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@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I used to in the beginning but soon realized it's either kinda dead (people don't use it, people from lemmy don't even see it) or completely filled with spam (because the magazine has some generic tags).

It also didn't work reliably and it wasn't clear which posts go to Mastodon and which don't, but that might have been resolved since.

It's a neat idea for small discussions or questions that don't warrant a thread, but it needs better implementation and wider adoption in order to be actually useful.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

It's still pretty rudimentary with bad wasteful UI design in a window that doesn't remember when you resize it, requiring tons of clicks to access, and still has bugs (not showing name or size of some mods). Still no advanced features like modlists or versioning, or showing dependencies in this UI or anything of the sort.

Can't believe we had MO2 and similar software like a decade ago and big multi-million/billion companies still struggle with the basics. I really wish workshop stopped being used so much and we go to FOSS or at least more open solutions like thunderstore.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I've been using logseq for a few months now, can you go into more detail why you switched to Joplin? You can also just stick to pages rather than the journal with logseq (it's mostly what I've been doing) so I'm not sure from just that comment what's the benefit of Joplin.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Lack of moderation, and even if one instance does put in the effort to curate - you just get the link from a different instance anyway because the OP cross posts to a dozen of them.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I get that it's really easy to be negative and jaded about it but cmon, I just want more (good) MMOs to play. Hello Games has both the budget and the experience to make it a good game, and the fact that they are trying to do it in a pretty struggling and stale genre is commending IMHO.

Of course I'm not preordering or believing anything they say until I see it for myself, that goes without saying - but we shouldn't actively root for them to fail like many of the comments here are seemingly doing. Let's not be "those" always-negative online people just looking for a reason to hate, I'm sure this game will finds its audience the same way NMS did eventually and I personally hope I'm one of them.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Why was there even pressure to deliver if the official API wasn't even out yet? I thought they were just working on UI and basic functionality until they can plug in the API, so if anything they had more time and leisure than if everyone were screaming "i need it now". It seems more likely they just bit more than they could chew and decided to give up the app development since it ended up being harder than they thought (and that's completely fine to do). You don't really make an app like this overnight, especially if you have no prior experience doing it.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I started playing it again recently and it's as good and fun as ever. If they start up the development again I hope they don't make it worse, I don't want hots2 with the same 'blizzard overwatch 2' mindset.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Oh yeah I played both before and after hots 2.0, I just don't want battle passes and overpriced skins. I always thought the gold, gem and shard prices were pretty fair and accessible in hots, which made me actually spend money on it more than any other game at the time... but apparently it wasn't designed in a way to draw the whales in so it didn't make as much money off them.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I got blasted with a tidal wave of nostalgia when I saw this, the first game was amazing! I haven't even thought about it for years

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Don't give them even an inch. They are not doing this in good faith for the sake of the modders.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

You can also just hook up any old phone or computer, install the app, and let it run as the server.

If you have a static IP address, if you want to bother with securing and maintaining it, if you're willing to deal with downtime when something inevitably breaks, if you're willing to deal with lost data or also maintaining a backup solution, if... a dozen other things that most people don't want to deal with.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I'm not really going to get into the technical aspect since I feel neither of us know enough to tell how feasible it is (although I think you're wrong since you do need trackers in order to find at least one other member of the swarm), but this part

If they both aren't online at once, messages won't get delivered. Which is not a big deal for a modern smartphone given that most of them are online close to all of the time.

I just a horrible take. You can't base your business model on "modern phones being online close to all of the time". You can't have random data loss whenever someone goes out of service area, has to turn on airplane mode, runs out of battery, has a software error or just an update or some other kind of temporary downtime? That's not how you design any software, less alone a dependable messaging service. You can't just "stipulate that".

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Keet is closed-source app with built-in crypto, I am not touching it with a 10ft pole. Holepunch does sound like interesting technology at first glance. It doesn't solve any of the issues mentioned above besides connectivity however.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Is Matrix's problem just the large scale? I thought it worked relatively well if you're just using it for personal needs like smaller servers and personal bridges.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

It's a bit of a confusing situation. Spotify pays the labels for the rights, but also has to pay the artists? Do the artists not get money from the labels for the money they got from seeling their songs? Do artists that own their own songs get a larger cut from Spotify?

And yeah 56mil is nothing to a business like this, I'm surprised it's not more profitable with all the subscriptions and ad money. It's like THE platform for music nowadays.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I've been curious about it since they said they are focusing a lot on pve as well (which makes sense since I think RTSes have kinda died off because of their competitive pvp nature and high barrier to entry). I think what would make modern RTSes prosper again is a powerful map editor and appeal to casual players more than esport types.

