screens, so you might need multiple Mendings to fully fix a phone, but you’ll do great at screen repair at a minimum.


True Polymorph is the easiest if we just wanna accrue wealth quickly

Buy some live feeder mice (a small animal that doesn’t involve killing someone’s pet) and transform them into jewelry. True Polymorph has none of the restrictions of Fabricate, so we can create fine jewelry without skill. Turn a mouse into a gold ring or necklace, with a large gemstone embedded into it. Sell it at a pawn shop. Repeat, use different pawn shops, and use Dominate Person with Modify Memory afterwards if theres some law about needing an ID. The dominated person can use theirs, and then you remove the interaction from their memories.

Sell fine jewelry made from mice all you want. Use that cash to buy cows or other massive animals, turn them into gold. We don’t have to worry about how to pass the gold off though, the goal was to accumulate wealth. Use Fabricate to make the cow-gold into rough coins, build a secret dragon’s den.

Of course, if we’re willing to be a little less subtle, True Polymorph is also great for doing some light faith healing, restoring blindness due to injury by transforming them into another person that’s basically identical, or we could make people look like their ideal selves. Not in the bounds of the question though.


Looking into it, first, the district has 600 bus drivers. 87 sounds like most of them to me, but it isn’t.

Second, they do have a Union, but because they’re public sector, they aren’t allowed to strike, and the union isn’t involved.

But yes, it’s a protest about hours and about them being mistreated by the kids. Working conditions, essentially. The Union can’t legally support them, there’s other ways, but the Union morally supports them.


DC 20 isn’t even hard considering the effect it’s supposed to have.

Level 7 rogue that just got Evasion has a +3 proficiency and could have 20 dex, so succeeds for ZERO damage on a 12, and never takes full.

I think the scroll should’ve split between Force and Fire damage. Make the Force damage a CON save for half, because you can’t avoid it, only tank it, and make the fire the dex save.

Then rogues still get to use Evasion, but it’s not “I anime dodge the comet”.


Raw links get downvotes because it lets indexers find sites much easier, and helps get takedowns. I dunno that that’s what happened but when I saw your link I went “hey, do it properly”.

Lemmy isn’t a big as Reddit though, dunno if that’s really something we gotta worry about.


Such a bike-only city just have to build heated underground tunnels for biking. If a New York subway style bike highway isn’t good enough., since wind chill and all that, instead build a city-wide roof over the first floor of all the buildings in the city to basically make that first floor a basement.

This is obviously an extreme answer, but if a city wanted to be bike-only, the only barrier is cost.

no city wants to do that, but they could. Stick Solar panels on the first floor roof and do the solar freaking roadways idea to heat up the tiles and avoid plowing (without needing to make them car-proof.)

I got myself all excited, I wish this was more than a modern fantasy.


I’ve very much experienced it, I just don’t follow them anymore and rely on Lemmy for that. It’s not great, though, definitely not my preferred solution.

Wish I had a better one.


You might lament doing it though and that’s valid


I had nosebleeds a lot too and everyone always told me that it lets the blood clot better. I’d always tell them I’d rather it just bleed then. So I thought it was true, I just didn’t care, it was uncomfortable.


I used a pi 3 to host a Foundry server (TTRPG software).

I use Docker to simplify things, since I run two instances of it. Simple port forwarding setup within the docker container. the main reason I used a pi instead of my computer is so my players could access their dnd stuff all the time.

I stopped because I switched ISPs and they won’t let me port-forward. My vpn supports it but the latency isn’t ideal. I host the same thing through a cheap server now.


Dunno enough about ipv6, wouldn’t my ISP still need to allow it?

That’s my understanding, and there’s no option in their locked-up router to enable it, for ipv6 either.


If you can keep tabs on other people, I like to get hotels, watch someone scramble to match me (trading at a loss to get a set, mortgaging everything else, etc) so they don’t hemorrhage money to me, then downgrading to houses just before they cross me.

Only actually pulled this off a few times, but the pain in their voice as they were forced to sell their hotel, just barely, to pay rent, but had to downgrade straight to nothing, and they know I have all the houses now, that’s even sweeter than just getting the houses in the first place.

Once someone teased me a property giving me a second set, so they’d have a first, only for me to do this to them after getting lucky and getting the browns to hoard houses on. Quick game, no one was happy.

Sidenote: winner picks up is a role in my household. Gives the losers a way to go “ha ha” and helps keeps bad feelings at the game table and not afterwards.

Lego drops prototype blocks made of recycled plastic bottles as they "didn't reduce carbon emissions" (

Copenhagen, Denmark — Denmark’s Lego said on Monday that it remains committed to its quest to find sustainable materials to reduce carbon emissions, even after an experiment by the world’s largest toymaker to use recycled bottles did not work. Lego said it has “decided not to progress” with making its trademark...