That being said, maybe I'm just deluding myself into thinking this would be more accessible and pve friendly since it's so obviously starcraft with a new coat of paint?

I hope they just release it soon so I can find out which one it is 😅

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

These bridges are usually self-hosted so I'm assuming this is not due to infrastructure costs but rather the bridge code maintenance issues? Do they require so much work to stay functional, are other bridges at risk of abandonment too?

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I dont understand how is this still such a big issue in 2023. Years ago even Pathfinder Kingmaker figured out a better way of doing it (shared party inventory and combined total weight with gradual penalties), why is nobody just copying or improving on that? Or just remove the limitation whatsoever if the game is not about it, like would the CRPG experience really be diminished if we didn't have to worry about constant looting and inventory management?

Even the RL DMs know better than to pester their players about it, just keep it within some reasonable common sense limits.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

It's an UI issue, not a gameplay one. If it's really that important to have separate inventory while exploring, fine - but then make it a shared, easy to manage, infinite stash once you're back at your base or at some other meaningful checkpoint.

Im just tired of pointless inventory management. I just want to play the game.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

That's a bit harsh, there could be dozens of other reasons besides the writer why that ending happened. It could have been out of their hands and just a budget issue, for instance. They did a good job with everything before that after all.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Might be a controversial opinion but modders rarely "fix" the core game, but sometimes they add enough crap to make it less painful.

Skyrim has been out for more than a decade now but no matter how many mods you install, it's still the good old janky, clunky, stiff skyrim with a different coat of paint. Same goes for fallout 4 and it will go double for starfield I feel.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Is it equal to a regular android? Will the usual banking apps work on it, for example?

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Am I understanding correctly and this is truly FOSS and fully offline, there's no remote server or model we have to connect to? What was the model trained on? I'm really curious but I also don't want to support proprietary unethical data sourcing.

Why is there no BSD 3-Clause + Patent license option?

Recently, I was looking into licensing an open-source project I’m creating. My preferred license is the BSD-3, but was given advice that I should seek a license that offers patent protection as well. I saw there is a BSD 2-Clause + Patent option, but not one for the BSD 3-Clause, not that I found through OSI or SPDX. This...

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I can still see the value in owning it in this shitty climate however - maybe I want to keep the patent just so I can distribute it freely instead of someone else staking their claim on it and then charging people for the same thing?

Kaldo, (edited )
@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Muddying the waters is the oldest trick in the books, big corporations have even started doing it with "indie" games - Dave the Diver is stylized and marketed as an indie game despite being developed by a division of a multi-billion company Nexon.

I definitely have an issue with it as well, it's really hard to say whether something is actually FOSS nowadays or not, and whether it can be taken away or acquired by someone else down the line. That could be my fault as well since I never bothered to learn about the licenses beyond what MIT / Apache2 are, and even those I understand superficially.

There should absolutely be more pushback for things like these though.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I think the only thing we're missing is the official OSI definition for open-source-for-reading-but-not-modifying so we don't use the same name as for the open-source-for-reading-and-modifying code? The issue seems that we don't have OSI-defined names for both, just for one, so people started misusing it unknowingly while the businesses misused it maliciously.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Someone else is imprinting their definition

I mean yeah, that's how words work? AA has the meaning because a bunch of people imprinted their meaning on it.

Open source has a meaning because a bunch of people imprinted their meaning on it too, it has no relevance to actual words "open" or "source". The issue is that other people are now imprinting their own meaning on it and muddling it instead of following the existing meaning or coming up with their own terminology.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

And that Kira hut episode

You just finished setting up all your services and it works fine - how do you now prepare for eventual drive failure? (kbin.social)

I know that for data storage the best bet is a NAS and RAID1 or something in that vein, but what about all the docker containers you are running, carefully configured services on your rpi, installed *arr services on your PC, etc.?...

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Of course we're supposed to kill the gods/guardians of these worlds, why else would they drop weapon crafting materials?

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

FWIW I think the visinon was great, they basically wanted to make a AAA Starbound with the Bethesda flavor.

Ironically enough they fell for the same trap that Chucklefish did a decade ago - the bland procedurally generated repetitive content ruined the feel of exploration. It doesn't help that even the handcrafted Bethesda content is shallow, soulless and predictably boring too.