That and they can’t just use whatever plastic, they wanted a specific kind to meet quality standards, which means pulling from a much larger pool of recycling, and then all those different recycling centers get to get shipped to a plant.

If your travel path from raw material to finished product looks like a river basin map, you’re spending a lot on fossil fuels.

That and they might be refining the plastic further, potentially creating actual waste products that need secure disposal.


No. Mozilla is a nonprofit that includes Firefox, but is not Firefox.

Bias is one of the first things anyone learns in statistics, they didn’t just poll Firefox users to figure out who likes browser choice. The article says who they polled.


There’s a link to the actual report in the article, which has further links to the documents used in the survey.

To be specific, this wasn’t a traditional questionnaire, they made limited-functionality desktop environments and had people try out different options.

The link in the article.


No worries. Its an interesting study, and Mozilla does good work.


Yeah I do that. There’s no like, lag difference, the crap I get rid of is apps I don’t use and have forgotten about.

I don’t install any app until I need it, with this restart. That way any app that gets on my new phone is there for a reason.

Once in a while I do this to my current phone, too. Works great, I’ve done it like a dozen times.


Offloading them isn’t the same. It’s about the screen clutter, not the storage space, and offloading an app leaves the icon. Offloading does its job pretty seamlessly, but that’s a negative when I want to feel like I’ve had a clean start.


I get caught off guard in morrowind any time I have to jump up stairs.

Oblivion is full of jank, too, obviously, but it’s the things that are annoying all the time that get me.

In Spain, dozens of girls are reporting AI-generated nude photos of them being circulated at school: ‘My heart skipped a beat’ (

Police investigation remains open. The photo of one of the minors included a fly; that is the logo of Clothoff, the application that is presumably being used to create the images, which promotes its services with the slogan: “Undress anybody with our free service!”


You say “forget” like it’s not still incredibly common as evidence.

There’s lots of data showing that eyewitnesses aren’t reliable but that doesn’t mean courts actually stopped relying on it. Ai making another form of evidence untrustworthy will result in eyewitnesses taking its place.


and then we have senators that gave away power of attorney but still have power over the US.

Age limits are necessary. Term limits would at least patch the problem.


Well that’s the point. It’d be bad to celebrate other human beings losing their homes.

That’s why they’re protesting outside the landlord celebration of people losing their homes again.


It’s pretty common to still allow private ownership of historic places, but with additional rules associated with them.

The silly part is if this mattered, why wasn’t this already part of that? I suppose it’s a social inertia of a kind, and this will likely resolve by getting it recognized as a historic building.


See, while I don’t like the invasiveness of it, that’s also their business model. If they put it behind a subscription instead, it wouldn’t be right to say “this information is important and needs to be available, stop charging for it,” when charging for it is part of why they provide it. Private companies have a right to not do business with those that won’t pay for their services, even if that payment is your data.

Europeans (and everyone, morally) have a right to privacy that conflicts with the method of payment. This website resolved that, if it can’t get paid in it’s chosen form, it won’t provide its service. That’s fine. I don’t support this decision, but it’s not

If this information is vital to the public, that’s a separate issue entirely, and it needs to be available in some form that isn’t sold. We can’t rely on a private entity not employed by a government to do this of its own free will.


Well this is a data center oriented tech, anyway, and the current implementation doesn’t need that.


In the US, it depends on motor size and a few other things. Also varies by state. But that’s often true.

What are your morning routines and reset routines?

After having success with a sleep routine (that starts 1 hour earlier from when I want to fall asleep) and seeing someone mention morning routines and reset routines (“A reset routine is something you do when you’re feeling super unfocused”) I wanted to know yours, so that I can better craft and tailor mine.


Honestly the best thing I’ve done for my mornings isn’t even a routine per se, it’s just “No social media”.

Texting is fine, texting does the social I forget. Getting distracted is fine, as long as it’s something where I am and not a screen. Being bored is fine, when I’m bored I’m likely to try to think of things to do, which reminds me of the things I already have on my list to do.

I’m pretty bad at this rule, but the days I manage to stick to it are good days. I can have social media once I start the things I’m actually doing and have made some progress.

I just use a lot of phone alarms for stuff I absolutely cannot forget.

What’s your reset routine? I don’t have one, haven’t heard of it, but dang that seems like a common sense idea I should have.


I second skipping over the motherboard for a budget-but-upgradable build. Video card is the most important thing, so as long as the motherboard supports it, it’s good enough, and the vast majority will.