In short, I think the idea was fine, it was just the execution that's lacking.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

The DLC has some issues, performance and bugs with new gear, but it's still well worth it if you like the base game. For just 10€ you get a lot of content to an already really good and fun game and they will surely fix all those things, gunfire games' track record has always been excellent.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I'm not an expert player and it's been forever since I played it last so maybe I'm missing the importance of some of thee changes but... It doesn't seem like anything really big is added? Is it mostly a maintenance update as they are preparing to leave early access, do they even have any major feature still on a road map?

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Opening chests with random magical loot used to be fun when I was a kid, a classic fantasy trope, not a monetization shadow pattern :/

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Hope you have more luck, Viber is extremely annoying with their notifications and ads and almost everyone here still uses it. Can't get away from it but at least it's not whatsapp I guess...

Kaldo, (edited )
@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

If there's one lesson we should have all learned by now, it's that it really sucks to depend on the whims of some corporation for software you use often. They all go bad inevitably.

I also switched from obsidian to logseq and I really like it so far, I just wish it had a better smarter search. People recommend queries but they are annoying and clunky to use when you just want to quickly look something up.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I kinda get how it happened with all the reboots and delays but still, that's one banger of a title lol

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Redditors are going to have foam in their mouth over this.

Personally I bought games on EGS and then always ran them without any issues with Heroic, the FOSS GOG/EGS launcher that also works on steam deck. I got better deals on epic than steam in recent years (especially back when they did coupons) and the devs got a better cut as well. It's a shame to hear they're not even breaking even, I think even GOG is at least self-sustaining.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

You're technically right but you know what I meant. I bought Hades on EGS with a coupon and Supergiant got more money than they'd get if I got it on Steam, and the game worked flawlessly there from early access to today as well. Everyone wins.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

The actual developers using it obviously disagree so I'll take their word over your incoherent childish rant.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I am a bit cynical about it as well, but on the other hand mozilla's entire shtick and what's keeping them alive is their privacy oriented, anti-google approach. If they enter the fediverse they'd probably stick to these principles since they are the only reason why you'd want to go with them over the competitors in the first place, right? So it could be a good thing maybe.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Yeah but Google won, they became the biggest and now can do whatever they want. Unless Mozilla gets close (and I dont think they ever will, even remotely), I dont think they're in the same situation. Until then I kinda just root for them to survive and exist as competition, even if they have such a small market share compared to google.

I've lately been making my git commit messages with AI (reddthat.com)

It writes more informative commits than I could ever make so I’m just reading what it says and mostly copy/pasting completely most of the time, I write all of the changes I’ve made into an LLM with a large context window and it write a very detailed commit not just with a title but with bullet points describing each of the...

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

If a glorified autocomplete algorithm can write more informative and concise commit messages than you, the actual author behind the code, I think you need to sit down and think long and hard what that actually implies.

Here's what a random person on the internet thought of The Outer Worlds (lemmy.world)

I played the Steam version of the base game, with no DLC. I did not play the Spacer’s Choice “remaster” as it has a reputation for being broken and poorly put together. I played the game to completion on normal difficulty, completing most of the side quests, spending time with all my companions, and trying to get the most...

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I found the corporate greed jokes overdone and the humor and commentary very shallow. The skill progression was boring (just numerical stat increases mostly), itemization basically nonexistent (just one overall outfit armor slot, also with minor stat increases?) and the combat was tedious. Maybe the story gets better later but I wasn't a fan of the overall lore or the way dialogue choices were written either.

I really wanted to like it since usually I'm a sucker for "own a spaceship and explore the world with your crew" stories and games but I bounced off OW so hard. Glad to hear other people had more fun with it but it's definitely not for everyone.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

The anti capitalism jokes are just as relevant and funny today as they were back than

I agree they are just as relevant today, probably even more so, however I didn't find them that funny since they are just making the same "joke" all the time. They don't really say anything or go deeper into the situation beyond "haha corpos are cartoonishly evil", over and over and over again, there was no nuance and I expected more out of an obsidian game. It's all just a themepark with throwaway jokes.

Again, maybe it gets better later and I didn't get there, I only visited one or 2 planets after the first one and I couldn't stand it anymore so I never finished it.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Can't wait to get more Losomn content! Remnant 2 is an fun experience and a great follow-up to the first game, if you liked that one you definitely need to give R2 a try too

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I am not that desperate to get it working there, it was just an example, but still good to know thanks! Hopefully they add proper psaswordless support eventually.

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