That said, second hand graphics card still isn’t a bad idea, since when you’re finished with the build some years down the line, the video card will be the oldest component.

Instead, get an NVMe M.2 hard drive, and a PCIe expansion for it since that budget motherboard probably won’t have native support. Expansion cards costs hardly anything relatively, and native support can be added to the list. A great hard drive makes ok RAM better than OK and cuts level loading times significantly. Honestly, adding a great hard drive to even some tiny budget dell desktop with built in graphics makes an ok budget gaming computer.

If there’s money left over get a good sound card or whatever peripherals you’d prefer, maybe Wi-Fi/Bluetooth (budget mobo probably skips them) and RAM if the budget mobo is still a recent one. Despite the TV likely being good enough, too. I wouldn’t focus on the motherboard until you’re picking out the high-end CPU, which is expensive but also just a lower priority than the other stuff, so a good monitor is on that peripherals list, too.

That dell comment is from experience, I made one into a surprisingly decent Minecraft/Roblox machine for a relative. Only thing that stopped it was the HDD it used. A solid-state drive is sufficient, m.2 is just future-proofing.


Totally is BS. You could switch to lady/ladies. It’s a bit old-fashioned, but isn’t automatically being taken that way. Dunno if that helps you but if it doesn’t help directly then at least you could then remember that more letters means more people, so ladies is plural.

You could also go full gender-neutral and just use person/people. Doesn’t help if you need to specify they’re women, but I bet most times you wouldn’t actually need to do that.


Hey man I’ve had quality knockoffs from Wish. Wish is great if it’s not much and you wanna gamble a little.

But, so is Amazon, now. Better return policy, but you pay full price so the gamble is way worse.


If we pretend Trump wasn’t a thing, I’d say Biden is really living up to his campaign promise of “nothing will fundamentally change.” By that I mean, he hasn’t personally done anything amazing or terrible, and he hasn’t gotten in the way of others, either.

For instance, this has the fingerprints of Bernie Sanders all over it, who chairs several committees in congress, including the relevant one for this. Has Biden stopped Bernie Sanders? No, and while I wish that fact wasn’t a win, it is.

Bernie isn’t alone in being the only good thing about our current government, either, but Biden also hasn’t removed some of the terrible things the trump administration set up. The Environmental Protection Agency has rolled back a bunch of things I’m very upset about. It is my personal belief that he’s heavily influenced by certain groups (insurance) but is trying in other areas.

Biden isn’t at all supporting policies that are just common sense if you live anywhere else, and while the UK isn’t the best, I’ve discussed this with a British friend and I still include them in that. In short, you have more protections from your government that they need to try to remove first.

In my opinion if Biden had been elected after Obama or after a normal Republican he would’ve basically had a quiet presidency and been one of the ones you don’t really mention in history because nothing happened. Standard calls for corruption, but not worse than any regular senators. In today’s world, that’s positive, with Republican candidates promising to abolish the department of education, but in another world where things aren’t full of neonazis and fascists, I’d be saying it’s awful, because I would have wanted a president that would change things for the better, and now I’m just beaten down enough to be ok with “Nothing will fundamentally change.”


First off, good for you, deciding someone is trash for having an opinion, I’m sure your parents are very proud.

I didn’t get that from the buzz afterwards surrounding that quote, I got it from watching the debate live. But you know what? Those rich assholes’ lives SHOULD change. If their lives aren’t different, even if they got a higher tax rate, then it’s not enough, and without them having to tighten their belts, everyone lower than them will continue to starve.

He’s Joe Biden, the dude who attacked social security as a senator. Saying that to the rich IS saying that to everyone, for him. And look, wow, during his term as president, nothing has fundamentally changed. Go figure.


I know. I want what he’s done to be a bad term, like it would’ve been. But the bar is just so low. Mediocrity is good because the bad are actively bad (and fascist)


It’s K-9 units.

The police love their dogs so much because smells aren’t protected like that. They don’t need a warrant to pass by you, but passing by you is all a dog needs. If a dog smells weed, that’s probable cause, and now they can do a real search.

In this case random K-9 searches just means there’ll be a cop and a dog walking around, seeing what the dog smells, maybe generating that probable cause.


Corruption isn’t relevant to the original and stated purpose, which doesn’t violate the constitution’s rules for searches and seizures.

Corruption is a problem, but a separate one.


“It feels like the Berlin Wall of tech repair monopolies is starting to crumble, brick by brick.”

Feeling like that just screams how corrupt our government is. Apple shouldn’t get a vote, and their approval is the last thing that should be required to approve this.

Corporations should have to work in whatever environment consumer protection laws let them have, instead of dictating what protections we get.

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